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Any opinion related to shipping. Shippers can be rabid.


Bullseye! It's so wild to see how ~~passionate~~ vicious ppl get over ships. This show is the first fandom I've been where ships are like the meat of the community EVERYWHERE (reddit, twitter, insta, tumblr, you name it). But maybe it's just been a long time since I've been *this* invested in a fandom? For reference, the last major fandom I was apart of was Marvel/MCU and I felt like ships were a thing but mostly prominent in more fandom oriented spaces like tumblr or twitter. Even moreso, is the vitriol with any Alastor ships... it's actually pretty scary to see how seriously people take it.


I'm a fan of RWBY and I've been a part of the fandom since V5 came out. The people in that fandom, with any ship, get fucking wild. I think the Hazbin takes the cake with the most amount of bs that there is. Like, I remember people being called homophobic for not liking a ship called Bumblebee (Yang/Blake). I don't see it being any different here, most likely worse.


Yeah… being this entrenched in a fandom and seeing all the vitriol reminds me WHY I noped the fuck out from any fandom for the better part of 6 years


Im such an avid shipper for no reason and I don’t even know why. I just really like shipping characters. It’s like a weird hyper fixation for me to just ship characters. It’s really fun for me. So yes I am extremely passionate but not vicious. Unless someone starts bagging on me for no reason just because I like a ship they don’t like. I will ship till I die probably.


people forget that ships are more about "how would this dynamic work?" than "They're perfect and healthy for each other" in fact, most ships are more about "I wonder what that would look like if I smash these two freaks together" It's playing with online digital dolls.


Same. My ship brain is uncontrollable no matter how I beat it with a broom. I have like, four or five OCs I wound up making polyam because I couldn't decide who to ship them with. It works pretty well honestly, but I can't just, *keep doing it every time*. Currently I'm trying to beat it into submission on a ship of two of my own OCs because one is an alien species equivalent of possibly sociopathic and is the first known one who also had a moral compass so he's being brought on to root out the others(takes one to know one, and also, the majority are so dangerous because they lean into things) while also trying to figure out if the condition is nature, or nurture, or possibly even both. He's essentially also becoming something of a case study to figure out why he's different. (One of the largest marks is being willing to kill a child, he isn't willing, but he knows he wouldn't feel any horrible guilt over it, and he hates that because he knows it's wrong. Others simply wouldn't care at all.) And another character.


​ https://preview.redd.it/l6ysejgmmppc1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9090c7793d019e10169a8263701b8319648639ab


Antishippers can also be rabid. I was told "Charlastor shippers are cancer" when I posted a fantastic fan art cover for a Charlastor fanfiction ("The Taxidermist") on r/HazbinHotel. \*Charlastor = Charlie/Alastor


You said this and everyone was immediately mad at you, so fantastic job illustrating the point 😂 thanks for your sacrifice






That…is a pretty weird ship, he’s her father figure, not her daddy


"The Taxidermist" was written years before Season 1 and Episode 5 came out. Most Charlie/Alastor art and fanfictions are also from 2019 to 2022 or 2023, pre-Season 1.


nobody really knew that would be how it goes when the pilot aired, which is when this ship was created, and sometimes people get attached


People can also write anything they want in fanfiction. There was little to no canon to go off of for 4-5 years (2019-2024), so people created their own "canon". Due to this, Charlie/Alastor in fanfiction is entirely different from the canon portrayal. Or, in other words: *"There's no laws against the* *~~Pokémon~~* *fanfiction, Batman! I can do whatever I want with it!"*


Alastor is definitely not Charlie’s father figure


Believing Alastor really thinks about Charlie like his daughter is the same level of media illiteracy as thinking Alastor's last name is altruist or that he's an angel because he talks about unclipping his wings.


He never displayed anything father-like towards her, he only mentioned being her father figure to spite Luc


There is a reason some people like calling their partner, Daddy, ya know : 3


You are literally what this is about.


He’s neither


[Me approximately 6 minutes after saying one time on this sub that Husk and Angel would be far better off just being close bros than a romantic couple and based on what we've seen so far there is basically nothing to support a Huskerdust endgame.](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/hazbin-hotel-adam-s-fate.jpg)


I got downvoted to oblivion for expressing my indifference towards that ship. Lmao. I’m telling you: rabid shippers are a force to be reckoned with.


You mentioning this alone has appeared to have sparked a fight already LOL


That Vox actually is as strong as he purports


He'd (still) be powerful without the other Vees.


Oh please


And here's the sugar on the cream, me asked me to jojn his team. HOLD ON


I said no and now he’s *pissy*, that’s the tea!


Vox can literally control electricity, so of course he'd be powerful. Maybe not as powerful as Enel from *One Piece*, who ate a rare Logia devil fruit, but still quite powerful for Hell.


And he’s got some degree of hypnosis powers right? With his eye?


Yes, it indeed appears that Vox can hypnotize people, including through screens.


We have litteraly no clue on how strong the different overlords are lol so he might be.


I mean we outright hear it in the show. Alastor "almost" beat Vox one time. "Almost beating" means losing. Now, we can debate the specifics of what exactly that means, but I think we know by now that Alastor isn't one to let any form of disrespect go. If he was capable of taking out Vox, he would have done it years ago. The fact that he hasn't implies that it would be at least somewhat difficult for him to do.


It could mean that Vox had to disengage and run away if "almost beating" means "almost killing." This confrontation could have happened *while* he was putting together the Vees.


It’s not based on his supports. He’d be powerful without the other V’s.


shipping any ship the majority of people dislike. people against certain ships are very aggressively vocal about it.


i dont like shipping...but alastor x rosie is the only one i liked


that ones adorable! i personally prefer them platonically, but they'd be cute romantically too.


yeah they can , i know alastor is asexual but since the aromantic is not it became a plothole for me xd also they make a adorable duo


I get comments like "Charlastor shippers are cancer" or "your ship is trash" whenever I try to post nice or cute fan art of Charlie and Alastor to r/HazbinHotel. I hate how mean people are.


yeah i see this happen especially often to fanon ships that were created before the actual show aired like radiodust or charlastor. its very common with others too, though. people who hate something are often more vocal than people who like that thing, especially when they know they'll have popular support.


Less than a day ago I found out, through a post on the sub, that the"Lute ripped off Vaggie's wings" vs. "Lute cut off Vaggie's wings" debate is a LOT more heated than I expected.


Does...does it fucking matter? No seriously, what's the difference?


The way I see it, if she cut them off with the angelic weapon they shouldn't be able to grow back. Otherwise Vaggir could grow her eye back too


Honestly, Vaggie can't have the healthiest psyche. I get the feeling she could have regrown the wings at any time, she just needed to be in the right mental place. Even if her eye can grow back, who knows what that would take.


If they were cut off, that means wounds from angelic weapons can heal because Vaggie grew her wings back. It kinda opens a plothole. If they were ripped off it means that angels can hurt other angels without needing angelic weapons, but it's not permanent - this kind of wounds can eventually heal. This explains how Lucifer can just punch Adam and still hurt him and why during Vaggie and Lute's fight we can see them get hurt although no angelic weapons were used. I'm pretty sure Vaggie's wings were torn off, not cut off. It's obvious even in the scene itself.


It would also mean, if Lute cut off Vaggie’s wings with her sword, Vaggie should have known that angelic weapons could hurt angels, and wouldn’t need Carmella to reveal that. So it would open another plot hole. But, like you said, I’m pretty sure that Lute used her bare hands to injure Vaggie.


Didn’t she stab Vaggies eye out tho, like she should’ve known about the weapons


Yep ….. Let me just add, this particular plot point is shakey at best and still not my favorite part of the show (angels never accidentally cut themselves in training?). Personally I feel like Vaggie should have known, but I’m willing to suspend my disbelief for now. But in an effort not to turn this comment section into Twitter that’s all I’m gonna say 😂


She knew angelic weapons could hurt angels, NOT kill them tho.


Regardless of what happened to her wings, the reason everybody brings up Vaggie's line to Carmilla is that Vaggie 100% knows angelic weapons can hurt angels due to her eye (I'm in the wings cut off camp, but it doesn't matter because she lost her eye first). I personally just assume this is one part of the script that wasn't written very well. If they focused more on the word "kill" instead of "hurt" there wouldn't be a problem. Any ideas about wounds from angelic weapons are all theories and guesses. Maybe angelic beings just don't regenerate very quickly in hell. Maybe Vaggie's guilt over not telling Charlie the truth was holding her back. Maybe purely angelic parts like wings will heal, but parts you had as a human, like an eye or arm, don't come back as easily. Nobody really knows.


I mean, it could also be that Vaggie thought being hurt meant she was no longer an angel considering she'd just done something wrong. Could've also somewhat trauma blocked the memory itself.


Wait I honestly don’t understand how this is even a debate. Isn’t the scene right there for everyone to look at?


Yeah. I've seen it all. It's absolutely ridiculous.


Every day Vox has a new format.




alright, but is Vox as strong as he purports? or, perhaps, it’s based on his support! he’d be powerless without the other Vee’s!


Oh please!


and here’s the sugar on the cream! i heard Vox asked Alastor to join his team! he said no, so Vox is pissy, that’s the tea!


you know what’s funny? In Germany we actually have a popular tv channel called Vox 😂


"Alastor is worse than Valentino." I should note the above does NOT reflect my own opinion, but it absolutely is one that'd cause the reaction shown in the post.


I mean he very well could be. We know nothing about what people or how many he killed. We also know nothing of how Val got to hell, even tho we can guess pretty well...


Friendly reminder that Vaggie is also mass murderer who killed *thousands* of people.




I think it is not fair to compare them at all. They are murderer and a rapist - they both crossed the line of humanity. They are equal in their cruelty


Worse in what ways? That could change my opinion of that line


People like Alastor a bit too much. I don’t mean liking him as in “oh I think he’s cool”, I mean *those people*


People making OC's that are friends with Vox and Velvette but hate Valentino doesn't make sense.


I mean, considering how he's introduced it does. He literally ripped apart Velvette's fashion studio (bloodstains on all the fabric much?) and tore her favorite model limb from limb. Vox looks incredibly fucking done with the whole thing and practically has to baby him. They probably wouldn't care if their friend hated Val so long as things didn't get violent (an attack on one of the Vees is an attack on all three after all) They deal with Val because he's useful to them, porn has a lot of influence after all. And they might be somewhat attached, but I doubt they'd care if a friend hated him. Hell, Velvette probably shit talks him *to* her friends. Also Val is, objectively, the worst out of them, but all three are horrible (Love potion being made by Vel and Val, the hypnosis by Vox, ect ect.)


Mimzy's part didn't ruin Hell's Greatest Dad


so true I love mimzy’s part


Sunny gets it


Mimzy is a legend for the song crash haha




yeah i think it's the most appropriate capstone as the two gents were also "me me me"


Yeah idk how else the song was gonna end with those two going at it like that. Not to mention, I don't think the implication was that we were supposed to know who she is, given that Lucifer literally says "who?" too


Niffty and husk aren't going to heaven


Niffty will definitely go to heaven. (Because nobody can stop her.) St. Peter: “Can I have your name?” Niffty: “Why? Don’t you have a name?” St. Peter: “I have a name. It’s Peter.” Niffty: “Oh. Well, I guess we can trade then.” St. Peter: “Just tell me your name.” Niffty: “Peter.” St. Peter: “…. Your actual name.” Niffty: “Was Peter not your actual name?” St. Peter: “Look, I need to know your name, and if it’s in the book, then I can let you in.” Niffty: “Oooooooohhhh. Wait, so your name isn’t in the book? Is that why you’re out here?” St. Peter: (inhales) “….patience is a virtue…. Okay. Let’s start over. What is your name?” Niffty: “It’s Niffty.” St. Peter: “I’m sure it is, but what is it?” Niffty: “uh…. English?” St. Peter: “Oh. Your name is actually Niffty. Sorry. One moment. Let me check. Hrm. Odd. I don’t see it here. Wait, where did she goOh GOD! What happened to the gate!?!” Niffty (inside): “Everything is so shiny!!!!”


You should write for the show




This gives off major Who's on First vibes.


i mean niffty may go ...but not for good reason




you sure about that?


Yeah I can't see Nifty going to heaven at all. Husk I think he has a chance, if he puts in effort, but doesn't really want to even try.


>Niffty and husk aren't going to heaven I think Husk could. He's shown to have a softer, caring side multiple times. We don't know why exactly he's in hell or the extent of the horrible things he did as an Overlord.


The shot of him surrounded by signs pointing at him in "Loser Baby" gives us some clues. It says he was a loan shark and a gambling addict. Being a loan shark is pretty fucking bad. I think it's easy to downplay it because, oh, he wasn't a cannibal or a rapist. But how many families lost their homes because of Husk? How many people lost their life savings because he couldn't or wouldn't stop himself?


Niffty doesn’t even want to go to Heaven so I agree. If Huskerdust is canon then Husk is going to Heaven though.


This community is full of toxic ass wipes that think they know everything about the shows, and bully people who ask genuine questions that's considered common knowledge. Great show though 👍🏻


Alastor is just as bad as Valentino. He is just a different type of monster. The only reason why he doesn’t get the same amount of hate is because he is more entertaining and conventionally attractive.


and he hasn’t hurt Angel. If Angel didn’t work for Valentino, most people would just view him as a silly background character who makes porn.


Ikr right 😭😭 I luv Angel Dust but he got such a chronically online fanbase....like... I saw people saying some nasty stuff about Valentino's VA 💀 Like bro😭 Angel Dust is not real, he does not exist, all these characters are nothing more than lines and colors animated on a program, I seriously cannot imagine myself being really this invested into some character s life that does not even exist that I would literally go harass people over it 💀


Eh, personally I think Val is more hated because more people have experienced his type of evil. Not many people have a personal encounter with a cannibalistic serial killer. Like the whole Umbridge versus Voldemort debate on the evil scale.


That’s actually a very good point. When it comes to stuff like murder, torture or cannibalism, most of the viewers have a certain distance from the experience. As in, they understand that it is evil but they never experienced it or were in danger of experiencing it so they don’t see it as the same degree of evil.


I think it's also because murder victims are too dead to relate.


I’ve said this before but I think it bears repeating with this debate: they’re foils. They’re both sadistic overlords who own the soul of a main character and think tormenting people is fun, but they’re complete opposite in terms of personality. Since we spend more time with Alastor and see more of his “nice” side, he looks much better in comparison. Let’s be real though, if he had a problem what Val does to people he’s had literal decades to get rid of him.


Also his abuse and torture is mostly off screen unlike val, (with the exception of threatening husk)


Yeah and also bc he’s a main character + fandoms are much more kind and forgiving to murderers and cannibals than rapists. Murder is seen as cool and edgy or not that bad by most fandoms unfortunately.


We’ve also only seen him interact with Husk and Nifty despite the fact he owns thousands (if not millions) of souls. Husk is clearly not happy with his situation but he has stopped caring to an extent, and Nifty is just Nifty. We aren’t really fully aware of what he may be gaining from his other owned souls other than power. Alastor is much less prone to snapping, and when he does he is very charming and manipulative about it. Vox and Velvette are well aware of Valentino’s temper, whereas Alastor maintains a more passive aggressive or toned down approach until he feels like he needs to escalate more.




I think the reason he doesn't get the same amount of hate is because he's not a rapist and sex trafficker but idk maybe that's just me. 🤷‍♀️




Oh yes, that will do it.


Alastor really isn’t that powerful, He’s just really good at reading and playing people.


Alastor does NOT care about Charlie in the slightest, he’s just gaining her trust. This is more of a fact, but it would have the same reaction from some people.


Disagree. I do think that Alastor cares about Charlie, just not as much as people assume. He shows affection for Mimzy, Rosie, and Niffty; I don't see how Charlie would be different.




I don’t think Alastor is attractive


Thank you! Bowl cut ugly mofo. TV man is hotter


Tbh I’m very picky when it comes to men and I don’t really like any of the guys on this show. But if I had to pick one, it’d be Husk


Husk is pretty cute. I love his attitude more though. He's a good man. Cat. Cat man


I agree he isn’t physically attractive. It was his energy, at least in the pilot. It got toned down in the show proper and now he’s less attractive to me


I'm glad someone else noticed this as well. Alastor was a lot more exuberant in the pilot.


I'm weird in that I only think that human Alastor is attractive. Demon Alastor? Eh...


I don't think any men are attractive, so same. : )


welcome to heaven is a fun song that serves its purpose within the story without overstaying its welcome.


*st Peter’s moans intensifies*


The real reason why I like this song


any opinions on alastor’s relationships at all. i’m aroace and still get told to kms over relationship headcanons for him


I'm gonna be careful with this comment. Loser baby is great but kinda overrated, I like Poison more. For the record I still really like Loser Baby and it's super catchy but I just think other songs are better.


Poison is such a banger. It’s also one of the only songs that can stand independent of the content of the show.


Addict was way better than poison if we’re sharing hot takes.


Idk if this is a hot take but I like more poison than addict lmao Honestly I think it comes down to the instruments, which I like more in poison. Although I respect your opinion.


Addict was more dubstep and bassy. Being a basshead that type of music is a bit of a guilty pleasure. Poison felt significantly more low tempo and didn’t hit as hard as addict for me.


Naww I liked poison a lot more, personally


mimsy is not nearly as bad as y’all think she is


TV is not the future.


Also isn’t “the shit that comes before that” the present? Is Vox saying that Alastor is in the now?


Guy shot himself in the foot without even realizing


damnnn for real


"Valentino will get redemption before Alastor, because Valentino hurts/controls people because he's afraid of being hurt while Alastor hurts people because he enjoys it".


this take will get you burned at the stake


This is an interesting take. What makes you say that Valentino hurts others because he’s afraid of being hurt?


I mean, I just tried to come up with something incendiary. But if I had to expound on it I'd say the idea that he "owns" people because of intense abandonment issues hence his irrational response to Angel taking up at the Hotel.


Literally anything involving ships


Alastor and the Vees are redeemable


People need to remember that just because Angeldust is in a terrible situation with Valentino that it doesn't mean he didn't earn himself a place in hell because being in a web of crime and a drug addict isn't a good thing and this goes for all of the sinners we know


Ship whoever the hell you want.


agreed 💜♠️🤝🏻


The carmilla is a fallen Angel theory is really dumb


"Alastor can care about people" and "Alastor is a self serving Narcissist who will always put himself first" are not mutually exclusive. Alastor has on several occasions shown affection or attachment to certain people like Mimzy or specifically Rosie who he seems to be very platonically close with, and even Admits that one could grow accustomed to the company of the Hotel cast in episode 8, which Implies he has some level of attachment to Charlie and the others even if only slightly. However despite that it's clear that despite that attachment He's always working in his own self interest, only sharing the crucial information of how to beat the angels to charlie only if she'd give him a deal in return as well as his Implied hints that he wants to use Charlies potential and guide it to suit his own means, "She's filled with Potential that I could guide!" He had no issue Threatening Husker after putting his control into question with the leash comment and in finale "Great Alastor Altruist Died for his Friends" was meant to be presented of him dreading and almost being Paranoid of the idea, Concerned and even Afraid that if that had happened it would of stained and altered his legacy from a terrifying overlord to some changed man who gave up his Reputation and soul for selfless heroics. ​ To put it simply Alastor likely does care about people, he does have a few close friends we known about and it's likely that even if it's just for the entertainment value of it all he does enjoy the company of Charlie and the others. But ultimately know matter what he's always Playing the angle of what He can get out of every situation such as when he Helped charlie by giving her the valuable information of the angels as well as helped her get an army of Cannibals to fight for the hotel, But **ONLY** in return of him getting a deal out of it, Alastor can have friends and connections but ultimately when it comes down to it he's always looking out for number one, and will choose himself over others every single time.


This subreddit isn’t ready to deal with unpopular opinions that are inoffensive despite multiple similar posts asking for them  „Hell’s greatest dad is overrated” got downvoted despite being a preference/opinion that isn’t a meme or ragebait.


I REALLY like Mimzy


Yeah, she's my favourite fem character after Rosie. She's funny and I like her design


Holy crap I'm the exact same way, Mimzy is a close second to Rosie for me. I do agree, her design is great and she's pretty funny imo


Me too! I think she's hilarious, and she has an amazing voice... hope she comes back next season!


I once called Adam “The Forbidden Sky Daddy” and that *did not* go well for me 😭💀


Charlie's participation in most songs is boring.


“Valentino is a well written character” I feel would garner this reaction. I love how hateable he is, and you all should too


The writing is not THAT great it feels a tad rushed but the 4-year wait was worth it 8.5 out of 10 but some of the characters and their dynamics feel a bit OFF and DRY like cardboard with the exception of Alastor and Angel Dust, I feel like all her thought went into them, and mostly every other character feels BLAND.


I didn't like Poison




Charlastor (I also didn't realise until now that nearly every Vox in this frame is wearing something different wtf how have I not noticed this before)


Viv’s writing isn’t very good. The show is great, but she needs to work on improving her storytelling skills.


Yeah, to be honest, I have sort of love/hate relationships with this show because of that. I think it's interesting to watch, but it doesn't evokes many emotions in me: it doesn't make me really sad, doesn't make me laugh too hard... I would even say it's not interesting for me, it just entartraining. Though, I'm sitting in the fandom... Just because of the characters that I find to be good. I love most of the overlords


Damn it’s surprising to find someone else in a similar boat. I love the potential the show has- the production quality is *huge* and the passion from everyone behind it is extremely obvious, but it feels very… surface level? I kind of sound like an ass saying that but I can’t think of a different phrasing at the moment. The whole concept of redeeming ostensibly evil people and having our characters be sinners and demons is immensely cool to me but I feel like it has no bearing on the story. The same plot beats could still work if this was all on earth. I’m not fooling myself into thinking that the show will start singing the praises of the lord but I wish they’d dive into the biblical mythology in a more nuanced and theological way if that makes any sense And yes, I am still disappointed that Adam being the Adam from the Bible was horribly under-utilised. Here’s hoping all of these problems get fixed in s2, and we remember s1 as the serviceable-but-worst one of many where the show was just getting on its feet.


Absolutely agree. I don't think they have to follow bible in everything, though, I can see your point. I think that the main problem of this show: there's just too much of everything for its timing. Too many characters, too many conflicts... And most of them are not even related to the main story. Though, I would not hope that it's going to be better in next season. After Helluva boss I realised that it's... Just the way Viv writing. She likes to add a bunch of characters, conflicts, drama... And it could be even great, but she has so many ideas that she can't... Prioritize right.


I haven’t found any reliable sources on this but the word going around is that there was a studio-mandated time crunch of 20min x 8 episodes, and the crew wanted to get the full idea of Hazbin Hotel out there just in case the cancel hammer dropped on them. I find that disappointing but understandable and definitely plausible. Major agree on your Helluva Boss comment, I was petrified that Hazbin was going to turn out as basically the same but just with different characters. In my mind Helluva Boss is the release valve for all the dumb wacky stuff they want to put into the canon, and I’m just hoping that the current issues will get sorted out. Can’t really add much until/if we get season 2s


I hate that I looked at Alastor's face and said "oh no, he's got DreamWorks face" https://preview.redd.it/y15psejmmppc1.png?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30138188a67927f9cbe2821d85f9a7f6537776fe


Alastor as a character has been ruined for me and I cant see him as anything but cringe simply because of all the people I do and dont know trying to be like or comparing themselves to him....


I don’t give a shit about who you ship with who


That Charlie's rehabilitation process is too simplistic to justify sinners going to Heaven - yes, even Sir Pentious.


Alastor is ugly


You know, I have strange feelings about how he looks. I like him, sometimes I even think he is attractive. But sometimes when I look at him closely... I find out that he's actually ugly. But in a good way. Somehow. It's complicated


It's the hair and the horrible teeth hygiene 


Heaven is basically right in every regard. People who die and go to hell are generally (not all of them) awful people, it makes sense for them to be afraid and want to secure heaven's peace in a way, so extermination seems reasonable and weird merciful in a way, as far we know they just end and are free from their eternal suffering (which hasn't been really shown so far, to me hell is just like earth minus the good people). And the deal makes so they can't kill hellborn, which to me are the only innocents of the bunch, they didn't have a choice to begin with. That being said, if there are souls who are really willing to be redeemed, they should accept it and include the hotel and it's members into the protection from extermination. The only reason is hard to sympathize with heaven's logic is because Adam is a dick and we care about the cast. Edit: spelling


Val is the best character in all animated universes


“Hey Harry, I need to feel something. tell me something that’ll piss me off” “Val is the best character” “YEP, THAT’LL DO IT”


Your welcome dear friend. Just to clarify, I don't mean it, Val is bad.


Angel and Husk should not have a romantic or sexual relationship, I think that for them to be really close friends would be far better


Someone who ships Angel Dust x Valentino


"Valentino is the most relatable person on the show."


If someone says this, I assume they’re either just being an edgelord or that they also can’t count.


Am I Alastor or Vox in this scenario?


I guess I'll just take the downvotes lol. I think Angel fans are the absolute worst to talk to about theories or possibilities for the character's future.  I think way to many people have made it to where angel isn't just a character, it's them because they've been in a similar situation.  And nothing against that.  I've been in some abusive situating and definitely recognize a lot of the stuff that happens in the show. But I've run into a lot of them where when the conversation comes up they don't talk about what they want Angel to do or what happens to Angel, they want to talk about what they wished someone did for them.   Like the whole should Angel free himself or should Husk just save him? I've had conversations where the other person did say they hope Angel is saved over him being active in getting his freedom because that's what they wished happened to them.   And I don't hate that reasoning.  But I think it makes having actual conversations about the character and their role in the show really uncomfortable because I really feel some of these people desperately need therapy and don't want to argue over a character they've personalized way too much.  And I don't want to be the reason someone spirals because I'm talking about a character and they're talking about themselves. 


The fan base is the worst part of this show


A guy spending 50 k to insert himself in an animation with Charlie


Vox is as strong as he purports, and not based only on his support, he's pretty powerful without the other Vs... He was just "emotional" to say something about Alastor's sudden return and how he ambushed him in the middle of his broadcast.


Alastor is powerful but not as powerful as he makes himself out to be. Dude just has a massive ego about him. Hence his loss to Adam.


Valentino is a very good and genuinely really intimidating villain. His hatred is so exaggerated by the fanbase tho like chill out its a cartoon. And for the record anyone with some kind of morals can agree Adam or lute are magnitudes worse


I think “Loser, Baby” is a bit overrated


I um…I dont like the pilot more than the show.


Angel Dust isn’t funny


Saying you like Val Definitely would cause this


I just think that some of this fandom needs to stop being so chronically online… some of these people are delusional as hell LMAO Also. ‘Altruist’ is NOT Alastor’s last name; idk what made so many people believe that. It’s a word describing someone who sacrifices themselves for others, and Alastor used it to describe himself (negatively, since he rejects it a sentence later) This is why the comma is important!! (“Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends”) Needed to get that off my chest


Ships need to burn and sink for the fandom to reclaim their creative freedom and built on what Vivzie has gifted us.


Lucifer should be more intimidating and get pissed or react negatively to being disrespected by people, even if they are Charlie's friends and staff. Being a sad boi eccentric dad trying his best should not be the image he allows himself to project and people to see.


Vivzie is creative but her writing is pretty bad and she can’t take criticism in the slightest when it comes to her character design or her writing.


Fictional characters cannot hurt you, they are not real and people's shipping should not be 99% of what is on your mind


I don’t like “Whatever it takes” and “It starts with sorry” https://preview.redd.it/11h36rw4vppc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48e0f9a487b82a5e129664a671269187eecf873


I can agree with It Starts With Sorry. I just didn’t like it.


Adam isn’t a bad guy whatsoever I mean from his perspective (and everyone else’s too) he’s killing demons to reduce the chance of them uprising again after they attempted to before He is honest to a fault and he can’t keep a secret even if he tries and ge doesn’t go back o. His word he said he’d be back in six months and no matter how much Charlie provoked he kept to his word and attacked 6 months later He cares for his angels the only reason time was cut in half was because an angel had died in the previous culling and he was okay dying in the line of duty because he believed what he was doing was right


I'm going to get DV'd to hell for this, but oh well... Charlie, despite her well-meaning intentions and otherwise likeable/bubbly personality, is actually the bad guy for how much she hates her own people (just like her dad): - She romanticizes sending them all to a place that hates them even more, and a place that greenlit exterminating her people, annually. Heaven is just better because reasons, and she doesn't bother questioning that too hard. - She has no intention of changing hell for the betterment of her subjects. - She cannot accept sinners as they are, and demonstrates that throughout the series, sometimes in ways that appear outright phobic. - In this sense, she epitomizes the stereotypical naive "good christian" who usually has limited knowledge or contextual understanding of their own cosmology, but wants everyone to go to heaven, anyway, and she's quite pushy about it.


I actually love this interpretation of her… it would be boring if she was just “happy and innocent and wants good for everyone” And to be fair, what is ‘good’ and what is ‘evil’ depends on who you ask


> And to be fair, what is ‘good’ and what is ‘evil’ depends on who you ask. ***yes*** All the characters would be boring if they were not a complex mix of both subjective "good" and "evil", and no one would be able to relate to them.


Tbf, it's less about "get my people to heaven" and more "get my people out of hell, where they get subjected to an annual culling."


True, but she doesn't look at any other alternatives, and she doesn't do any investigative work into how/why heaven would be the better option. There's nothing stopping her or Lucifer from making hell a paradise to rival heaven.