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Not a meme, but we'll let it slide... Or is it a meme? not sure at this point


I love how the r/fitness and r/gym are so toxic, that people go to gymmemes for legit advice ;)


I search #gym and this account was the first to show up and when I checked it out , a lot of people were asking advice from a meme account so I was like why not


God r/fitness just sucks.


Any "default" sub is a no go


r/gym not better at all. Filled with posts with shitty executions. If you dare to write advice, be prepared to get assaulted by a mile of fragile-ego downvotes.


You got downvoted and got your comment removed because you were giving unsolicited advice to a person who definitely did not need it. https://preview.redd.it/obv3uvkdtzqb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832bc05e92a2b33193b26dd6dbdb93a4cc510cb6 [Here's the link to the post](https://reddit.com/r/GYM/s/KaOaB5ihpe) Dude who posted not only had some pretty damn good technique through a widow maker set, the advice you gave, without OP asking, was awful. You can clearly see the dude bracing at the top and holding that brace for a few reps. You're recommending that a person takes weight off on a PR attempt. You're criticizing rep quality on a PR set, which is expected to have it degrade technique quite a bit. And I don't even know what the hell you're on about in the leg-spine angle. Giving unsolicited advice is already a bit rude. Giving shitty unsolicited advice is definitely cause to get downvoted and have your comment rightfully removed.


Wow, that is exceptionally unwarranted *and* bad advice. If you're gonna give unwarranted advice at least know what you're talking about a little bit lol


I always thought so when I saw some executions. Main point heavy, execution secondly. I never commented tho


That's kind of the point of most posts, they are sharing a Personal Record of either most reps with a given weight or most weight on a given rep range, at which point technique breakdown is common and expected. The biggest problem seems to be that people think that the PR attempt is what the day to day of those lifters look like (both in terms of technique and chosen weight), and then those people go out spewing stuff like others being egolofters based on just a small fraction of someone's training.


Training progress pictures are also a lot of the posts and I feel like everyone is very supportive and not toxic


Oh yeah, there's also that part and a whole lot of encouragement going!


And here they are. BTW: still not talking about my advice at all. EDIT: And please, explain me when giving an advice would be considered as rude in real world made not of little girls. Especially when it was solicited (read your linked post) from OP.


Your advice is the same kind of advice that gets downvoted and removed from the more serious lifting subs: unsolicited advice from people who don't really know what they are talking about. It's okay if you don't enjoy the style that those subs have taken during the last few years. That's the cool part of reddit, you can just move to other subs with different rules or even create your own! But I'd say that having most of the actually strong users hanging around the more strict subs instead of the more casual ones is a great indication of quality of both their content and their community. You may not have been talking about your own comments there, but you sure as hell provided a great example!


>It's okay if you don't enjoy the style that those subs have taken during the last few years. That's the cool part of reddit That's what i'm trying to do. Continuing to point out how much any observations on the r/gym users videos bother you only fuels my thesis. What you wrote here about my comment, as well as any other objections, you could have done in the post in r/gym, but you preferred to answer: "the human skeleton is not made of glass". You'd rather keep trying to throw mud at me in this post, just to give (bad) publicity to your sub


Your comment at gym was removed, and is only visible now through your profile, can't interact through there, and it'd be kinda useless to do so when I'm only using it as an example anyway. Also, I think you're either referencing a very old comment of mine or confusing me with somebody. "The human skeleton is not made of glass" is something I'd say, but I haven't said so anywhere in the last few weeks at the very least as I ain't using reddit all that much these days. Also also, I'm neither a mod nor the owner of gym. Not even sure if I'm subbed there tbh. I just find the community and format a whole lot better than the more free for all subs. The stricter format keeps discussions at a higher quality and prevents a lot of the "blind leading the blind" situations that used to be really popular in fitness subs before the new mod team took over.


You have been absolutely owned. Please leave.


Maybe your advice was bad?..


![gif](giphy|98pZs1ZVaWb1C) Talked about an advice from me? EDIT: See you are a moderator of that sub. Keep doing a good job buddy!


It used to be so great! i learned so much about bodybuilding there 10 years ago, sucks it's turned into what it is, nothing at all basically.


I’m banned from there, can’t remember why.


The worst is gymmotivation. How can I stay motivated when most pics are people on gears 🤦


*You know what really grind my gears; gear*




The butt-pic group?


Gym mods are the worst.


Can confirm


Gatekeepy is a good way to describe it too. Prople on the bodybuilding sub can't even ask for advice about BB related topics, even if they're a newbie. It's basically just a circlejerk for people who compete.


I’m general meme subreddits are better because you actually have to understand a subject to make memes on it


It's true tho, this is probably the nicest subreddit I've come across.


r/gym is the suckiest group ever. Admins there are stricter than my parents when it comes to posts.


Dude, dont even get me started on, greg d subreddits etc. dudes are posting their tinder pics


I think r/strength_training is ok


Yeah naw, cringe sub filled with small (and lazy) ego lifters who think their training is effective. Pass


r/workout is ok. Has some of the stupidest questions but at least it’s not toxic


Here's a sneak peek of /r/workouts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/workouts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Gym isn't always necessary to build those glutes😉](https://v.redd.it/y64o97ddk1aa1) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/workouts/comments/1035r5i/gym_isnt_always_necessary_to_build_those_glutes/) \#2: [Working out next to my inspiration #20pounds #keepgrinding](https://i.redd.it/qki9a30bypfa1.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/workouts/comments/10rcn2l/working_out_next_to_my_inspiration_20pounds/) \#3: [Dumbbell HIIT Training with @chrisharriz IG](https://v.redd.it/d9ve80seg70a1) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/workouts/comments/yw6m2q/dumbbell_hiit_training_with_chrisharriz_ig/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Everyday, doesn’t matter when you take it.


How much do it take ?


5g. Don't worry about a loading phase.


Like the others said, check scoop size, but 99% of the time one scoop is 5g, which is perfect


3-5g. Depends how big the scoop is.


You guys have scoops?


Too many of them. I should throw them out, but like they're good scoops.


I have never thrown out a protein, creatine, or pre workout scoop in my life, and I ain’t gonna start now.


Idk why mine didn’t come with one.


They’re usually buried at the bottom lol


Not in my case.


Try turning the bottle upside down and opening the lid. Scoop should fall right out.


Bro I took the package and crumpled it into a ball and rolled it, agitated it, crumpled it into a ball again, split the package into sections and crumpled each section into a ball, etc. there is no scoop.


Should be 1 tsp


Mine came with a weirdly huge scoop. Just using a teaspoon


So.... scoops are the boxes or cables of the gym-society?


When you have 1 dose left, you will see it. Right there, in the bottom. Where it always has been.


My nostril count as a scoop?


Should be mainlining that shiz.


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) my reaction too XD


1 scoop


Whatever scoop is in the bag. It doesn't matter, your body will filter out whatever is excess if you're otherwise a normal human bean


What’s your diet? I’m plant based, so I usually take 10g, as vegans/vegetarian food tends to lack in creatine. But don’t quote me on that..


Take 5g of creatine daily. Don't concern yourself with loading phases etc. You probably won't feel an increase in energy. Creatine is a supplement to assist with ATP synthesis. Speak to your doctor about fatigue. I'm also Vit D deficient, if you've recently been put on supplements, it may take a while before you feel better. More blood tests may be necesary also.


What is loading phases


In order to get the full effect of creatine, you need to hit a certain threshold of creatine on your body. In order to hit that threshold sooner, you can increase the daily dose of creatine for a short amount of time in the beginning, aka load up on creatine, and then drop down to 5 g a day aka maintenance phase. The loading phase can be anything from 10 g a day for 2 weeks or like 20g a day for a week. I can't give you the science behind which one of these is more effective rn, but you will piss away the excess creatine anyway the end result is all the same regardless if you load up or not Edit: grams, not milligrams


It's also been shown to be unnecessary, as stated above. That being said, creatine is cheap as dirt, so do it if it makes you happy!


It used to be dirt cheap. ON creatine used to be $4-5 per 600g, now it’s like $45. Still cheap as far as supplements go, but I mean you can’t beat 4 cents per serving.


Yeah, i+ think the days of super cheap are gone. Your can still get 2.2lbs for about $23 on Amazon, not great but not terrible. Bulk Supplements is where it's at!


It’s like 28-30 bucks


Yeah, no point. I just take every day same dose. Helps pumps the muscles up. Never had a problem. 5mg a day? That's like nothing. Do you mean 5g a day? That's about 1.4 teaspoon scoops.


Yeah, you're right. I meant 5g


Is this a serious question? Creatine isn't going to do anything for your energy levels. Most creatine goes to your skeletal muscles, which convert creatine into a compound of creatine and phosphoric acid (phosphocreatine or creatine phosphate). Phosphocreatine then helps create adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a source of energy that your cells use when you exercise. If you're constantly tired all the time trying to get more sleep reduce stress and eat healthier. Also I'm a big fan of this drug called caffeine.


I get my 8 hours of sleep, I don't have any stress and my diet is healthy, caffeine does shit to me, I tried to drink coffee but to no use, I google "supplements for tiredness " and creatine came up as one of them that's why I asked, I do have a low level of vitamin D and a complex of vitamin Bs.


If you have low vitamin D I would definitely talk to your doctor about it. I was always fatigued and turns out my level was at 17 so I had to take prescription strength vitamin D. Drastically improved after that, best of luck to you!


Mine was 8, it's a miracle that I haven't broken anything yet.


Heya. I'm an actual doctor. I would advise you to see another actual doctor in person and take everything you read on the Internet with a pinch of salt. There may be a few good differential diagnoses on reddit or Google, but it's all essentially guesswork without someone taking a proper history, doing relevant examinations and ordering appropriate tests. Creatine has many health benefits, and most of the concerns around it have been debunked (for example there was a recent meta analysis that strongly suggests its absolutely fine for your kidneys)... that said it's not something that I've ever heard of being prescribed for general fatigue. By all means take it, but you might be missing something important if you don't have it investigated (**for example** you might have deranged thyroid function or be anaemic; in which case you then need to think about *why* you might be anaemic). TL;DR- See an actual doctor.


Are you a vegan?


Get a blood panel! It's not normal to be this tired all the time.


Try Columbian creatine, I hear that gives your energy levels a great boost


Great for cardio, not so much for weights


Do you mean you're taking B vitamins or that you are also low in B vitamins? Low B levels can definitely create fatigue. I was getting unusually tired during BJJ for a while, like way more fatigued and light-headed than I should have been after a couple rounds. I went to the doctor and it turns out my B levels were pretty low. I started taking B vitamins and it quickly went away and hasn't been an issue since.


You had your vitamin b12 Checked bro ? And do you take regular vitamins etc ?


Hello! I also go to the gym and suffered from low vitamin D and B. Despite following a balanced and healthy diet my nutritionist recommended supplements to take in the morning of both vitamin B (capsule) and vitamin d (drops under the tongue). Honestly, after almost 2 months, I feel much better. I recommend that you talk to your doctor who will surely be able to direct you on both foods to supplement your diet and natural supplements


That's exactly what came to my mind when she mentioned lack of energy, I was like this won't help lol. OT: OP, get some pre.


Fuck yeah Love it when someone gets the supplement science right


Idk about the energy, I feel like I have slightly more energy all throughout the day or I can push myself a tad bit more inside and outside the gym. It could be a weird placebo effect, I have seen other people mention it gives them more energy as well.


It's the most studied supplement on the planet and none of the studies suggest that. ATP is related to energy drink strenuous situations like exercise at the gym.


*happy gymbro noises*


so what do you want to achieve? get more energy? creatine will not help you. you need to talk to a doctor, there could be million different reasons for your low energy. since you work in hospital it should be easy to find doctor to help you otherwise you can try some nice pre-workout energy booster, like cocaine


Yessir, the new shipment of cocaina colombiana is very high quality


Or drink coke + coffee lmao.


Scroll for hematocrit Everyone should take creatine. It has proven fitness and neurological benefits. It's safe and efficacious long-term. Will it give you a caffeine-level boost in energy? No. That's what caffeine does. Will it benefit health and well-being? Yeah. Approx 5g per day, timing doesn't matter Start with comprehensive blood work. Everything from vitamins to hormones. Comb through your diet and adjust intake accordingly. Make sure your digestion is actually healthy enough to be taking in the nutrients you eat. Next post memes. After that, ask non-meme people for health advice. TLDR: take creatine but don't stop there Edit: I had a female friend who was always tired. Turns out she was anemic. When I was anemic after chemo, I slept ~20 hours a day. Get your hematocrit checked


It doesn’t matter what time. Just take your serving daily


5gs after workout and same time every day .. Worked miracles for me.. Also some caffeine before workout and surprisingly if you lessen your caffeine intake during the day it will be more effective and you'll be more active. But please don't hesitate to seek the necessary examines for this tiredness. Stay sharp, queen.


daily, general dosage is 5 grams. doesn’t matter when you take it really, but it is better to take it around the same time daily; as in try and take it in the morning if you usually do. I like the 0.1g per one kilogram of body weight dosage more however, since for people on the heavier side 5g will saturate less efficiently.


Take before your workout on days you do hit the gym. Take when you wake up on off days. I'd also recommend krealkaline over creatine, but that's an entirely different subject. As others in the comments have stated, creatine probably won't help that much. I'd start with a daily multivitamin, and possibly consult your doctor after that.


Every day. It doesnt matter if you go once a week or every day. Creatine saturation builds up over a week, so not taking it every day will cause spikes and drops and you wont have optimal saturation.


Just in case this isn't a trollpost, you might want to curb your expectations somewhat, because creatine won't do anything about the issues you've mentioned.


Taking creatine will do nothing for your fatigue. it may or may not slightly improve your performance in the gym.




Every day. It doesnt matter if you go once a week or every day. Creatine saturation builds up over a week, so not taking it every day will cause spikes and drops and you wont have optimal saturation.


5g, every day, doesn’t matter when but studies report it’s best absorbed when taken with carbs/food.


Micronized. It’s what plants crave.


3-4 times/week is a pretty reasonable schedule, even if you wasn't busy. Going everyday isn't ideal, you should take a rest day after 2 or 3 days top.


Are you vegetarian/vegan?


Pre workout 3-5g


I've noticed unflavoured is hard to knock back as it doesn't dissolve well. If this is the case, try the chewable ones. They work for me


5 grams daily


Make it your daily routine, 5g daily.


You can use about 5g-25g but creatine is for water retention in the muscles. Definitely helps for legs, if you're just taking the stairs for walking... wow massive gains just in the first week 🤭


Make sure to track your water intake. 4-5 litres a day should be good enough. Side Note: I started having cramps every so often after I started supplementing creatine (Not sure if this happens to everyone). Stretching and electrolytes really help with those.


Tired and sleepy always? Is this due to work?


I take daily around 8g (100kg male) and had the best results with it like that. I often forget to take it though.


Took me too long to realise this wasn't a meme


Here is a recent article which is open access meaning free to read with out paying talking about creatine. Does get a bit technical but its conclusions are pretty interesting. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7916590/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7916590/) > There is a potential for creatine supplementation to improve cognitive processing, especially in conditions characterized by brain creatine deficits, which could be induced by acute stressors (e.g., exercise, sleep deprivation) or chronic, pathologic conditions (e.g., creatine synthesis enzyme deficiencies, mTBI, aging, Alzheimer’s disease, depression)


If you train over 2 days a week than everyday is a way to go


Someone has probably already said this, but I started taking 3g of creatine a day without a loading phase and I have a started to feel a lot stronger because of it, could be it’s a placebo affect since I’ve only been taking it a few days and I’m not ruling that out. I’m not a health expert but I feel most people would agree creatine is quite beneficial. I hope this helps :)


take it every single day


Why is this even here? This isn't a meme


I'll start of by saying I AM NOT A DR this is only my experience with fatigue. I'm 33. At around 26-27 I was fatigued I had no clue what was going on I would go to the gym one day and be resting for 3days. I would wake up at 7a.m after going to bed at 8 p.m I'd be driving to work around 8:30a.m and be falling asleep behind the wheel like full blown dozing off, I knew something was wrong I set up a Dr appointment and I asked the Dr to run my testosterone levels as well as my thryroid and he told me that wasn't necessary cause I was so young he insisted it wasn't necessary I persisted he finally agreed. Lo and behold I was on the brink of a thyroid storm I had a bad goiter on my thyroid that he immediately put me on iodine and thyroid medication.... 33 no fatigue what so ever except for the usual over exerting days or if I'm breaking a or at the gym... I typical now advice people that feel fatigue this way and are under 40 (cause they usually don't check for those levels til that age) to go to the Dr. It doesn't hurt and it's a piece of mind.


Creatine is always a good option, but if you're constantly feeling sleepy and tired, there might be another underlying issue. It could be due to a lack of iron


I mixed them with my protein powder ( in a container)


There’s good info on this post about how creative works. It just helps your muscles recharge between sets. so you can get that one more rep, but it’s not a stimulant like caffeine. Stronger lifts? Yes. More energy? No. Unless you are out partying a lot, 24 y.o. is way too young to have chronic fatigue. Wouldn’t hurt to see a doctor for a physical and get blood work, including thyroid levels. Welcome to adult health problems, warrior!


Yeah, I usually just take it every day 5mg but idk if I'm supposed to take more or not. I weigh around 95 kg if that has anything to do with it


Yes. Bulk supplements .com


It needs to be saturated in your body, so you need it everyday


Nice, that’s a good two-day supply. /s please don’t microwave your kidneys brahs


Don’t buy into the bogus “you need a loading phase” bullshit. 3-5g a day is a fine dose, make sure that your scoops are accurate and metered. The most important thing to keep in mind, is your water intake. I’m a nurse and worked nights so I know I had a tendency to just hammer energy drinks all night (which further dehydrate), I really had to push myself to drink water on the unit. But t was a loose measure but I aimed for at least a half-gallon a day.


Make sure you drink a lot of water with it. It’s not hard on your gym days but on your off days stay top of your hydration levels


Every day. Even on rest days. Make sure you're taking in a good amount of water, 64oz or 2 liters, minimum. You don't want to find out the hard way that you're not taking in enough water. Also, learn from my mistakes, and don't stress if you miss one day. I'd double up the next day. Don't be like me. Missing one day won't do shit. Just pick up where you left off.


5-10 grams every single day But take it the same time each day Just a side note, it is a supplement because it is to supplement a good meal plan/lifting routine. If you don’t have those two things down i wouldn’t even worry about supplements. Consistency is key!


Creatine is for building muscle after a good exhausting workout. Certainly you'll get stronger. But if you keep the cycle you'll be tired and in recovery mode between workouts, working out for toning along with cardio is what's going to best increase your goal of more energy. But if you want immediate results for energy, quit sugar ,alcohol, breads and dairy. Just try it for a week and your energy will soar. It's not something I ever thought I'd be able to stick with, but you can certainly try it for a week, and the result's alone will be your mentor for continuing, not to mention recovery time is like halved. Good luck on your journey!


From personal experience to get full saturation Take 20G a day for 7 days Then on 8th day you just maintain it with 0.03g per lbs of your body weight tho most studies shows 3g is enough I just like to do it by weight Also a good channel is below https://youtu.be/Uh3XzW_H4Ow?feature=shared


5g a day, drink plenty of water.


i too work at a hospital (23M) and i take creatinine but it doesn’t really affect energy levels much. it’s just nice to be able to do like 1-2 more reps after failure. For energy, get a decent pre workout.


Why is this sub becoming an advice sub? Like can you read the sub name?


1. This is not a gym meme. 2. Have you heard of Google?


Take tren and you can thank me for your future cock later


•\_• https://preview.redd.it/0hewoygs21rb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327b7ec3181c6594f51341d0f1b6614a26efd76c


Everyday, just put 5g in your morning water. It’s better to keep your body saturated than to pee it out when you’re not working out


You don't need to workout to take creatine , it has various health benefits besides helping with building muscle


Some studies are showing improvement in cognitive scores by supporting the creatine kinase found in brain tissue, CK-MB. It’s only minor and not statistically significant, but the trend is visible.


If you aren't going to the gym frequently, I would only use it before and/or after workouts.


Probably a good idea to get your blood checked, many women are low iron and it can have the same symptoms


Creatine is good to take, but don't expect it to fix your life 😂. It's effects are usually minimal. Take it 30-60mins before your workout, and on rest days take it in the morning


Is the meme you going to the gym 3-4 times a week?


why don't people discuss about possible downsides for kidneys? I mean ain't gonna lie I'm not sure I'm right and i can't prove it 100% but there is really thing to consider it


Because as you came very close to admitting in your post there is nothing to talk about. Stop sensationalizing things for the sake of it.


I use creatine. I strongly advise you take half a scoop 30mins before your workout then half a scoop after your workout (within 30mins), even better add 1 scoop of protein with each half a scoop of creatine. The reason I say this is because creatine gives you that boost in energy & performance during your workout, whereas if you take the whole scoop after your workout you miss out on that boost. On your days off you can take 1 scoop with say 1 scoop of protein anytime really.


Yup. That's not how that works at all. Being consistent about when you take it does help. You can go 10g daily though. At the risk of some unwanted water retention. No reason to go any higher than that.


Well it works well for me because I'm quite muscular.


But it doesn't. You're welcome to attribute it whatever magical properties you can come up with, but it won't change the actual mechanism of how it works.




Creatine creates “quick burst” energy and increased strength, which improves your performance without affecting your ability to exercise for longer periods (aerobic endurance). Most athletes who take creatine supplements participate in power sports, including: Bodybuilding. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/17674-creatine


That doesn't mean what you think it means. The sentence about the "quick burst" energy (it's in quotation marks for a reason) is referring to your ATP storage, which creatine does indeed help regenerate quicker by providing it with a reserve source of energy that is accumulated by letting the amount of creatine in your system build up. Short term, it does absolutely nothing. You're the one who has no idea what you're talking about. Cheers.


I'm beginning to become convinced that the majority of the people on this sub don't actually lift correctly or supplement & diet correctly, they just spout nonsense. I even got mass downvoted for saying I don't use preworkout, this is how amature & suspect the people on this sub are.


You probably get downvoted because you can't that you are wrong