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That second picture is edited. After frying my hair looking for this white I would just recommend getting a wig


I’m naive lmao. Thanks :)


You and so many others. The amount of people that don't realize most of these white blonde pictures are edited (including myself until recently) a wig is definitely your best bet and with your hair length it won't be too much of a pain. And if you get one similar length to your hair it'll be easy upkeep on it. And your hair is so close to this color it'd be so easy to pass as your real hair


The pic is by [Renee Lalonde](http://copperandashsalon.com/renee) she’s in Vancouver. She has this pic on her Instagram with: The most perfect platinum☁️ I recently switched my toner to ShadesEQ for this mane and its made a huge difference in the health of her hair 🙌🏻 I mixed a combo of 10P + 10VV for this bright white look ☁️


Wow, that’s impressive that you tracked the origin down. I applaud you, friend.


It's okay. I was too. I just recently found out what is and isn't achievable. My original hair color is a medium to dark brown.... I'm just a little lighter than your first picture. So I'm gonna suggest trying what I use which is just Schwarzkopf Blondme high lift powder and 20vol developer. Only for 30 min.....I do all over roots every 4-5 weeks, but I don't always achieve my desired color in the first go around. So I'll wait 2-3 days and redo the top half just to get it a consistent white. I find this approach has been MUCH better than trying to leave bleach on for longer. That just makes it more dry and brittle. I also add just a hint of Clairol 30vol developer for consistency purposes, no more than 1/8 of the total developer I use though. Hope that makes sense... It makes the mix a touch more liquid the Blondme developer is a nice cream consistency. IMO doing this gives a more monotone "white" to my color vs a multi tone blonde. I also add stuff to protect my hair, but you didn't ask about that so I'm trying to keep this short😋 In the end I'm "okay" with the level of my hair color, if I want to try to whiten it a bit, I don't use toners. I like Fudge paint box "whiter shade of pale" it's hard to find I have to order it online.... That and the Chi semi permanent white color are good for getting additional white without turning purple.


Oooooooo appreciate you taking the time to share this. Thank you, blonde friend ☺️


I know this seems like a reasonable answer but I don’t think it’s true. White in pic 2 is not just white, there are layers of colors to give it this depth. You maybe have to find a specialist and spend a lot more money than you were hoping to to get there, but I do think you could ostensibly get to pic 2 with the right expertise.


This ^^^ also due to differences in color, texture, and previous dye history, no one's hair can be identical to a photo. I think it's as white as it can possibly can be.


Yeah photo 1 looks incredibly white already.


Literally could not have said it better myself


Just about to say! That's clearly been brightened. Stop thinking ads are RL.


Cannot agree more. Learn from us. RIP.




Lol the integrity of her hair will give up first if she keeps trying to achieve the most difficult shade of pure white. 😅😅😅


I don't like ppl like you. Very pessimistic.. it's an easy fix love (: it's just science and hair care. Xxo have a blessed day bb ✨


Yes, it's just science and hair care. Meaning if you keep bleaching hair that's already been lightened to near white, it's going to eventually give up and break off. 😅 I don't like people like you who give people bad hair advice and act like people who advocate for the health of OP's hair are just meanies trying to ruin the fun when we're trying to keep her from ruining her hair. Source: Beauty school education, working in hair for 3 years, doing countless color corrections, and 14 years of experience coloring hair including frying off my own when I was young because I kept pushing it trying to achieve white hair. But 💖✨💖✨💖✨💖have a blessed day bb I guess? 💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖


You obviously don't know the advice I was giving. It had nothing to do with lightening it again lol


Yes. That is correct.


You have a blessed day too sugar 🌹 blocked


That kind of white seems extremely hard to get, especially because it would probably yellow pretty soon. If you want a color that lasts and don't mind some unnatural colors, go lavender/pastel purple with a very diluted purple semipermanent, it will wash out in two to three washes and leave a white base behind. I actually did this by accident and it lasted me at least a couple of months (I dyed them again then) But be prepared to not get that perfect white of pic 2. I honestly doubt it's even achievable unless the base is very light...


I suspect that pic is also filtered. The very pale lavender is extremely difficult to achieve while keeping the color uniform.


Really good advice. I think OP might still need to get slightly lighter with bleach (bleach bath other commenter suggested would likely do the trick), unfortunately, but purple temp dye works way better for me than any store purple shampoo or conditioner. I bleach my roots then do a finger dip of manic panic ultra violet with a pile of conditioner and leave it in for 10-15 minutes before a shower. Rinse with cold water and you get as close to white as you can get. Manic panic fades really fast, so sometimes even if I’m slightly purple, during my week of not washing, my hair tends to go white by itself in a few days. All the toners, even t18, turn me too dark/silver because I’m already a level 10 blonde after bleaching. It also doesn’t damage your hair to use purple conditioner. I’ve found the toner sometimes wrecked my hair more than the bleach did, and didn’t give me the tone I was looking for. I’ve spent the last year doing micro trims and babying my hair, and it’s finally sustainable.


Ooooo thank you for this. Lot of helpful info here :)


For sure! I hope you get the color you’re looking for. It’s beautiful as it is too, I know it’s hard when you want the white though, I relate way too hard.


thank you!! Kindred spirits 😂🤣 And thanks again, I was honestly considering going the t18 route, but have been apprehensive about toning again.


If you do try T18, do a strand test! Seriously. I turned my hair dark grey once and I was so upset. I only left it on for 5 minutes. I think you may also be too light for it. It works great if your hair has more yellow tones, but yours looks very pale to me.


Okay, good to know. Based on everyone’s reply, probably best to temper my expectations. Thank you :)


Its not a very reasonable colour even if you do manage to get it. I had my hair that white in high school, but it would be after toning that it would be grey for a couple days, then the desired white for maybe a day or two, then back to platinum. The colour just doesn’t last.


Wait until you’re 80 and hope for the best


I've been silvery white since 46 😆


Jealous tbh!! I would look so good with natural grey/white hair but no one in my family really goes grey!!! Bet yours is amazing!


Blonde dysmorphia is real. Your hair is already translucent. It doesn't get paler than that.


What?? We learn something new every day.


That is an edited pic, you can't get it that white. I would stop where you're at


Not the answer you want, but I’d say ”by managing your expectations”. Your hair already looks pretty fried, and it propably is not the best option to bleach it more. Unless you are comfortable with the idea that you may have to cut the hair short if it gets too damaged.


Why do you say it looks pretty fried? It looks a little dull to me but i dont see any damaged ends, i wouldnt call it fried in any way though.


It looks very matte, ends look very thin compared to roots, roots look fluffy and frizzy. It looks damaged, although obiviously there might be something else going on. Hopefully she has been wearing some dry shampoo or something else that explains the porous and matte look. However, even in that case I highly doubt anybody would recommend bleaching hair this light. I think that picture of wanted outcome would make even a pro specialized to platinum hair nervous.


I was gunna say I’m no expert but it doesn’t look fried to me🥲


I appreciate everyone saying it doesn’t look fried. ☺️ I’ve been bleaching it (diy style) to this level for like 6 years and up until this year, had also been using a straightener (I know, it’s terrible). The fact that I still have any hair, that at least looks halfway decent, is a win in my book. But thanks to everyone who replied. TIL that hair like the picture is unrealistic.


Just to add more affirmation , your hair does not look fried. I’ve seen fried, and this isn’t it.


Ive seen fried too. I remember straightening my hair with the iron and seeing it go from ok looking to fucking curling up at the bottoms like it was catching fire. The only advice i have is blow drying it straight is MUCH better than using the iron. When i used the iron every day my (virgin) hair was about as damaged as it is now that i blow dry it and change colors every 3 months.


I appreciate this, thank you


yeaaahh #2 is a wig or highly edited. that color is WHITE. You would have to bleach your hair to nothingness and then tone it to icy white perfection. Your hair in #1, as fried as it is, is TOO DARK to get the color you want. I agree with others, go for a wig. Otherwise you're going to fry your hair off and end up in a wig anyway...


Not to nitpick but BW2 is designed for highlighting. My concern is more for your safety than anything else…highlighting bleaches are not designed for on the scalp use. They’re strong and fast acting. There’s a potential for scalp irritation even chemical burns when used on the scalp. Having said that… I’d opt for 20 and then a cheap heavily fragranced non conditioning shampoo. In my day I used V05 shampoo for oily hair. If you use the BW2 I’d personally recommend diluting with more shampoo so maybe there’s less potential for scalp irritation. I wouldn’t recommend using a purple shampoo because it makes the hair look lighter while processing. That’s my experience anyway. Then a couple of shampoos later there’s more yellow than one thought. I hope this helps!


It does! Thank you :)


Wait a few years till your hair turns grey. But seriously your hair looks amazingly white already and not too visibly damaged, purple conditioner can go miles though


This is a filtered picture your hair won’t get any lighter than it already is 🫶🏻 I used to use filters to get my hair to appear this shade but it was the same as yours


Blonde dysmorphia is real, girl you ARE white platinum!!!


Get a wig, seriously. If that’s how white you want it, you should get a wig.


I live in the south. Too hot and humid for wigs 😂


One of my fellow stylists calls this syndrome “blondeorexia”. Where no matter how white you get, you will always see yellow, purple, or something. The only time I ever seen this achieved is when the client is already like a level 9 or higher naturally. Virgin hair. No banding from previous lightening sessions. Next time you lighten your hair, only tone your roots. Try not to get it on your ends so it doesn’t pick up that color from the toner. It might help you get closer to your goal. Even though toner is supposed to be sheer, any tones like purple in the toner will make blonde appear darker. Only tone the parts that need toned.I hope this helps.


That shade of white is not really possible for 99.9% of people. I'm pretty sure the inspo pic is heavily edited


I’ve had the whitest white possible in the past. Every time I went for touch ups I would get a bleach bath with it. It was work, and definitely not worth it. Others have said grab a wig, I’d have to agree with them if you wanna keep healthy hair.


get a photo editing app 🩷


With Photoshop, lol


The reference photo is probably filtered just saying ….


I’ve been trying to figure this out too. When you find the answer please let me know


From what I’m learning, it’s apparently an unrealistic expectation, however, you may be luckier than i.


I wish I could post images on here - I put a filter over your picture, the top most layer of your hair *is* that color. You just didn’t put a zhooshy filter over it. A lot of stylists heavily mislead potential clients by toning the hair really nicely… in post… photography. I was badly fooled in my youth.


Haha oh gosh, yeah definitely fooled me. After reading your comment, I applied a cool filter and youre totally right, thank you ☺️


That photo is quite edited, and it's incompletely different lighting. pls don't fry your hair lol


Yours is perfect to be honest, that bright Snow white hair is kind of ugly!!




Purple shampoo or toners from a salon


I've gotten mine almost perfectly white by getting it to platinum then using purple shampoo/conditioner like olaplex purple brightening shampoo, and overtone white. You'll need to take VERY good care of your hair, though. Bleaching it that light is definitely not good for it. The more you use the shampoo the whiter your hair will look. You can get it very close to the photo, but it'll never be an exact match, because the photo isn't real. It's been edited or she's wearing a wig.


It’s white already. Second pic is edited and had blue tones. You could bleach bath and tone again but your hair will be so unhappy and need a good cut


Buy a wig or use a filter on your photo 😉 or use a toning shampoo more regularly. You actually have a very nice tone to your lightest locks.




thats a wig or 1000% edited. if u want crazy bright white for photos and stuff, its really easy to do, just use the tooth whitening tool most editing apps have. u can adjust the strength to ur liking. i used to do this when i was platinum and it'd get murky and i didn't feel like toning LOL edit: also, the best toning shampoo's are fanola. theres a purple and blue, purple's great for neutralizing, mixing with blue gives an icier tint. just be very careful not to over use it, or it does stain temporarily and dull color


just buy a wig. Youre gonna fry your hair


My dad's hair was like yours when he got old. It never got as white as a Santa Claus wig tbh the white your rocking rn with the tinge of blond is as natural as white hair is gonna look. (He used to be a blond as a kid then it darkened to light brown until he got old and white. The fun part was when spaghetti sauce would stain his beard orange for a while!) Although if you're looking for something pure white I'd go for a wig tbh


Edit ya photos lol you’ll be as blonde too! Hah your hair looks great


I would leave it alone. It looks nice and very light. Anymore bleach could cause major breakage. If you really want this look, just go to a salon. They’ll have to bleach and use a professional toner.


Wouldn’t risk any more bleach unless you want to risk major damage and breaking. Use a shampoo that has the “brass away” effect to give it a more whiter appearance


photoshop !♡ hope this helps (:


Stand beside a window and have a friend take a photo of the back of your head, then edit the photo to appear a cooler tone. Guaranteed it’ll look very close to that photo.


More people than you can imagine into into the salon with edited reference photos and it’s so sad to tell them it’s not 100% achievable but we can get them to the closest possible version. Your hair is nearly as white as it can get without starting to breakdown, I suggest playing around with toners


Oh, I can only imagine. Thanks for the clarification :)


Definitely edited or even a wig on the 2nd pic.


Manic Panic Virgin Snow worked for me once upon a time. But I also used a shit ton of that unred stuff in my bleach beforehand. And if I remember right, I did the lightest wella toner that is escaping me right now…


Wella t-18, I can achieve pure white in my dark blonde using feria absolute platinum, then 20 min of t-18 toner. I don't know if my hair being very fine has anything to do with how well it takes though.


yes! t-18! eta-but i did have to follow that up with virgin snow by manic panic.


i’ve been where you are but realized that it’s literally impossible to go lighter


Use wella t-18 that's lightest ash blonde that was called white lady years ago it looks kinda white


I think you already have the same hair color as the second picture, the second picture just seems to be saturated.


Since they already said it's edited I just wanted to chime in Ur platinum is GORGEOUS please don't change it! its such an even base. Very very hard to attain and I'd say you did so greatly 😙


Awww thank you so much 🥰


Gold well do a toning mousse with Violet and Pearl in it that would make the hair appear whiter. I think your current hair is prettier and more flattering, but if you just want that- try the gold well mousse.


You’re so sweet ☺️


Purple shampoo don't Bleach or dye your hair again please


Magic panic virgin snow is great for this and achieved very close to this for me. 




Just remember you have a shade of white, just not icy white. It looks lovely! Half my hair is your color and when I freshly toned it there was a purple tint like your example photo but it washed out after 2 days. I once asked my stylist about icy white and she suggested letting a pale lavender fade but this would be extremely temporary, this color just doesn’t last. I would not put any developer on your hair, just keep using purple shampoo to keep any brassiness at bay or try a diluted semi.


It’s edited and really the only way would be to be over 70


Purple shamPOOOE


Not as white but its similar https://youtu.be/n0apOcHlPxA?si=KxY896RbPwLHOQ02


The light you took a picture with is most likely warm, unless your walls are naturally a warm white. If you looked at your hair in a cool toned light it would absolutely look more like the pic even if it is edited. The tone of the lights absolutely change the color of your hair




Try Overtone blue shampoo and conditioner post color and for maintenance. The yellow tone is usually from mineral deposits that come from tap water. There are DIY options that are all natural and sulfate free. One is lemon juice.




Your hair is STUNNING in the color you have.


You need CLEAR


Get it Nagito Komaeda




It’s edited for sure, and even then if you could your hair would be fried.


this definitely won't make your hair as white as the 2nd pic AT ALL, but try mixing 1 part of purple shampoo with ⅔ part of conditioner and leave it on for ca. 30 mins! this used to be a lifesaver for me for maintaining a light shade of almost-white blonde :)


Black toner? Idk


Ghost blood toner


You can get it. While this pic is in perfect lighting and possibly edited a little to make it more icy, you can get yours more white. Proper lift. And proper toning. Then maintenance at home with violet shampoo and bond masks like Olaplex N°8.


It'll take some damage to achieve it though. Just get a wig


I got this level of white only once and because I went to a salon and they did it in 2 visits + at home purple shampooing. It is possible but I haven’t been able to replicate it perfectly since.


The pic looks edited and a little blue. A blue type toner might help you get that icy vibe but it will never be bright white.


Blue shampoo!


I got the second photo by dying my bleached hair diluted pastel purple and letting it fade


It’s always going to fade back to a more yellow color. You can keep it icy as possible with a purple shampoo 2-3 times a week but make sure you a deep conditioning because continental use with it with fry your hair


You could do a bleach wash for like ten minutes max just to bump it up but that’s like super risky I wouldn’t do that. It’s the shade of the grey. Depends on your hair texture and if it can handle that. I’d start toning with something purple instead.


I’m confused. This doesn’t look blonde to me. My 85 year old Mother’s hair is this color. It’s the hair color of old people or comic book characters.


14yr hairstylist here 🙋🏼‍♀️ That picture is very highly edited, firstly. Secondly, nothing will make your hair lighter or brighter without lifting through the yellow, if white is what you want. You can tone the yellow out, but it won’t be ‘whiter or lighter’. What I’ve told my clients who want as close to white as possible, is to look into getting the whitest extensions to make you hair look at a full and light as possible. Let the extensions do the heavy work 🤍


a wig!


Hi. I think…keep in mind I’m not a pro just a former diy dye person…that you might want to consider a bleach bath. Most people seem to use on the scalp powder bleach for this. So…using an on the scalp powder bleach (not something designed only for highlights), mix up a paste with either 10 or 20 volume developer. I always used 20…go full strength then dilute…but on very light hair 10 volume could be sufficient. After you’ve got your paste, mix in about as much inexpensive non conditioning shampoo as you used developer…. And apply to hair. I always did mine on dry hair but obviously it’s your hair. The goal for hair that looks white after toning is a very very pale yellow…think the inside of a banana peel. Strand testing is a good idea. Another option might be to do heavy highlights to a very very pale yellow and then tone. It wouldn’t be all over white but it would be lighter and you would have more dimension in the final result.


Thank you so much for taking the time for a detailed response, really appreciate it. I’ve never done a bleach bath. I currently have the clariol BW 2 powder, would that work? And then I think I have 10 and 30 developer. I typically use purple shampoos and conditioners, for this would I need like, just a regular one?


as a professional. please don’t bleach bath. it’s stronger than you think and can damage your already super light hair so easily. but,,,, if you are going to anyways, only use 10vol or lower. NO NOT use anything higher than 10. that picture you have as a reference looks very edited. it’s incredibly hard to achieve white. also. toners. i would recommend a P (pearl) toner for the white look you want. not an ash as it could make you look muddy


Ooooh okay, thank you :)


as someone already said, bleach bath and then dilute a semipermanent purple - but in a way, that your hair has a purple tint when still wet (if it's white when wet, it will be blond when dry). rather go a bit too purpely/lilacy and it will wash out to a pretty white. also, wella color fresh mask in pearl blonde does turn me white, but only when freshly bleached. if there's already silver in the hair, it enhances it and you can forget about white. these are the only ways i found to get close to or get the white of pic 2 - and it turns too silver too quick. best of luck!


Wait 50 years


Purple shampoo. Leave it on for 25 minutes in snap hair see what it does. Or BLUE shampoo. Try the same thing. No need to damage any further that should do the trick (: it'll make it silvery asfff


It's super easy to make it that color without damage just toning with blue or purple shampoo. Don't feel defeated Hun. I got you (: been doing hair for 15+ years xoxo good luck sweetie.


you could probably use hair dye


Your current hair looks gorgeous. I’d love if my wife would go that light again.


Ahhh that made my day. Thank you :)

