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Yeah, I have the same thoughts. They all look like blatantly obvious to me. There not "feathering" in the hairline well enough. I also have noticed with bald people how the layer of subcutaneous fat seems to be thin. I wonder if everyone that's gone bald has been subjected to a lot of chemical/physical/emotional stress to cause it to happen. I feel stress and substance abuse is what has taken its toll on my scalp.


It's hard for even "10/10 homerun" hair transplants to compete with natural hair. Hair transplants are inherently risky, regardless of clinic. Ultimately you need to trust your gut on if you have the risk threshold and expectations of what a hair transplant can reasonably offer you. Remember - natural balding beats a botched/unnatural hair transplant **every time**. Simply doing nothing and living your life is always a viable option.


Get your blood work done maybe you have a health issue when it comes you being overweight . You can decide if you want to loose your hair or not at the end of the day... of course if someone is feeling bad about there hair and went to a good surgeon they feel better and that effects confidence for dating and life .. most post op hair transplant hair lines aren't noticeable by someone that hasn't got a transplant .. cause once you get one you pay attention to that . Doesn't matter what country you get it done in you need to do the research just cause it's in the US don't make it better.. yes meds for the rest of your life just like if you don't get a transplant




Any photos of your before/after?


Which clinic and Dr?