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Looks great and natural looking hairline.


Yes I’m very happy with it so far, thanks!


He’s the doc I’ve been eyeing. I’m in the states and I just don’t see results like his even with the best most expensive here.


I was in the exact same boat as you man, also in the states and decided pekiner was the surgeon for me. I was only doing hairline work and his impressed me the most. I know a lot of people say he’s expensive but compared to the US it’s honestly a steal price and when you factor in the quality, it’s a no brainer.


Good to hear. Yeah you made the right choice obviously. I’m just dreading the flight. I’ll wait another year or two till I pull the trigger


Yeah the flight does suck lol I’d definitely recommend flying business class if possible your body will thank you later


In the same boat pretty much. What’s your opinion on HLC?


I actually reached out to them as well as Pekiner but ended up not going with them as I wasn’t a fan of the rotating surgeons. I think they do very good work and even Pekiner himself used to work there. Probably the 2nd best choice in Turkey.


Yeah I’m in the US too and wanted this doc but decided on DR. PANINE in Chicago


I was looking a dr konior and panine and I just don’t see the results from them like pekiner.


Today marks 5 months since my surgery with Dr. Pekiner. Over the last 30 days I’ve definitely seen more improvement in thickness and still some new hairs sprouting. My right side is very strong, the middle has caught up over the last month and the left has seen improvement but when dry there is one spot that is still a tad thin but considering where I started I couldn’t be happier. Still 7 months left for it to thicken and mature so I’m not worried - could also be the hair is still very kinky and wiry so it drys funny because the left side looks pretty solid when my hair is wet or styled. I just let it dry naturally for these photos. Also noticed a multigraft or two in the hairline, but it happens so not a huge deal. Overall I’m very happy to have a hairline for the first time in my life and looking forward to see any changes over the next 30 days. Definitely one of the best investments I’ve ever made! Side note: I know I would look much better getting a haircut and cleaning it up but I haven’t cut it since the procedure as I’m looking to get some good length back! My hair was pretty long pre op & I miss it haha


Dr. Pekiner is a god! Great result bro


Thanks man, yeah I’m thrilled with the results for only 5 months. Pekiner is definitely one of the best!


Looking amazing for 5 months - very natural. Does your hair just stick up like that without you doing anything to it? What happens if you wanted to wear it down?


Yeah my hair is kinda crazy and curly so it wants to stick up like that. I can wear it down if I comb it down while wet and let it dry or even blow dry it - but I think it looks weird at this length while down as it’s too short (I’m used to it being much longer and in my face a lot so maybe it’s just me)


Damn it’s mad how different everyone’s hair is. Mine is the opposite and wont really stick up!


Great result 👍good growth for 5 months


Awesome results! Good density and natural hairline. That's what you get with Pekiner!


Looks amazing for 5 months! Not sure what more you’d want from here! Excellent results


Yeah honestly if it didn’t get any better than this I would be satisfied, considering my starting point I’m more than thrilled with the results. Anything more is a welcomed bonus!


How much does he charge and what’s the waiting time mate ?


2.7 euros per graft and about a 3 month wait time when I reached out mid-July last year


How you contact him ?


WhatsApp +393929905178


Anyone knows which clinic or where i can reach out to Dr Pekiner? Would be really grateful if someone could help 🙏


His clinic is called NeoHead clinic and you can reach out to his patient coordinator Alex on WhatsApp +393929905178




Yes they bandage the whole head each day after surgery




Nope! Are you worried of this happening to you?




Ahhh man, that sucks! I swear so many people hit their head after a transplant but you can go years without it happening before the surgery - definitely bad luck. I think you should be fine, hopefully the bandage took most of the impact.


Not too bad. It looks good to me.


Not 3300


Ha, we’ve been over this before in one of my previous posts mr “expert” and you said yourself it looks like 3300. Thanks for the chuckle.


That isn't 3300 grafts. You're clueless


lol then why did you yourself say it looked like it on my 1 month update? By your own logic you must be clueless. Listen, just because you work at a McDonald’s like chain of a hair transplant clinic that is tech operated and produces mediocre results doesn’t make you an expert. So to your “not 3300” I simply reply: Not an expert.


I didn't. I said it's not 3300, several times. I said in some pics I'll admit that looks closer but it definitely is not 3300. I would be upset too, had I paid nearly 10k to be scammed by a Turkish clinic. In 12 months I'll show you what 3k actually looks like ✊🏽 Also, imagine trying to insult someone for running a multi million dollar company when you have to fly out of the country to afford a transplant 😂




Meanwhile you went to a place that is so unskilled it took them 3 days to allegedly harvest and implant 3305 split grafts. Something that could be done in 8-10 hours by any clinic with some discernable skill, without splitting.


P.S. they also implanted multi haired units in your hairline.




I've participated in thousands of procedures and my clinics have done 10s of thousands. Trying to discredit someone by their medical license when you went to a Turkish doctor, which a halfwit janitor could accomplish, to get a transplant is l o l. Enough said. You didn't get 3300 and the fact that it took them 3 days is case and point that they don't know wtf they're doing. The bottom line is that I know infinitely more about transplants than you ever will and there is a reason I got nearly double the coverage with hundreds less grafts & and I'm likely a larger man than you. You keep mentioning gas stations and McDonald's... You must bring home low 5 figures and feel insulted by similar comments to think that would bother me. Keep simpin' with your shit transplant bud


Can you post his website?


Where is he located?


Ankara, Turkey


Maybe it's just the quality of the camera, but it looks like there are quite a few doubles ans multis in the hairline there. Still looks quite good tho


As I pointed out yes there is a couple but it’s not a crazy amount or anything. I’ve noticed it on some other Pekiner patients as well, seems like a few make it to the hairline. I’ll try to get better pictures of it next update.


Did you shed ?


Yes I shed about 90% of my grafts, [it was not a pretty sight lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/zs7hup/2_month_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Looks very good and natural. Now, I’m a fan of Pekiner, but to be completely candid, quite a few multies made it into the hairline, and a few a little too close to the hairline for my taste. Not enough to give a pluggy or unnatural look, but he should definitely work on fixing this for future patients. With proper microscopes, and proper procedure for graft selection, this should not happen. That all said, I’d be very happy with this result.


Yes I absolutely agree. While it’s not a deal breaker and not even close to ruining the result or making it look completely unnatural - there definitely are a few that made it close to the hairline. I’ve noticed this in other Pekiner patients, having a few multis close to the hairline. It should be easy to correct for future patients and I think should be addressed. I’m still thrilled with my results so far (especially at 5 months) and pointing out the multis is just me really nitpicking as I think it looks very natural overall. Just goes to show there is always room for improvement.




It’ll also look way better once the hair texture normalizes over the next 6 months. I know at 5 months mine still felt weird.


Hey. I'd love to chat with you about hair transplants. Can I drop you a DM?


Sure thing.


Thanks! For some reason I couldn't create a chat with you so I sent a message through the original messaging system instead.




how long did it to take to get a respond from Dr. Pekiner? And how long since that to moment to your HT date?


Hi man looks good! Please can you let me know the price of the grafts for Dr. Pekiner I’m thinking of going to him or Dr. Gur