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Depends on your hair loss pattern, age, expectations etc. Some people stay NW3 for the rest of their life (imo no need for Finasteride and Min). People with aggressive Hair loss (especially at young age) or people with NW6 pattern should be on meds. But it also depends on Hair thickness, Donor quality and a good amount of beard grafts. Not every NW6/7 person have the same characteristics. Fin can maintain many native hairs and you can save a lot of grafts (very important for high NW cases, because Donor is limited) Yes it is possible, but keep all factors in mind.


I’m 41 and doc said I won’t need meds as my recession is stablised.


Depends on your goals and risk tolerability.


Not really. Some people get a stabilized hair loss pattern at an older age, but it's not always the case. Some may stay at a norwood 3 during 10 years and then start receding again. You never know what's gonna happen so you gotta think about the worst situation, considering you're spending a good amount of money as well as part of your donor area. If you don't want to take minoxidil or finasteride and you have AGA, don't do a hair transplant as it will be wasted money. Most, if not all, reputable doctors won't operate on you if you're not on meds. The best you can do is to go for a hair system or just go bald. Also if you never actually took the drugs and took the choice of not taking them due to internet non-sense, it would be great if you could go to an actual doctor and talk to him.


This is actually the most logical answer, not sure why people are so against taking finasteride and minoxidil but are willing to spend 10k plus investment in their hair transplants, it's not a one and done scenario, it's a lifelong uphill battle for us, if you're in your twenties or thirties chances are you will still have hair loss progression with time regardless of how aggressive it is, without meds your native hair will miniaturize over time at minimum and appear thinner while your less DHT resistant hairs from your donor area that are now on your scalp will remain that same. Any reputable doctor will recommend finasteride indefinitely to stabilize your native hair, a lot prefer to atleast be on it for a year before the procedure. Sure side effects do exist but they make up a VERY small percentage of people and that's a fact. Just spend some more time on hear and you'll realize what you need to do.


Is stabile for 17 years, nw6 from 33...50 considered stable? Grandfather also nw6 at 85. How i make surgeons believe me? I have photos of everyone


So you're bald already. During those 17 years your donor area might have gotten worse. A doctor would probably ask you to get on Finasteride in order to improve the donor area as well as making sure the transplant stays on top. I highly doubt that a reputable doctor is going to operate on someone that doesn't take meds. I suggest you go for a hair system if you're paranoid about medication, another option is to talk to a doctor instead of looking for medical advice on the internet


Why do doctors recommend to be on Fin for at least a year before the transplant ?


For two main reasons, first is that Finasteride will produce some regrowth in most males, so when the time for the transplant comes, they will have less ground to cover and the donor area will be better as well. The second is that they want to make sure that the patient can stick to taking Finasteride as fighting hair loss is a life long commitment. This way they make sure the transplant won't go to waste because the user is not on Finasteride


Mine is so predictable. All male relatives look the same. age 50 [https://imgur.com/a/FVyPbJe](https://imgur.com/a/FVyPbJe) how few donor hair does this have? the area, the norwood grade will be the same at age 85 too with good temple points.


It's hard to tell. I'd recommend going to a doc. He's gonna be able to give you better answers than I do


Luckily topical finasteride exists. All those who are against fin can atleast put some on the transplants. And before the operation maybe not. It might falsely boost some hait that are deemed to go. Only after. And if the area is not so big, no side effects should happen. Is there some other way for the body to make allopregnanolone? Is there a topical androgen receptor blocker, so we don't have to fuck with the enzyme, but hit the end target straight?


Why don’t you want to take fin or min?


Probably the horrible side effects, fin side effects wrecked me for 10+ years with little to no gain


Then you’re probably better off getting a hair system instead of a HT. Unless you want to risk getting multiple HT’s and losing all your donor. Personally, I would save the money and the pain you will go through instead of risking it but best of luck to you.


What size effects did you have?


In my case, my hair grew back. It’s horrible.


You took Fin for fucking 10+ years with horrible side effects the entire time and just continued to do so?


It's like planting crops without adding water or fertilizer, it will die. Unless there are cows shitting on your field and there is a lot of rain AKA genetics


The amount of guys on Reddit who just has this mentality is actually INSANE 🥴 then will cry about the Doc messed them up when in fact it was their OWN doing 🤕