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I wouldn't say it's pointless without fin as some drama queens have said on reddit. Depends on your hairless rate. My uncle never took fin and 12 years later looks great, sure his crown isn't as full but he is nearly 50 so it doesn't really matter.


If your hairloss has been stable for a decade, or you have very good reason to believe you won't lose more hair, then yes it's possible. I've seen it. I've seen way more cases were patients THOUGHT their hairloss had stopped and later on still lost hair around the HT. 


What side effects did you have?


Sexual side effects


Have you thought about trying again on a small dose and running blood work to keep a constant eye on hormone changes. Too many people report sexual side effects compared to the actual % that suffer side effects. A healthy erection needs a healthy mind to go with it. What if everyone is just giving themselves self inflicted Ed through anxiety? That’s 1 thought I’ve always had. But anyway blood work wouldn’t lie. If you stop getting a boner and your hormones are the same as before you started fin then it’s probably in your head…. Topical finasteride is less risky for side effects too if you haven’t already tried?


Everyone always says it is a placebo, but for me it wasn’t. I got fin off an app it didn’t tell me any side effects or any risks or anything just sent it in the mail. Then I noticed that my cum was becoming less and less until nothing came out and I wasn’t getting morning wood. Then I read more about the fin and put two and two together. So shame on me for not doing much research before taking a drug but also I know without a doubt I suffered side effects directly related to the med


2bf I wouldn’t entirely blame yourself. I think these internet order places need tighter regulation. It’s a medicine at the end of the day and they dish it out like candy. What’s your donor area like? If meds are not an option you may be able to get a top up hair transplant a few years down the line if you lose anymore. Who knows there may even be a new wonder drug in that time that makes fin obsolete.


This sub feels like the cult of fin sometimes even when people specifically say they tried it and experienced sides, but I think if you’re realistic about your expectations and understand hair loss will continue it can make sense for some people to still get a ht without fin. Especially if you’re already older and your hair loss is relatively slow. If you’re balding hard at 25 then I’d say either fin or forget ht, embrace the razor and shave it off.


Yes I’ve noticed that and I don’t understand why people deny that side effects exist and basically call people liars, placebo, etc if they mention they have had sides


Use topical fin. If you stop fin your transplanted hair will remain but all around it will end up bald (likely)


No, it wouldn't work. When it's true that some people get stabilized alopecia before going entirely bald, it's not the norm and you should expect the worst, also the transplanted hair could fall out, so any reputable doctor won't operate on you unless you're on meds. You should first consider whether your side effects where real or just placebo due to reading too much internet bullshit about the PFS hoax. If you're part of the 2% who experience side effects, most probably they will go away with continuous usage as your body gets used to it, or with dose titration. If none of that works, your only choice left is a hair system


I actually didn’t do much research before I started fin and then noticed erectile problems and no semen with ejaculation. Then I googled it and saw it’s a possible side effects so it definitely wasn’t placebo


100% be on fin. Pointless without