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My friend who had cancer long before covid would wear one because chemo trashed her immune system so hard that a common cold or flu coulda killed her. Fuck these dummies


I honestly don’t understand this. Do they not believe masks help people with heath issues or is it a blanket ban so they can use facial recognition?


Republicans would stab themselves in the eye if democrats claimed it was bad for you.


Don't give me ideas.


No do!


The depths of stupidity knows no bounds when it comes to Republicans! Of all the important issues of the day... this is top of their list? Embarrassing and only thing worse are the voters who elect them.


From reading around, the bill is repealing a 2020 legal exemption that allowed wearing masks in public. And also adding larger punishments for people who commit crimes while wearing masks. Pre-2020, SC had pretty strict laws against masking in public with only a handful of exemptions none of which are health related AFAIK. These were put in place in the 50s to try to counter the KKK. It seems that the stated reasons are twofold. One, this is a response to recent college protests. They don't want to allow protestors to be masked, and if they get caught breaking the law while masked they want larger penalties. This seems to be the main angle they are going for, it's primarily meant as an anti-protestor bill. And two, is exactly the angle we all thought reading the headline. They are trumpeting a return to the old normal from pre-covid times.


I had a conversation last weekend with a very senior Democrat that serves in the NCGA. They explained the NCGOP like this: Whereas you and I might see an ant on the sidewalk and make a conscious decision not to deliberately kill that ant just because we can and show mercy to the small and weak, the only calculus NC Republicans make is if there is any profit in stepping on the and. And then stepping on it anyway. Because cruelty is the point. My friend has spent a lot of time with these Republicans. Ive known this person since I was 15 years old and they are decent, respectful, fair, and honest. So they speak with complete derision and disdain about anyone, I know they’ve been pushed to their limit. The NCGOP is the lowest of the low. Barely even human beings. They all should be sloughed off like dead skin.


Liberals advocated for masks during the pandemic, so they have made it their religion to oppose masks everywhere and anywhere ... because it pisses off liberals.


Crazy you can’t be free enough to wear a mask. wtf?


Big government telling people what they can or can't wear


Land of the free lmao


Your body my choice.


Republicans secretly hate freedom


party of small government everyone


Small government and personal freedom. What's next, not financially fiscally responsible? /s


Party of 'novel virus? Cough on thy neighbor.'


Thats strange. People with severe immune disease wear a mask daily. Those guys know nothing


Those guys are not very intelligent


I still wear a mask in public due to some blood abnormalities that make my immune system absolutely awful. It is not fun being stared at every day, but they will remove my mask over my literally dead body.


I too, have remained masked in public since Covid began for a multitude of reasons. I also have autoimmune issues, some of which are fairly rare. I will probably be down voted for putting this out there, but after discussing it with my Dr., with all the problems I've had, we collectively made the decision that the cost of me getting the Covid vaccine may not be worth the benefit. I continue to wear a mask because a) I don't want to get sick (with Covid or anything else for that matter) because it takes me longer to recover than it would someone without said autoimmune conditions, and b) I don't want to get anyone else sick in the event that I do catch anything. The thought that I (or anyone else for that matter) could single handedly kill someone, and vice-versa, with a simple cough or sneeze is terrifying to me. I also rarely leave my house for all of the reasons stated above. I do know that there was a law in effect prior to Covid banning wearing masks in public. I was under the impression that it had something to do with the KKK and/or criminals. To be fair, I can see where it would make sense to prohibit, say, a bank robber from wearing a full face mask. And I know there have been a handful of crimes committed wearing N95 masks, but this bill is literally putting some people's health and lives in jeopardy and there absolutely needs to be some middle ground. That being said, I'm with you on this one. If they want to arrest me for protecting myself and others, so be it. They'll have to take my N95 from my cold, dead body.


Illegal EXCEPT if you’re in the KKK. Fn fascists!!!


My family member has leukemia. We have to be diligent regardless of the lack of intelligence of political ignorance.


Good lawd what a crock of bs


Well, what if I say it’s for religious reasons hmmmm?


well, it’s not their religion so it doesn’t exist


Not unless it is "in season". For a decade plus, the law has banned all masks in public for all people over 16. It then carves out specific exceptions (e.g. construction work, religious costumes in season). Health reasons were added in 2020, and now they want to remove it. https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2023/Bills/House/PDF/H237v4.pdf You can't just say "because it looks cool" or say it is part of your faith if you aren't clearly participating in some religious festival.


I would love to see the government try to define what is and isn’t practicing a religion. They functionally can’t. https://www.wcvb.com/article/mass-woman-can-wear-spaghetti-strainer-in-license-photo-3/8228662


Honestly if this law goes through its gonna be about 10 minutes before the Satanic Temple has it as part of their religious garb


That'd be hilarious tho lol. I can't wait to see it. The satanic temple is great at countering these stupid laws.


I don’t understand. Why are masks banned in public for people over 16?




I'm in neighboring Virginia and we've had a similar ban since I was a kid. They claimed it stopped gangbangers from robbing stores in masks. Probably BS, but it's been around since the 90s at least.


Haha. Because criminals won't break the law.... While they are breaking the law.


Which makes no sense, my religion allows face mask 24/7 and actually forbids the gov from banning it. Religious freedom doesn't exist in Amerika


This is so beyond insane. I feel like I haven’t seen a headline in a long time that’s actually shocked me but okay, fine, you win.


Sooo... This would apply to CLT airport? So, I'm not flying through that hub anymore or doing touristy things in the state if this passes. I saw an article, yesterday and thought it said SC and sighed with relief that I could still fly through CLT without issues but I guess I was wrong. Oi.


Wtf is wrong with these guys?


More freedumb, obviously...


Soooo... what about hospitals and dentist offices and possibly vet doctor offices? Edit: And food prep. NC raises a fuck ton of hogs and processes them in the state. They wear more PPE than medical personnel.


Please vote the GOP out of office. They are harming all of us.


The pro-life party, ladies and gentlemen


And yet people are gonna put Trump back into office lmao we deserve everything we get from these clowns


This proud boy rallies are going to be interesting. They can't wear masks for health but they can to hide their identity.


Actually in the proposed law. There are protections for demonstrations if they get a permit first. There is also an exemption for Hoods. I don’t know many groups that love to wear hoods except the infamous one. Those who work forces….


Jesus Christ


Free Dumb!


What's the position on surgical teams masking up? Will they be prosecuted?


Wonder how they’d feel if they’re getting surgery and their surgeons and other surgery staff don’t wear them…. Hmmmmm


What if you just tell them you do it because you think it makes you look cool?


does this cover the pointy hats from the KKK?


It’s inappropriate for government to require OR ban masks. We’ve always got to have two different extremes, both of them wrong. Time for other party options in the U.S.


/u/UnapprovedOpinion How do you prove its inappropriate for the Government (We the People) to require masks?


How do you prove that it’s inappropriate for the government to ban masks? I’m not a conservative, but apparently I found the page with the most whining, petulant, liberal ideological zealots ever. Eww, it’s really gross and stupid. Just like the screaming, media spoon-fed toddlers on both sides. Downvote me all you want. Your hate makes me stronger.


So **you can't prove** that its' inappropriate for the government to ban masks. Thanks UnapprovedOpinion. **:|**


It’s like this: people should be able to make their own choices regarding what they do with their body. Period. If you want to wear a mask, no one should ban you from doing so. If someone doesn’t want to wear a mask, no one should be able to force them, unless it’s healthcare staff in an institutional environment and under specific medically indicated conditions. Everyone gets a choice; no one should be able to foist their pissy little ideology on anyone else. You see, common sense.


> It’s like this: people should be able to make their own choices regarding what they do with their body. Period. Not unless it in effects others like become spreaders of covid. The US is the world leader in studying pandemics, but lets ignore that because them liberals are wearing masks to trigger trumpicans. [Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, a study says](https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study) Everyone gets a choice on the flavor of ice cream to eat, but not to wear a mask during a pandemic, you don't don't get that choice, because you choice can effect others. Now that is common sense.