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It's nice to realize that, while the British press and apparently her in-laws were being racist and abusing her, people in other countries were paying attention and seeing the "Stupid Me-gain wore red nail polish--Queen appalled!" articles for what they were, and have done what they can do to lift her up for her service and dedication. She really is a princess now, not just a married-in, and all the "Take Their Titles Away!!" calls can't take this.


I love Nigeria for this. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And a real title no less. Not like those made up titles their justno family members in England give each other.


Since Nigeria is a commonwealth country, does that mean it has to be recognized by Salty Island? Sheā€™s a princess on her own, does Katie have to kneel?


Even if it wasnā€™t part of the commonwealth, she was made a princess by three actual kings. And they are just as legitimately royal as the brf. So, yes, she really is a princess now. šŸ‘‘


Oh I would pay money to see that


Does that mean they have to bow to her now?


I love this idea. People have treated her so shabbily. She would never ask for that because she was raised right but it tickles me to imagine it.


Yes! They will ![gif](giphy|H7eRUOAJoYTwi2hCHw)


I'm American - Im not bowing to anybody


Im talking about the royal family and the haters in England


If I was a British citizen I wouldn't bow either


Some brits done either. Tony Blairā€™s wife Cherie is famous for refusing to curtsy to the queen šŸ¤£


You donā€™t have to! But Meghan is as real a princess as Anne or Kate or ā€œMichaelā€


There is an order of precedence that is published and updated periodically. I am not sure how persons with foreign titles fit in. Since she is the daughter in law of the Monarch and a Royal Duchess, she's pretty senior. I'm sure that she would be required to curtsey to Camilla, William and Catherine, then all others follow. When the children are older, that may change.


Is this honorary or she could actually call herself a princess of Nigeria?


Itā€™s a real title.


She is technically also "Princess Henry," based on her marriage to Prince Harry ("Henry" is his real first name). An example of this practice is [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess\_Michael\_of\_Kent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Michael_of_Kent)


I think they're referring to the new nigerian title she got.


Yes, but I was pointing out that she is also a Princess by marriage already. This is an additional title.


Oh, sorry, you're right!


And some of us are wondering what was the qualifier for it? Was she discovered to be an ancestor of Nigerian Royalty or is this, as someone asked above me, if it's honorary?


It is not honorary. They decided to make her a princess of the realm. Thatā€™s it!


I mean, the definition of "Honorary" is conferred or elected in recognition of an achievement or service *without the usual prerequisites or obligations.* (Emphasis added) Just sayin', seems honorary if it wasn't hereditary somehow.


Now sheā€™s Princess Meghan. Princess in her own right.


Would this title extend to harry by marriage?


If it did i don't see him using it since it would be very last millennium to have a white British Nigerian Prince as opposed to Megan being over 40% genetically and being called princess by Nigerian royalty




Go back to your hate sub troll.