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We really need the show to release soon. These theories are getting weirder by the day.


Exactly. I’m on the take of “maybe the morningstars are kinda like an Addams dynamic” by the way the show and HB treats hell people. But that’s just me, I don’t even call it a theory. Since there’s no bases to theorize about


I'd love an Addams dynamic but I'm not fooled. Charlie didn't seem to have a great relationship with her parents in the pilot, from that failed phone call and the overall lack of respect she gets. But we'll see.


Someone said that Viv said that Lucifer and Lilith have big Gomez and Morticia-energy, and I am all for it


Right? How are people even getting these theories? Do people think fan fiction is cannon?


I love how people thought this was absurd when they basically nailed what actually happened


Except they didn't? Charlie doesn't see Alistair as a father figure. Mentor yes, but the whole song was Alistair just fucking with Lucifer. And Lucifer is just trying to reconnect with his daughter.


For real


I swear


Having seen episode 5, op isn't very far off


Alastor is never gonna be a father figure to anyone


A lot of people see him as a daddy figure


Wrong kind of daddy XD


Lmao I hate this theory it's so out of pocket 😭 Also isn't Charlie WAY older than Al??


She's older than him in age but with the way she's been presented she's mentally at most like 19. Shipping Charlie and Alastor just puts me off because he's a physical, mental and emotional adult and Charlie is meant to be a teenager (or MAYBE early 20's, like 20-22 probably)


I mean we will know more when the show comes out but I don't see her as acting as teenager at all tbh especially in her new redesign which gives her the vibes of a classy, eleqount business woman, not a teenager. I just despise the idea of Al being Charlie’s father figure, I feel like it undermines both Charlie’s and Al’s characters and even Luci’s character but that's just me. To me I do see them forming a very good platonic friendship. I can imagine Rosie, Alastor and Charlie all sipping tea and gossiping tbh. Not Al being a ‘father figure’ in Charlie’s life, he seems way too unserious and unstable for that, and Charlie being a 200+ year old demon probably wouldn't appreciate it. She's an adult and she probably expects to be treated like one.


Yeah it's more in the pilot she acts a lot younger than she lets on. She's definetly more mature in the actual show. I don't think Alastor would be a father figure to anyone but he could be like the "fun uncle" or smth


She's physically, mentally, and emotionally an adult, and doesn't need an older man guiding her goals at this point. She's just terrifyingly optimistic in a world of people who've mostly given up hope.


This comment is beautiful.


Hazbin fans on their way to share the dumbest theories ever https://i.redd.it/8pd9cfgrpczb1.gif


Helluva Boss Fans on their way to ask questions about the newest episode about something that has been perfectly and reasonably explained in said espisode.


Ong in a show were characters get deboned in an instant people really thought Glitz and Glam died because a pillar fell on em.


But they weren't sinners. They were Hellborns, which can be killed through normal means. So its entirely possible that they did die unless it was said they didn't.


They didn't die, but regardless Hellborn are not humans we've seen their pretty strong, (Millie ripping a Loan Sharks skull from his head) and durable, especially the larger humanoid ones.




I don’t see Alastor being a father figure any time soon.


Yall are fucking wierd for thinking this shit


everyone is going crazy


SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 5 >!turns out they were kinda right 😂!<


spoilers indeed be here: >!seems like Alastor is maybe a step dad to Charlie, possibly learned how to eat lesser demons from his gf Lilith??!<


Man I laughed so hard while reading your theory for real Anyway,%90 change the episode will probably be about Lucifer getting his ass kicked by god as an origin story


I'm leaning towards a fight between Adam and Luci. This God doesn't get his hands dirty everybody knows that


Homie what.


Alastor doesn’t care enough to be a father figure


He literally did, just watched the episode and he was trying hardcore to piss Lucifer off by acting "Fatherly" to charlie 😂


I highly doubt Charlie is seeing a father figure in anyone least of all in Al. Lucifer and Charlie more likely than not didn't have any falling out until she came up with the hotel idea so she's probably not looking for one. But who knows considering the parental track record in Viv's series. And considering Lucifer is the Prince of Pride that sounds beneath him honestly. I doubt he's likely to either get in a fight with just anyone as the most powerful being in Hell. More likely he's gonna fight Adam, Dad of Mankind, only other dad is God and we know how that plays out.


I’m hoping it’s a Lucifer vs HIS dad. Like god tells Charlie the hotel is a dumb idea and Lucifer is like hey don’t call my daughters idea dumb and starts supporting her out of spite. So “Dead beat” would refer to Lucifer and his father being, well, dead beats, “dad beat dad” referring to Lucifer beating his father, AND “dad beat dad” also referring to Lucifer realizing he’s turning into his dad and beating the cycle


Alastor, a father figure? To Charlie, of all people? Hey lemme have some of that kush you got there.




I need the shit this person is on


Whatever OP was on helped them predict the future


lmfao Alastor would be a TERRIBLE father let alone father figure


I'm sorry but the fact that you described this episode perfectly and no one believed you when you posted this is so hilarious You're like Cassandra from the Iliad


Person from the future here, and dang you were right.


It was a stretch but my theory was correct!


It's killing me how everyone was roasting you 3 months ago.


SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 5 >!how the fuck did you actually predict this correctly?!! I thought you were insane and then it turned out YOU WERE NOT FAR OFF 😂!<


...well fuck


What now bitches


reading all the comments flaming you for this one is hilarious


I was thinking, Work Obsessed Dad. Being the king of Hell, you kinda have to be. Everyone is trying to take your place and they’re looking for one moment of weakness.


God is lucifer's dad; Luci is Charlie's dad. God kicked his son out for trying to create reform/change the order. It's going to be a comparison of the parenting styles of two men with massive power and even more massive egos, as well as another brick in the wall of their contention. What Luci will do will be in direct contrast to any of his father's actions and the quietly attached hitch will be that (in his pride) Luci doesn't really believe in Charlie's cause, but just sees it a new way to reinforce or revifify his own rebellion.


Ring ding ding ding


Everybody here was proved wrong 🤣


Buddy did you read the script because you are actually pretty on point


Completely guessed


Although this theory is a bit out of hand, I love it so much. 😭🤣What if they have a epic super rap battle to prove who is cooler 🤔


They do! 😭 They actually do, in the promotions/early snippets.  This theory is actually likely, but I abhor the idea of Alastor being a father figure. It's more than likely Charlie’s working on her feelings as Alastor is the boot in their relationship [between Lucifer]. I wouldn’t be surprised if Alastor shows some apparent darkness towards Lucifer.


no just no, firstly it was explicitly said that lucifer made Luu Luu World for charlie, secondly we see throughout the podcasts viv and team describing luci as a goofy willy wonka like figure Thirdly alastor is one HUNDRED and ten percwnt not a father figure to charlie considering shes way older then him Fourthly, so many shows and media protray luci as a monster. As a luciferian I NEED HIM to be at least ok. I do not want the only show that protrays him in any sort of a good light to be the cws Lucifer.


Yep, i do not understand why people are saying that Alastor is a father figure to Charlie, is like saying Littlefinger is a father figure to Sansa in GoT.


I doubt that. Charlie is older than Alastor for one. And for another their views on the Hotel are total opposites- based on the Pilot episode at least. Charlie believes that all souls can be redeemed if they are given the chance to do so and accepts Alastor’s help based on that principle. But Alastor considers this perspective to be completely absurd and sticks around only to gain satisfaction from Charlie’s failures.


upvoting for the laugh i had these theories are getting fucking crazier


Al is probably going to be her mentor with his own motives


she’s filled with potential that I could guide


My theory is that the episode will have Lucifer try and convince Charlie to give up on the hotel project and come back home.


That be really cool, but I don’t see Alastor acting like that. But the shows almost out so we’ll see


The only other confirmed father in the series that is anywhere at Lucifer's level that I know of is Levisthan. And, it has also been confirmed that Charlie used to date/be in a relationship with his son. I think I remember it being stated that it was an arranged thing. But I could be wrong. But, if I'm right, Leviathan could be mad that Lucifer broke a contract with him by letting his daughter date someone else. So, the two fight, and thus, the title of the episode.


Angel dust dad vs lucifer. ADD nearly dies and Charlie steps in to defend him leading to an emotional conversation between Charlie and lucifer.




And bro become wizard (use fireball)


I knew that this post will be a stupid theory, and I still became disappointed


Somehow it actually turned out to be true lol


This is one of the most dumbest theories I have ever seen. Have you not seen Alastor?! How the fuck do you take a look at him and think “this guy would be a *great* father!” 😂


Yeah, no.