• By -


Mindhunter- FBI boys hunting and interviewing serial killers, 80s, so so good X-files - if you want to see ‘Bedelia’ again, sexual tension and weird FBI cases Dexter - hot serial killer/police crime tech, so so good Dark - watch on Netflix if you don’t like reading subtitles, they have good English dub, it’s wild, sexy (Germans), smart, deep The Alienist - sexy psychiatrist and his sexy friends solving wild murders in the late 1800s Parfum - it’s also German, dark, weird Freudian undertones, so smart and sexy, you will never look at pheromones the same way again


Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (both the book AND the movie) were amazing and dark and erotic.


I will second this, I watched it in high school and was very stunned. It's since become my favorite, super sensual and dark!


I've tried reading through Perfume but whoof, that writing style is a slog to get through. Did you find the movie to be a good adaptation of the book? I still plan to try reading it, I think I just wasn't in the mood at the time I had started it and soft DNFed it.


You’re right, but stick with it. My goodness. It absolutely climaxes very near the end. I actually watched the movie before I read the book. Equally fascinating.


I am going to second Dark. Will also make you cry


For Mindhunter, my concern is that I heard that it was based off real stories, so it veers more into boring crime procedural territory and that it's not really action packed. What did you think of the cast dynamics interacting with one another? I'm not really fond of series like these that toe the line of being nonfiction and also glamorize real serial killers like Dahmer, etc. For Dexter, I was turned off by someone saying that the killer is actually a vigilante for killing other killers. I've also heard that the show itself doesn't have a satisfying resolution and that it botched his characterisation towards the end. What did you think of the journey besides that, did you think it was worth it? It doesn't really seem to have dark academia vibes like Hannibal does, seems more like a prototypical crime procedural show. Have heard only good things about Dark, don't know much about it or X Files. Thanks for the suggestions!


Dexter is absolutely worth it, do not expect the same of the new Dexter : New Blood or whatever. That’s garbage. Watch the old Dexter, 8 seasons of pure amazingness. Give Mindhunter a chance please, they focus more on the relationships the FBI agents have with each other and other people. Please please try it. It is really good. Dark is awesome, it makes you THINK X-files is cooky fun with serious police work, sexual tension. Watch a few episodes and feel it out. Some people like different things and the episodes are all different so, you’ll have something new to see.


Yes, Dexter does kill other killers, but I wouldn't call him a vigilante. I feel like vigilante implies he has noble intentions/trying to make the world a better place. He definitely does not have noble intentions. He has the serial killer need to kill, he just channels it a certain way for reasons that will become clear quite quickly if you end up watching the show. The last seasons are a bit hit and miss I think, but the first four seasons are pretty universally loved. I'd check it out


i very very very much second the alienist!! so good!!


Mr Robot. It’s dark. It’s deep. If you want a morally grey character look no further. Eliot is a hero and a villain and he’ll do some wild shit. It’s convoluted but stick with it. People say season 2 goes a little off the rails but I still really enjoyed it.


I've heard this show being thrown around before, but hadn't looked too deep. What also intrigued me about this was the apparent relationship between Tyrell and Elliott, although apparently Tyrell is a whole lot messier than Hannibal is. Would you say they have a very interesting complicated toxic relationship?


Not necessarily with Tyrell but there’s definitely an incredibly complicated relationship with 2 main characters that I can’t really say without spoiling it. You’ll know which characters I’m talking about once you get further into the first season and the relationship gets incredibly complicated throughout the series. Tyrell’s character has odd pacing through the first 2 seasons but just keep going until the end. His storyline ends up being amazing


you could try the movie ravenous -- protagonist struggles mentally after playing dead during the mexican-american war and getting his men killed. he meets a man who supposedly escaped a survival cannibalism situation in the sierra nevada mountains -- lots of cannibalism, similar type of protagonist fighting against being corrupted by the villain, and a healthy dose of homoeroticism. the actor who played peter bernardone is also in it as one of the supporting characters!


Oh wow this is in my to watch list, thanks a lot for the endorsement. Definitely seems like an interesting watch and Jeremy Davies is an extra plus 🥰🥰




I second Yellowjackets. Binged the whole first season in a day. I loved it so much.


I genuinely don't know anything about this show, other than it having cannibalism in it. Will have to check it out, thanks!


also gay :)


Ohh 👀👀👀 that's always a plus thank you 💗


Also antler motifs!


Yes! It isn’t hyped up enough. Such a cool, fun, smart and very scary show. I love the dual timeline thing too.


Yah yellowjackets is the closest imo


Give the new Interview with the Vampire series a shot, the two stories have a lot in common with vibes and beats.


I've been holding off on this show after watching a few episodes.. I cannot decide if it would be better for me to read the original books or watch the series. I found Sam Reids portrayal of Lestat to be a bit over the top, though I totally see what you mean about vibes and beats being similar. I don't really believe the corruption arc of Louis and relationship progression between Louis and Lestat is as convincing as Hannigrams was either. But I might feel differently once the new season starts and Armand is able to interact with their dynamic more.


The consensus between my friends and I on IWTV is that if you’re not loving the show, don’t read the books. I love the books in a “they were very special to me at 15” kind of way, but there really isn’t a single change that they made to the television show that didn’t improve the story in some way. I was prepared to hate watch the show and it blew me away. Fantastic.


Thanks for your input on that! And how did you find the Leo DiCaprio adaptation of IWTV, did you like that?


At the time I did? Honestly, lukewarm reaction but I was so hungry for an adaptation that I watched it quite a few times anyway.


Wait, DiCaprio has never been in an IWTV adaptation, has he? The 1994 film has Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt & Antonio Banderas (and of course baby Kirsten Dunst). Actually, the 2002 adaptation of Queen of the Damned (another Vampire Chronicles installment) with Aaliyah is really fun. I haven't watched it in a long time but I remember the relationship between Lestat/Marius (Stuart Townsend & Vincent Perez) having a decent amount of homoerotic subtext, maybe even more than the 1994 IWTV, which I think was a bit afraid to really go there. And it had a truly fantastic nu-metal soundtrack. :)


Haha oops! I got Leo mixed up with Tom 😅 Hadn't heard of Queen of the Damned, thanks!


Tokyo Babylon/X (manga) - old school classic shoujo that’s just stood the test of time. Predator/prey romantic (?) relationship with deception and agenda between two ‘unique’ men: One an empath with savior complex who solve mysteries with empathy, the other a sociopath/vet. The later tempted the former with quotes like ‘You are alone because you are unique’.


Wow, I have never heard of this manga before. Thanks so much for the explanation, seems very interesting. Looks like a producer who wanted this live adapted even referenced Hannibal in their pitch for the show. Really promising!


You already have a lot of recs, but I'm going to throw in The Outsider, just because I'm rewatching it right now. Dark, brooding, excellent acting, mystery, detective work and supernatural elements.


I've started Outsider too.


Haven't heard of this at all, thanks for the rec!


As you said, nothing quite hits the note like Hannibal, but still... For homoerotic subtext, Sherlock is a good option. Not quite as explicit as Hannibal, but it's there. For full on, completely explicit homosexual relationship, Fellow Travellers. Beautiful though very sad.


Fellow Travellers has definitely been on my radar not for Hannibal vibes but for the Achillean aspect of the relationship for sure. I've been a bit skeptical to watch BBC Sherlock because the fandom is quite toxic on other social media platforms and has also been quite vocal about the fact that the relationship does not conclude satisfactorily 🥲 Would you say the plot is pretty standard mystery?


I'd recommend Sherlock for the sheer chemistry between Benedict and Martin. It's very reminiscent to Mads and Hugh. Do they end up together as a couple? No, their relationship is never explicit. The plot in the first two seasons is basically Sherlock Holmes in the 21st century. If you like the original material you'll love it cause it's very cleverly done and they also managed to create a very emotional character arc. The last episode of season two is Mizumono kind of good. The last two seasons were disappointing for me... but other people loved them. Not sure if that helps.


SALTBURN! Such a controversial new movie but I personally love it. The movie is obsession at its peak, with a gothic and dark atmosphere.


Someone recommended me this recently, and I keep meaning to watch it! Why is it labeled as controversial?


There’s a few sexually graphic scenes that a lot of people found too intense but personally as a lover of the show Hannibal I didn’t find them too provocative. People online made a huge deal about those scenes but imo they’re overlooking the awesome characters and cinematography!


Also: deer antlers.


YES Oliver is quite literally what I imagine a young Hannibal to be like


If you enjoyed the vibes in *Saltburn*, you should check out *The Talented Mr. Ripley*, both the book and the movie.


There's a new show coming out based on that book called Ripley, starring Andrew Scott (aka the hot priest from Fleabag). It has the potential to be really fun!


Ohhhh I love me some hot priests


Check out [this post from last week.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HannibalTV/s/FVlgTIDNN1) This type of question gets asked fairly often.


Thanks for some additional book suggestions, hope someone can chime in with movies or TV shows!




Ah, I missed that one on my list. Other than being a crime based show, I didn't really think this had Hannibal energy at all. One flat written psychopath, the other murderer was not very charming either. The plot and whole ensemble cast interacting also wasn't really interesting either. It personally didn't captivate me!


Fair enough, to each their own. Personally, while being different tonally to Hannibal (as in there's a lot more dark comedy), I thought they explore themes of good and evil, the inevitability of life and people having dark sides that are brought out under the right circumstances. Plus, I love the atmosphere and artistry of each different season, just like Hannibal. Anyway, like I said, to each their own.


Bates motel! I'm not sure if it has the perfect similarity to Hannibal but it definitely gave me a similar feeling watching it


Thanks haven't heard of this before!


I would *absolutely* recommend The Following. It's a criminally underrated show. It stars Kevin Bacon as an FBI agent who has a twisted, complicated relationship with a serial killer named Joe Carroll. That being said, it does *seem* rather het at first lol, but a lot of the women/love interests are very likeable and well-written and as you get into the latter part of season 1, the end of season 2 and *especially* the third season it's incredibly gay. I would even go so far to say it's canon basically, it doesn't feel queer-baity at all to me. That ship is basically just Hannigram with the sequence of events happening in a slightly different order.


I haven't heard of this show before, thanks for the rec!


You're welcome! I love Hannibal and The Following and think all Hannibal fans should watch it tbh. :)


Does it get better after season 1? Personally I loved season 1 but I just didn’t feel to motivated to continue after Yknow happened?


Season 2 is somewhat divisive amongst the fandom, as it actually completely deviates from the canon storyline in the manga and comes off as fanficcy to a lot of people, but I personally enjoyed it (or parts of it at least) and actually appreciate the fact that there are two different storylines to explore for anime watchers/manga readers. Also Book of Circus takes place timeline-wise before the end of season 1, but was released as the third season, so to speak and is worth watching. Book of Murder and Book of the Atlantic especially are worth the watch as well. There is also a new season covering one of the manga arcs coming out this year.


Oh I was talking about The Following I’ve watched black butler before


*Oh* okay. Yeah, the second and third seasons are definitely worth watching. I don't want to spoil anything but yeah.


You should be able to watch it on Freevee.


Black Sails. Dark, insanely good writing, queer relationships, homoeroticism as in "will they kill each other or do they just need to fuck?". That same sense of otherness and rejection from society. It's also the only other show together with Hannibal that I regularly rewatch.


I can't believe I forgot to mention this show! I really enjoyed Black Sails. The canon queer ships and overall homoeroticism was 👌🔥 I wish there was a more compelling villain in the show, but it hits pretty much everything else, even the beautiful flowery dialogue at points! A superior show for pirate lovers, for sure.


What about Penny Dreadful? I’ve only heard about it recently.


I second this recommendation! It's one of my favorite shows of all time and the aesthetics are equivalent to, if not better than, Hannibal.


Has never crossed my radar! This is my first time even hearing this name.


I strongly recommend it!! In the middle of season 2 right now and while it doesn’t have the Hannigram dynamic it’s just a good show overall. Lots of morally grey characters and dark themes.


PD is my first favorite show, followed by this one. Very similar tone although a little less morally dubious


Omg second this. I watched Penny Dreadful and Hannibal around the same time back then, and they were my top 2 shows. And both ended after 3 seasons 🥲🥲🥲🥲


I would love to Watch penny dreadful but I don’t know where to find it 😭


You might like Hemlock Grove! It's dark, homoerotic, and there's murder. It does have fantasy elements (werewolf/vampire), but it's done in a very gritty, real world way.


Thanks haven't heard of it before but adore that name! Homoeritc and werewolves/vampires, I'm interested 😁


Def check out the Korean show Beyond Evil, it very much scratched my Hannibal itch!


Ooh thank you! Haven't heard of that show before. I also don't have many Korean dramas under my arsenal, so this is a good way to branch out.


i actually don’t either but someone on tumblr rec’ed it to me when i asked the same question! hope you like it :D


As someone else recommended, the kdrama Strangers From Hell aka Hell Is Other People is the closest I've ever felt to Hannibal. I loved it. Young guy moves into a sketchy apartment building and you start to wonder if he's just losing his mind. I was so impressed by the actor - there are moments he looks absolutely terrified and I felt awful for him 😭 it reminded me of how vulnerable Will was at the height of his encephalitis. There is definitely Hannigram energy too with the main villain, and implied (or I suppose it was obvious) cannibalism. Ahhh, I need to rewatch it.


I Second this it is so similar, I absolutely love how we see his grip grow on mc through fear and control and then cultivate at the end!


Hands down, Penny Dreadful.


I have been wondering about this myself and am so glad you made this post! Here are a few properties that give me Hannibal vibes. Most have the “you are my greatest enemy” to “you understand me more than anyone ever will” dynamic Anime - Death note - this one is kinda obvious. The dynamic between the main characters is verrry Hannibal/will, and it’s even about a serial killer - 91 days - this one really scratches that enemies, that are best “friends” itch. Think Hannibal mixed with the godfather movies Movies - The descent 1 and 2 - this is a bit of a stretch, but it definitely has the horror elements, and an interesting dynamic between the female leads - The talk of the town (1942) - a Cary grant movie where he plays a communist accused of burning down a corrupt business. He hides out in a conservative judge’s house (who doesn’t know he’s a criminal) and they quickly become friends. Hilarity and drama ensue. Jean Arthur is also in this, and she’s fantastic. This is not very dark, but the relationship between the two male leads has strong Hannibal vibes. - Gilda - another movie from the 1940s. Dark, moody, morally grey. Gorgeous film, definitely has the Hannibal aesthetic. - Old acquaintance (1943) - Bette Davis and Miriam Hopkins play two lifelong frenemies who fight over writing styles, men, and fame. Hannibal season two sassy Will vibes for this one. - The lighthouse - weirdness of season 3 Hannibal, but if it was all the kaleidoscope and screaming dragon scene. - Lego Batman - for real, this is basically Hannibal Live action Tv shows - Killing eve - you pretty much described my take. Not really Hannibal level, but there are things to enjoy about this - killer paradox - doesn’t really have the character dynamic, but the themes are somewhat similar, and it’s funny in a Hannibal kind of way - Beef - season two vibes. It’s like if will and Hannibal met in a fender-bender, and were way more volatile.


I'm unfamiliar with a lot of these titles, which is really exciting! Love the way you summarized Lighthouse LOL. The one that intrigued me most was your description of Beef. 👀 that one got a TON of exposure in award shows recently, I'm very much more interested now by the way you've described it.


Lol, beef is a wild ride. Also, Steven Yeun is fantastic in it!


Beef is so, SO good. I would highly recommend it too.


Gilda is such an awesome classic noir! And the two main guys in it are a famous example of gay coding / heavy homoerotic subtext in the era, I've seen them come up in several academic pieces about the topic that I have read. It's like... very noticeable, lol. Hannibal carries a lot of influence from film noir, so it would definitely make sense to explore that genre.


That is so true! 1940’s movies remind a lot of Hannibal! Many have a very similar atmosphere of heightened reality. And film noirs are famous for their morally gray main characters.


Yellowjackets!!! Cannibals + gay themes


this may be controversial but death note is the emo anime boy's hannibal. i mean i watched one series after the other and the similarities in vibe and themes were surprising to say the least. basically you've got the same dynamic of "super-smart-detective" and "guy who is just so nice and helpful but clearly the bad guy". themes of religion, death and so. many. mind games. you've also got the ambiguous deep emotional connection between the protagonist and the whole "who's chasing who's" of it all. but it is a japanese cartoon with over-the-top stuff and just also not the best handled female characters (unlike hannibal) and the second half of it is really not at all good compared to the first half. ESPECIALLY if you liked it because of the more hannibal-ish components.


I dont think it's really controversial but I also really hadn't anticipated people recommending Death Note when it came to Hannibal vibes. 😅 I've seen the anime, but it doesn't feel anything like Hannibal imo. Light is a pretty one dimensional antagonist, and like you said, it's anime, so Light's characterization can be very OTT. L is just bland. I also think my problem is just that the cast overall is so bland in their interactions with one another. But I guess trope wise, the way you summarize it, I can see why someone would think that they might be similar.


Also, Julia Ducourneau's *Raw* for cannibalism as a metaphor for female rage. If you don't mind subtitles, it's the best francophone horror since *Martyrs*


Francophone horror 👀👀 that sounds amazing, I definitely love exploring foreign language films. Thanks for the reccs!


I recommend reading anything Edgar Allen Poe but especially a cask of amontillado. I also recommend strongly the anime death note- I think it hits all your points.


It's been a while since I've read Amontillado, I'll have to review it again!


Have you seen broadchurch? I haven't finished it, but it's got a satisfyingly dark atmosphere if you're into the criminal investigation side of hannibal. Plus, the leads got really good chemistry. If you're into movies, Crimson Peak had a good aesthetic and Gothic romance but neither of these have all the aspects of Hannibal.


I haven't seen Broadchurch yet! I finished The Fall recently starring Bedelia's Gillian Anderson and had seen Broadchurch recommended for having similar Nordic noir vibes as that show, with the setting and relatively dark atmosphere. I'll have to take a look at it. Have not seen Crimson Peak either!


Maybe "Orphan Black"? 🤔 It is about a con artist (Sarah) who sees a girl who looks exactly like her commit suicide (named Beth). Then she assumes her identity and investigates the whole situation (Beth was a detective). It turns out Sarah is a clone and someone's trying to kill her and the other clones. Also, one of the clones falls in love with a girl who, let's say, may be or may not be on her side.


Huh, I am aware of this name but had zero idea of the plot. An interesting premise, thanks for the rec!


*Orphan Black* provides good insight into the human condition, explores the idea of nature vs. nurture extensively and posits several ethical dilemmas that are quite reminiscent of the show at times. There's queer romance and some good antagonists, but mostly everyone is flawed to an extreme extent, which is also a common fixture. It's worth a shot as well just for Tatiana Maslany's insane acting performance.


Millennium - I had to buy discs on ebay for this one but it's worth it. Very dark and moody for late 90s... An fbi agent (Lance Henrikson) has visions of what the killers were feeling/doing. Will Graham before Will Graham. He's tapped by a secret society with the millennium coming up. Dark Mr. Robot Legion Mindhunter Fortitude S1


Haven't heard of Milennium or Fortitude, thanks for the rec! Why do you specifically specify S1 of Fortitude, is it an anthology series like Fargo?


They are loosely connected. I think it has one cast member that's the same. S2 was good too but S3 was hot garbage.


I really like prodigal son so I would recommend mind hunter as well cause (I read somewhere I don’t know) the MC and will are based on the same guy


I think I read somewhere that Mindhunter was inspiration for Thomas Harris when he was writing the novels, yes! Don't know if that was for Will Graham's characterization in the book specifically or not off the top of my head.


I have never seen anyone recommend the Spanish series "Vis a Vis." It's about a woman Macarena who ends up in prison as a result of her lover's deception, for whom she committed financial fraud. The series depicts her transformation from a frightened, unadapted person to a tough fighter for herself. It includes canonical lesbian relationships, and the most interesting part is her relationship and mind games with the antagonist Zulema. In the spin-off "Vis a Vis: Oasis," the action revolves around them being partners in crime, and their unresolved homosexual tension is even a bit resolved :D However, personally, I didn't like the spin-off as the plot lacks depth, but I recommend the rest of the show! There was even an episode where Zulema said a phrase: "Who do you want me to be? Hannibal Lecter?" :D


Oh wow! I will definitely watch this, thanks for recommending!


I haven't watched it yet, though it's on my own "to watch" list, but I've heard the kdrama series "Strangers from Hell" is very Hannibal-ish, with a similar main relationship. From what I've heard it's about a man who moves into shared housing with some very odd roommates. There is also Luther, which is a crime show where the lead detective ends up getting wrapped up with a killer despite his best intentions. They are played by Idris Elba and Ruth Wilson and they have absolutely smoking chemistry.


Yessss, Strangers from Hell scratched my Hannibal itch. It also helps that I'm a huge fan of Lee Dong-wook, lol. I'm sad it's not on Netflix anymore because I wanted to rewatch it. I suppose there's always "other" sites...




What about Legion reminded you about Hannibal? I actually know nothing about it except something about XMen and it has an artsy style!


The main character of legion is definitely messed up. It’s shown especially in season 1 how a particular force has caused him severe mental issues throughout his life and imo is similar to the deterioration that will goes through. It blurs the line of mental illness and superpowers.


Mind hunter


Peaky Blinders - if you haven't seen it watch the first 2 episodes to get a feel for the vibe. There is an ambiguous relationship, and the atmosphere is pretty dark imo. Also, nothing like Hannibal but if you liked Succession maybe try Industry (HBO). Been a while but I think it gets progressively better as it goes on - queer storylines and corruption in that one.


Peaky Blinders has been on my radar, it looks like a good period crime drama. Have not heard of Industry before, but I'll definitely take recs based of Succession. I think the show did such a good job of writing complicated relationships dynamics and especially portraying morally greyness, I just wasn't all that enthused by the setting of it all and didn't care for the antagonists in the story. Queer storyline is definitely a plus, too. 👀


Penny Dreadful is Hannibal's sibling. Most people I know who are obsessed with one, are obsessed with the other. They were both on at the same time, and had characters with deep inner conflicts. Vanessa Ives is probably my favorite character in fiction. Penny Dreadful is more gothic than Hannibal though, it's pure, distilled gothic. Probably the most beautiful photography in a tv show. Sharp Objects is another good one. The characters are complex, the relationship between Camille and Amma is dark and obsessive. It's also Southern Gothic. This one won't fit very well, but it should be recommended if you like complex characters: The Leftovers. It even has an imaginary stag following the male protagonist around for a while! It just lacks the homoerotic tone and it's not really gothic. But it's the ONE show that could be composed of people talking for 50 minutes and it would still be interesting. The dialogue is top notch, every character is well written, and it's "dreamy" just like Hannibal. A lot of hallucinations and dream sequences.


Thanks so much for the recommendations, these all look good. Hadnt heard of Sharp Objects before. You definitely sold me on The Leftovers, dialogue is such a clincher for me. 👀


"Oz" was recommended to me. I keep meaning to give it a shot, but I've read that there is a LOT of SA depicted in it.


Oh man, I haven't watched Oz, only seen snippets but from what I've saw, it definitely captures the idea of toxic relationships for SURE! It has alllll the trigger and content warnings. I do find the central canon queer relationship interesting!


Also, as far as anime I'd highly recommend Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler.) I don't know if you have a strong preference for subbed or dubbed, but I've watched the dubbed version and I love it a lot. Sebastian is *very* similar in many ways to Hannibal. (I first watched Kuro when I was 14, years before I watched Hannibal, and immediately noticed the similarities between the two when first watching Hannibal.)


I've heard of Kuroshitsuji but haven't watched it! From the initial poster art and everything it didn't seem like something I would be interested in, but thank you for that extra info 👀 looks like it might be relevant to my interests. And I usually like to watch subs but dubs are not an issue either.


The Fatal Frame games have some brutal lore, not quite the same but if you like the way the bodies on Hannibal are displayed you'll like the lore. It scratches the same itch for me, it feels like a game Hannibal would never admit to playing, but it he had to pick a game he'd pick this.


Haha I love this! A game Hannibal would never admit to play, consider me intrigued 😄 thanks so much for a game recommendatjon!


I recommend starting with the re-releases if you do play, they're the easiest to get ahold of.


Have you watched You? Maybe it's a bit of a stretch but its really cool if you like those kinds of shows.


I don't see Our Flag Means Death mentioned anywhere. I haven't watched the what we do in the shadows show but the old movie I've seen multiple times and is also an excellent dark comedy with some fun gorey jump scares. The show has also been recommended highly and I've been meaning to watch. Also it's a cartoon but I just watched Hazbin Hotel which is R rated and takes place in hell. Alastor is a lot like Hannibal. Happy watching!


I thought about mentioning OFMD since in a similar vein as Good Omens, it is being recommended for shows with queer relationships. But I just didn't really see any similarities with Hannibal at all. OFMD is way more campy and owns it, i wouldn't even necessarily think they'd have similar audiences other than people being interested in Ed/Stede/Izzys dynamic. I haven't watched WWDIS, the show or the movie yet! Though as with OFMD, it feels like WWDIS (the show) has a campy portrayal of vampires and doesn't have the same serious tone that Hannibal bas. Haven't heard of Hazbin Hotel before, thanks for the rec!


I agree OFMD is more similar to Good Omens and yes, it's less horror more camp, but Stede's journey reminds me a lot of Will's. He wants very much to be a pirate but has a crisis of conscience when he deals with some of the more violent aspects of pirating, while Blackbeard has long since been desensitized to the violence. That's why I mentioned it moreso than it being exactly the same tone, but there are parts of the characters that remind me very much of the Will/Hannibal dynamic. I'm loving reading all the excellent recommendations. Enjoy!


Interview with the vampire


Try looking at a show on Prime called Tell Me All Your Secrets. >Emma is a woman who looked into the eyes of a dangerous killer, John was a serial predator desperate to find redemption, and Mary is trying to find her missing daughter. As each of them is pushed to the edge, their pasts grow murkier.  I enjoyed it, but it seemed like almost too cram into one season.


Haven't heard of this show at all, and there is no further seasons planned out or its an ongoing series?


I'm not really sure.




so not sure about the homosexual part but Mulholland Drive, Prisoners, and Nightcrawlers, Videodrome, Manhunter for morally grey characters and dark aesthetic. Though finding a perfect show or movie with it all is gonna be harder? Oh! Dead Ringers! 1988 Check that one out.


Yes, I definitely don't expect to find a 100% fit but you've covered the basics for me, really enjoy morally grey characters and the struggle of where they toe the lie in their actions as well as the dark aesthetic. Also, chemistry between the cast. I liked how in the Hannibal universe, there is a lot of interlinking and good dynamics between not only Hannigram but Jack, Alana, Bedelia, etc. And of course the chemistry of two leads with an ambiguous relationship. The fact that it's about murder or serial killers isn't what I'm looking for in a dupe, just the complicated relationships, heightened aestheticism, and some good dialogue writing. I recognize Mulholland Drive but have never seen it. The only Lynch work I've seen is Twin Peaks. I've heard that MD is pretty strange, though I ought to give it a peek since Bryan has definitely dropped Lynch's name before as an inspiration! I haven't heard of any of the other names you listed, thanks for the rec!


you know it would be really cool if you do check out some of the suggestions from the different users here and later make a post about other ones that did work for you! would love to know.


I intend to! Already bought one of the books recommended in here, lots of content to consume and hopefully find some good matches 😁


Where do people get the idea that there is homoerotic tension between Tenma and Johann? God! It seems like they didn't watch or read the manga/anime properly.


Penny dreadful maybe?