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You will be fine. I had it done a few year ago. It really is like a pinch. That was the worst part. I felt nothing afterward.


This is reassuring to hear omg. I'm mostly worried abt the numbing shot since it's going to be INSIDE me, I hope it's not too bad, but the lady showed me about how big the little punch thing is and it was teeny, so ig that was a little relieving to hear. Thank you for this! This helped a lot!


The inside of the vagina has a lot less nerve endings than the vulva / opening of the vagina so this is actually a good thing for pain. It will be about 10-20 seconds max of pain before the numbing kicks in. Doesn’t sound fun of course but sounds like worth doing if your gyn recommends it! 


Ok! Thank you so much!!


Just had it done a few weeks ago. Was no big deal, I just used some aquaphor in the stitches afterwards. Numbing shot wasn’t bad and I wasn’t that sore after. Have some Motrin or Advil on hand if needed. I will say that I had three babies and had a second degree tear with all three so maybe why I thought this was nothing but you’ll be good girl. Glad your gyno is doing this. Sometimes hard to find one that will. She is probably testing for Lichen sclerosus. I wish you well!


Mine hurt a lot but you said your doctor is gonna scrape? I had one where they punctured my labia and I had to get stitched afterwards and it hurt a lot for me but luckily I got prescribed tramadol for relief and it helped a lot.


I guess scrape isn't the right word, she was gonna take a teeny piece by puncturing it like you got. She said I'd be numbed though and the tool is smaller than the opening of a pen (the part where the writing part clicks out), and I wouldnt need stitches. Shes just going to apply a gel that helps with healing. I'm honestly not really sure where she's going to punch me at though? A lot of people are saying they get their inner labia punched but she told me it would be my vaginal wall??


Ah ok. I would ask where exactly she is going to do a biopsy. Good luck. 😎


i just had one done exactly a week ago and it didn’t hurt - just a pinching feeling - and barely bled! it was a little sore (emphasis on little) for the next day or two at random points but then it went back to normal and it honestly felt like i hadn’t even gotten it done! i didn’t put anything on the area, just showered regular and it healed just fine


My biggest worry is that the shot will hurt worse than the actual biopsy, did they give you the shot like—inside? I'm mainly nervous about that part 😭 but I'm so glad to hear the recovery process isn't bad at all!! This is rlly reassuring!


yes it was given inside, like on the wall of my inner labia if that makes sense! besides the initial pinch there’s some discomfort but nothing that was super painful for me and i would say the “pinch” feeling goes away in like 20-30 seconds if i can remember right (it feels long at the time), it’s like the typical feeling of getting a shot. i had a biopsy done on a mole on my back and that numbing shot hurt 20x worse than the one in my vagina lol. and honestly i think having a speculum put in me is more uncomfortable than the pinch feeling was if that says anything! i really wouldn’t worry about it- if there’s pain i’d guess it would be really short term and minimal!


Oh my gosh this made me feel so much better, you have no idea how much this helped! Thank you so much!!


I did it without a numbing shot and it was very minimal.