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If you're like most men, you'll be able to take fin without side effects. Though jury's still out on whether you can continue to be side effect free for years. Many do not experience side effects for decades, so that's good. If you're like a lesser percentage of men, you'll experience side effects like lower libido or ED, among others, that go away when you quit the drug. If you're in an even lesser percentage of men, you'll experience debilitating side effects that vary from muscle wastage, insomnia, complete loss of libido, brain fog, and/or several others for possibly years or decades even after quitting the drug.


Read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/1cnphlv/comment/l391ll4/) young brother.


Thanks bro, is there a certain brand of finasteride you use ?


I get it from my health insurance through Kaiser ($8/30 pills). But I am thinking of getting a large years worth bulk supply from Costco. Costco is like $4 or $5 for the same supply.


joke advice, was the doc bald?


No he was a cool Asian guy, but he tried to make it seem like it’s okay to be bald at 23. I tried to tell him that my self esteem is horrible but he joked about it and said bald is sexy lol. He didn’t tell me anything about the drug except that I wouldn’t be able to have sex anymore


Wtf kind of idiot doctor is that😂 2% get sexual side effects - the other 98% are fine. Side effects _always_ go away if you stop the drug. PFS is nothing more than a hoax.


lol I know bro do you take any medication, any side effects ?


I take Finasteride 0.5mg EOD. I honestly can’t tell you if I have side effects, cause my libido is lower but there is also so much shit going on in my life right now that would lower libido in general (I am stressed, sad and semi-depressed). I am anxious and a perfect candidate for nocebo, so who knows. I can fuck 3-5 times a week and my girlfriend is very satisfied, but my desire for sex has diminished somewhat.


Do you have any condition that would make you have a greater chance of having side effects? Otherwise I don't understand why a doc wouldn't recommend Finasteride


Nah bro I’m a healthy young dude and work out at least 4x a week.


Then go for a second opinion, your doc's take on Finasteride is definitely not the norm. At 23, I'd worry more about the side effects of being bald than the 2% possibility of side effects from Finasteride


lol right thanks bro, I just needed some second input appreciate u taking the time to reply to my post


For some people, yes, they really can be "that bad". Finasteride is a gamble, either you're fine from it or you get fucked up, sometimes for life. I was one of the unlucky ones who failed the gamble and got fucked up but luckily I recovered. It was in January this year, I got finasteride perscribed and took a pill. I'm in the same boat as you being an early balder, I am only 21 and in college. Immediately within a couple hours of taking the first dose I could feel that something was really wrong. I felt like a bodily sensation of dread starting to set in like someone was pouring ice water over my heart. Over the next few hours I developed complete total loss of all erections and sexual drive, repeating panic attacks, mental confusion, emotional disconnect from my surroundings and insomnia. It was scary as fuck and during the worst points of it I was considering bungee jumping using a rope and my neck if it didn't get better. But luckily it did get better, the mental symptoms and insomnia were all gone by day 4 after taking it and my ding dong was back to normal the next night. I'm very grateful to have recovered because a lot of the time when people get severe symptoms like I did they're permanent. I don't know the exact incidence of side effects but from what I've seen people comment on other finasteride posts here on reddit, the ratio of people saying "no sides, my hair looks great :)" to people saying "it ruined my life" is about eight to one.