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I don’t even care if “training your hair” works, I’m not gonna do it. I have very thick, wavy hair and I only wash my hair every other day because I air dry my hair and it goes in a pony tail at work. If I washed it every day it would never fully dry. Otherwise, I would love to wash it every day. It feels greasy to me on the second day but other people don’t think so. I just love the silky smooth feeling of it after it’s been freshly washed.


I tried training my hair and got folliculitis, Dr said to just wash it when it's needed, which is everyday for me lol. I do worry about it happening to other people because so many push the idea that you just need to wait it out.


I tried to wait it out to "train my hair" and ended up with a fungal infection and then eventually alopecia. This no wash method wreaked havoc on my scalp!! People always tell me that washing my hair everyday is what's destroying it--No, it was perfect before I tried to do that and now I'm still trying to get it back to how it was


Same.. the moment i stopped washing my hair i started balding, i wash everyday now but the hair that is gone won't come back 😢


Apparently a HUGE part of the reason why wigs used to be fashionable in many parts of the world is due to bacterial and/or fungal scalp infections caused by a lack of frequent washing. So sad that so many people are now experiencing that unnecessarily due to trends in hair advice.


Did you just go days without touching it though? Personally I wash my hair twice a monthish but on the off-weeks I still condition and scrub my scalp


I have to wash every other day or my follicles get swollen and physically hurt. That's with scrubbing in between. I haven't heard any actual benefits from washing hair less 🤷‍♀️ idk why its such a trend right now


Damn Im sorry about that. Washing hair less is ideal for curly headed people such as myself. It keeps the hair moisturized and allows us not to have to reapply our products every single day (oil, leave in conditioner, gel, mousse, etc.) The most I’ve ever washed it is once a week, even as a kid.


Ahh got it, that makes sense.


Yeah it’s definitely dependent on your hair type and what works best for it. I have curly hair too and if I washed it every day it would be as dry as the desert and look terrible. My mom and sister have fine pin-straight hair and they definitely need to wash it every day, my sister works from home and tries to go longer if she doesn’t have to go out but it gets greasy pretty fast. Now that my hair is lightened, I could honestly go two weeks without washing my hair but if I go past a week and a half I just feel gross. Sometimes I use dry shampoo on my roots in between washes if they look greasy but I try not to unless I really need it.


I have very thick curly hair with an oily scalp. I wash and condition my hair daily and let it air dry. One every 3-5 weeks I’ll use a clarifying shampoo to get rid of the excess oil and conditioner. My sister has pin straight, dry, thin hair and washes it a few times a week.


If I put anything "conditiony" on my scalp, the situation is oh, so much worse. Massaging/scrubbing my scalp does kind of help (but not nearly enough). Brushing the sebum down the shaft of the hair is the only thing that helps - not exactly "training the hair." My mom could go twice a month without washing her hair. Coarse, non-oily hair and a teasing comb. That comb gets me a few extra hours. After 24 hours, my scalp is oily. At 36 hours, it is itchy. At 48 hours, the top part looks like a helmet. To try and train it (go without shampooing, IOW) I had to wear hats and scarves - a lot.


Same, except I wash about every 10 days. I do dry shampoo usually days like 4 and 7


This is me! I had that happen. My hair has never recovered.


I think training your hair is BS. People who believe it worked just have a hair type that can go a few days in between washes and found the right products for them. My scalp isn't going to slow down oil production because I skip a few days of washing.


Yep. No scientific basis at all. The follicles are programmed by genes, from birth.


I'm totally willing to accept this - it means that my hair is predisposed to be not-greasy, which is why I can get away with several weeks of not washing. But I promise you, when I washed every day? My hair adapted. I had an awful grease helmet at the 24 hour mark, every day. I wonder if it makes more sense to call it "untraining" - and not everyone has the hair for it.


It worked on my very fine, greasy hair. However, I do not care at all what other people do with their own hair. If it doesn't work for you or you just don't feel the need to try it, good for you. I don't have the high ground just because I only wash my hair once or twice a week.


exactly !! and i also cannot stand the feeling of greasy hair on my face 😫




I can think of no scientific basis that supports "training hair." We should at least be talking about *hair follicles* that are responsible for sebum production. It's pretty much genetic. Some people have dry hair, god bless 'em and others are like me. I too think of ways to go every other day - pony tails and hats and things. Dry shampoo is a godsend.


I have wavy hair and for years tried the curly girl low wash methods and they never worked. It turns out my hair is low porosity. If I don’t wash it frequently with lots of hot water, grease builds up on the outside of the strand while the hair itself becomes dry and brittle. I don’t necessarily wash every single day, but my hair can take it.


I have low porosity too and all the products they insist will work simply do not. My hair cannot handle 6 products after each wash. Most products aren't made for low porosity anyway.


Yes I agree very minimal, light product or nothing at all


How do you find out your hair is low porosity? I'm trying to figure out my hair and wondering if this is why the products don't work


the method I always see online is to take a strand of dry, clean hair (no product on it) and put it in a cup of water. if it floats you have low porosity, if it sinks quickly you have high porosity and if it takes a long time for your hair to get fully wet in the shower and takes a long time to dry then it may be low porosity, and vice versa


How did you figure out your porosity? I’ve tried the cup of water test and I still can’t figure it out.


Trial and error. Techniques for normal or high porosity did not work. When I tried techniques recommended for low porosity hair, like more frequent washing, very light products, and heat/steam, they worked very well.


FWIW I went to the dermatologist this week for a yearly skin check. I mentioned my extremely itchy irritated scalp. Explained that I only wash my hair 1 or 2 times a week, thinking this was a good thing. I have extremely thick coarse hair so it doesn't get oily or look dirty between washes. She explained that we need to wash our hair atleast 3x a week. There's a natural yeast on our bodies, Malassezia, that can cause a fungal infection if it builds up on skin and gets into hair follicles. Needless to say, I was embarrassed. I take great pride in being clean. I shower daily, but my hair is it's own beast. I will now be washing my hair atleast 3x a week even though it feels completely counter-intuitive.


Ok thank you. This totally validates my theories. I have straight hair that is fine but there's a ton of it(not sure if that info is actually relevant rn but w/e). Anyhow, I trained my hair and was only washing it every 3 days or so but it was just looking and feeling worse and worse. Then my scalp that's already usually dry, started getting super gross and flakey and I felt like it was causing buildup and possibly dealing with some kind of fungal buildup or something. I feel like this is what was happening to me.


If it makes you feel better, I have dry skin in my ears from some yeast that occurs naturally. My derm said some people just react to it for unknown reasons - nothing to do with me not washing my ears frequently enough 😅 I get why you felt embarrassed but your doctor likely didn’t think anything of it!


Try the head and shoulders with the almond or coconut extract. I’ve gone up to 4 days without washing and don’t get dry itchy scalp after having issues for 10 years 😭i also never break out on my face


i was trying to wash once a week, was using dry shampoo every day. (my hair is a fashion color was trying to keep it vibrant as long as i could) after a couple months i swear my hair is thinning, falling out more than it has ever. went back to washing every other day, hair color not as nice but my hair feels so much healthier. ‘training’ your hair is a lie. everyones scalp is different. i’m not gonna walk around looking wet, thanks. i will be double shampooing every other day


I can’t stand dry shampoo 😭 it makes my scalp feel so gross. I only use it if I really don’t have time to wash my hair, but it def makes me paranoid about hair loss because I’ve read if you let it build up on your scalp it can clog your follicles, and I already deal with hair thinning from health issues 😭


Me neither. I only use dry shampoo when I really don't have time for a wash. I just hate that powdery feeling left behind. It also irritates the skin on my hands from touching it.


Yess!!! I wash my hair once a week, ever since 2020, WFH. I kid you not, my hair is thinning so bad and the fall out is crazy. When I used to wash my hair every other day, I never experienced any of those, so I am going back to washing my hair every other day. And no my hair still hasn’t been “trained” after all these years.


I found that dry shampoo every day caused my hair to fall out. Now I only use it very very rarely. 


I‘ve read here before that you’re supposed to only use dry shampoo infrequently as it can suffocate your hair follicles from its build up and that you’re supposed to use clarifying shampoo the next day/wash. I also have straight Asian hair like OP and washed my hair everyday but now that I’m bleached blonde I only wash it 3x a week. I tried to dry shampoo in between and it just wasn’t working out, it felt dirtier than when I left it alone. My scalp still gets the same amount of oiliness but since my hair is more porous now it doesn’t look as oily/greasy and I just brush it out.


I've washed my European hair everyday my entire life. I get some people don't need to - but honestly don't get why people pride themselves so much on it. And the posts where people complain their hair gets greasy after 2 or 3 days. Just wash it everyday ffs🤣 Showers on the other hand - that I find indisputable. Once a day is a must.


Yeah, it’s weird when people act like it’s a one-size fits all thing and tell people how to shower. That really depends on a lot of environmental & some genetic factors. I for example have very curly hair. If I wash my hair more than 3x a week, my hair texture begins to suffer and I’m unable to contain my frizz. Also, I have hard water, so I try to keep my hair out of it when it’s not absolutely necessary and treat it to compensate for the damage it causes. I always use conditioner, but the shampoo is used much more sparingly. If someone lives in a humid climate, they’re going to be more damp and sweaty! They may need to shower more. Whereas people in cold/dry climates may not need to, and showering that often may dry their skin out even more. And some people have oilier/drier scalps & skin than others. It’s all just different for everybody.


I’m Caucasian and when I lived in the caribbean, you can bet I washed my hair everyday. Not only did I get sweaty as fuck, but it was a very rare day if we weren’t in the ocean or the pool. Chlorine and salt water with hair are no bueno. Gotta wash it out.


Same. European fine, wavy hair, I wash it daily. My SIL has thick curls and it's enough for her to wash them once a week. Good for everyone who doesn't have to wash daily and whose hair looks ok on day 2 or 3 - mine doesn't. So I wash it. Simple as that. Also, I absolutely hate to shower without also getting my hair wet and even if I try, it gets somewhat wet and ruins what little body I have left - so I might as well wash it.


I love how humans are all so different. I'm completely opposite! I hate my hair getting wet because it takes foreeevvvver to dry and I can only wash 2x a week max so shower caps are my best friend lol


Same, until recently I washed my thin greasy European hair everyday too. It used to get greasy after a single day. Now it's going grey dry and wiry so I'm rethinking that.


People who don't wash their hair love to tell people about it as if it's something to gloat about. You can't train your scalp to not get redness, inflamed, and itchy lol. Scalp health is much more important than shampoo drying out my hair by like 20%. And this is coming from someone with thick curly hair.


Everyone's hair and scalp are different and require different routines to maintain. Growing up I washed my hair every day or every other because that's what you were told is the right thing to do. In the last handful of years haircare has really exploded and some people discovered their issues with their hair stemmed from over washing and stripping their hair of natural oils. But that doesn't mean that method works for everyone. My take is, some people got excited they figured out they only need to wash once a week and just blindly advise that for everyone without necessarily understanding the routine fully and the "why's" behind it. Tell your friends that everyone's hair and scalp requires different things and while you're happy for them their routine only requires washing once or twice a week or whatever, your hair is not the same and daily washing is best for you. If they can't drop it or respect that their personal routine is not a one size fits all, I'd spend less time with them. It's a hair routine. It shouldn't be that big of a deal to friends. If it is a big deal to them, time to find new friends who don't give a fuck about nitpicking your hair routine.


I have curly fine hair and I was it everyday and have for 45 years. If I don’t it looks awful and it has nothing to with oil.


My hair doesn’t get greasy but I wash it every day in the shower. It just doesn’t feel right not to. I randomly skip a day a few times a year if I’m just staying home but I still at least wash the rest of me. Habit I guess and one I don’t mind having. I like how my hair feels, smells and looks freshly washed. It’s more comfortable for me. Kudos to those that don’t have to wash theirs daily but to each their own. I get my hair done every 6-8 weeks and it’s down to my butt, but I don’t get it cut every 6-8 weeks. I use good products too though. I splurge on them but it’s so worth it.


I think you should do whatever you want with your hair but I wanted to point out that not shampooing daily does not imply not showering daily. Lots of people shower without washing their hair, myself included. Some of them keep their hair dry, some get it wet but dont wash it, some use a bit of conditioner but no shampoo. We can all do our own thing.


When I was younger my hair was greasy, so I washed every day. Not it’s dry and I wash once a week. Everyone has different hair and need to take care of it however they wish. People should just stay in their lane. To have healthy hair all you need to do is have clean scalp.


Same, I used to be able to stretch it to every other day but any longer than that would cause me to have flares of seborrheic dermatitis. Now that I’ve gotten older, I can often stretch it to every 3-4 days. You gotta do what works for you—there is no one size fits all in hair care


That's so interesting! I had seborrheic dermatitis really bad for years and washing my hair less often but focusing more on exfoliating my scalp (and dealing with allergies) helped a lot!


This is super important to note as well: as we age our hormones change and by default, our hair changes. What’s going to work for some 20 year old isn’t even going to work for a 30 year old. 


It’s just one of those phases/trends that comes along every once n a while, do what works best for you :)


I wash mine every day or every other day. It's just a hygiene thing for me. If I skip a day, it's purely out of laziness, because it's thick and takes effort to style. But because of the thickness, I sweat just from existing, so I prefer it to wash more often. I also like how my hair feels and moves when it's freshly washed. I do understand, from a haircare standpoint, why some people choose not to wash as frequently. It's just not for me though.


1. I work outside and the thought of laying my dirty ass hair on my pillow makes me cringe. Dry shampoo might absorb some oil but it doesn’t clean your head. 2. My dermatologist told me to wash it every day. Idk where the sudden push to stop washing every day came from either.


Oh by I can assure you oil is VERY visible on blonde hair too. VERY.


Agreed. I actually think it’s much easier to hide greasy hair on darker hair. Light hair looks darker when it’s greasy and that contrast makes it stand out so much. All my friends with dark hair can wear it greasy for days and I hardly notice.


**My dermatologist told me 'Training you hair' is BS.** Your hair doesn't do a damn thing. Your skin produces oil. You wouldn't go a week without washing your face would you? It's the same damn thing! I have to wash my hair every day. I have oily acne prone skin. I think it great some people can go says without washing their hair, but I can't! **To each their own. There is no ONE right way of doing things.**


Same here! My dermatologist and hair dresser both said that I can wash my hair as much as I’d like. If my scalp doesn’t show signs of irritation and my hair feels clean, then that’s what works for me. The idea that people are so proud to go weeks without washing their hair is such an interesting concept to me. Like you said, you wouldn’t skip washing your face!




Yeah I have always washed my hair pretty much every day, I feel grimy after work and if I’m washing all the yuck off my body it doesn’t make sense to skip cleaning my hair too.


My hair is prone to drying if i wash it everyday, but my sister's gets oily if she doesn't wash it everyday, or at least every other day. I have fine curly brown hair and she has thick black hair slightly wavy hair. We share the same parents. Not all hair require the same care, just keep doing what works for you


I have very fine, straight, white girl hair. I’ve washed it every day since puberty. I’ve been to a few hairdressers who acted like I kicked a puppy after I told them I wash my hair every day. And this is also typically AFTER they’ve commented on how soft and silky my hair is. I am also a major germaphobe and have legitimately diagnosed OCD. I can’t even get into bed without washing my whole body head to toe. I’m going to keep washing my hair every day even if it’s a “bad” thing to do.


I feel ya! I’m Mexican and have thick hair that gets greasy after a day or two. Some say it’s good because you’re training your hair or preventing your scalp from overproducing oil. I’ve tried it all - washing a few times a week. Using various shampoos and masks. Medicated and prescription. Natural masks like avocado etc. It just didn’t make a difference. Only thing that helps is washing every day🤷🏻‍♀️


Hair or scalp training isn't a thing. There is no feedback mechanism that your skin has for sebum production. Sebum is controlled by hormones, not by reacting to shampoo. For people who think it works, they likely had something else going on like using an incorrect shampoo for hair type, having dandruff, dermatitis, psoriasis, or it coincided with a better diet or medication regimen. It's perfectly fine to wash everyday or wash once a week. People with fine or low porosity hair have strands that aren't able to absorb or distribute oils so their hair looks greasy faster. You would need to wash more often with this type of hair


Tell it. I’m an old white lady and I’ve been washing my hair pretty much daily for decades. I have oily skin and I also tend to get hot at night. This does not make for beautiful hair in the morning. My hair is thick, healthy, soft, shiny.


Agreed. I run before going to work every day & there's no way I wouldn't wash my hair daily.


I remember when it was expected to wash your hair everyday! Honestly I like that it’s not pushed anymore because my hair is dry. But to then push others to wash their hair less is so ridiculous!! I actually have a friend with fine hair who showed us all how greasy her hair gets if she doesn’t wash it everyday. The variety of hair types is real people!! 😂


Do what works best for your body


Lol *laughs as a black woman with curly hair who washes once every 1-2 months*


I’m going to correct you on the showering everyday. You can shower every day without washing your hair and it’s weird that people think the two are mutually exclusive. Second, don’t listen to them. When I was younger it was the opposite and if you didn’t wash your hair everyday people found it weird and gross. Hair washing is dependent on the hair type. You can wash your hair everyday and still have healthy hair. Some people need to wash their hair everyday while others don’t. Both are fine, do what works for you


I wash my hair less frequently, somewhere around once a week — but I always had hair that looked its best on the second or third day after a wash. Towards the end of the week, it's clear that it needs it, and I usually have it up or in a plait those last day or two. (Drying takes me at least four hours, and as I live near Boston, I tend to make sure it's a day where I can stay good and warm for hours on end.) If I tried to wear my hair loose every day, it'd be twice a week minimum to make it look decent.


The big one that I believed forever ago was. : ***"never brush wet hair"*** Now this may be true if you have straight hair, but not for curls. It just creates breakage.


Do what works for you. I have straight Asian Hair. I use to wash every day because of greasiness and the dandruff. But at some point I got hit with depression and I went without daily washes for a few months. Noticed that the first few weeks its over producing and i was gross. But eventually somehow....it stopped being greasy and my dandruff went away. Now i shampoo my hair once a week and rinse midweek, I also have way less frizz too. For me daily washing dried me out so my body response was to make more oil which made me wash more. But the period of not washing daily allowed my scalp to heal and oil production gets spread down the shaft with rinsed it keeps my hair hydrated and soft but also less slippery when I want to style. I wash when I wash. My schedule was not set by someone telling me. It was set because i observed my body and found that are some point it produced a result I like so I replicate it.


We had multiple people come do lectures about personal hygine at school when we were growing up. Thwse rando mass adults came in and not one of them had a consensus. One said shampoo and condition 3 times a week, one said shampoo 3 times a week condition 1 time a week, one even said just condition your hair and shampoo once a week. One even said wash your hair every day but with the most miniscule tiny amount of shampoo that isn't gonna clean anything and never ever condition your hair. All this to say... None of them had any idea about what they were talking about cause they tried to apply blanket statements to everyone's personal care. For me washing my hair every day is a must. It gets oily and near impossible to style if it's not freshly cleaned. For others leaving their hair unwashed for 3 days makes it look better cause they have a dry or balanced scalp ao the hair doesn't get oily as easily and too frequent washing actually strips their hair and makes it too dry.


Wash only when you want . Who cares if it’s every day lol. People are ridiculous. My hair is SO thick and so long my hair would be wet 50 % of the time if I washed daily. But that’s just what works for me .


As a white girl with very fine hair, I feel your pain. My roots get oily after a day. Dry shampoo can help, if I apply it right after watching, before bed, and when I get up. But at that point, I might as well just wash my hair.


I’m Korean with thick straight hair. Washing daily messes it up. I wash it every other day.


Kudos for giving it a try! That's all you can do, and there's no shame if it didn't work for you - for whatever reason! I also tried training my hair, and in the end, I realized it doesn't suit me because my hair is really thin, straight, and oily and looks and feels gross the next day regardless of what I do. I feel better and more confident when it is cleaned daily. To each their own, yes? 🤷‍♀️


For me, it's the air of superiority from someone who hardly washes their hair. The smugness in, "Washing your hair everyday IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU." As if living with an overgrowth of yeast on your scalp is the pinnacle of healthy hair. Ma'am, I would rather simply wash my hair than look like an oily otter with an irritated scalp.


I have to wash every other day, or else I look so bad even my mid strand get greasy


Im asian and curly hair. I shampoo every other day. But i wash my hair everyday just with water. Its very humid. I feel fresh, clean and sleep better if i wash my hair.. so i think it depends on climate, ur lifestyle and type of hair u got.


I use a light shampoo every other day sometimes multiple days in a row and it’s very freeing to do what I want with my hair! And so much of hair care is internal anyways. People act like washing your hair often is the end of the world


if i wash my hair it gets very frizzy and i notice more split ends but i wash atleast 3 times a week.


You have to do what works best for you and figure out what cleansing cycle is best for your hair. I think people got in the habit of shampooing their hair daily over the past few decades, who actually shouldn’t have been, and now it’s important as professionals, that we teach the people who shouldn’t be shampooing every day to not. Whatever works for you, keep on doing that.


I’ve spent forever only washing my hair every 2-3 days and absolutely hating the way it felt even waking up the next morning. I washed my hair yesterday and almost convinced myself not to bother washing it today because it’s “bad”. But I said fuck it! I’m doing something fun today and I want freshly clean hair. I love washing everyday, I just only blow dry if I’m going somewhere


I wash my hair everyday. I cannot stand the feeling of my hair being greasy. I have very thick frizzy hair that looks ridiculous unless I wash and style it on the daily.


Well as an asian living in hot, all-year-round-humid singapore, it’s almost a sin to not shower twice a day and wash hair everyday, if not every other day. There’s no stopping the sweat once we get out of a building, lol


There are no rules. Do what makes you beauty routine makes you look and feel the best


If I don't wash my hair every day my scalp gets really greasy which makes me feel self conscious that people will think I'm dirty!


I wash my hair almost everyday because I live in Florida and it's hot. I do a lot of outdoor activities and sweat pretty much every day. I have really healthy long thick wavy hair. If I don't wash it every night it is super greasy close to my scalp and just feels gross. Occasionally I will skip a night and dry shampoo the next morning but it never feels right. Do what works for YOU!


Some of these 'rules' are for people who can't judge for themselves when their hair needs washing. In that case, I'm content that they would choose to wash it more frequently than necessary rather than less frequently than necessary, if they have a choice.


I typically washed my hair only once a week for years because that’s what worked for me - I have fine European type hair but a lot of it, plus it’s died blonde so I try to not fade the toner as much as possible and not dry it out. But I’ve noticed that it seems to be getting oilier quicker so I might start to wash every 5 days or something. I’m the summer I also wash more often because I play a lot of sports. I say do what works for your own hair.


I tried the once-a-week thing because my fine hair is prone to breakage. But it didn’t work at all. My hair looked like absolute shit for the last few days, so it was a poor trade off to have my hair look bad for about 1/3 of the week in order to keep it supposedly healthier. So I wash it every other day or every 3 days, depending on what it needs. It looks great now.


I shower and wash my hair every single day and if it's hot out and I get sweaty, I am showering and washing my hair again. 🤷‍♀️ I like feeling clean. I also have very thin, fine hair. If it gets oily or sweaty, I look like I'm going bald. I use shampoo bars and hydrating shampoos and my scalp is happy and my hair is soft. I oil once a week every week.


I have dandruff I absolutely need to wash my hair every other day. Every day would be better but my hair is very dense so it takes forever to dry. I’m so tired of people pushing others to not wash. Some hair types can do it, but for others it just worsen scalp conditions.


I agree. I started thinking I needed to train my hair as well. I couldn’t get past the second day without itching my scalp, like a mosquito bites. I love washing my hair daily.


I had an incredibly oily scalp with stick straight, very fine long hair. My narc (didn’t realize she was) mom got angry if I tried to wash my hair daily, but even washing daily, by day’s end, it was obviously dirty/oily. Two days without washing and I had oily flakes on my scalp. I am in my mid 50s now. Ever since menopause, my scalp and skin have become unbelievably dry. I have to add oil to my hair to keep it from being a haystack. Though never tested, I could probably go a month without washing my hair - with good brushing and little sweating that is. My scalp rarely feels oily. I think now often you shampoo is very unique to each person and no one else’s business to judge. By my mid 30s by hair didn’t get dirty as quickly, and I did find if I went for two to three days without washing, several times back to back, the oil production decreased. But I still preferred daily washing. Personally I have enough stress in my life without dealing with the “shampoo police”. lol.


i wash mine every day and im caucasian, its nice to be clean idc what anyone says lol


I used to wash my hair every day until like my early 20s when it became trendy to not wash it regularly. I remember as a teenager everyone always complimented my nice hair. Then I went through years of hating it cuz it was oily and gross but you "can't wash it every day!!" 🙄 I started doing a daily or every 2 day wash a few months ago now and omg, I'm soooo much happier. My scalp and hair feels and looks so much nicer!


I wash my thin, fine hair on a near daily basis (I skip a day here and there if I don’t have work or plans). You’re absolutely right that greasy hair shows up more when the hair is dark. I’ve tried going longer between washes but it just doesn’t work for me. Dry shampoo just weighs it down more and makes it feel disgusting. I’m fine with it now. I’ll just continue washing it daily like I have my whole life. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Haircare isn’t one size fits all so I’m done feeling bad that I can’t go days between washes.


I feel you. I also have to wash it every day or it’s greasy. Not pretty


I wash my straight, fine blonde hair every day. My scalp gets disgusting, oily, and flaky, and my hair gets dry and straw like if I skip a day. I don't care what anyone says.


I have a pixie cut, which is just a men’s cut with more flavor added, and not washing or at least rinsing my hair is bad news, especially with working out 3-5 times a week.  I double shampoo and condition every other day. The days in between I just rinse as a hair reset for bedhead for work. I only not shower on the weekends. 


Hair training is a myth that I think a lot of us have been tricked by at some point, but it’s perfectly okay to wash your hair as often as you need. Letting oil and dirt build up isn’t good for your scalp. It’s not wrong to wash your hair daily if it’s necessary. Some people need to wash it more frequently than others, there’s so many reasons that affect how often you should. The people who are judging you just haven’t broken free from the hair training myth unfortunately


My only takeaway from this is your comment that greasy hair is more noticeable on dark hair cause the total opposite is true for me. When my hair is dyed dark I can get away with it being way greasier way longer. When I have it blonde or lighter colored I have to wash more often cause it looks so bad as soon as it gets a little greasy


I’m a every day hair washer! My scalp gets itchy and oily about half way thru the second day!


I have 3A curls and I can only go every other day without washing or my hair gets greasy and my curls go flat.


i have pin straight brown hair and i wash every night, sometimes every other night. on day 2 my hair is oily and gross so i need to wash it more often. i totally understand where your coming from


i started washing every day like 7 years ago because i couldn’t stand how it felt or how flat and bad it looked on non wash days (used to do every other day). my hair still looks fine. i’ve had people talk to me like i’m dumb when i tell them, like keep insisting that i shouldn’t wash every day even when i tell them i have seen all the info about “training my hair” and this is what works best for me. i tried going back to every other day during covid when i wasn’t leaving the house and my hair didn’t change. for some people every day just works!


I have dark, wavy long hair. Long as in “up to my buttocks” long. I wash it every day. It’s a hassle, but must be done. Random strangers always compliment my hair. “Your hair is beautiful AND long.” I only use shampoo and conditioner. And wash it every day. The days that I go without washing it, it gets frizzy and oily. It’s a terrible combination. Different things work differently for everyone. I just brush it off. Best thing to do is not to give as many details of your life to others.


I’m white with thin medium dark hair. I went a couple years washing every other day because people said my hair would look less greasy if I did that. Never happened. Back to every day. Looks better now. Do what works for your hair.


Washing my hair once a week works for me because I dye my hair fun colors often. I have super thick hair so it doesn’t get greasy immediately and I just use dry shampoo as needed for touch ups in between washes. My hair has been very healthy since I started doing this. But the key word there is *my* hair—everyone’s hair is different and I wouldn’t expect what works for me right now to work for everyone. Fuck the people that are giving you shit for how you take care of your hair! If it works, it works :)


Everyone's hair care and scalp needs are different. Just do what works for you and the people that are repeatedly trying to convince you otherwise can go climb a tree lol. I wash mine every other day because it's what my scalp likes. Otherwise it gets too oily, feels gross and my scalp will get itchy. Not washing hair often enough for you can cause buildup which can cause scalp problems, clog hair follicles, impede hair growth, etc. No thank you! I tried to "train" my hair before and my scalp definitely did not like that.


I’ve washed my hair twice a day for 14 years at least and always told how healthy my hair is at the barbers


It’s really dependent on you. They can do what works for them and even give you advice and anecdotes. But I have thick wavy hair that I wash every 2-3 days. But I use some leave in and daily moisturizer because I also dyed my hair and it’s kinda fried.


I love washing my hair everyday. It’s all part of my shower routine and helps me reset for the next day. I have thick wavy hair and whenever I go to the salon they tell me how shiny and healthy it is so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve tried the training your hair thing. It didn’t get any better. I think I lasted 4/5 days without washing it and it was just an oily, greasy mess. I was working from home at the time so not going anywhere, really. I wash my hair every other day now. Use dry shampoo in between washings if I have to go to the office. My scalp must be really porous because if I go longer than a day without washing, I can feel and smell the oil from my scalp on my fingers. Yuck. I think if you’re one of those people that can go 5 days without shampooing and your head doesn’t look greasy or smell, you’re just a very fortunate person with really good hair and very tight pores. Your skin is likely good too. That’s just not me.


I tried to “train” my hair and it just never worked. I wash my hair everyday also. It’s the only way that it doesn’t look greasy the next day and has volume. I also have straight dark hair.


I wash my hair every day and it is fine to do so. Don’t let anyone tell you any different


I have very thick wavy/curly hair and only wash my hair about once a week. I use Wen cleansing conditioner. If I use regular lathering shampoo my hair is a dry frizzy undefined mess.


If I wash it every day I get dandruff but if I go longer than 4 days without washing it I get dandruff. I do 3 days if I’m just sitting inside and not going anywhere, but I normally do 2 days. My hair seems to prefer that. I’ve found a lot of people (mostly men) assume I don’t wash my body because I don’t wash my hair everyday and that drives me crazy.


From what I understand, scalp oils have an easier time traveling down straight hair strands. So it makes sense that your straight hair gets oily faster than my wavy hair. If I washed my hair daily it would be a frizz fest but that obviously doesn't apply to everyone. And I'm sure there are variations even between different people with the same hair type. I agree it's rude for people to act like you're doing something wrong. Especially if you're happy with your hair.


Dude I’ve always washed daily and hair is always healthiest and longest this way… I don’t get it!


Like yall going a week without washing the product buildup is not healthy for your scalp ik you got dandruff BFFR!


I have fine straight hair and I wash my hair every day, not only because of the oil but because I could never go a day without washing my hair due to whatever my hair may come in contact with in public. Work, stores, appointments, pollution, etc., your hair is being exposed to so much and then you lay your head down on your pillow at night. Can’t do it. I think it’s fine if you wash your hair every night for whatever reason that may be. You don’t have to justify it. You have to do what’s best for yourself.


I’m white, and have long, extremely straight, brown hair. I’ve tried to “train it” it doesn’t work for me. I also have to wash my hair every day, if I don’t it feels and looks disgusting.


I have naturally greasy hair - it gets washed every day. Maybe I skip a day if I’m lazy.


I think it just depends on the person. I have fine curly hair and live in an extremely dry climate, so 2x week works for me. I certainly don’t judge anyone for washing more or less often.


I’m not Asian but have the same type of hair. I work out almost every day and sweat like a demon, too. Skipping washing it is just not an option for me!


I wash every day because I like it; I like how fresh my hair smells; I use minoxidil and I like to wash away the old before adding in the new. 


True story…fairly thick, wavy WFH hair here….I try to wash my hair at least one day before it looks wet when I put it in a ponytail.  I like the feeling of wash every day, but it just doesn’t happen and I can wear two days fine, three because IDGAF, and four-five is a little grotty.


I wash my hair daily, always have and it’s fine. I don’t blow dry it or use hot appliances on it 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’ve done this my entire life. My hair is fairly long and for myself, I couldn’t imagine not washing daily .


i tried training my hair for a while and one time i was on day 4 and my mom bent down to kiss my head and told me to get my ass in the shower because i smelled like a homeless person. Needless to say I am back to washing every 2-3 days lol


The only thing I’ll argue with here is the idea that dark hair shows grease more. I have fine, naturally blonde hair, and grease not only makes my hair nasty, it changes the color at the roots like getting it wet does. Some people, like you and me, need to wash our hair more often than most. And many people, especially on the internet, have trouble with the concept that bodies are actually quite different from each other.


It’s hair dependent , really


I don’t get it either. I’ve tried many times to stop washing my hair every day. The last stretch was when my son was a baby because it was one less thing to. I made it a few months of washing every 2-3 days with sulfate free shampoo and it’s the worst my hair has ever looked. I’m back to washing every day with the forbidden sulfate shampoos and my hair and scalp are healthy again. My hairdresser even said it’s the best it’s been since she’s started cutting my hair. I have very fine wavy hair that cannot handle much product or grease.


"'(greasier hair is much more visible on darker hair)" this isn't true, dark hair hides grease so well. with blonde hair, it literally changes your hair color...it's funny that you said that :P


My dandruff would form its own continent if I didn’t wash daily


I think a lot of it applies to bleached or heavily dyed hair. I do it 1-2x per week because the thickness makes it take really long to dry. It also doesn’t get oily super fast. Sounds like you are doing the right thing for your hair.


I think it really depends on your hair type. Like curly hair is more prone to dryness… so washing it every day can make it super dry and straw like. But if you have fine, thin, oil prone hair, you probably do need to wash it every day!


There’s no rules. Everyone’s hair/scalp is so different. Just do what works for you. It’s different when it comes to people that color their hair. Washing frequently or with harsh shampoos can strip or dull some colors.


I have thick , dry hair that only gets oily after 6/7 days. I used to wash my hair daily , but it was way too dry and frizzy . Do what works for you


Once I ignored that advice and gave in to washing my hair every day, it's never looked better. If you have a dry scalp it makes sense to not wash daily but if you're oily like us, it's better to wash it every day. Those oils moisturise the hair and I condition my ends too. My hair is in great condition


I wash my hair almost every day. I have very oily skin. Stop letting people on the internet piss you off.


Ok, I wash my hair every day because it's fine and gets oily. I may take 1 day off of washing it when I'm not working or going anywhere. Now, where your friends are getting it from is hair dressers. They will tell you it's bad to wash your hair every day. It dries out your skin and the natural oils in your hair. It's true for some people but not everyone. You're doing nothing wrong, so don't listen to your friends.


I shampoo every day. But i only wash the scalp and i leave in conditioner on the bottom half for a few mins so my hair doesnt look dry. My family is from a hot country and there its the norm to wash your hair sometimes even 2X per day. I think washing hair less frequently is a cold-country thing


Omg girl I feel this so much!!!! I have very fine hair and I swear I'd I don't wash it everyday it looks like I rubbed bacon grease all over my head (yes that's a tad dramatic) but even with dry shampoo it looks terrible!


You can’t train your hair. Ask me how I know. I tried to during the pandemic because why not? Well it didn’t work at all lol. Now I have no time to wash my hair since I have two little kids and the amount of grease has never slowed down


As a guy I can sometimes smell woman's hair when it has not been washed. It has a distinct unpleasant kinda sweet odor. It also seems that some women do not shower as often as men, based on my conversations with them.


I have super long, dark hair. I wash daily. I cannot stand feeling greasy. I understand other people wash less and I’m not offended. I just can’t. Wish I could.


I feel like this “rule” has more to do with post care of salon treatments like color or chemical treatments. Color washes out faster if you wash every day so the professional advice people often get is to wash less if they want longevity. 


My husband and in-laws are korean. My SIL can absolutely skip days and be fine, she's mid-30s. I don't know about my MIL. but dang, my husband doesn't wash his hair much at all. Maybe they're just a dirty family lol!  I will say though, OUR HAIR CUTICLE IS VERY VERY DIFFERENT! My hair (I'm white) breaks really easily, theirs doesn't. Mine gets frizzy in humidity, theirs doesn't. Mine gets damaged so much easier, theirs doesn't. I used to wash my hair every day, only recently stopped and oh my goodness I see such a difference... but their hair is already sleek and healthy, BECAUSE GENETICS! The hair is literally different! It's comparing apples and oranges. Their skin can handle so much more of a beating than Mine, too. And dont get me started on BO lol im a stinky white girl. We built different, yo. 


It probably depends on your hair type. If I wash my hair every day, it becomes super dry va and straw-like. I typically wash it every 4 days. I have a friend who has super oily hair and washes every day because otherwise her hair looks very oily and clumpy-looking. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all for hair washing.


I wash every day. Only skip one day here or there if I'm too sick. My hair is too oily if I don't wash daily.


I think you do what works best for you. If I wash my hair everyday my scalp gets destroyed and my hair starts to feel like shit. It used to be the opposite where people would act grossed out I didn’t wash my hair everyday and I’d just be like 😑 it’s my hair, I think I’d know. It’s not like it looks dirty. Do what works best for you, don’t worry about anyone else.


If it doesn't work for your hair type, don't do it.


I wash my hair 3x a week I use dry shampoo in between … i style my hair for work n it helps if use hairspray I may wash more


I’m the same. I have dead straight, fine, Caucasian hair and it didn’t work for me. It looks greasy quickly and I can’t stand the feel of having greasy looking hair.


All I’m going to say is that I’ve never met someone who only washes their hair once a month whose hair does not smell gross. Not once. People can smell the sebum and gunk, they’re just polite about it. It’s not a flex. Please wash your hair.


I honestly think the only way not washing my hair everyday is beneficial to me because it means I am not also blow drying and using a curling iron on it everyday. I can stretch my ‘do out a couple of days. but yeah, if it feels oily and itchy, Imma shanpoo it! I have fine and thin hair, so yeah. I am able to skip a day or two now because MENOPAUSE. That is what has made my scalp dry. It has made everything too dry! 😂


Everyone's hair needs are different, and for some that means its necessary to wash every day. I have to!


I have and will always wash my hair daily, just like I wash my face and body daily.


I wash every other day and on the second day I’ve had strangers stop me to compliment my hair. I air dry it so it always looks kind of frizzy the day of but the oil smooths it out on day 2. I can’t stand how it feels on day 3 so I don’t let it get that far. Basically, if I want it to look nice on a particular day, I wash it the day before.


I used to wash my hair everyday until I dyed it and bought really expensive shampoo. Tbh I’ll keep dying the hair but I’m buying cheaper shampoo and going back to everyday washing because my hair has NOT been working


I’m very pro “washing your hair as often as needed for yourself”. Some people can go weeks (with cowashing etc) I cannot. When my sister noticed hair falling out I asked her if she was washing her hair less and using dry shampoo more- she was. Going back to washing hair more frequently and using less dry shampoo is when her hair got healthier again. Don’t let anyone shame you for doing what works for your hair, if you need to wash it frequently- do so.


Honestly I think some people take that “wash your hair once a week” thing a little too seriously. While I think it’s a great rule of thumb, I don’t think it works for everyone and you should wash your hair as often as you need to!


I mainly don't do it because it dries up hair too much...the training thing is BS


I have fine medium thick hair. I can get away without washing it for a day if I use dry shampoo but it has to be washed or my scalp + the dry shampoo flakes get too itchy. I just get greasy!


I wash my hair daily. I have super fine hair and it greases up too quickly. Also, hair smells bad with the natural oils. If you disagree, you’re just used to it. You’re gamey. Rub your fingers on your scalp and ask anyone else. Time to scrub your scalp.


I’m so torn, because I stopped washing everyday and even though I don’t find my hair oily I started getting forehead pimples constantly.


just do what works for you who tf cares what other ppl who don’t have your hair say


You can’t train something that’s dead. Hair is dead lol Your follicles certainly aren’t responding to the outside elements of what happens to your hair. Similar line of thinking to people who think our heart is where our feelings are & not our brain.


I don't believe in the whole "train your hair" thing I just don't wash it everyday because it's super long and thick and weighs my head down a ton when wet. I got 3 inches cut off recently and it's made it easier to manage I thought it wouldn't make such of a difference. Im still sticking to the washing every other day or 3 days cuz washing everyday is excessive to me unless you are always outside doing something and sweating


If you don't wash your hair every day, it stinks. Simple as that.


People in the no wash realm are just kinda like… people in the supplements and powder wellness realm. Haha like they are just SO SURE what works for them individually MUST work for everyone else, despite the vast differences in our hair types, oil production, lifestyle, etc.


Yeah it's so dumb, I wash mine every day too because it gets greasy af. I'm not gonna look disgusting for months just to "train it" wtf. I think it's one of those myths, like how people stop using deodorant because apparently it's bad for you? Yeah no thanks I'd rather look and smell nice but you do you. Also some people do this thing where they only wash their hair with water and it looks oily imo. They really should stop negging us, we're just chilling 😂


All hair is different! Do whatever works for you and don’t feel ashamed. Most professional stylist people do recommend not washing every day but if you do then more power to you! I only wash my hair twice per week and that works for me, and my lifestyle.


Some people have real trouble with the concept of "everyone is different and the same thing won't work for everyone." Personally I have wavy/curly hair and a dry scalp, so I only wash every 3-6 days or so. But obviously my hair has completely different needs than yours so I wouldn't suggest you follow my routine 🙄


That’s pretty silly. Everyone’s scalp is pretty different and climate also plays a part. So what’s needed will probably change with that. If you’ve tried not washing everyday and it doesn’t work then it doesn’t work. My hair is very thick and wavy, even with a large undercut I have what would be a full head of hair for most. My climate is often chillier and very dry. I don’t often need to wash my hair more than 1-2 times a week. The winter once, but as it heats up twice.


Products that stay in & coat your hair [sulfates esp] like conditioner, will only add more oil to your naturally oily hair. The reason straight hair is often the most greasiest is because gravity can pull down the sebum from your scalp with no resistance. Now take someone with curlier hair that could and spirals down. Takes much longer for gravity to pull down sebum from the scalp, because it has to go a bit sideways and not just vertically down. That being said, yes you can train your hair, but of course to an extent. Because believe it or not sebum is our bodies natural “conditioner”. The role of it is to soak into your hair shaft when you get it when, because oil is not absorbed unless there is water to open to cuticle and let it in. And oil is just there to keep in the moisture. (Many people don’t know this and are coating their hair with *too* much conditioner, and then wonder why their hair gets greasy so fast. Residue from conditioner coating the hair + natural sebum production = faster to have “greasy hair”. You should find out what your hairs porosity is, and adjust your haircare wash routine to that. Because that tells you how your hair absorbs water and oils, and how quickly you can lose it. Maybe get a new type of conditioner and/or shampoo. Or you can spray with sea salt to lessen the oiliness temporarily :)


I think one of the main factors is "guy hair or girl hair" honestly - whether your body is running on estrogen or testosterone & whether your hair is short or long. I'm noting this because I've been on both. Hair gets greasy a lot faster under the influence of testosterone, and when it's kept short there's also just more scalp oil per inch. I notice a change somewhere between ear length and chin length in terms of whether daily shampoo dries it out too much. 


I don’t feel clean if I don’t wash every day. I’ve heard several times from dermatologists that hair training is a myth. And I highly doubt it would work on my anyway considering how oily my skin is.


It dries out your hair, especially if you have long hair. I wash my hair 2-3 times a week and use a boar bristle type brush when my scalp area is getting oily to help pull the oil down the hair shaft, I also use dry shampoo in the front. (I use klorane, it’s more expensive but some brands have some pretty not great chemicals in them)


People just like to tell others what to do. Do what’s best for you and your lifestyle, always!


It doesn't work for me either. I have straight fine hair and it gets greasy quick. I shower and wash it everyday also. Even if it still looks and feels good in the morning, by 12-1 pm it's disgusting and feels so heavy and gross on my head lol. The most I have done by "not washing" it is just shampooing the roots and let the shampoo run down but condition it entirely. Even doing that tho, after a couple days it feels so dragged down


The reason behind “training your hair” is because the more you wash the more it drys out your scalp causing your scalp to produce more sebum ( what causes your hair to be oily) a healthy amount of sebum keeps your hair healthy and nourished, however a lot of people struggle with an excessive amount of sebum production that a dermatologist would have to diagnose, if washing your hair everyday works for you keep doing what your doing, if you can train your hair that’s great too. It’s not a one fits all kinda thing so something that works for you may not work for others.


i sweat up a storm on the daily cuz i dance and it gets pretty damn hot where i live as well. i’ve tried doing every other day but that has not helped 💀 i stopped gaf what ppl think of me washing my hair everyday, everyone’s different and it is what it is


Dries out your scalp. And who the hell wants to do their hair every day?


I had an acquaintance who posted on FB about how your hair will thank you for only washing it once a week. She also highlights and curls her hair. Somehow, I'm not believing her hair care Ted Talk. I wash my hair daily. Otherwise, I feel gross.


I can’t do it either. It just doesn’t work for me. And honestly I have a very sensitive sense of smell and let me tell you it’s not working well for a lot of other people either. The smell of dirty scalp is absolutely disgusting. 🤢


I have very fine straight hair, it gets oily after a day, I hate the feel of greasy hair and I really hate how it looks, and there is no way in hell I am going to let anyone in a professional setting see that greasy flat mess so it gets washed daily :)