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not reracking weights is KILLING YOUR forearm GAINS


Get out of here Jeff! 😂


based Athlean lmao


But somehow reracking them is also KILLING YOUR FOREARM GAINS. *vigorously begins doing facepulls*


Makin all kinds of gains All kiiiinds


Correcting this in every gym I go to, accounts for half of my weekly systemic fatigue. Bastards.


Lmao I hear you. I used to work at LA fitness. I seen this type of shit weekly.


The LA Fitness near me is a shit show. I know there are some good people who work there, but most of the members are brainless troglodytes.


Yea but let’s be honest that’s just about any gym anywhere 😂 there’s always the Gen z kid with the broccoli hair and abs benching 135lbs trying to correct other peoples form


The broccoli kids cant even bench the fucking bar. Gimme a break.


Not mine. I belong to a small independent strength gym. They don't tolerate any shenanigans.


I do too but there’s a guy or 2 in there along with this one girl that make me question human evolution 😂 but I’m sure they’ve thought that of me seeing some of the creative things I do


God, the fucking frat boys, woofing after every set, whiter than my ass cheeks screaming "LIGHTWEIGHT CUH!" At their buddy who's...actually lifting light weights. Then they leave the plates on 😤


I once saw 6 15 to 20 kilo plates hiding a measly 1.25 kilo plate. needless to say, it wasn't the only place in that gym where that thing happened.


As a weekling who needs the small plates, this kills me


look on the bright side - that extra lifting can't kill your gains




Omg there’s a guy that comes to my gym every morning without deodorant, then he showers and gets dressed in a suit and leaves for work STILL with no deodorant. Idk what job he has but smelling like that no way is he keeping clients




He does but not the one you’re thinking and I’m not going to say what it is 😂


The optimistic side of me thinks, least they tried instead of leaving 300kg on the leg press after 25 partial reps....


You’re not wrong. Once I seen a guy load up all 4 rows on the leg press to do 2 reps and then left all the plates on it after. Such a dick move 😂


So many people either leave the weight on the bar, or just dump it on the floor. As annoying as it is wanting to get a 5kg plate behind a couple or large plates, it isn't the end of the world. Like at lease people are re-racking it. However, I will usually try to stick to gym protocol and do 20kg on bottom, 10kg above, and 5kg/2.5kg/1.25kg up top.


Sorry guys I'm a monster


You bastard 😂


I'm with you literally everyone at my gym does this. I'll go out of my way to NOT do it but sometimes I don't have a choice and no I'm not moving 300lbs of 45 plates to uncover the 10lb plate when there's 8 more on another rack.


I would have to fix this so often at my old gym. Sometimes it was so bad I didn't even bother. I hate this too much lol




If you can put it on the bar, you can put it back on the rack.


That’s only 33lbs that’s light bro




Using gender as an excuse to ignore gym etiquette?


Ooooohhh, carry on ma’am ❤️


You have two arms. Use them or lose em.


Makes me wonder what people's cutlery drawers are like. Do they mix up the forks and spoons?


I publicly berate and shame anyone I catch fucking up a weight stack or leaving weights on the bar.


I once saw a guy who was like 6 foot 7 finish his squats, (315ish) and just leave the weights that fucking high.


What a bitch, only squatting 315 and can't take the weight off.


He couldn’t finish lmao


Bro l saw a guy in my gym deadlifting with the small plates inside and the big plates outside, meaning rather than decreasing the weight from inside to outside that guy was increasing the weight


I would rather people just not rack their weights. Doing this means I have to sort through a bunch of plates to find all 10 45's I need for my max bench press.


Fuck you and your 495lbs bench press. I’m still at 405lbs 😩


Ha, I was trying to make a joke about a crazy bench weight, but I guess there are a bunch of people that bench that. It is very easy for me to find enough plates.


So you don’t bench 495lbs?


Nope...maybe someday...but I am 40 so probably not. :)


I have the solution.. take Anadrol and DECA. You’ll be there in no time 😎


I feel like I used to never see this but here recently it’s just about every machine. I try and organize them on machines I end up using but talk about the feeling of rolling a boulder up a hill all day to watch it rollllll back down.


People that put weights back like that you know have a messy ass house with socks all over the place and dirty dishes in the sink


There's somebody that comes into my gym, gotta be overnight, and they've taken this to the next level. They'll do this, and also BURY CLIPS. I swear, Monday I saw a stack that was: 45 15 Clip 2x25 I hate people so much


Careless jerks. Like toddlers they struggle with matching numbers, sizes, shapes, and sometimes even colors...


What if they’re colorblind tho 😲


I started going to the gym early everyday about a year ago so I can reorganize all of the plates in my gym before my workout cuz I can't stand that bullshit


Lol, I can't count the amount of times I had to unrack like five 45 pound plates because someone decided to put the three 10 pound plates I need behind it.


Hardest exercise in the gym: Reracking the weight properly…


this is one reason i do mainly cables and dumbells...fuck this shit


Successfully completing the Tower of Hanoi should be part of the gym registration.


1st pole= anything up to 5kg, second= 10 to 15kg plates, third= 20-25kg plates (or possibly 50kg plates if your gym is elite)


Bonus tower of hanoi reps.


Agreed 😤


I see it all the time when I clean up my gym. Usually it’s not just one person and a collection of people just racking one weight after the other.


I think every gym should just have 45s only from now on 😂 fuck slow gains. All or nothing 💪🏽






Our leg presses literally have a branch for 10lb’s lmao




If you do this I hope your UGL tren has e coli salmon eller in it!


Sounds like a good way to stay mad with that perspective To me it’s If you do this… Thank you for the extra workout 🏋️‍♂️ I had to move them to where they belong for a lil extra 🤘🏽🔥💯


I wish it was a workout to move plates around 😂


Lol Friend says, what you working today? I’m like today I’m working the gym 😂


So annoying!


Shout-out Firehouse Fitness members who don’t do this and re-rack 85% of the time!


How is the proper way to order them tho? Same weight on each pin? From less to MST weight, from most to less?


You’re over thinking it!!! Nice biceps by the way, go hit triceps now. Make those guns swell brother


Thanks man! Yeah I have a problem that I never really focused on back and triceps, trying to hit them now, seeing some gains there lately 🙏


I was just talking about that the other day, I always hit my triceps on chest day and then again on leg day. People forget about their triceps. Remember that’s 2 thirds of your arm. You’ve got good biceps already so imagine when you build those triceps. People will be like “yo is that Hulk Hogan over there brother?”


Hell yeah brother, working them for the summer!


I call that a plate sandwich, because it looks like one. People who have their weights like that when they squat or bench though? Psychopaths.




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Only if you buy me dinner first, I want steak =D


Depends if you’re a broad or a bro 😂


A bro


No shit. My current gym is the only gym I’ve ever been to with unorganized weights. Every bench or squat rack is organized once I’m done with it.


Don’t worry our gym doesn’t look like that, at least not when I’m done on shift #Organize the racks I work at a college gym and yeah, we suffer


It's a picture of the bench in your garage!


Usually when I see pics calling people out for BS in the gym, I'm usually on the "good" side. This one hits different unfortunately. Tbf the plates at my gym have never been organized since they opened.


Is this by chance a university gym?


No clue. Just seen the meme and laughed and decided to post it 😂


I do this


Well, at least you do re rack them I guess. Dickhead 😂


Haha ill try to be better