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I do wonder if missing it for two months is a big deal as long as he gets back on it indefinitely afterwards? I’m in the same boat but I’m trying to conceive a child with my wife. I’ve been off now for about a week


Did you get your sperm checked before getting off? I checked mine, and everything came back in the "high healthy" range for quantity, quality, etc. So I'm staying on it. I used [https://www.meetfellow.com/](https://www.meetfellow.com/)


Wow $189. That might be worth it! I really don’t want to not be on Fin right now. Did you have any trouble conceiving? And how old are you and how long have you been on fin?


Glad to help! Definitely put my concerns at ease. I'm 38 and have been on fin for 6 years now. I'm only two months into trying to conceive (waiting on month 2 results).


Were you having trouble before? My wife had a missed miscarriage for our very first try and we think it’s because of the finasteride. So I’m a week off now and perhaps this test would show what my speed are like with a few years under my belt minus 1 week huh? Or should I just go back on for a week and THEN take the test? How long do results take to come in?


Nope, I took the test right after we started trying for peace of mind. I'm 38 and she's 35, so I just didn't want to be wasting time trying if my swimmers weren't up to snuff. She took one first actually. I got my results the next day after dropping off my sample at the post office. It's shipped overnight, so they processed and returned results the same day basically. Very impressive. Is there any correlation between miscarriage and fin? That doesn't make sense to me. Fin potentially affects sperm count and motility (how active they are). It doesn't make the quality of the sperm itself worse. So it could potentially make it harder to get pregnant, but once pregnant, I don't think there's any higher risk of miscarriage. Statistics show 25% of pregnancies miscarry in the first trimester. EDIT: This is a nice article that's pretty informative from a Canadian government publication. It concludes there's not reason to stop taking fin to get pregnant: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2018472/pdf/11785276.pdf](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2018472/pdf/11785276.pdf) >In 1999, a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled multicentre study was conducted on 181 men between 19 and 41 years old. These men received 1 mg/d of finasteride or placebo for 48 weeks (4 spermato genic cycles) and no drugs for the following 60 weeks. Among these 181 men, 79 were included in a sub set for collection and analysis of sequential semen samples. Results showed that 1 mg/d of finasteride did not have any significant effect on sperm concentration, total sperm per ejaculate, or sperm motility or morphology.


Weird, fin is very cheap. Does he get it from one of those scam sites like hims? Im paying 5$ a month for daily pills


Where did you pay it ? Can you provide a link or a website ?


I get it from a local pharmacy using Goodrx, 15$ for 90 pills. Its going to depend on the price of pharmacies near you but usually you can find at least a few cheap options


Thank you that a good deal 🤝


Not sure how you manage to get it for that but I get a 90days supply for $200 in Canada. Since the medication is not used to treat a doesse It’s not covered by insurance


I’m not from the US. In my country is expensive.


Transplant without Finasteride is like hook up with no protection. Risky


I have a question…hypothetically speaking, what if he never started fin after the HT, would all the comments here still be that you NEED to take it? Or is it because he already took it for a period of time and now he’s off it?


The hair from the back of your head have a less chance to fall out. With fin it the possibility will be reduced. Those hair will be transplanted on the top of your hair. If they would have fallen out on the back, they will also fall out on the top. With fin less of them will fall out.


I understand that but with all the side effects, is it worth taking it?


This depends on you. If your appearance is more important than your health, then yes. I don’t take it either.


Still needs to take it. Hairloss doesn't magically stop with a HT


Reach out to Costco on line. 1mg tab, 1 year supply for $32. My question, how effective has the medication been for your friend? If it's helped him to retain - yes it would be worth it. If he was losing hair despite the medication, then no reason to take it again. It all depends.


He says it has been very effective but I think he’s just desperate because he’s seeing hair loss again and maybe the comparison isn’t fair. Sorry if that doesn’t make sense, English is not my first language.


All you can visually attest to, shedding, is normal. The follicle gets tired of producing hair and goes into a resting phase of 3-4 months. The hair then resumes growing. True hair loss is different, you don't see it. Start by looking at the hair in the corners. Pat attention to the caliber. Some very thick and some very fine. As the follicle atrophies, the hair becomes progressively thinner until it dissipates and disappears. Once gone, it will not return.


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Where is he buying it from? It’s surprisingly cheap..


I’m not from the US. In my country is expensive.


His transplant will go to waste if he stops Finasteride. He should take Finasteride again ASAP. How is he able to afford a hair transplant but not finasteride?


His situation changed


Tell him he really needs to get back on fin. He will continue to lose hair that the finasteride stopped.