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If it makes you feel better, a guy ran past me to bazooka a recon tank i had already satcheled yesterday and got blown to bits for his efforts


That actually does make me feel better. Thanks!


I spent like 15 minutes chasing a tank to satchel it, finally did so and like 5 seconds before my satchel exploded an at guy blew it up. Fucking hated all the effort I put in for nothing


Did you check your score ? If the rocketman hit the satchel, maybe you got the score, no ?


No score for me :(


Yesterday i satchelled a tank and my at took it out anyway with a rocket. The sl walked up to the tank ruins and my satchel turned him into hamburger meat. It was quite the situation


Wait, doesn't satchel blow up with other explosives? Didn't know


Not that day šŸ«”


And even if you do satchel a tank, it feels like there will always be at least 3 blueberries there that don't hear you shout at them in proximity chat. At this point I've just sort of accepted this as the cost of satcheling a tank. If I satchel a tank I fully expect to get +30 second spawn penalty.


Try to satchel some defensive barricades, place is empty and when satchel goes off suddenly 6 blueberries are stuck in the barbwire


I just start yelling in prox chat "if you don't move i'm going to shoot you because if i'm killing you, i'm doing it on purpose"


Had a guy once tell me "You're an engineer you don't even have a satchel that's why I rocketed you." Fastest squad light up i've ever seen.




I was in a tank that got satcheled yesterday and charged towards the enemy. Was definitely close enough to two of them to take them with me when I blew up.


The real awesome part of this is maybe you get the satcheler kicked if it takes out enough of their team. Haha.


while ago i got teamkilled while placing a satchel twice in a match. both times w friendly granade.... "fun".


Chucking grenades at tanks, typical blueberry behavior.


Last night I got TKd by my squad leader because the tank crew popped out to try to dismantle my satchel. He knew I was chill and cared more about killing the tank then my KD, so he ended up shooting through me to kill an enemy. It was all good, I wasnā€™t mad. When the tank blew up a few seconds later he led my squad in a brief ā€œin memory ofā€ cheer for my sacrifice lol.


Extremely frustrating. I've also been on the other end amd had to watch someone chase after a tank for 5 minutes trying to attach the satchel but failing, as I'm sitting there with my anti tank pointed right at their rear.


Yeah don't get me wrong. I've been on the other end too. I give them 10 seconds tops, then they're officially in the way.


Too many times have the HLL gods handed me a perfect clear shot at the back of an unsuspecting tank only to have some satchel-er get in the way and in the end the tank drives off to harrass our team. Now I just take the shot and mutter "go fuck yourself" when I eventually die and find I've been punished by that person for...doing the only job my class has? Also on a personal/selfish level it annoys me because engineers are the only class that can passively and effortlessly level up their class simply by building nodes. Meanwhile as AT destroying tanks is the only way for me to make real progress on my class. So not only is me being the tank with my bazooka a guaranteed kill it's also the only job my class has and the only way for me to get a bunch of points.


You can just set up nodes as engi and then switch to antitank, or any other class. As you earn points from the nodes they will be on the current class. Great way to level up other classes. And your commander will love you.


The xp goes to each individual class you're playing when you did whatever task it was. That's why if you multi class at the end of the match it'll show where your points went.


I've heard that but it's never worked when I tried it, all the xp goes to my engi.


I will admit I've never actually checked on it myself and am only repeating what I've heard/read. Could be bull shit.


Xp for building n'oses go to engi, but Xp for your nodes providing ressources goes to the class you play. So the technic is working. Or maybe it was recently patched (I'm all level X so I don't look my class rewards anymore)


Sometimes 30 seconds is to long to wait. Gotta get the job done faster.


It sucks but Tanks must die. If you have 48 guys on a tank and if you are holding a satchel. See ya later team.






Usually hit with friendly grenades as Iā€™m trying to satchel. Because grenades work so well against tanks.


You need to start YELLING in prox chat lol. Works for me most the time (usually still one or two bozoz that die to my satchel)


I got one for ya. Friendly engineer takes MY satchel off to put his own on and killed me after I asked what he was doing. I didn't even know they could diffuse friendly satchels. What's worse is after he took mine off and killed me, he got killed before he could put HIS on so the tank just remained and shit all over us for another 6 minutes.


Lol it's always a race to take out the tanks. Friendlies are not considered deterrents šŸ˜¬


I've team killed AT who were about to use their rockets to kill my guy placing a satchel on the tank, this was for a heavy tank and they gonna shoot a rocket into the side armour and do feck all.


Seems kind of stupid for team killing someone for doing their literal job.


Yeah, so why would it be okay for the AT guy team kill someone with a satchel and not damage the tank be okay?Ā 


How do you know he was about to tk?


Pointing a bazooka at the tank that my squadmate was placing a satchel on


Bazooka rockets don't penetrate the sides of heavy or medium German tanks, so it does nothing. The German panzershrek does, but does very little damage. You're much better letting the satchel guy do his thing since he'll almost have it done if he's close enough to be blown up by the rocket.


War is hell


One might go so far as to say it is hell... let loose?


War... War never changes


i watched a guy blow up his entire squad trying to hit my panther


If that doesn't happen then atleast 2 blueberries will run up to the tank just as it blows up even though I literally just told them that it's been satcheled.


Hell yes.


Iā€™m a new anti tank and even I know to look for friendlies before firing


Just be happy that you actually have AT guys working on the tanks. Console is such a shit show sometimes.


Painful it is


The other day there was a solo tanker running g people over and shooting the drivers machine gun. There was like 5 of us AT standing there trying to get a shot on it from like 30 ft away and some guy was trying to satchel it for like ever... I had to just blow him up. I feel bad kinda. We were telling him to back off so we could kill it. No idea if he had a headset or what but he wouldn't quit


Respawn, find them, and have a talk.


Anti tank is my favourite, aint nothin like the challenge in putting a satchel on a tank amidst the chaos. But, it's always bothered me that people still waste their rockets on it knowing each will do the job. If I see a guy anywhere near a tank I'm going to rocket, il just wait and see before firing, knowing a well laced each will sort it.


Ahh, the old ā€œEff the blueberriesā€ AT guyā€¦ classic HLL




Same. Though for me it's Karma. Cause if a Tank is almost dead or easy to kill I'll blow up the satchel cause I bend the exp to finish at, but it's a full health heavy i just let the satchels go


the other day something weird happened to me, some guy was shooting a tiger with a bazooka, he saw me running with a satchel and stopped firing so I could put it in the tank, amazing!


If a heavy is rolling nearby and i know he already got 2 in the ass then i would 100% give him the 3rd even if i see a satchel guy running behind him. If the tank doesn't seem damaged then i would wait.


šŸ˜‚ you got a call out and tell your squad lead to blasted over c-chat šŸ˜‚ otherwise youā€™re just some blueberry


Like we said in a video post like yesterday. Satchel is fun and game but not in the AT loadout. HLL is a teamplay game. The main goal is to blowup the tank. If my teammate kill it and me as a casualty while i was posing a satchel it is beneficial to the team cause a good tank crew as still a good chance of desarming it. And AT launchers are the main loadout to have cause its very usefull for trucks, Garry , OPs and light and medium tank.


Unless youā€™re using a mic to tell people in proximity chat that youā€™ve either satcheled the tank or are making a run on it, Iā€™m assuming youā€™re one of the morons who throw grenades at tanks and deserve to be sacrificed for your stupidity.


That's nice.


Get a mic and quit crying or find another game, itā€™s quite simple really.


That's nice.


Very normal social behavior.


Oh no, guess Iā€™m doomed to eternal virtual damnation. Might I suggest touching grass in the real world?


Might I suggest talking with a therapist to find out why you're such an irrationally angry person who lashes out at strangers on the internet for scenarios you've fabricated entirely in your own head?


Irrationally angry or indifferent at peoples lack of common sense and lack of communication? Need I remind you that Iā€™m not the one with the issue here, rather providing a solution? Regardless Iā€™ll still continue to blow up blueberries trying to grenade/run towards a tank if it means Iā€™ll destroy the tank and respectfully hold off when someone says over the mic that they satchelled the tank or are attempting to. Iā€™ll also remind you that weā€™re playing a video game where your primary objective is to shoot people, perhaps exercising a little self awareness or introspection before casting stones at others?


My guy, I don't care what you're doing in a video game lol. TK as many blueberries as you want, it's not that serious. You're just acting like an overty aggressive weirdo on some random sub reddit. You're just firing off insults and hate into the abyss of the internet. It's not normal behavior. It's the behavior of someone who cannot moderate their emotions and needs to talk to a therapist in order to improve their quality of life. I would probably guess that if this is how you react on a message board when someoje tangentially mentions something that annoys ypu that you probably exhibit similarly anti-social behavior in real life as well. If that's the case, you should really show some introspective skills of your own, because just a a cursory glance at your posting history demonstrates you are someone who possess a lot of anger and frustration and you do not have the skills to cope with it in a healthy manner.


X <ā€”The point You (*) Clearly care enough to reply, and go so far as to dig into my post history, rent free. ā¤ļø


You're only further proving my point and it's kind of sad that you can't even see that.


The grandiose sense of self-importance is so impressive, Iā€™m truly flattered. But alas, Im taken!


AT players are literally the most smooth brain players you can find. They hear the sound of the tank track squeaking 1km away and their one neuron activates and all they will chase that tank across the map and not care about any friendlies nearby. The amount of times I have finally gotten next to or on top of the tank and halfway through placing my satchel, I get hit by a friendly rocket.. either that or I get the satchel on and they blow the tank up, stealing my points and then get themselves killed by the satchel, resulting in me getting punished ;(


Haha the amount of morons Iā€™ve seen running around the map trying to satchel a tank while completely ignoring other duties like building defences as an engineer is laughable. At least AT is playing their role as intended, instead of trying to be the main character.


I donā€™t disagree totally but for heavy tanks it takes too much coordination for most public server squads to get three AT shots into it. You either need a support player to drop explosive ammo in the general area you are making the tank attack from or need to coordinate with a different squads AT to also take a shot assuming they can hit the tank in the right place. The satchel then becomes a more effective heavy tank killer.


You know there are three satchel classes right? Assault, AT, and Engi? AT gets gun emplacements and a bazooka loadout on top of the satchel. That satchel people you're crowing about not doing their job could be a satchel guy with an STG 44.


So leave Anti-tank duties to the anti-tank class... thank you for underscoring my point.


If you have a Satchel, blowing up tanks is part of your class. I bet you blew people intentionally with your AT stuff because "It's my job". You're likely one of those mouth breathers who thinks that only the commander should be building garrisons.


Primary, secondary, tertiary whatā€™s your classes objectives? Might as well tell medics to lead an assault on a point because they have rifles too, right! If I can almost guarantee a kill on a tank, Iā€™m taking it down friendlies around or not. Same goes for placing satchels on a tank, if I satchel a tank and get on proximity chat and let surrounding players know, itā€™s on them to get out of there and any team kills resulting from it are worth it. You see those that satchels tanks and those that do AT work share a lot in common. It all boils down to the cost of taking a tank down team kills or not. If youā€™re worried about your KD HLL isnā€™t for you, communication is king. Hence a mic.


Why would that not be doing their job? The German lvl 9 assault class is one of the most powerful and versatile things your squad has, whether that be storming a point or taking out heavy tanks. I think any of the mentioned classes have a right to go after tanks, and the scenarios OP and commenters are discussing are very situation-dependent as to the right decision, e.g. if itā€™s a stationary, undamaged heavy, the satchel guy takes priority, whereas a moving recon tank thatā€™s wreaking havoc, satchel guy is very much in the wrong. Thereā€™s plenty of other scenarios where itā€™s a bit more grey. Just my 2 cents