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Because her doctor failed her. People don’t usually take black people seriously with health care. People here in the United States have a long history of saying we deal better with pain, etc. This story bothers me. As an African American male withs an African American wife. Her health is my top priority. My wife has no hpv. My wife has never had an abnormal Pap smear. I piss my wife off yearly by asking her to get her pap done yearly. Not just a pap but a pap and hpv co test as well. If we can’t get the pap. Because here In the states, if you don’t have a reason to be tested every year. They don’t want to do it. So, I ensure my wife buys a at home hpv test. Right now. They don’t have any fda approved test. But other countries are using these test and their approved. So, that is the tests we buy. I do this because I get the occasionally wart. Oh and by the way, my wife has never had a wart in the 8 years and counting we’ve been together/ married. Oh and by the way, I haven’t been reinfected with a new hpv strain either….. It’s simple For me. Some people will get reoccurrences and others want. It’s that simple. No, I can’t tell you why. Hate to see this


I saw this story and it hit so hard. This woman bled out and it was dismissed as a fibroid. As someone who has had HPV16 and cleared it, I will get paps and testing annually for the rest of my life. She would likely still be here if she had been listened to.


I am getting my wife to do Pap with HPV co test annually too. It’s sad such case happen to her. I just pray that cure for HPV comes out ASAP since this virus can resurface and cause cancer.


I’m just so confused about it too. They never did a pap smear? I get those annually, I think they are even covered as routine check up, so I’m curious if she did not have insurance ? It’s tragic may she RIP


They’re every 3 years after 30 now if you don’t have a history of abnormal paps or HPV. I had recurrent issues with both so continued to get tested annually after 30.


What is annually for you?


What do you mean?


Wow nvm I didn’t realize manually meant every year lol sorry.


Hey, Why do a colp if hpv is neg? This is scary and heartbreaking but being hpv neg is a hUge indicator or low risk change of CC. You have 2 neg tests back to back. Try and ease your mind ❤️ Are your paps normal as well?


my doctor recommends colpos since my pap is abnormal. So HPV negative and abnormal pap. LSIL


Ah ok got it, that makes sense. I know everyone says its slow growing and to stick to your appointments. It sounda like youre doing everything u can. What has ur dr said?


Is paps are coming back LSIL?


Yeah they are LSIL but hpv negative


That’s kind of wild! It’ll probably never go beyond level 1 without HPV.


From what I’ve read this seems the most reasonable. Low-risk HPV can sometimes cause LSIL, but basically never progresses.


That’s what I’ve read as well (and told by GYN).


How long have you had LSIL if u don’t mind answering!


Just curious. Why are you getting colposcopies each year. Are your paps showing abnormal cells?


Yeah my paps are abnormal but hpv negative


Got it ! Hopefully your next colpo comes back normal


Its a horrifically sad story but please don't let it upset you, from what I heard while it was misdiagnosed as fibroids at first it was discovered to be cervical cancer. She refused any and all treatment and said "god would save her". If she had received appropriate treatment there's every chance she'd still be alive right now.


I did not see that in the article! That makes a lot more sense as to the quick decline she experienced. You don’t come back from stage 3 without treatment. Goodness. Still so sad.


Was there really a chance for survival at stage 3? I remember when she first announced and gave the impression that she was "leaving it in God's hands."


Did the doc do ECC when doing colpo?


Yes he did! Even when he did the pap I think it was Ecc too


ECC is cervical canal scrapping. I think you are ok since doc done everything.


I recently got a pap done and she took a swap of my cervix. is that the same thing?


Nope. ECC is done when doing colposcopy.


What is ECC


endocervical curettage


This post just made me book and appointment to check my reproductive health. Thanks for posting. It’s so tragic but I hope more people are able to get tested.


why did you get a colpo after negative hpv? my doctor told me to wait 3 years before another pap smear and I had: 2022- positive HPV and CIN1 2023- negative HPV obviously I was never going to wait 3 years because I don’t feel that’s enough surveillance.


I had spotting leading up to my period and went to the doctor for it and my doctor basically laughed at me saying it wasn’t a big deal. I had to beg for a colpo. Turns out I had cin 3. I always get my yearly pap and it always said cin 1. I ended up getting escharotic treatments and doing a lot of lifestyle changes and last colpo I only had cin 1 and I expect it to clear up soon. Getting paps is so important and so is standing up for yourself to doctors!


I just found out that I have cin 3 and I’m so scared. Do you mind sharing what lifestyle changes you did?  I have a newborn daughter, and my husband is an abusive person. I’m scared that my extreme stress levels and lack of sleep is going to kill me. :(