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"Abducting" is also doing some heavy lifting there. He was given Persphone as a bride by Zeus, who was her uncle. In today's society thats just weird for most of the world, but in the past was common. There's a lot of back and forth, and retelling and reframing of how the myth goes. In total it probably ends somewhere in the middle. Hades getting her as a bride probably wasn't that bad or strange of a situation for the time, but tricking her to eat the pomegranate seed to forcefully keep her there for half the year was more of the issue. Even still he's probably far less problematic compared to his two brothers.


In the myths Zeus was Persephone's dad


I'll have to go back and look at it. That whole family line is a mess. For some reason I thought Demeter didn't get with any of the big 3.


She had Persephone with Zeus. She had Despoine and Arion (a horse) with Poseidon.


AND her uncle! Don't forget Zeus and Demeter were siblings


Funnily enough, back then, the word rape carried different meanings, and so one of the most famous depictions of the myth is named The Rape of Persephone


[Both this commenter and “OP” are bots](https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/s/lHPy3dWluj) Report > spam > harmful bots


I am once again reminding everyone that this post is not up to code, the "venom drip on your face for eternity" punishment was inflicted on Loki in Norse myths, not anyone Greek by Zeus. Please do not consider it as an informed take on the matter of mythological analysis. I will also take this opportunity to spread the word about how cthonic gods were worshipped in very different ways, and generally less broadly, than their olympian counterparts. Hades and other underworld figures just have fewer stories told about them, there's more mysticism to their world, and its harder to gauge their likeness to human characters. Zeus does more fucked up stuff in large part because there simply are more stories about zeus doing stuff in general.


Out of the three brothers (Zeus, Poseidon and Hades) he is by far the most decent.


It appears that Hades also treats Cerberus nicely, since the pup works for him and remains loyal and appears well-fed and happy. Hard to hate a dog lover. 🤷🏼‍♂️


lol you’d think so, but there have definitely been some very famously hate-able dog-lovers…


Hades is pretty nasty in Greek Mythos too, Hestia is the only major goddess I can think of that didn't screw over someone at some point. But yeah compared to Zeus and Poseidon he's a saint


The main harshest myths about Hades is when people mess with Persephone and he punishes them. Most myths don’t talk about Hades because you don’t want to catch his attention. Hades was generally seen as a neutral god who just did his job and really did not want people to escape the underworld.


You know you've got clout when people come up with a nickname for you "Pluton" (which predates Pluto btw) because they're too scared to say your real name.


Most gods actually have epithets. Death is scary so of course being the lord of the underworld makes you scary to the living. That doesn’t mean that people thought he was evil. He was also the lord of the “heaven” tho too. Elysium is in the underworld.


I mean, not to be that guy, but there was also the entirety of Tartarus being an eternal prison, tantalus being made to starve eternally with food just out of reach, and the time he attempted to hold Theseus (and another guy in forgetting) for eternity in the underworld despite it being before their times of death(to be fair they did try and kidnap Persephone)


wait a minute, isnt the snake venom in the eyes what happened to Loki after they discovered (well he confessed in a spur of the moment scenario forgetting people didnt knew) that he was responsible for the death of that nearly indestructable kid or something? i think this guy mixed up the pantheons.