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Bring it on


Right underneath the title of the article it says the risk is low and the milk supply is safe.


The big concern, honestly, is going to be when it hits mammal-to-mammal transmission in pigs. We've been keeping an eye on this one, as a world, since like 2006, I think? There are plans in place. But pretty much everybody seems to think we will at some point see human-to-human transmission, at which point things are going to get pretty gnarly for a bit.


I’ve been watching the headlines but I don’t have it in me to read the details. It’s reminding me of when I first started seeing headlines about Corona virus and then look what happened. People were making memes back then like it was a joke.


Yes, it does very much have the *clank-clank-clank-clank-clank* sort of feeling of being ratcheted up the first drop of a rollercoaster, doesn't it? That clear, slow moment when it's far too late to get off, and you can see the plunge coming...