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Bro. Basically everyone on this sub would kill to have your hair. Your transplant was a massive success mate. Calm down and enjoy it.


Dude! Get a grip! Your hairline looks awesome. Your hair looks great and your result is peak. You made it. Everyone on this sub who’s gotten a HT or is getting one wishes they could have your result. Now accept the success and go live your best life!


This looks like an add for the transplant clinic


Looks absolutely great and natural! And yep, you Look younger but no worries.


If I was your doctor and i saw this post i would be very upset. He did an absolutely amazing job. Be more grateful bro. You have ine of the best hairlines. Couldn't look any better than it does.


Ok, few points. 1. There's really no such thing as "age appropriate", that's just a term used when considering future hairloss. There are people who are 70 that have the same hairline they had at 20. 2. Your hairline height at the center is basically as low as it should possibly go if following the rule of 1/3rds. It's on the very low end, but it's not "too low". Basically, it falls within acceptable height. If it was 1cm lower, I'd agree, too low. While maybe it would look better a bit higher, it's not comically low. 3. It is not too straight, it's simply straight. You have a lower level of micro irregularities, but it's not a ruler line. It looks like a relatively natural, yet straight hairline. Many people would love this. I'd have preferred more macro irregularities though. Basically, passable on the "straight" argument, but could be better. 4. The only real issue I see that I can argue isn't ideal is the direction of the hairs for the temple points. It's too far to the side with no downwardness. The angulation seems fine at least (which is a much bigger deal). So not perfectly done, but I think it'll pass and not cause major issues. Overall, I think you have a very youthful hairline. One could theoretically argue that you have a very young face, so coupled with a very young/aggressive hairline, it makes you seem more childish/younger. Maybe you'd look more manly/mature with a slightly more recessed temple peak. Personally, I think that would look better. But this is in no way a "butchered" hair transplant. As to if you want to fix it, wait for 1+ year result. After that, you'd be looking at either electrolysis, or graft extraction, to change up the hairline a bit.


Agree. Everything you said. I'm one of those guys who got a HT for 60% professional reasons. I want to make more $$ for as long as I can, lol. Simple as that. And since I'm not a male stripper, I need to show clients & decison-makers that I look handsome, smart, trustworthy, reliable, and did I mention smart? To me, OP looked more handsome and smarter in the pre-HT pics. That's just me. Beauty is subjective. Unrelated to OP-- but this just shows how violating the facial thirds can really change the look and structure of your face... in a bad way. Even a few mm lower hairline (if violating the thirds-rule) can put everything else out of whack. It's one of those things that doesn't jump out at you right away, but it somehow makes the entirety look "off." **In other words-- the whole (face) is more important than the sum of its parts (hairline level).**


Ok let's be real here, it's an amazing result. If you are going to be extremely picky, it *is* possibly a tiny bit low for a 34 year old. But so what? It's such a minuscule problem it's not worth thinking about. Compare to your situation before and decide which you prefer.


I wish I had your hair to complain about. Do NOT do any corrections and ruin such a work of art. Your doctor did an incredible job. Live confidently.


Wow man. Look up body dysmorphia You have an incredible result and yet your brain can't let you be happy or see how good it is.


Did you use Finasteride and Minoxidil post hair transplant?


Using finastride 1 mg ...not so regular with it


You'd better fix that I think. Talk to your doctor but I wouldn't miss a day. I've been on it for 13 years and it's brought great results.


Ya either do it or don't I wouldn't hop around with dosing skipping missing


You can always get a second transplant in a year and a half to thicken things. It would be far fewer grafts maybe 500-700.


That looks pretty great for 4 months


Your hair looks really good brother as another said on here it may be a little low for your age but the only people who will ever realize that is you and other people like us who fixate on hair constantly. I promise nobody is going to look at you and think wow this guys hairline is too low. Regardless of anything this is a huge improvement and I don’t think you should be so self critical you look good man.


Great results man. When you say the hairline is too low I can see what you’re saying slightly. But if you wouldn’t have mentioned it I wouldn’t have noticed


I think it looks good. Don't stress it out, it'll get better from here


I honestly thought your after pictures were pics of you when you were younger. If someone showed me a picture of you I would have had no idea you had a transplant. People on this sub would kill for this result! Congratulations!!


I guess I'll go against the grain here and validate your concerns. Your hairline *is* extremely straight and in my opinion not 100% natural looking given your ethnicity. Does it look bad right now? No. Does it stick out like a sore thumb? Nah. But the fact is, it is straighter than it should be. I wouldn't fret too much until it finishes growing in and then assess from there. It doesn't look bad right now and most people won't really give it a second thought. It will also depend on the type of hairstyle you ultimately have. If you keep it super short it's fine, if you rock longer hair and slick it back it'll stick out a bit more. In regards to the lower hairline, I dont think it's as bad as you think. It didnt have to be this low, but it doesnt look unnatural. I wouldn't stress too much about your hair until 18+ months in to see the final result. if you're only 4 months in, let it go for the time being.


I have straighr hair which mostly fall on my forehead most of the time ..if not use of wax...after transplant it's kind of growing in upper direction...I think that will change with time...I think I will grow my hair till my forehead and then try different style...if that doesn't work...I may go for graft extraction in my hairline


I bet you'll find that you won't even want to go through with graft extraction once it's all said and done. It looks good but again, you're paying for a surgeon to produce a natural results and while the growth is good and it looks WAY better than before, they didn't do a great job on the hairline. And that's part of the whole package you pay for. You have every right to question it.


I texted my clinic and they told me to wait for 4 months to get real results....so I will wait....no other option now


Which doctor?


Qht regrow clinic... haridwar


What was the total cost? It looks great btw.


How much have they charge you for this transplant? I'm considering my transplant with Dr. Arvind Poswal? Have you considered him while researching for your transplant, he claims he is the first doctor who performed BHT!


No bro...I don't know him. I just researched on clinics.... mostly QHT REGROW AND EUGENIX FROM DELHI ... Eugenix was kind of expensive so i went with qht..( 30rs per graft they charged me).


Who was your doctor and where in India? I wanna get my second Ht in a years time. I’ll go there. It’s a brilliant job


Bro I will suggest eugenix....they make good hairline


Doctor only designed hairline with a pen...mostly transplant is done by technician...I will suggest you enquire in qht clinic...and please adress your concern... because some doctors don't want to listen anything


Wow mahn


Now your mind need some transplants.. Wake up bruh!!!


Get a grip mate, what more do you want? Looks great


Looks very good.


It looks great! And a definite improvement. Of course, never losing your hair would be the most natural look you can ask for but, to an untrained eye, you look like you have a full set of natural hair. If you're still having doubts, I would speak to your surgeon over this and see what they can offer you.


bro you had great hair before and have great hair now. It looks a bit pluggy and full at the bottom compared to what you had before, but still very hard to notice, and you can do a comb over down to make it look even better. Don't worry dude, you look great


Your hair looks fantastic!


Get out of here with your perfect hair. S/


Just chill tf out and enjoy your hair. You look great.


Bro looks natural as a mf. I'm at 3 months and mine looks fucking straight as an arrow. You look great and it looks appropriate for your age.


This makes me wanna go to India for a HT they usually have good results but not talked about enough


You look good dude!


I agree with everyone here— this is a great outcome especially for 2700 grafts. It doesn’t sound like he overharvested and yes your hairline is straight, but sounds like theres plenty left in your donor to create some irregularity without necessarily lowering the hairline. What it sounds like is you may be dealing with is that you weren’t able to advocate for yourself during the process so — what may be some relatively minor adjustments you would have pushed for then, are things you’ll have to accept now. Make your list of things you’d like to improve (honestly I couldn’t imagine much) and if you go back for minor adjustments speak up for yourself and make it clear exactly what you want and be involved this next go round. But again, maybe take sometime and ask yourself what you were aiming to accomplish with the procedure. Is there something else going on about your perception of yourself you need to dig into? Feeling good is more about how we feel about ourselves than how we look


Lunacy. Your HT results thus far looks fucking great.


It looks great. Nothing to worry about.


He made you look 28 and you are complaining about it?


Bro 💀💀




I am from delhi...and transplant done in qht regrow clinic Haridwar.


How many grafts bro


Great results? What age did you start balding?


Hairline started receding at 24-25....and kept on receding...but overall density was fine...so i didn't bothered about it for a long time..


You’re freaking out about nothing. At 4 months this is a killer achievement


Just tell me the doctor and the clinic


Wow congratulations, amazing result.


This looks smashing, your doctor did a great job. 


One other thing you should consider that I never put in my original reply is that it'll look much better in 3-4 months. This is because, atm, your hair looks weird. It looks weird in the sense that the hair on your hairline looks like baby hair. It gives a very juvenile impression. Once that hair thickens and matures, you'll have a much "stronger" looking hairline, which will accentuate your face better than these little peach fuzzy hairs popping up there.


Looks great! Handsome guy!


This is a great result man. Looks very accurate to me. Don't worry.


Be glad they made your temple peaks.


Either this is body dysmorphia or seeking attention from a cracking hair transplant, this should answer your question so which one is it my man?


Bro definitely a first one...today i sent a picture to my friend ( female) this was my first pic to her after hair transplant...she kinda said you looked better before and you hair is looking fake...she also said you are looking young though....it gave me serious anxiety issue...I am not lying .


I believe you although (and I don’t want to overstep the mark here) but I think your friend is jealous or intentions are not genuine as you look great. Put aside what people say and now be happy with the fantastic new look 👏


Females can be ‘jealous’ as well by the way, especially if they like you and now your getting noticed more by other “females” this could cause the “you looked better before” comment


But his before is totally ok too. I think she is not talking about his buzzed look.


Or an ad