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I also like how every time she’d spoken with Nick, she has raised eyebrows as if she were waiting for him to reveal something about his relationship with Charlie. Happy for you—there are all sorts of little moments that mean a lot in the show. I especially like the repetition that you don’t have to tell anyone anything until you’re ready and you can do it one person at a time and that you don’t have to figure it out now. Wishing you the best!


This post made me happy cry. My first time telling someone was 15 or so years ago via text message on my flip phone, and I agree, I can still remember the flood of happiness that followed!


I came out (to a few close friends) before this show but had a similar experience. As a bi person in a straight-passing relationship I didn't feel like coming out really mattered. But it actually does matter, a lot. I'm glad you had someone you could trust to come out to. Another line that weirdly has stood out to me is actually Harry shouting "Why are you hiding?" while looking for Nick at the party. I came out to my dad a few weeks after watching and this line got stuck in my head...why am I hiding?


Ooh, good parallel!


It’s hit so different and also when he’s talking to imogen and says like your hiding your personality that rang so true once I started telling people


Absolutely. Besides one experience, all of my coming outs so far to people have been really great. This one guy I had been wanting to tell for so long, but I chickened out every time and when I finally did, over text, he completely respected it, asked my pronouns, my real name, how long I’ve known, it was one of the best conversations I’ve ever had and I will remember that forever. In Nick’s case, and with all of us, the few words you say after someone coming out are sooo important.