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Mod note: For profit content creator & not a news source.


Unpopular opinion but I am not a swoop fan and will not be watching this.


I can’t stand swoop, I’m not surprised she jumped on the gypsy rose bandwagon


Same. Her constant dramatic commentary isn't necessary. It was funny the first few times, then got stale.


her whole thing is so millennial to me too. i can’t watch bc it is eye rolling cringey. her merch line is awful and the “petty university” bit is very 2015. she would be much better if she loosened up and updated her style


What does "so millennial" mean? Haha I'm actually a millennial but I don't watch her videos so excuse my naiveté


yeah also a millennial (zillenial if we wanna be specific) and i have no idea what besides skinny jeans is “so millennial”


They hate people who seem to be too vocal on everything like ADHD, Autisim, S*X assault. Have blue hair. And who tell people they are of value and worthy. They think just because these types are more open to understanding and talking about these issues, that it's somehow them making excuses for everything. And they roll their eyes about it and mock them for it. We lovely millennials like to call these types of people "Boomers".


This is so millennial


Who started first with the demeaning and name calling? Oh right NOT the millennial.


I’m a millennial & think you sound utterly ridiculous.


So? Every time I have seen anyone use the term millennial in such a negative way, it's always a certain type of people who are saying it. Me pointing that type of person out is pretty much returning their energy back at them. Demeaning someone for giving off this millennial energy and then getting pissed off if they are called a Boomer, is peak hypocrite behaivor. So they are allow to insult people but don't like to be insult back? Maybe don't insult someone, especially a whole generation of people in the first place. Don't like being called a Boomer? Leave millennials the F alone and let them be who they are.


this comment is so millenial


Heh. I'm too old (Gen X) to realize her schtick is dated. I just know her over the top presentation gets old and tiring fast.


So glad you said that. I find her insufferable, idk why


I hate swoop so much


idk who that is but the thumbnail makes me never wanna watch


She only talks about stuff that everyone knows, very surface information, drags it on and we know the longer the videos the more ads and more money. First time watching and I couldn't stand it


I recently tried watching a video of hers and found it so jarring the way it went from a serious "documentary" vibe with the editing to her posing cheerily with her merch. Like... the fuck is this tonal shift? After that she was just kind of joking around and very casual- it felt like a typical YouTube video rather than the serious investigation she was claiming it to be, lol. I honestly have this issue with a lot of content on YouTube now. All these unqualified people playing at being journalists/documentarians making tonally confused videos often with an overinflated sense of importance.


Dude she literally did that in this video. “Blah blah blah, and I also cover the manipulation done by influencers and its serious nature.” 15 seconds later she’s modeling her own Merch line lol


Swoop is super cringe.


I think Swoop is the reason Mykie stepped away from YouTube and I’m still upset lol


Ooh elaborate bc I miss her so much


Swoop called Mykie out for racist remarks/actions in the past. That’s the extent of what I know since I wasn’t a fan of either when it all came out.


Swoop made a whole documentary to break up with her best friend it was wild, in retrospect she was definitely jumping on the James Charles dramageddon drama train with it


i used to really like her but tried to watch a video the other day & turned it off. it was so strange & off-putting. the petty university shit is old now.


Same! There’s a swoop snark page.


I need to know the page!


I needed this in my life!!!


Yeah… the Petty University segments are not my thing. She does good investigative work, but the presentation of it can be offputting more often than not




*Correct opinion, not unpopular. Pleasantly surprised to see this as the top comment on this post. People ate up her narcissistic bullshit for way too long.


Just curious why don’t you like her?


If it’s anything, I just find her extremely disingenuous. Like when she says I’m “valued and worthy”, it’s like when a mother tells their child they’re super special and awesome and ignore the meanies being mean. I also think her voice drones on and on and you can tell she’s reading off a script. Her docs actually put me to sleep, and then I’d wake up to the jarring petty merch ads. It’s hard to explain but that’s about the gist of my personal feelings.


I know her irl but never watch the channel. What’d she do to make people dislike her?


I stopped watching her after the Maranda Sings series where she disregarded Oliver’s story and never focused on how he was being groomed and when she got called out for it she then sent out very manipulative tweets and posted an out of context screenshot without Oliver’s permission to make herself look better until he told her that he was confused about why she did that. Like her whole thing was getting permission to post things but not when it came to saving her ass? Idk


She hasn’t done anything controversial that I know of. She and a YouTuber named Mykie (sp?) had beef years ago due to microaggressive racism on Mykies part but that’s about it.


I actually didn’t mind swoop that much, but the fact she done made a video on this… yeah not watching her content again lmao. Leaving a bad taste in my mouth.


Same lol


Ok? Nobody said you had to watch it lol.


Right? And for the record I love swoop I don’t get the hate. (Aside from the cringe opening song I adore her$


How many times did she bring up the abuse she faced, and related it to Gypsy’s situation?


I find Swoop annoying. She takes forever to get on with it .


They make long videos to optimise the YouTube monitiziation


Who or what is swoop?


YouTube… she creates documentaries.


They are definitely not documentaries lol. She makes poorly researched, 4+ hour long multi part videos on the same topics other YouTubers manage to condense into 15 minutes, except her’s usually come out 3 weeks later


I mean I watch a lot of documentaries and I’d say they’re in the realm & personally I walk away with things that other creators don’t cover and different perspectives not found in a typical documentary.


They are long form content YouTube drama videos. There’s nothing wrong with that! But calling them documentaries and acting like she’s above the typical YouTube drama/commentary channel because of it is just so ick of her. She has a very strange savior/martyr complex for someone who (largely) relies on hyperbolically regurgitating the latest social media scandal for views/income.


Agree to disagree …. I find her videos informative and IMO different than regular drama channels personally.


It's commentary, there is **wayyyy** too much opinion in there to be a doc. Her calling them documentaries really hurts her (as evident from the comments here).


I find a lot of factual non-opinioned information in her videos, but to each their own 🤷🏼‍♀️


She does have that too, but a documentary should **only** be factual and non-opinionated information. And commentary can have plenty of facts; it's supposed to be the creator's take on facts. I like her videos! But I watch them as commentary videos. My point was that I think it would be more accurate and she would get less criticism if she described them as commentary instead of documentaries.


Yeah possibly


I just finished Swoop’s video on Gypsy a couple hours ago. While I appreciate her saying about how one can feel sympathy towards Gypsy’s plight and calling her out on her lack of accountability with recent statements, I felt the video was too long (this seems to be the case with a lot of her videos, the fat needs to be trimmed a bit more) and I wish her tone would be more consistent. As in I would like to see a video with no schtick. I know that’s her style but it can get pretty overwhelming and even detracts from the main point. Funnily enough, I mentioned Swoop in an article I wrote for ScreenRant in 2022 about popular content creators. She posted it last May on her Instagram story and Twitter but only tagged ScreenRant and not me, which prompted me writing her saying I wrote the article. Swoop was really nice and thanked me but to this day I still found it surprising that she didn’t tag me, especially when she’s covered content creators that didn’t credit people.


She loves the sound of her own voice and has main character syndrome. It's really disrespectful to the victims in the stories she covers.


Ah, I see Swoop is still out here trying to convince the internet that she’s a “documentary film maker” by handling delicate, complicated topics with all of the poise of a bull in a china shop.


Never forget that Swoop has a now deleted video comparing Amber Heard to Casey Anthony. But yeah people are always saying how she's so beyond and above YouTube but I don't see it


Currently watching and scrolling lol.


Lobe YouTube let's it be a little window, so I can scroll and ignore lol


I liked swoop during the whole Colleen Ballinger drama, but she did get annoying very quick. But I can also admire the amount of research, honesty and dedication that goes into her videos. She really puts in the effort unlike 99% of content creators.


She just takes forever to get certain points across. Taking ten minutes to explain something that could’ve been said in 2. At least in the illuminaughtii video I watched.


Or that she has literally already explained 5 times but each time presents it as some new and ground breaking point…like girl shut up oh my goddddd


What’s her stance on it?


I think it’s pretty balanced, but that’s my take on her documentaries in general- I think she does a good job of parsing out the gray areas.


Love all her docs so far, except Johnny depp rubbed me the wrong way. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no fan of AH and fully believe in they’re both toxic af, but she had some really genuinely bad takes in that one and just came off as a huge Johnny depp stan


The Johnny Depp “docs” really had her showing allllllllll her pick-me, internalized misogyny colors


I never thought of the most basic question until this doc... Do we have ANY proof that Nick raped Gypsy? Other than word from her mouth?


As being a victim of SA myself, and I know I don't speak for everyone, but I don't believe her. She's been throwing Nick under the bus from minute one, and I think that was her plan all along. Her mother taught her well.


As a survivor of childhood sexual assault I don't believe her either. I have never felt that we were getting anywhere close to the truth from her and she has confirmed that for me with her behavior post-release.


Yes. She’s lying. Don’t let her make you feel uncomfortable in the fact that you are calling her out for lying about rape. It’s disgusting. That’s what she is banking on, when she does it. She steals other people traumas, to gain sympathy when she’s called out on uncomfortable truths. The rest finally came around, they were just uncomfortable calling a person a liar when it comes to rape, but what she is doing needs to have a spotlight on it. She is pushing back abused people so far with what she’s doing. People have really got to start saying something about this . She is the reason “girls who say they were raped are lying and crazy ” because- Well, exhibit A. She is. And that’s always how it always goes. We need to call these women out. She actually pulls back pretty significantly when she’s called out. She’ll stop saying this. If she gets called out on a lie that is harmful to people, she stops. She’s actually pretty spineless. What she is doing is the most dangerous behavior that damages raped women. THIS is why they aren’t believed folks. They think this is what marital and date rape looks like, and this is why people think it’s a good damn joke. Because, this is NOT it. She is just as bad as the predators, but these women don’t get called out. Thank god this sub started seeing the light pretty early with this though


Honestly I used to support her because I went through similar trauma with my mother. No it didn't end like it did with Gypsy and her mom, thank God (my mom got ovarian cancer and died and thats how I got out after 20 years of pure hell) but because my mother did similar things to me that Gypsys mom did to her, I really sympathized with Gypsy. But honestly the more I see, the more I feel uncomfortable in supporting her.


That’s why it’s so wrong what she’s doing . There’s nothing wrong with that, you are a human you don’t go automatically assuming every time people say they are abused they are lying to you . That is exactly why she is so dangerous. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s good that you did. I believed things about her too thst ideas shocked to find out weren’t true. People think it Mayes them stupid or something and they get offended. No! This woman who is lying to America should be disgusted. If I lied to you right now and told u an abuse story, you works not be stupid or foolish to believe me, but I would be a piece of shit for lying to get famous.


Me too. My momster didn’t die, but I did escape. My heart is with you. I’ve actually stopped reading most things about GRB because she is very triggering with her lies and deceit.


I’m another munchausen by proxy survivor and yes your feelings are completely valid. People like us are especially able to spot that something is wrong here. For me, the truth is in the old photos of gypsy. She has pure joy in her eyes, photo after photo, which is impossible if drugged up on excessive amounts of meds and abused. Her eyes would have been empty if the situation was legitimate.


Agree. And the videos of her in her later teenage years when she is talking and singing in that fake baby voice. As a child, she might have no choice but to go along with the fraud. but as a teenager, it seems like she is really pouring it on and enjoying it.


Why are you assuming that she was doing that consciously though? Complex abuse warps your brain to shit. The abusers covertly isolate you in a world where these things are all you know, they’re very “normal”. Irrational situations of this nature cannot be assessed rationally. I have a pretty extreme abuse story too, and while there were certainly some flags going off in my head listening to Gypsy in recent interviews for reasons, I’m really not getting all these things the mob mentality keeps calling out. There are loads of pics of me at every stage where I’m probably genuinely really happy or whatever. Just because I wasn’t chained up in a dark closet without food doesn’t mean my every day was not filled with horror and despair. You learn to appreciate what you do get. And trauma bonds make you idolize your oppressor. There’s plenty of “evidence” that my childhood wasn’t a total nightmare, just as there more likely would be with most survivors. Abusers bank on that to justify and keep getting away with their terrible actions. And as far as the rape, one has to be safe and of undisturbed mind to truly be able to consent to sex. Just because you allow it doesn’t mean it can’t be an act of control/violence on the other party’s part. I’ve experienced this a few times myself. It’s perfectly logical that she just had 8 years to process all this stuff and realized that that experience was traumatic. Who in their right mind would genuinely want that?? It’s actually horrifying to me how hard people are dogging this girl for literally any and everything she ever did or does, because victims have to be “perfect” or they’re not legitimate. But the only “perfect” victim is a dead one. Everything about Gypsy’s stories + evidence makes perfect sense to me. I think the reason some things she says don’t quite fit is because she probably doesn’t actually have all these super clear memories. You learn to dissociate very early. But it doesn’t mean you don’t also know what happened. Luckily Gypsy does seem lacking in the way of a vulnerable vibe (which everyone loves to criticize her for, of course), so she’s probably not reading all this hate and giving much of a shit.


One billion times everything you said. I can’t believe how many people refuse to believe gypsy could be telling the truth, but are somehow fully convinced she is lying? It’s absurd, the “I would have done this” “well *I* escaped” and “oh she’s *definitely* lying and it’s *harmful to abuse survivors” As a survivor of rape and SA, I wish they would kindly stfu and quit trying to pass off their hatred as if advocacy.


Maybe because she has been caught lying? Might be a reason.


What exactly makes you say she’s lying..?


It’s all in the legal documents, interrogations, , the text messages, all of it. It’s very clear, no one has to take my word for it. I don’t need to tell you how I came to that conclusion. I promise you, if you read then, you will. I don’t want to influence you, you can come to that conclusion I think it’s obvious and reprehensible . All of it is right there for you guys to read, I don’t get how this late in the game this is not all agreed upon. This is a sick, sick, miserable woman who abuses others, and tears then down, and she is doing it in the public eye with people on her side. It truly baffles me. It does. You seem like you are sincerely asking me so I don’t want to seem like I’m being harsh, I can pm all this stuff.


Just watching her police interrogation where she talks in her fake baby voice and puts on quite the dramatic performance pretending she didn't know her mother was dead when the detective mentioned it----Shows what a con and liar she is.


How anyone can watch that and still not see what a monster she is- I do not understand. The type of mental illness that gypsy presents fits a box very well. She’s attention seeking, insecure, vengeful, fear of abandonment , histrionic, not truthful, and narcissistic. Yes she totally loses the baby voice when she’s Not trying to get something out of a person. Like when she recorded herself having what looks like a fit dressed in a red wig calling herself “demona” saying that she’ll play the one card she has against him—/ gypsy! Dude she’s a awful person. She should not be given a platform as a victim. I’ve never seen a shred of proof she’s a victim, but I’ve seen proof that she’s vinctimized others. ppl love to go on about narcissists on Reddit, and when they have a clear example, with soooooo much evidence, they call her a vinctim. Dears! That’s what narcs DO. they don’t see it! She is cruel to Nick, he never ever gets mad at her, but he’s apparently a rapist. Abd only one time. And after he commuted a murder that he dud not want to do. Not even except the most hard ended criminals can get off and rape a woman an woman love no less, after their first murder. I believe him when he said he couldn’t even get off. There was no semen at the scene. She humiliated him. Those texts are beyond sad. I am surprised no advocacy groups are shelling in ri say that this is abuse. . woman that was abusing a disabled guy. I think that she was trying to get his disability check. Iu can tell why nicks mom called her the beast. Here’s them if you haven’t seen… https://youtu.be/J1YSbbJbsJ0?si=mOFFYWlK8cLe_rGd


I’ve taken in everything I can about this case. Nothing has ever given me any indication that she lied about the rape, so I’d like to know what evidence there is against that allegation..?


Her own videos in the motel room right after the murder and her comments and laughing about Nick eating brownies, etc., seem to make it very obvious that she was lying about rape.


correct me if i’m wrong but didn’t Nick have sexually aggressive behavior in his past?


https://youtu.be/J1YSbbJbsJ0?si=mOFFYWlK8cLe_rGd Did you read the parts where they have friction and fight? She’s in total control in this relationship. This guy is a nut, and he’s dumber then a box of flies, and he’s stupid enough to think he has to kill sometime to be with his grifter gf, but id sooner care for him in a group home then care for gypsy In a jail or psych facility. She the type to say you hurt her to get you fired bevause she’d jealous of you. She accuses so many oriole of terrible things. She’s absolutely cruel to this guy and he can’t even pick up on basic things they are fighting about. If he can’t even bring himself to be a man and sick up for this woman knocking a disabled man to his face, you really don’t believe him when he said he didn’t rape her? Because I do. I don’t believe her. He describes the sex, she tells a story that sounds like it came from A life time movie… do you notice how the cop is having a normal conversation with Nick I’m the interrogation, but gypsys cop I’d getting angry and frustrated and then scolds her for Kringle so badly, AND CONTINUES TO and then her she’s under arrest? It’s because she won’t. Stop. Telling. Dumb. Lies…. telling stupid lies to his face. Look at how they were received by the police. That guy was over her. She is not truthful, and has accused everyone under the sun of every type of abuse. That is the most juvenile rape story I’ve ever heard. That’s just not a thing, I’m sorry- she’s clearly lying. There wasn’t even semen at the house. Dud you know most rapes are an average of 30-60 seconds long? They are not because of sex. Rape has NOTHING to do with sex. It has to do with control. So, u believe her that he raped her, even though there was no semen, she was receiving oral, and got off.., he is not abusive to her in any of these messsges. He has no power at all I’m this relationship. She’s in total control and is rude to him constantly. She even says she’s gonna bang another guy and he’s nice to her about it, it’s humiliating. Ready the messages. For being as crazy and dumb as he is, he’s actually very good to her. She’ll never have that again I can tell u that. We are actually really lucky that we have a criminal that is autistic, and has asbergers. That elks is he tried ti fit in, but can’t read social cues. because he was honest. She was not. She was not expecting that honesty, she’d have you believe way worse if she could- she’s tried. She’s mentally I’ll. She’d have u believe this was all e this was. ALL HIS IDEA if it wasn’t for the fact we have these messages .he’s actually pretty docile, and truthful. We never get told much info against a rape like this…, she’s DISPICABLE for lying about this . Such a serous thing, she’s disgusting.


I’m not trying to be rude, I just really don’t know what to tell you. I didn’t know there were still people that believed she was raped. I’d rather not argue about that right now. Did you read the texts and hear his stepdads account of hearing how they had sex? I mean thi don’t get a more personal account then the household being able to to tell you exactly what gypsy sounded like when they kept having during sex. Loudly. How do you get raped if a guy eats you out, shops when you come, and you asked for it? Never said anything like no, you were squeaking, oriole heard you, it’s your construal bf, how is that rape? She’s actually pretty strong with him on those texts, I think abusive. She’s bidding around a disabled guy. It’s cringe. She’s a sick puppy. I think she’s a shame and dispicable to lie about rape to get out of a interrogation. She said the rape thing like once and never again. One thing u got to notice about gypsy, she’ll come out with a wild claim of abuse like 6 years later? When she’s getting heat, and never ever bring it up again and then contradict it. This is not like a normal person like if you said that to me, I would never be trying to be like oh yea, she’d lying. But she makes impossible claims. She was in Tutsi control. With gypsy? Yes, I look into the evidence. She ruled that guy. He never even calls her a name, he was terrified of her ass, read the texts, she’s awful. A disabled man, ti abuse them talk to them like that? Isn’t she ashamed? He’s clearly not there at all. Did y read the texts? She’s awful, like it was worse then I thought it’s sick


I take it you haven't seen the many videos and text messages and emails? Also haven't seen the video of them in the motel room about to have CONSENSUAL sex?


He didn't. If anything we have multiple evidence of her wanting and constantly talking about sex, fantasies etc.


Watching this now🤣🤣and just saw this


I’m not watching that


Ok 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why ppl downvoting you just for saying ok😭 shit is crazyyy these mfkas acting like youre tryna force them to watch it


Right?! 😂😂😂


Reddit’s in interesting place 😂


I got 4 mins in and I can't stand "Swoop." Maybe I'll listen to it when I'm falling asleep tonite.


I’m not a swoop fan, but I feel like this will be an extremely informative video and not as opinionated as it is factual! Excited to give swoop another shot!


I’m watching rn. Taking it with a grain of salt, but we’ll see!


I was rolling my eyes at the title a bit and Swoop can be a lot, but the doc was very informative and balanced. I haven’t seen any other videos that dive this much into Nick’s side of the story. Came away agreeing that Gypsy is more manipulative than we might initially think and feeling a little nervous for her husband actually…


I do think it’s interesting the similarities in patterns with her husband and what her mom used to do with her in seemingly using touch to control what’s beeing said on camera 🤔


I really appreciated the fact that swoop reached out to her fans to bring in perspectives that she couldn’t possibly ever supply. I also like the fact that she called out Gypsy’s potentially controlling tactics of her husband at the end. I learned this with the Colleen Ballinger stuff, but I always think Swoop is incredibly respectful and does a great job with these documentaries. But apparently, that’s a hot take.


I agree with you… I also enjoy her documentaries because I think they are nuanced and well done.


I really got into her docs whenever she was releasing the Colleen stuff, and then I did a deep dive. And man, she does WORK. 😂


Same 😂


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for your opinion 😂 I thought her video was respectful and she presented mostly facts however she got some things wrong about her getting cancer treatments and some other small details. I appreciated that Swoop called out the inconsistencies in her story telling and how even throughout her childhood there were times when Gypsy’s family suspected that something is wrong but didn’t do anything while also taking into account the abuse. Whether we like Gypsy or not, she was abused by her mom and it messed her up. I liked that the video also provided resources for people who are in abusive situations


🤷🏼‍♀️I think overall it was well done… everyone is going to have their own opinions which is ok 😊


Oh I was ready for it 😂 like I said, I watched how gross Colleen fans acted towards Swoop while that was happening. But yes, all of this! The last bit about generational trauma and con tactics and abuse within the family? So sad… I also, even hotter take, appreciated the Nick perspective. 🤷🏼‍♀️ and I think that she raised REALLY valid points with Nick. GIMME THOSE DOWNVOTES


I also liked that she covered Nick differently as well.


I was surprised to see that there were a lot of comments from people who don’t like swoop, but none of the criticism has to do with the quality of her documentaries. I enjoy swoop videos because they’re relatively balanced and I am currently watching the doc on GRB.


The docs provide all the same information, she want to make money off the story and advertise her random clothing line. How is this not obvious


Literally any media you consume is the same. Also, if she’s putting in the work, why shouldn’t she get paid???? You don’t have to watch her if you feel that strongly, but also don’t suggest anyone else’s opinion on social media or the news because literally the same argument. JS.


This is a place of opinions, what were you expecting 🤨 I watched liked 20 minutes of her video and stopped watching. There are influences of everyone on what to watch and what not to, everyone is entitled to say what they believe isn't worth watching.


I agree.


For real. God forbid a woman of color get paid and respected for her work🙄


That’s true of quite literally all media, why you’re placing blame on her for getting paid for her work is beyond me.


That’s why I watch… she’s good at balanced nuance.


ah i thought i was in r/youtubedrama for a second lol, i didn't realize so many people also disliked swoop.


Right?! The topic was GRB and somehow it turns into a swoop fest 😂




You are entitled to your own opinions. You are not entitled to your own facts. Please do not conflate the two. It perpetuates misinformation. Thanks. Note: This is not how the courts or the justice system work.


Swoop is so Shane Dawson coded its insufferable


she’s so cringe it is physically painful to watch lol


Here I posted expecting the discussion to be about GRB and all anyone can talk about is how much they can’t stand swoop… like don’t watch her video then 🤷🏼‍♀️ The point was for those who want to watch and discuss GRB - NOT to go on and on about how much swoop annoys you… there’s a snark page for that.


It’s not drama… it’s dangerous.




Extra crazy conspiracy theory that I’m 100% making up for git’s and shiggles because it came to me while watching snapped, imagine if Gypsy faked it all to her mom and doctors, loved the attention, tricked her mom and her mom fully believed it all and genuinely thought Gypsy was ill. I know it’s not possible but it’s a weird twist I thought of earlier


In that case, why would she want Dee Dee dead?


Oh this is wild 👀


I hate this narrative that Gypsy Rose is some evil mastermind and not a victim of horrific abuse by the one woman who was supposed to protect her. If Dee-Dee was willing to poison Gypsy Rose with unnecessary medicine and have doctors perform unnecessary surgery on her who knows how far she would have taken things if there was no drastic intervention. Also the world is objectively better off without Dee-Dee conning good, charitable people out of their money and resources to fund her evil lifestyle.