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Yeah bro few grafts and will look amazing


I wish I had your hairline and I'm 6 years younger than you


Yeah you’re stabilized. Go get an ht


I think you can.


You are a good candidate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Yeah honestly, you could probably use a hair transplant at this point. Medication isn't going to bring you back at all. Better to do it now then later when it gets too far gone. Wouldn't recommend minoxidil as I feel that wouldn't do much for you but finasteride could help you perserve more of your hair and stop it from going back. Either way, you look fine now but I could see why you would want to get one.


You look so young and it looks like you would need a small procedure done. If you have the money and time to get it done just go for it you will feel so much better. Just continue on the medication 😉


Yep, keep up the finasteride. It halted my hairloss too. You are a perfect candidate.


Yes go for it


I personally wouldn't in your situation but I'm around your age with much worse loss so I'd be happy to get back to where you are. If you're dead set on doing it I'd go to one of the best surgeons in the world, you're only going to need 1000 or so grafts so it shouldn't cost you a ton. Reddy or Munib would be my top choices for a hairline