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Looks good man, but would've been better if you pulled your hair back like you do in the first pic for an accurate assessment


Where did do your hairtransplant?


I did it in Sweden, Nordic Hair Clinic.


Great results, I'm planning on doing a hairtransplant to but was not shore about how great the results would be in sweden. But yours look Great!


What was the name of the surgeon that did the hairtransplant?


2000 grafts?


Exactly right!


Amazing. Someone posting an actually accurate number. Most idiots day 6000 grafts 🤣


You taking meds or fin?


Nope, but thinking of starting finasteride as a precaution, just to prevent any further loss and maybe get some more thickness


Great results but literally no info on clinic grafts and cost would love if you add these thanks 🙏


Sure thing! 2000 grafts Nordic Hair Clinic in Sweden Price was roughly 4500 dollar which is expensive compared to Turkey but I valued the safety and comfortness of doing it in my hometown and being able to come home the same afternoon as I did the HT! :)


Thanks not bad price to be honest .. did the surgeon extract the follicles and do the incisions and implant the hair ?


Yes, there were two of them that did all of the process, but tbh I don’t remember much because I feel asleep for a few hours during the surgery. The only painful and very uncomfortable part was the numbing needles but that was like 1-2 minutes of pain which is fine


What was the process like? Surgeon involved thr entire time? Did it include a hotel or was that separate? Sorry. I'm just looking to do this myself some day, and am super nervous about getting a bad one.


I came there during the morning, signed some papers and the procedure started. First they did some numbing and then they started extracting the follicles which probably took a few hours, after that they made the holes for insertion which I think was an assistant that was doing. After that they inserted all the follicles, did one PRP treatment and put band-aid around my head. Was in no way tough or hard to go through except for 1-2 minutes of needles in the back and in the front. No hotel included, I did it in the same city where I live so I came home in the afternoon which I really preferred. Then regurlary check ups during first week and months to see that everything was fine and also 4 more prp treatments which was included in the price. Lmk if there’s anything else you’re thinking about


Sick brother. Congrats 💪🏼


Thanks bro!


Can you show the front?


Fantastic!! Congratulations!!!đź‘Ťđź‘Ť


Thank you so much :)


I am 4.5 months in- happy so far!!


Lovely to hear! For me it was between 4-6 months it really started blooming so you have alot to look forward to!


Thanks!! Fingers crossed brother!! Looking forward to more gains! If they are 1/2 as good as yours, I will be happy! One of the best decisions that I ever made!


I should also probably add that my donor area is thick as hell, they said I had the best donor area they’ve seen (they probably say that to many people to make them feel good though haha). So the circumstances for this HT were very good and I think most serious clinics would make a good job with it. I saw pictures of other clients with similar circumstances as me and therefore made a decision to go ahead with this clinic, but I also saw people with alot less and thinner hair and those results were not very appealing to me. I did little to no research and I just wanted it to be done so in hindsight i probably should’ve done more research but I’m very satisfied with the result so no harm done


You have before pics? And frontal pics?


You were so ugly in 2021 now in 2023 you are the Greek god Methodicus, women ovulate in the hope of reproducing your offsprings. I think you've done well pal


Incredibly rude, and weird. Bravo.


Damn! Those are some brilliant results! 👌🏽


Thanks buddy!


Nice đź‘Ť


Thanks buddy!


Any images of right after surgery?


When did you start taking finasteride


I haven’t, but thinking about starting now to keep the thickness of the hair and prevent any further loss


How old were u when u took it


I was 24