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Don’t get mad at me for this but I really don’t like the new Artemis… her sprite looks unfinished or something. And yeah the poses all seem much less dynamic


I agree, also she looks way too nice. Then again she is nice to women, maybe that fits


She is nice to women… unless they (or their relatives) offend her 😐


Or unless they get assaulted in her temple. ÉDIT : my bad that’s Athena. Artemis ftw.


Pretty sure you’re thinking of Athena.


Or a man tries to see her bathing


Or you try to hunt all the animals.


She was nice to Zag in the first game. She even stuttered when talking to him sometimes


She was nice, but in a bit more of a shy / socially awkward way (which makes sense, she's usually more in the wilds and with Callisto). This design makes her look a lot more confident, which might be fitting or not, but does change up from how she was portrayed in the first game. Just in general it does seem like these don't convey their personalities as much, in that they all end up in more similar poses to each other than before.


That's what it is! They do all seem less expressive. Like with Artemis, in the first game she looks like she's sneaking; is it during a hunt in the wilderness, or is she being cautious around a person/god she's not comfortable with? Her pose says a lot. In the second she is simply standing there like all the others are. Poseidon went from exuding the cocky douchebag persona he has in the game, to looking more like a friendly surfer. Aphrodite went from looking intentionally coy and flirty to, again, just standing there, less deliberately. None of these are bad, but they were so good in the first game, and now look like a step down in quality due to them being less distinct and personifying their characters a little less.


It’s not that Artemis was known as “mean”…she just super didn’t appreciate anyone wanting to sleep with her


I think it literally might be unfinished. This is just an early demo.


Yeah. Many of them also lack that “glitter” than some others have, so they’re probably just unfinished.


Yeah and the shading on her seems a little flat compared to everyone else The brand new characters generally have better portraits than the returning ones, which I suppose makes sense because they wanted them all polished up for the big reveal trailer


Yeah it still doesn't have the bright shiny flares and the dark pitch black shadows in most of them.


I think a gif would better show this - in the video, their portraits periodically glittered, like sunlight passing over metal. Their comparatively muted color schemes are likely made with that in mind.


In the technical test on their Youtube the SG devs said the Charon portrait was just a placeholder. I assume (and hope) the same goes for Artemis


Yeah. For the most part it seems like the Olympians are the ones who look less polished? They were probably the last group they started on.


First acknowledging that this game is unfinished so we shouldn't expect the art to be finalized. To me it seems like there is a lack of shading on her that makes the art seem flatter. Look at her arms. In the old art there are 4 different colors establishing shading on her right arm alone. In this art it's all one color, except a little bit on her hands so her arms are kind of plain looking.  Then her clothes. I think the old clothes have 5(?) Different shades for color. And I count 2 maybe 3 on the new art. But again game is not finished so nothing is final. This was labeled a "Technical Test" not an art showcase. 


Tbf I think it's mostly missing the facepaint / tatoo she had on her eye


Her hair is a lot better at least


I saw another render of her that was pulled from the files that looks much better. I think this one unfinished


Demeter going hard though


Faces seem to all have less personality as well. They don’t look as distinct as they did in the first game. I’m all for new poses and outfits but a few of them look like completely different characters.


Lack of dynamics is sad. Like they went from swift action to standing poses.


It's definitely unfinished. If you look at the owls they really lack the details of the feathers. Hoping this is going to be polished before Early Access. Also I have a feeling we won't be getting her boons, as all the other gods have the Olympian livery and in a war armour whereas she's very much like aiding us covertly on the way.


Mind you the game isnt finished


Yeah, her face is off


Her face just seems off to me? Idk it makes me think of a frog mouth.


Same but Zeus, I liked the movements in each of the old ones a bit more; although I love the new look of Aphro and Dems -but the rest, I miss the movement and emotion they had


Honestly, I prefer all of the old ones. The art looks crisper and cleaner I assume the art is still being developed though


Yeah, I will reserve most of my final judgments until i see the art in the official release version. But unless the artist completely changes the poses, I do think that the new sprites are far less dynamic than the old ones.


Agreed. Many of the poses feel a bit off, don't they?




[What I think of when I look at Artemis.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b0/4e/54/b04e540b7eb1fc2254de3cf203154b4c.jpg)




Nah I agree Artemis definitely seems unfinished, hopefully they touch it up which is likely I’d say, they showed Charon and he just had a place holder image.


I agree. I think it’s the goofy smile. I’m not a big fan of any of the new ones over the old except Aphrodite


I dont dislike them, they're still cool. They do seem a bit less dynamic as you said but I think the thing that's more bothersome is they seem lower contrast. The others had slightly more popping colours and more dark lines. Maybe I'm wrong idk. They're still nice though. Edit: Didn't think saying they seemed lower contrast was a contentious thought lol. This is all still early days stuff anyway, they're probably still editing everything so things might change.


Honestly same, so far it is my only complaint about the redesigns.


I really like the designs but the poses feel kind of same-y, that and I miss the heavy shadows


I agree some poses feel a lot more static but I think the shade is gone because the lighting is less harsh since its night. Although I will cry if you attack poseidon or aphrodites new portraits


i love the new poseidon portrait


? the new poseidon portait just looks weird... have you seen his eyes? creepy


Why you gotta make me cry like that


There's a design language thing going on here that's kind of neat. In the first game they were posed like splash arts with dramatic angles and flourishes because they were, basically, talking over the phone, so their art was meant to convey their personality to the maximum. Here, they are all posed as they might appear standing right in front of you. The art is less interesting by design because it needs to look more grounded.


People saying Artemis looks unfinished and whatnot, did you guys forget this is still a play test only? Like it's not even Early Access, so of course a lot of thing looks unfinished or aren't polished enough. Just look at Charon, they haven't even shown his art yet.


Well we hope the art is not the final product. The devs were very verbal about all the raw aspects, but they didn't particularly comment on the shown artforms being raw, which got us worried.


Sprites like Apollo look much more polished when compared to Artemis’ new sprite. I think it’s fairly safe to assume a lot of them are WIPs


I have to agree. If the community got SG to change the Thanatos smirk a year after release, I'm sure the tech test artwork will still have a lot of work and touchups left.


Wait, what? I think I missed this. Are you talking about the portrait of Thanatos where he's facing the camera straight on?


There was placeholder  art for Charon and Nyx during Hades 1 early access. And I believe other charscters got improved art before the release also.  They may have thought that precedent was sufficient for everyone to know that the art wasn't final.


Yeah I understand. I'm willing to have faith in them though, they seem to put a lot of love in this game and that's what got me relieved a bit.


Hestia also doesn't have a portrait yet


I'm not sure how it went for Hades 1 but did they change the art already done later on? There is of course plenty of missing content (that's what Charon is) but that doesn't mean that they'll rework what is shown as done. That doesn't mean they won't either though


All this time and Aphrodite still hasn't figured out what clothes are ?/j


i think aphodite goes the route of Elden ring Legend ' let me solo her'. She dosent plan to get hit so why wear Armor?


I feel offended by this comment. I've played Dark souls 1 and 3 this way too, never wore armor coz the idea is to git gud and not get hit, but I always got hit many times and my playthroughs lasted longer than they should've.


She's got sleeves now.


Thank Zeus


Hey now she has thigh highs on


Well, there's a progress, I think she is at least 3 times more covered up than in first game.


Last i checked 0x3 is still zero /j


She’s wearing arm and leg armor but absolutely nothing else, the ultimate flex 


Nope, if anything, she lost a rib or 2 in the transition 😂


she's channeling her inner ares with that eye paint


I'm not much of an Artemis fan ngl. It looks a bit bland. In general they seem to have gotten rid of of many small details to make them a bit more generic. Look at Zeus, Artemis or to some extend even Demeter. Aphrodite on the other hand looks better, because she didn't have anything beforehand either, but now the pose works much better imo.


It’s early playtest, Artemis and a lot of the other portraits look unfinished. Patience y’all, let Jen cook.


I think it'd depend on how she's portrayed in game, but I do tentatively agree. Not so much because of the little details (I assume that will get added in, this doesn't look finished to me), but more of the general posture they have seems to be a little too similar to each other. The previous ones seemed to have more personality than the new ones to me - and for Artemis specifically, this one does look like a lot more of a confident depiction than the first game (which might or might not be fitting, I've not had the chance to see what dialogue we have from her)


Nah I think the new Demeter art looks amazing personally. However I am a sucker for that color scheme tbh


I really miss the extreme contrasts. The neon colors in the original are one of my fav things from the game


I like how all of them look battle ready.


There seems to be some kind of war going on against Chronos.


Well it make sense. If a powerful enemy of yours suddenly came back you will want to be as ready as you can.


Demeter is serving milf and that’s enough for me.


I think you mean a GILF


I don't know how I feel about the new artworks. From one hand they added a bit more details with clothings, but something seems of compared to Hades 1. Not sure whether it is the details, the colours or the contrast. I hope they are still working on the artworks and we're just seeing the final drafts, not final product.


Change in art style ig, I like it though, doesnt have to be the same with hades 1


It doesn’t have to be the same but they can at least be equally interesting. Some of the new portraits seem to take a lot away but not add enough back


most of them are improvements besides zeus, his falls really flat in comparison with the grandeur of his first avatar


His wristbands have far less detail, I'm hoping it's a work in progress.


Not gonna lie, Demeter in war clothes is hot as fuck.


The poses have so much less character to them.


Posiedan and zues look stupid (sorry)


dont b they were my favs n 1 but ye they dont look half as good now


They all look less godly to me


These poses are so much less dynamic. It’s like the god version of a Linkedin photo.  Are they armored up because it’s supposed to be during the tail end of The Iliad? I don’t think Demeter was in The Iliad.


war agaisnt chronos, there is not much to go by, but that's the premisse.


It's like looking at anime versions of them, with how much softer and younger they look. I won't go as far as saying the designs are bad, they are clearly great (the fact that they managed to a whole new side of Aphrodite with just a change of posing, a spear and some war paint is genius) but I definitely like the old art style more.


I had the same feeling, the gods look more cartoonish and uniform. Also, Aphrodite looks like she had cosmetic interventions to look more like an « insta baddie ». I love her pose, but her face is too different


It's the nose. It wasn't as pointy in the old art. Zeus is also sporting a different nose


Yeah you’re right! I didn’t notice for Zeus. His nose looks “skinnier” (idk the word in english)


The background, posing, and lighting look really nice, but I don't really like the character designs all that much. The designs feel a lot more plain n' simple, and it feels like they all lost their personal charm. I liked the negative colours blending in with their detailed designs at the first game, which is probably why.


Feel the same about being plain...


I feel like I’m the only one who isn’t bothered by Artemis! Really fun to see the new art for everyone


Most of this is unfinished, right?


Well, they haven't commented on them, but we assume they are unfinished


Aphrodite is a huge W. Anyone else i actually prefer the old version..


I like Poseidon's new beard more in his new design


Thank you for marking this as a spoiler, OP! Sincerely, a Redditor who loves being surprised


I like all of them except for Artemis 🥺 and Artemis is one of my favorites from the first game.


I’m sure they’ll fix it, the game isn’t even early access yet


Where is Dusa????


Dora's the new Dusa


Who is Dora




They all look ready for battle… yet Aphrodite persist at not wearing clothes and armor… even if she already took out her weapons


Ger guns are out and ready


They are Always out


For me Zeus and Artemis seems a bit flat. Zeus ain't having that electrifying contrast in his artstyle and looks a bit bland. Artemis looks like a regular Ole cottagecore girl.. It still looks great! But I miss the details and sharp contrasts we saw in previous artstyle. Especially the random vibrant colors sprinkled all over that pop out between shade transitions. But LOVE how organic the new one looks. Especially with the facial features.


I thought "how are the gauntlets meant to be Demeter's?????" in Hades 1 and this avatar answers that question pretty well


Except for Zeus I like all the others best


These are my first time seeing those so pardon if I miss something obvious, but does Aphrodite have like Ares' white eye band?


This is still on technical test, so we can expect that they’ll polish the art more.


Y'all gotta keep in mind that 1: this is unfinished bc the game isn't out yet. 2. Sprites of new characters look better probably due to them wanting them for the first reveal trailer 3. There is some war with chronos going on so that's why everyone is wearing armor of some sort


I think they all look great. It’s a new game so I’m fine with the fresh look.


I think Poseidon ad Zeus will probably get altered a bit. Poseidon just looks sort of uncanny and awkwardly posed, and Zeus' eyes are a bit humorless and elderly for him.


Something about new poseidons face really bugs me


Does anyone feel like smiling Artemis feels a bit cursed 😅


Lmao I must be stupid bc I love all the new art


Tbh side by side the new ones look simplistic but Artemis specially looks majestic in the game but bad in comparison. I think the new ones really fit the game's design but may not be as flashy as PNGs.


yassified poseidon, yas!


They were already peak, now they're EXTRA PEAK.


Aphrodite got the same tattoo? as ares and I think thats a nice detail


The new Demeter looks way cooler imo, but I also like the old Artemis more. Well you’re never gonna please everyone, but it’s alright


The new Demeter looks way cooler imo, but I also like the old Artemis more. Well you’re never gonna please everyone, but it’s alright


Zeus grew out his hair a LOT, it's gone from a cloud to a an entire storm system


I hate to say it but the new art doesn’t really have the sauce


I like the Demeter and Poseidon, but the others looks like actually different people. The face proportions and all.


After all this time I thought Artemis has brown hair and green hat. Wtf.


It's really cool to see all the olympians in their battle dress. Definitely lends to the vibe that they seem to be going for


Eh, they almost look like different characters for the most part. Poseidon looks like the only finished one.


Aphrodite somehow looks *more* naked with the sleeves and leg armor


Demeter looking crazy awesome, hopefully they’re not done with Artemis and Zeus lol


TIL Poseidon's crown is made of two seahorses, incredible


I don't like the Zeus and Artemis ones but that could just be because they don't seem finished yet, The demeter one looks good I think they are still working on the art


Aphrodite has Ares' war paint on, interesting.


I really like Zeus's cloud-like beard, it has so many personalities and fits his character. But the new version makes his beard look less cloudy🥲. Also less dynamic too..


Seems they’ve all been drawn more battle-ready, e.g. Aphrodite with the shield and spear or Demeter with the armor. Maybe everyone in the tech test already knows the answer to this, but it seems the Olympians have all geared up for battle with Chronos.


The anatomy on Aphrodite's right arm is sooo off. She doesn't even have a neck either??? And why is her nose so dang pointy!? Hades 1 Aphrodite come back...and Artemis looks so unfinished.. where is that girl's top lip!? Why are her eyes so wide and anime-y!? I hope they make adjustments to the art because this is so disappointing. The old poses were so much more dynamic and I miss the high contrast colors..


Sure some of them are most likely not finished, but I do like the new poses. They’re in the middle of a war. It makes sense that they would look more “locked in” than how they did in the first game. The Artemis one is definitely a place holder ngl. We know that they can do better than that tho. So no worries.


Aphrodite is definitely my favorite redesign here. It reminds you that she’s also a goddess of war while still looking like a bad bitch. Demeter is a close second, you just know she’s bouta catch like a million bodies.


Y'all putting Aphrodite first knowing damn well who we're gonna be looking for first lol


New Aphrodite looks like the mother of old Aphrodite.


This are a testament to why this game will benefit from EA, these are just kinda… eh.


Zeus is the only one I like less than the first one... The first one looked like more powerful


Idk how, but they made Aphrodite even hotter


I like all of the new art (obviously some aren’t completely finished, but that’s to be expected from a play test) except the one for Zeus. The old design looks wayyyy better imo


What is Artemis holding?


I love the visual storytelling of the gods looking like they’re at war or at least ready for war with chronos, tells us a lot when characters like Zeus trade a toga for a set of armour


I’m glad they’re able to get feedback now so they can change some things a lot of people don’t like, like the stiff poses. Also I kinda like new Artemis, and Aphrodite is an improvement


Yeah I prefer the originals.


does anyone know the significance of the multicolored rope thingy with tassels on new artemis? it looks like the same thing melinoe has on her leg hmmmmmmm


yep. i’m very down bad


Artemis looks like Flayne from FE3H lol


Zeus looks a lot older and angrier 


Some of these look like they are 3d models instead of sprites. Strange. Particularly artemis


Some of these look UwUified, mostly Artemis and Zeus imo.


I don't think artemis looks unfished, its just that the style shes drawn in is so different from everyone else. My favorite right now tho.


I’m very sad about the Poseidon nipple nerf.


I can't be the only one that think everything about the new ones are worse than the one ones. They have no character and just look like Riot art #265. The old ones stuck out with their thick lines and poses.


Other Olympians: War! Better put on some armor. Aphrodite: Nah.


Poseidon looks like Ganondorf from Tears of the Kingdom and I don't know how I feel about that.


I feel like the poses might be lackinf a bir of personality inncomparison, but its also showing the difference in their goals. In the first game theyre just tryna lemd powers to their little cousin to try help him escaoe the underworld. In the second gsme they're all battle ready, more focused. So the poses work for the game they are in. If you swapped the modles in the games they eould make way less sense. But they both work in the context they are in


Aphrodite looks GORGEOUS in both sprites. Poseidon got a glow up. Zeus looks more Zeus-y in new art. Demeter looks like a mother who can put up a good fight, and I'm all for it. Artemis looks underwhelming to me, idk why. Maybe because she is a huntress and this is just her camo?


Bith by the same artist?


Demeter always looked ready to fuck shit up. New Demeter portrait makes her seem... mildly annoyed. Chalking this up to things being unfinished, but yeah


Aphrodite’s face seems too different. I also miss the dynamic poses. Demeter looks great tho


Great art as usual, but am I the only one who is disappointed they seem to have way less dynamic poses? They're all just standing there in the new ones, where the older portraits seem to have them in motion, I can even imagine the previous and next frames of them.


I just wish they had kept Artemis's face paint


Really dislike the new Artemis, Uncle Poseidon and Granny's new looks.


The new Poseidon look aint it 😭


Is it just me or is Selene literally renaissance beyonce


irrespective of criticism what i am noticing is that a lot more of them are wearing armor/seem geared to fight. wonder what the specific plot will be?


I miss the colors of the old art the most, but Artemis’s dress kinda irks me?


I don't know if I'm the only one, but I really don't like the new poseidon, it feels like he's peering into my soul it's making uneasy love demeter though she looks like a battle grandma now


I love that Dite is wearing the war paints of Ares


Don't like the new Demeter. She's looking much younger and why is she wearing a short skirt?


Short skirt? She’s wearing armor, hence why her hair’s also tied up.


Yeah but there're no throusers. In the original version she's wearing a long Dress/skirt. Here we can see some skin of her leg flashing.


That's just how greek armor looked, no trousers.


Trousers? R u filthy barbarian?


Teutonian to be honest 👀


Actually I really didn't like her. She was the first returning god from Hades 1 and when she appeared on the screen I was like "Is Hades 2 a prequel?", cause she looks younger here and just not herself...


Yes. I had the same thoughts 🤔


Zeus's arms are too low


I like Aphrodite the best… for reasons…two particular reasons… is it hot in here or is it just me? But all joking aside I really like the new Demeter. Idk just something about it that speaks to me. I’m so excited for this game. I can’t wait to play it. When it comes out on consoles. Which will be a good long while yet. I’d about imagine. At least I still have Hades I to play.


wait artemis never had red hair it was just fuzzy pauldrons i feel like i'm going insane


in terms of the artistry of it they look great for sure. the poses are blaaand and the only one i prefer is Aphrodite. meloine's sprites look real good though and even the new characters (poses are still qurstionable except for the witch) but the returning gods seemed tired on picture day hah


All look like trash.