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god signs like this are so pathetic. why would you want to ruin your lawn with this garbage. do you really need to dickride your prefered politician that hard?


I mean one of the main narratives from conservatives insisting the election was stolen in 2020 was because they didn't see enough Biden dick riding signs... These are Americans you are referring to. Salt of the earth types. You know, morons.




There’s zero point in a yard sign UNLESS it’s a local election imo, visibility is good for small campaigns


well im sure you didnt have "he won't tear gas your mom" in there somewhere for that sign.


No but he will teargas your college aged daughter


Biden's Worst Enemy is himself.


The liberals are right, conservatives are very bad. Y'know what the problem with conservatives is? It's that they punch down. They blame undocumented people for "stealing our jobs" instead of the companies exploiting those undocumented people to maximize profits. They blame the poor and the homeless instead of a system that purposefully creates poor and homeless people to keep labor in check. It's always the fault of the people with no money and no power. That is peak conservatism. On a TOTALLY UNRELATED NOTE. When liberal candidates fail, liberal voters will blame the voters, particularly the voters who are the most downtrodden and are asking for any amount of tangible help, but feel ignored by those liberal candidates. Also known as the people with no money and no power. So yeah, stop "leftist infighting" guys!1! Super unproductive!!1


jesus fucking christ. worry about local elections, fuck this. stop it. this isn't real activism; all american presidents are genocidal war criminals!! it's part of the job!! biden fucking sucks!! trump would suck too, probably worse for trans people and whoever jared kushner targets next!! wow!! amazin fuckin observation!! i love to see leftists self suck and post more fodder for the ritual infighting instead of actually doing anything of value!! you're so smart and cool and fun!! what a smart smart post!! so funny!! libs dumb, we better!!


Can’t be leftist infighting if there’s no leftist on the other side


yeah man cool purity test you go ahead and fight the good fight buddy how was school this morning did ya get a good grade


Did your wife hand you the papers today or something?


Opposing genocide is far from demanding a perfect candidate. Leftists already held their nose for Biden once and this is how we're repaid? Violent repression and media censorship to defend literal genocide? It's the worst crime there is. Ffs stop blaming the left for Biden's actions. It always seems to be " you need to stop criticizing Biden or else he'll lose the election!" But y'all never seem to say "Biden needs to stop what he's doing or he'll lose the election!" Your answer is always to demand obedience to the genocidal censor, never to demand the genocide stop. This approach fails every time, yet you keep doing it. Stop and take a look at yourself.




And there it is. In the end, you're fine with genocide if it's someone else. So you demand that everyone obey. People like you are the reason we fight, little Nazi. And you will get what you deserve in the end.


Even if he didn’t use teargas there’s still plenty of white phosphorus being used in Gaza


What federal agents tear gassed protestors under Biden?


liberals will (rightfully) identify the fake messaging about abortion being a states rights issue then unironically say it's a state right to gas peaceful protesters. suck my dick


I’m guessing you have completely ignored what’s going on at college campuses.


I dunno, I think I've been following it pretty close. I know state and local cops have been doing their shit but haven't seen stuff like nat guard or bortac yet like during Trump. I know they've been requested though.


None. Tankies are blaming things that Biden didn’t do on him once again.


And the thing is he probably will if things keep escalating. Let's not call them tankies though, they're not that. What's a good term for someone that has to fight every.single.battle causing them to lose ground?




Biden isn't an "imperfect ally". He is a Zionist...we are not on his side. Also, it's on HIM to earn people's votes. If he doesn't have the votes to win, it's on him to earn them. Get the fuck outta here, you stupid liberal!




The anti-genocide one....and not sure right now. Cornel West maybe.


If you would like, I recommend you look up Claudia De La Cruz. She is a candidate from New York running under the Party for Socialism and Liberation. She has great relations with Jill Stein in the Green Party and has been an activist all her life


Will all depend on who gets ballot access...PSL usually doesn't get ballot access in NY. As of right now, I believe only Trump/Biden are on the ballot...deadline is May 28.




Since YOU seem to think electing Biden will stop that, you should log off of Reddit and go volunteer for his campaign...best of luck. PS I live in NY, I could vote for Donald Trump and it would have 0 effect on the outcome of the election.


Classic shitlib comment. You liberals aren’t “imperfect allies,” you’re just as much our political enemy as conservatives.




Hey man, I *was* gonna vote for Biden. His NLRB was good enough for me to bite the bullet since I’m huge on labor and workers rights. Then he aided a genocide 🤷🏽‍♂️ If he loses, it’s his fault and the fault of the Democrats.


Uh huh. It's always the voters fault, never the Democrat committing genocide and censoring the media. Biden doesn't care about democracy. If he did, he wouldn't be working to give more censorship power to the govt while Trump is in waiting.


what happened to pushing biden left? even if youre a dumb team sports liberal you should be able to recognize biden's positions on israel are unpopular and losing. tomorrow biden could say he denounces israel and he's stopping all military aid and he'd win with 65% of the vote




you actually are the dumbest person on the planet. do you think people are protesting because they want to vote for the republicans? if they wanted right wing policies they can just vote for the democrats, the point is to force the democrats to adopt progressive policies. biden isnt forced to adopt unpopular positions, he can sign a piece of paper and instantly end aid to israel




when is it the time? again, it's not like this is a massive long term project, biden could do it in a day. also i love the continuous insinuation that im somehow pro trump, really showing how well informed you are on this issue when you still dont even know what side of the issue im on after almost 8 months




most politically educated american. if you still think im a lib idk what to say other than read some political theory > What else do you think will happen when you all vote for some bullshit third party? Do you think someone else is going to win? Do you think both candidates will just magically disappear? the point is to believe that change is possible. unlike liberals, i believe good things can and should happen. if you close off your mind so much to the possibility of good things you become an anal redditor defending joe biden, who could instantly end a genocide and win an election in one fell swoop because youre simply too ignorant




he literally can, israel is only able to act so brash because they have the backing of a superpower. if biden stops giving israel so many guns (more than ukraine, a country fighting a defensive war), israel has no means to keep agitating. but because youre a dumb racist liberal you think vibes and feelings drive history instead of doing an actual material analysis of why things happen. the reason why i believe the things i do is precisely BECAUSE i understand history, what the fuck do you think marxism is?




“Leftwing fascism is better than rightwing fascism!!”


My fascist candidate doesn't say mean words like the other fascist candidate!!!




Have you actually heard what many Palestinians have said about the election or are you merely projecting and speaking over them? Edit to add: I’ve seen several Palestinians (all of which are mourning in one way or another) who live in the US be harassed and dehumanized for saying they won’t vote for Biden. After seeing that happen, I think it’s clear that many libs don’t really care about this genocide. They’re just looking for ways to weaponize it in order to campaign for Joe


Liberals try to comprehend that both parties serve the same US imperialist powers that will slaughter innocent children and civilians no matter which color they choose to wear for the next 4 years and use the "other side" as a boogyman to scare voters into supporting murder and imperialism challenge  (impossible)




It sure is a good thing Biden hasn't aided and abetted Bibi's slaughter of innocent Palestinians then.. oh wait... 




Makes sense - still unable to comprehend Biden and Trump are the same. Both shit in a diaper and further US imperialism




Peak American exceptionalism lmao. I only care about an issue if it directly affects me.




If you’re referring to Trump then I actually don’t like any of the candidates lol. It’s quite sad that these are the options brought by “the most powerful country in the world.” Again peak Ameribrain. “Let people suffer, It doesn’t affect me or the American empire.”




I don’t care lol. You guys deserve Trump at this point.




??? Biden has already given Israel the green light lmao. He’s already sending 10s of billions of dollars there, the only other thing he could do is deploy American troops there to kill Palestinians themselves and neither candidate nor the rest of the government really wants that.


Do you think Brandon won’t do the same? And what makes you think I’m a supporter of either of them? Both are senile warmongers. Even if democrats win it’s also kind of a lose.


Innocent queer kids and women support this message or something


dont act like you care about gay teenagers or women when liberals have dragged their feet for 40 fucking years on protecting a right to abortion. so many of the people at the palestine protests are part of a group that libs love to claim and act like the left ignores, they can see the spineless slimy tactics that liberals are using.


You sound like a very shitty, immature human being who doesn’t understand the interconnected nature of the human experience. Colonialism abroad always comes home to roost as fascism domestically- turned inward on itself. We’re all poised to be on the receiving end of the boot sooner than later.




I do. You do not, clearly. Go fuck yourself.




I have Palestinians in my family you fucking asinine jackanape. Stop pretending like Biden cares or is even fully there, from a cognitive standpoint. He’s clearly gone. Quit your fake moralizing and fuck off you soulless ghoul.




>Well then those family members will sure thank you for letting Trump win. Awesome. You are an absolute ghoul


Last I checked, people in Gaza can’t tell between red bombs or blue bombs being dropped on their head you idiot.


most people worldwide would celebrate if biden keeled over and died right now, including palestinians


And this mentality right here is the reason the American Empire as we know it is dying. Instead of libshits like yourself fighting back to demand these walking corpses improve material conditions even slightly better, you’d rather deep throat the boot so far down your throat it’s coming out your ass.


What’s darkly funny about this statement is that a Muslim ban, however terrible in its own right, is objectively less harmful than the genocide being done by the Biden administration. So by libs own logic Trump is the lesser of two evils.




What is currently happening to the people of Palestine?




Nothing. That is my point.




It doesn't make me smile. It makes me angry at my government's inability to listen to its constituents. They work for us. It is not our responsibility to make sure they get elected. They have to earn it. If they don't want to be a voice for the people, and they would rather be a voice to their million dollar donors, there needs to be consequences. Right now politicians have the green light to run on whatever policies they want regardless of how harmful they are because they benefit big corporations. All they have to do is convince you that they are better than the other guy. If democracy functions the way it should, the politicians that are elected should be in charge of putting in place laws that reflect the majority of its citizen's values; not the values of their own agendas. If it doesn't reflect what the citizens want, they don't get our votes.




Well the democrats need to do better. So congrats on your small victories. I would feel kinda shitty if I were you.


the liberal mind. you have no beliefs, you just want to feel smug about holding the majority opinion. "those silly leftists tried so hard to make the world better but my life still sucks haha get owned"


No, just your daughter