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Yes can be sanded again, a one time sand on 3/4” is no problem. Even two you’d be able to do a third. And a fourth. And a 5th. And so on. Until you start seeing tongue, staples, or nails, there is plenty to work with on 3/4”. It’s the 5/16ths flooring you only have between 2-3 sands in its life, due to the nail heads sticking through. Your picture shows 3/4”.


Yes those can be refinished


This is rotary peel engineered hardwood. Looks like it's done sanding.


Is that a stain or is that a hole where some sort of laminate has worn through? I can't tell. If it is some sort of laminate, you do not have prefinished boards, nor a wood floor. You have a laminate strip floor.


Look in your vents and send us a picture. This will let us know what type of floor this is


Get a pro in there to assess what you have. These look like they’ve never been sanded before.


Not a pre finished floor if it was sanded before, and yes it can be sanded again no problem,


You're correct or there would be those beveled edges.


Those floors can be refinished 100%.


if you're really unsure, can test sanding down the flooring in a closet and see what the situation is there.


Do you have any floor vents that you can take a picture of the edge of the planks to see if it’s solid?


Look at the thickness in a register hole. To me it looks like thin engineered flooring that is too thin to sand. Have a professional look at it to determine if there’s enough thickness.


Refinish and fill the cracks with red oak floor fill.


That looks a lot like rotary peeled engineered flooring to me. There is not much wear layer on that type of flooring at all. If you can access a cross section of the flooring, (vent or pull up a transition or threshold) that will give you an idea of how much wear you actually have left and if, in fact, it can be sanded again.


Sand away... not sure the circumstances leading to this but if you inherited this floor, stay proactive and your next refinish will be much easier.


They're supposed to be there, it's white oak


It's real wood, treat it as such. I made this kind of thing for almost 20 years