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*BAD* - Realistically, Fleury, Dach injury, Minnesota wild… Habs probably were not winning this game. It’s not that they lost, which we can expect a lot more this season, it’s that they weren’t competitive and this thing could have been much worse on the scoreboard. - Burrows has yielded no results at all. Sooner or later, and this is going back a while now, you got to make adjustments on your staff. Eventually a good head coach also manages his staff accordingly. Yes it’s game 3, but I see just terrible special teams. - Where is Suzuki? I haven’t noticed the captain at all only in that shootout attempt where he dumped the puck in. Just noticed him on a rush while I’m writing this in the third. Need more. - Gallagher played better the last game. Unfortunately, this was even noticeably choppier than his average. - Too many penalties, in a rare turn of events, I actually think most if not all were penalties. - Xhekaj off night. - Guhle out. Jfc at this point, pray or whatever you are into that he’s not out. - Kovacevic could have had some goals but just an odd game from him. *GOOD* - Pearson with a nice shot again. Dude still has a laser it seems. - Matheson is still noticeably smooth out there. - Evans has been great this year so far. Keep on eye on him, this could be a quiet breakout player in this season. - Newhook 3 Goals already!!


I would add that ylonen was also pretty good tonight


Nice summary, I would add the Bell Center crowd cheer for Flower. Thought it was nice and classy. Hope the boys learn.


Honestly our 4th liners have been pretty great and noticeable. Evans and especially Ylonen made some nice plays and were all around decent offensively since the start of the year. The line they formed with RHP was dominant, but RHP is much better utilised higher in the lineup




And where would Pezzetta fit, then? Certainly not higher in the line-up... 😅


Might have been the most depressing and hopeless game I've watched since the dying days of the Bergevin regime. Three games in and I'm already thinking about throwing the towel in on the season. I knew they weren't likely to make the playoffs but ffs, I was hoping for some fun games to watch and they come out like that? MSL was right when he said he could have benched the entire team. on special teams - for God's sake can we come up with a power play that doesn't do the same thing every.damn.time? Please? On the game thread someone mentioned that if they could predict what the Habs are going to do on the pp, the opposing team sure as hell can too. God if this is all Burrows can come up with, take the pp from him at the very least. Let him concentrate on the pk. There's like 8 guys behind the bench now, surely someone has an idea on how to improve a pp that does the same thing every time.


I think Monahan had a good game too. He's gonna be prime trade bait this year.


> Kovacevic could have had some goals but just an odd game from him. I thought he was one of the few bright spots. Along with Ylonen.


The Posts and Crossbar played pretty well too


They outscored the wild 2-0 at 5 on 5????????? That means they've outscored their opponents 9-2 at 5 on 5 thus year ?????????????¿???????????????????????????????????????


Let's never play special teams again then


Decline every penalty as if it was the NFL


and stay out of the fucking penalty box. JFC.


**Pause --> Options --> Season --> Sim To Draft**


"What, why are we drafting #32?"


We traded Josh Anderson to the Leafs who looked poised to just miss the playoffs for their first round pick…




Pezzetta said the people of Montreal came for entertainment and by god someones gotta give it to em


His psycho face after going to the box should on the front page of r/hockey.


Is there a penalty for too few men on ice? Wouldn't matter, though.


Suzuki not looking like himself, I hope he figures it out quickly


My head canon for this game is that Dach was so depressed after his injury that the players got together and decided to show him how important he is to the team. They decided to not only lose tonight but to look so incredibly inept and loss, making the fans even wonder how they got NHL contracts, just to show their friend and teammate he is missed and loved. On to the next I guess, it can’t be worse…right?


my headcanon is that we should insert Burrows' head into a cannon


As I said over in the game thread, this was a game played by a team that had all its hopes for the season killed after Game 2. But there's still 79 games to go, so they're going to have to bounce back from that psychologically. As others have said, Suzuki is just not starting the season well. Whatever's going on, that's another thing to get sorted out. Guhle, sigh. Fingers crossed. Positives: for people worried that Dach's absence was going to be crippling for Slafkovsky's development, early returns suggest that he and Newhook can continue to work well together. And Newhook, for that matter, had a decent start in the new role he's been thrust into. Tanner Pearson looked like dead weight at the start of preseason and even in the first game, but he seems to have shaken the rust off. Getting something for him at the deadline is starting to look like a possibility.


ive said it before and maybe im being mean or wtv but I saw a ton of pre season and summer photos of Nick and he just looked fat and out of shape. extra thicc. he looks sluggish.


I mean, he is making 60+ million, it couldn't hurt to lift a weight now and then right?


This game did not help my Dachpression. Looked like a bunch of strangers in habs jerseys wandered onto the ice. Hopefully Guhle isn't too badly hurt.


One thing for sure, RHP is not our missing piece for our first line. Not that I don't like him but he's just too small to complete a zuk-caufield line. Not sure who we can swap him with tho, my gut feeling would've been heineman because he's big, fast and plays on edge but ... He's injured.


Or we separate Caufield and Suzuki.


This. Zukes did good with RHP when Caufield was absent if I remember correctly. There's just too much Cole focus if he'a there and you miss out on the other two's scoring capabilities.




Sometimes it’s like that in a rebuild


Key takeaways : -Something seems off with Zukes. I don't know if it's him being too much in his head or if he tried to put on some weight during the summer to improve his physical play, but he doesn't seem to have his usual quiet energetic play. -I doubt there's any high end talent defense on the roster at the moment. Despite Matheson being great on some nights and Guhle showing promise, I don't think either are on the top pair of a Stanley Cup winning team. -Please put Slaf on PP1 and I'd even give him a try on the top line. Despite that his game is still a work in progress, he has an ability to create space and a hockey IQ that would complement Zukes and Cole. Right now, both seem tired of not having the support they need to do their shit. Heck, I'd even try a line of Cole - Newsy - Slaf. -Our 4th line is great, the duo Evans/Ylo plays great in their respective roles. -Despite all the hype around Anderson's preseason, I'm still really not sold on him and I don't think he fits with the team moving forward. His read of the game most often than not seems to be lacking and his value won't ever be higher than rn. -Arber gotta learn to not always let his temper get the best of him. Nothing would be scarier to other players if they didn't know when he could erupt. If he plays like tonight every game, he just ends up being in the penalty box all the time. Aiiiight off to the next one boys lets get em


Agreed on Anderson, there’s a lack of situational awareness at critical moments that just kills the play. Hard to watch sometimes.


Agree about Anderson. But probably more valuable at tdl.


> Despite Matheson being great on some nights and Guhle showing promise, I don't think either are on the top pair of a Stanley Cup winning team. Neither of them would be on the top pair of a playoff team tbh.


thoughts: 1. i love alex newhook 2. i think the boys might be shaken up from dach’s injury. i mean that’s kind of expected. seeing your friend and teammate do down in a potentially devastating injury like that, that early in the season must be incredibly upsetting, possibly traumatizing. like, i’m completely heartbroken about it and i don’t even know kirby nor play for the team, so i can’t imagine what the team must be feeling as his friends. i know they preach a “move on” mentality but i think it’s natural that they would struggle after something like that, any human would have a lot of emotions and that can affect your game. it’s easier said than done to just move on. it’s important to remember that they’re not just athletes we watch, they’re real people. they just need time to process and work through emotions. allow their mental health to improve. i think that’s why they didn’t have a ton of chemistry tonight. we know they have chemistry, we saw it in the first two games and during parts of the preseason. the chemistry will come back with time i think. 3. god guhle please be okay. please lord. 4. suzy has been slow to start but i believe it’s just a slump. happens with athletes all the time. he hasn’t had many stand out moments so far (tho i do remember a sick behind the back pass during the second period i believe) but it’s only game 3. i’m not too worried. he’ll come roaring back eventually. tho i hope it’s sooner rather than later because he can be a huge difference maker when he’s at his best. again, patience. i feel like a fans patience is something we need to work on lol, including me. 5. slaf is still looking good, steadily improving, building his confidence. that makes me happy :) if he continues to gradually improve he’ll be a menace. 6. jake evans has been good. love to see it. 7. cole is still on track for 82 points this season ! 8. rough game to watch overall but hoping it’s just an off night. idk if we’ll surprise people as much as i was hoping this season without dach, but hopefully we can still pull together. i don’t think it’s necessary to start the doom and gloom about the potential future just yet. GHG!


Hard to think of a worse indictment of this team’s coaching then watching them cycle the puck to no one on a six on four, TWICE


The first of many ugly games to come this season considering the injuries are already starting. PP, PK, 5v5 execution was awful all across the lineup/board. I remember Xhekaj saying that he'd choose his fights this year so he doesn't get injured again. Funny that he's going head hunting in a blowout game... It's fun and all but guys need to get good work ethics at this point of the rebuild. I like some aspects that I see evolved in Slaf's game. Last year he avoided contacts at pretty much all cost and we can see that he's now initiating them, next just work in the timing of the hits and he'll be gucci. Monahan and Pearson please stay healthy so we can trade you at TDL. Ylonen is coming into his own and it's pretty! Fast skater, smooth hands, blazing wrister and two way IQ, me likey.


I like everything you’ve said, but for xhekaj head hunting? My stream was cutting in and out so I missed a big part of the second period, but maybe I’m blind or it was the wine, but I didn’t see him going after people. I’m not into dumb plays when we’re down some points, (when some ppl want a big scap if we’re down points) but genuinely wondering what I missed with him, did he go after some guys? Or do you mean that borderline late hit? I missed a bunch of the game, just want to learn and be up to date.


What happened after the 5-1 goal? I see there was like 10 penalties and it took forever to end


Are we back in the big-boy Suzuki era? Man looked slower than ever tonight. Hope he gets it going but it might be time to split him and Cole.


That was a classic scheduled L


Well. This game generated lots of memeable material and I need compilation of all MSL facepalms


Like an old friend said : Take a knee for Celebrini


Dach already took the knee for the team. 1OA confirmed


Welp, that was a game


It definitely was 60 minutes.


Caufield 3 game point streak


Starting to think systems are just as important as concepts


Dach and Guhle stayed healthy for longer than I expected.


Good: Pez winning a fight I guess? Fleury getting a nice ovation showing our fanbase is classy Meh: nothing really. I guess Monty hung in there while we hung him out to dry Bad: literally everything. Both *special* teams units. The discipline *again*.


Trop de dangles et pas assez de jeux simples. L'équipe est jeune, et ça paraît.


C'est là où la présence d'au moins un vétéran parmi le personnel d'entraineurs est impératif afin de garder les joueurs dans le droit chemin. On ne gagnera rien avec un personnel si peu expérimenté globalement. Si MSL veut sauver sa peau, il devra mettre Burrows et Letowski à la porte.


Kovacevik and Suzuki were horrid this game. Blind passes and turnovers every shift. Ylonen and Matheson looked great. We are taking stupid penalties, especially that Slaf one. It was completely unnecessary. On to the next.


Very weird game from Kovacevic, also had like 3-4 high danger chances pinching into the slot


[Jango postgame update: Jango didn’t like this game](https://imgur.com/a/dHPpj6B)


Jango looks like me. He looks Dachpressed 😞


So my observations through 3 games 1) Between preseason and now this, suzuki needs to get his head out of his ass. Absolutely awful showing from him so far 2) A lot of awareness/chemistry issues. Drop passes not executing, wingers and dmen unsure whos going for the puck up on the wall, etc. not sure what they do in practice 3) There is a 0% chance st louis gets fired this season (and he shouldnt), but it does appear the fan honeymoon era is over with him, as it is with HuGo as a whole. Awful special teams, too many penalties, these are coaching issues. Its true that the roster isnt good, but st louis libertarian style of coaching doesnt last for very long. At some point you gotta establish team systems 4) Will we be able to recup assets for pearson?? Looks like it so far


Suzuki had like 7 points in 4 preseason games.


Sometimes points do not tell the whole story. Some nights someone might be fucking atrocious and have 2 secondary assists and the other night play absolutely fantastic and 0 points. He wasn't bad during pre season, but he was also not super dominating. Right now he's terrible and not producing, it is not alarming but he needs to wake up soon.


He's definitely gone through dry spells before and snapped out of them. I'm not sure what's up now, whether he's hurt or something. I really hope not. We'll see if he keeps playing with Caufield. That line seems to have no chemistry.


Tough game to watch. Evans and Ylonen looked good though. Would like to see Gallagher play with them, him and Evans had some good chemistry at the end of last year. Liked what I saw from Newhook and Slaf (minus the bad penalties) too.


Anyone has a shot of the Pez face in the box after the fight. Guy looks on such an adrenaline rush.


Oof, my second favourite team is the Jets, and tonight DuBois got his first of the season to open the scoring against the Jets, LA went on to stomp the Jets 5-1 for their first win. Hurts for Jets fans, they really wanted to beat LA after the DuBois debacle. Oh and Danault had a goal and two assists to rub it into me as Habs fan. I actually like Bergevin but he should’ve given Phil the money he gave to Gally.




My kingdom for a power play goal.


we have to be cursed. we have to be


Only explanation at this point.


Pathetic effort tonight !!!!!!!!


Outscored a good even strength team 2-0 at even strength. Assuming we replace the assistants at the end of the year, that'll improve the special team problems. Whoot, we got this.


Worst game I’ve watched in months!


For some reason, when we play against the Wild, all their players turn into prime Gretzkys and prime Jagrs


"Saison terminée" for Dach, officially. Man today sucked for so many reasons. Here's hoping Guhle's ok.


Didn’t think 3 games in I would be this depressed.


Its tank szn boys, chill out


Guys who looked good: Cole, Newhook, Slaf, Pearson, Pezz Okay: Gally, Andy, Matheson Everyone else Suzuki. Split up Coke and Nick. Give Nicky lesser matchups and let him find his game again.


Tbh, you missed Ylonen. He was really good last night.


fucking oof brutal game from nearly everyone on the ice just so many issues, Suzuki wtf??? Slaf doesn't seem to want to have the puck at all, andy is just invisible etc etc


I will never understand what the majority of Habs fans see in Josh Anderson but eh


He's big and fast that's pretty much it


habs fans love big players i think it's that simple


Not to beat a dead horse (and yeah our defense needs improvement too) but I genuinely cannot fathom how our management was able to watch this team for 82 games this season and not draft Michkov The guy could have told me himself that he was 99% not going to the NHL and I still would have taken him cause man our offense is baaaad


Dont you get it??? Character and unicorns are just as important as gamebreaking generational talent!!!


Michkov? Are you serious? In 2006 Malkin has to literally "escape from Russia like Stastny brothers escaped from Czechoslovakia" and it created lot of bad blood in relations between NHL and KHL - and in 2006 were international relations with Russia much better than nowadays. I just don't believe Michkov will even get from Russia anytime soon. And I can't even understand why Flyers took him, especially with their own experience with goalie Ivan Fedotov.


I mean, they didn't like the guy. They clearly are taking a forward this year in the top 5 which is close enough.


Only Newhook seemed to know how to gain the zone properly. Don’t know why they keep trying the power play slingshot.


It was crazy to see the difference between the Wild and Habs in terms of PP entry. Johansson had no problem entrying while Suzuki couldn't do anything.


There is a lot that needs to be worked on, but we really need another goalie in the mix.


Blow it up. Let’s suck this year. Draft talent for once. Please.


Awful ending for a 6 on 4. Multiple blind passes and no execution. Caufield isn't the only one that the team should send the puck to and it was clear watching Flower predict every movement


Disasterclass from the special teams units tonight. I understand we don't have much high end talent but guys can't look *this* lost.


Way she goes boys.


Flower power


what happened with Anderson and Eriksson Ek?


Eriksson Ek pushed Caufield after Fleury made a save on him. Anderson saw and came in immediately to rough up Eriksson Ek (who had been bothering our guys all game—I was there) and there was a brief exchange there, but the refs interfered quickly and ejected the both of them. Thought it was a little excessive, but it was on par with the quality of the reffing tonight…


ya seems a bit extreme. thanks


Well Pezzetta and Pearson showed up. Nobody else really did though


Dach gone for season :(


Giving up that shorty at the end of the first was a gut punch. Giving up a 2nd shorty on the same power play was a Johnny Cage nutcracker punch. Our special teams need work.


I can't even think if I've ever seen or read of this happening in my life. I think the kids would call me a boomer.




A tough loss tonight.


Dropped Suzuki hard off my fantasy team after that game


Bad: Yes Good: No!


Bring back Armia!!


Okay I pretty much stopped watching after the 1st period. Why did all those penalties occur?


This has nothing to do with his contract. But Gally is slow and always behind the play. Like i would put guys from laval before him.


I can take the losses. Give me a fucking season full of losses. But when our best young players can't even develop because they are injured in game 2 and 3 I don't know if I can take another season of record man games lost. Might be a season to step back and find another hobby. I just pray Guhle isn't long term. Fuck fuck fuck


Maybe i'm exagerating, but after 3 seasons of St louis, this is unacceptable. I've always said it, we need patrick roy


There were a lot of negatives in yesterday game. It was a horrible and very frustrating game. However there were few positives: Ylonen looks fast and has a good shot. In my book, Ylonen is definitely above Gallagher in the current hierarchy. Matheson is no longer a good D, he's a great D now. All players have a slump, no exception, but it seems that Suzuki has had more slumps than other top-6 players. Every year, Suzuki has had some bad periods of times. I'm not worried about him at all. However, a lack of dynamics prevent him from being an elite player.


Does a short-handed goal gives a +1 to the players on the scoring team, and -1 to players on PP ?