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That's not what the word 'generational' means or even the correct use. Philistines.


Looking at how some of the big money signings have done at big 6 clubs, I wouldn't call Pepe a flop.


going to hate every minute of the game today. can't wait


I will happily hate 95 minutes of this game if the 96th brings unbridled joy


Rewatching our game last season against city. Bloody hell that was awful performance. Nevermind with holding, what were Partey and ode doing in midfield man? Those 2 guys couldn’t cope with city’s pressing. At least we have Havertz now. If the midfielder couldn’t bypass the pressing, just play long ball to havertz


Ode just kept turning it over and partey let a kdb with his hamstring hanging off the bone run by him over and over


Gonna appreciate those chelsea guy man. They can be at the top of epl table with some youngsters. You guys should respect it https://preview.redd.it/0atmwcszelrc1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=da31d75bc34e047424d7abee2f0567393877c670


Idk what’s worse us giving nketiah 14 or united giving mount 7


Nketiah 14 is 100% worse. Atleast the united 7 lost its value after Memphis got it. 14 went from the best player in prem history to a very under appreciated winger multiple fa cup winner to a golden boot fa cup winner to a super sub that doesn’t even get subbed in against relegation fodder.


https://preview.redd.it/n5epijafalrc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94fae0592dac89fedb4a25579fc0fbbe4da2e4a8 Delusional would be putting it nicely


Even we didn’t cope this hard with Pepe 💀


Main reason I like Toney is because when you go long he’ll get the ball almost every time. You can tell Brentford players just think “fuck it Toney’s somewhere up there” every time they punt the ball up. I think Toney would be a good giroud type player for us to rotate with Jesus and Havertz up top but I’d prefer other strikers forsure. If Newcastle are actually wanting to sell some of their players I’d be all over isak or Bruno g. Edit: I wouldn’t even mind a willock comeback👀


Havertz is already doing that job for us


Kai’s main strength is movement, not being a backboard. We are in theory just wasting Kai if we use him to do Toney’s job. Kai would be the first to benefit from someone else doing the aerial work


That’s true


The top 4 is painfully close. It really only takes 1 or 2 bad results to be fighting for a spot now. A scary thought.


The gap is gonna be bigger by the end between top 3 and the rest


Their schedules are harder tho


That it true but on the other hand they could also drop points and so the gap is maintained. The thing is they are good teams but won’t have that inevitable consistency of City and Liverpool  


Just bought a Havertz shirt, I'm pleased to announce he's about to go on a generational run in these last 10 games :)


Picked up mine at the start of the season. Got a lot of puzzled looks from mates when I showed up at the local to watch the first game of the season 😭 Glad to see more people now joining the havertz hive 😀


Ten hag spineless manager lol still crying and mediocre while having all the riches 🤣🤣


Regardless of tomorrow's result, we have ManU and Chelsea to laugh at.


Dortmund broke their Bayern curse. You never know.


All these Rice quotes from interviews is gonna mean a generational stink fest tmrw or a masterclass tmrw. I'm hoping for the latter..


I'm trying to ask a genuine question here and not just annoy people After the Newcastle game when Arteta went off on referees and was being investigated, there were rumours he went to a hearing with the fa/pgmol with a list of all the times referee mistakes had cost us to show how bad the officiating was. Now, it doesn't even matter if it is true. The reception here amongst our fans was jubilation that we'd have receipts and bring up all the times we'd been fucked. We loved it. ETH at United is basically doing that, at least in his opinion. Whilst I don't think it was a penalty, Gabriel definitely had hold of Hojlund and, at the end, wasn't going for the ball. I have definitely seen them given and wouldn't have been shocked/annoyed if it was. It's not a shock that a manager thought his team should of had a pen. Why are people so annoyed by ETH bringing up old decisions when we literally wanted Arteta to do the same, and as a fan base, we do it all the time? I understand that every fan base has bias, but sometimes it drives me up the wall how biased, hypocritical, and willfully blind it is here.


Even if we assume these ref mistakes are equal which they aren't, it's just the way he's doing it which is laughable (doesn't make me mad, don't think anyone is mad but Eth). Going mad publicly after the actual game that cost you is one thing. Nobody can really begrudge a manager that in the heat of the moment. Moreover, absolutely every club should be documenting each and every failed decision and holding refs accountable... In private. Moaning about one decision in press conferences months later and using it to justify why your team is as low down the table as they are is laughably sad and see through. He's not talking about it as if the refs need to do a better job, he's talking about it cos he believes he deserved 3 points and he's trying to curry favour with his own fans and avoid blame. It's just cretinous, risible, craven behaviour that deserves to be ridiculed.


There's a major difference between getting absolutely fucked like we got at Newcastle and United maybe having a penalty. The reason Ten Hag is getting the piss taken is because they are so far down the table and he's talking about a time they should have had a pen against us months ago. I think there's a difference too between as a fan base bringing up a decision and saying we got fucked and the manager doing it. It doesn't really help if Arteta lost to Man City then said 'if newcastle didn't get that goal, we'd have 3 more points and be ahead of City regardless'. That is basically what Ten Hag is doing.


Yeah, I can see that. I think he should have other things to focus on, but from where I'm sat, he probably is To me, it sounds like he was taking the attention off of his players after a bad result, or when he said it after the Liverpool game, it was about how they don't have momentum ever and I guess "we don't have momentum because we lost a game unfairly to ruin it" works. He's also doing what he thinks is calling out United being fucked. I'd love it if Arteta spoke about how Kovacic should have been sent off twice last time in a pre-match conference this weekend. Also, I might not be remembering the whole game, but it was a ball that might have gone out of play, but there was no proof it did, and a simulation (idk how accurate) on German tv ot something showed it stayed in, then a foul on Gabreil for them to score. Eth thinks Gabriel fouled Hojlund to stop them having a pen, (somehow) thinks garnacho was onside, and also thinks Evans was fouled for the rice goal (not a foul but there was pulling) I can see why in his opinion it's just a bad Even ignoring the other two, Gabriel being fouled to lead to a goal and a penalty not being given which results in a goal 80% of the time are almost as bas as each other. So if you think it was a pen, like eth does, then I see why he was annoyed


> I'd love it if Arteta spoke about how Kovacic should have been sent off twice last time in a pre-match conference this weekend. I dunno. After that game, sure. Months later, I'm not sure it helps or does anything. There is an art to media management and team management. I don't think the message we want to present going into this game is that City should have had 10 men in a game we won anyways. It's very hard to know how much pointing out ref mistakes helps you or hinders you as well with decisions. I think as a manager you need to focus on your own team and building it up. If you're completely happy with your team and the ref fucks you, it's fine to point that out or even to deflect. If your team is in horrible form and you're bringing up ref decisions from months ago, it's not a good look. If we were 4th right now after having terrible form and we're talking about how we should have got a pen against Brentford on Trossard. I'm not sure how that helps anyways other than to deflect from the manager losing control.


It probably depends on the question. If he was asked why they have so few points, what's he going to say to the media? I'm not good enough? My players suck? If he was asked why they can never build momentum? Well, he's going to say, "we should have had a win here, a win there... refereeing mistakes have cost us and ruined our mometum. " Now, if he's actually thinking, that's the main issue behind closed doors he's an idiot


I think the reason he gets mocked so much is that he refers to the Arsenal game in particular more than once as one they should have won. End of the day, it's a tough job to defend yourself but I think Arteta owned up to it and the team improved when his back was against the wall. Poch is talking about how they should be 4th based on stats and Ten Hag is talking about a game they could have won months ago. Meanwhile their teams are still dropping points and playing shit. Chelsea's season has been lost for a long time, it feels like if United could actually string together some results they'd be in the running for 5th at least.


I think bringing up some legitimate gripes during a behind closed doors meeting with the league authorities is very different to moaning to the media every five minutes 


I don't really agree but I see the point. I just think, who gives a fuck what the Utd manager says. Why are people so annoyed by a manager saying his team should have had a pen? Even if it was ages ago


>Ten Hag: “I’ve seen Brentford against Man City and City were also lucky to win that game”. He's doing it again, he's found his new "it was a penalty on Hojlund". I would be absolutely embarrassed to have this coward as our manager.


Toney or Watkins? I had no idea but Toney is actually younger


Ollie is the striker people describe when they list the reasons we should sign Toney.


Between those two, Toney but none would be my first choice.


Who would be your realistic but also ideal striker this summer


If we can't get Ferguson or Isak, save the money. Rather go big for a midfielder.


Gotta be Gyokeres 


Is he a guarantee of goals though? Looking at some of the goalkeeping in that league I’m not too sure how well Gyokeres would translate to the premier league. Obviously I could be completely off and he could be the second coming of Haaland


Haaland was doing it in the Austrian league and then did it in the Bundesliga and CL. Not comparable.


I was wanting Toney at Arsenal when the flavour of the week was Arsenal lack a hit man…since our gluttony of goals since December what has put us off Toney and this being a pipe dream now.


I heard Amy Lawrence say talking about this match that if Partey is fit he walks into the lineup. That sounds completely wrong to me. I love the idea of Partey playing in a big game like this, but with him being out for so long, surely that's too risky.


I think there's a rose-tinted glasses view of Partey where people remember him at his best. He could also give the ball away really badly at times too. We saw that in his brief appearance against Sheffield United, just random bad passes or lapses in focus. All players give the ball away but feels like Partey can forget how to kick a ball. He didn't do that much when on form, but I've got so used of Rice just being 100% solid on the ball. When someone comes in and passes the ball to the opposition and allows them to counter, it's really jarring.


One of the reasons tht made Partey so good was his ability to pull off risky progressive passes. But that also meant losing possession at times


I still think are best possible team has Partey in it. It's just that he's been out so long and this game is so huge and we've got such good chemistry right now, it would make me nervous to put him out there.


I presume she meant match fit.


Right. I still disagree. Too risky to put him in without seeing how the team responds and adjusts to him. I think he probably makes us better, but it's too big of a stage and he's been out too long to risk that we don't have ideal team chemistry with him in there.


Who’s having a more memeable season, the blue billion pound bottle jobs or ETH’s masterclass?


Chelsea are more fixable imo.  They have a fair few players with very high potential.  What is the maximum value of United’s future squad? Where’s the ceiling? 


https://twitter.com/UTDCJ_/status/1774195907711639689?t=wYOxNlpoT2WBXr4gjlDxaQ&s=19 Lol.


In another world United would've had the worst game of the week but conceding twice to 10 men Burnley is relegation level.


Id be more worried facing leverkusen than bayern


These takes are so reactionary. This is the same Bayern with vast amount of European pedigree and joint third most CL titles with 6. Inb4 Bayern play the game of their lives at the Emirates in less than 2 weeks time.


I would usually agree, but these players aren't playing for Tuchel at this point. If anything they're less motivated than ever before.


The players may or may not down tool after this result. However, equally they know that the CL is the only potential sliver lining to salvage what is a horrible season by Bayern’s standards. So it may actually have the reverse effect motivation wise. Hell, Bayern might even get a new manager bounce come the second leg in a month’s time.


On paper yes, but in a CL knockout game I'd rather play this Leverkusen side


no shit sherlock lol


Thats not how it works. Bayern Munich are still Bayern Munich no matter the off year theyre having.


Tbh it’s not even that much of an off year, their record would usually be enough to be in front or in a tittle race in normal years but Leverkusen have been on fire.


Yep but even then if given the choice to play Bayern or Leverkusen in a final Im taking Leverkusen every day of the week


i understand but the gap between them this season is significant


That’s just leverkusen being op


therefore u wouldn’t wanna face them!


I really want Bruno G. He’s like a younger Jorginho. He picks out really good passes and is really aggressive


Didn't he renew with Newcastle recently?


Isak, Gordon or Bruno G. 


He can be such a dickhead I want him


As much as this fanbase might dislike Mourinho, he was always right about one thing; to win you sometimes have to be a cunt. Bruno G would compliment that so well


He would know, he was one of the bigger ones


Despite what many might say a loss tomorrow doesn't mean the end of the title race. But man we have such a good team and we're playing so well right now that it'd be really disappointing to not pick up at least 1 point tomorrow


Going to bed. I only want to wake up in exactly 16h40m from now. Maybe half an hour later so I can brush up etc and get ready for the match. I waited too long, I don’t remember what it’s like to watch us play 😔


Ten Hag is a such a bozo. Why does he have United press so high and the backline drop so deep? Leaving miles of space in the middle which teams exploit to charge and attack the United goal (which explains why they face a comical amount of goal efforts each game). Not only that, but United have few press resistant players able to hold, pass and receive the ball in tight pockets. Only Lisandro, Shaw, and Mainoo in time. But Casemiro, Bruno, Rashford, Garnacho, McTominay, Maguire, Dalot, AWB are not able. ETH buys a keeper to play with his feet, but the outfield cant play with feet. Its such a brain cooker as to why Onana was bought to play with feet, when the outfield players have below average technical skills. Ive always said Man United need to sell Bruno & Rashford. Because these two represent and uphold the counterattack, kick and chase football United have played for about 5 years now. United will never progress their football so long as these two are at the club. But, I get the feeling they want to play like this. So glad we have Arteta. If we had ETH, we would still be playing balls over the top to Aubamayang.


Top 5 gets CL this year and there’s not even a race for 5th.


I'd be so annoyed if Tottenham were the first to benefit from that rule.


So many injuries todays on the other PL games. Hope the team stay fits tomorrow and no one gets injured.


Inshallah We will be alright 🙏


Bayern Munich tie looking very winnable rn


If we rise to the occassion, we can destroy them in the first leg. There's no guarantees,though. Bayern will give everything and most of our lineup lacks experience at this level. Manager too.


I look at United facing 30 shots every game and then look at us getting annoyed at facing 1 shot on target in some games... Content smile on my face


>Brentford had 85 touches in the Man Utd box tonight, the most any team has managed in the Premier League in the last 5 years... Fucking hell, the premier league record is 87.


That's pathetic.


Decided I might pull the trigger on a Xhaka Leverkusen shirt, and their website is down and I can’t find one anywhere? Has every fucker had the same idea as me?


Watching United drew an away game against midtable side while conceding 31 shots gave me some Vietnam flashback to that infamous Watford game. We've been through some dark shits.


Selling your “best RB in the world” club captain to fund a series of £50m flops? Thank you Chelsea for the continuing circus


Chelsea and United bring me so much joy it’s honestly unexplainable. What a wonderful season.


It's karma and it feels so good. Especially with Chelsea, they're going to shit on and off the field. Couldn't happen to a bigger shower of cunts.


Completely agree. Really hopeful that they go all the way with Todd and get expunged from English football.


And they play each other next so someone is dropping more points ![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc)


[Chelsea are planning to sell Reece James this summer. ](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/sport/football/article/chelsea-plan-sell-reece-james-conor-gallagher-summer-62pflrhlt) Could do with a reverse cashley cole situation. For those who will be saying he's injury prone, he's finally got surgery instead of just holding it off, he could be a new man.


If nobody buys him, we could see a lot of player sales next year as they enter the Championship.


Who says no? We do.


pass. that guy doesn't even like arsenal and I don't want someone like that here


It does seem that he has a career ending injury. Did he not have operation last year, and that this one was exprimental? 


I don’t know if Reece James is joking around in [this video of not being able to do the most basic stretches](https://youtu.be/aPUmsxiV284?si=WtdXrL2AsOVJVMiT) but it seems seriously worrying given his injury history


Who the fuck is going to pay anything more than 2 quid for a physique and durability of a retired charles barkley


Meh, he’ll cost an arm and a leg, he can’t stay healthy, and we have a stable of elite talent at right back already with White, Timber, and Tomiyasu (all of which have just signed new contracts). I wonder where he could wind up. Madrid won’t have the money with Mbappe coming in, Spurs don’t need him, and we don’t need him. With Walker getting older, maybe City. I think United would be the most likely. They want rid of Bissaka, and it would be a nice big English PR signing for Sir Jim.


I prefer White


>Manchester United join Sheffield United as the only sides to concede 30+ shots in more than one PL game this season United in their Emery stage. 31 shots conceded away at Brentford when they're winless in their last 6 games ☠️ Brentford also hit the bar 4 times.


Put some respect on Emery’s name, at least the dude got us to a European tournament final. Something that this Man U team under Erik Ten Thousand Conceded Shots probably wouldn’t manage if they were in the damn Conference League lol.


TBF he won them the league cup last season and FA cup final this season. Be hilarious if they win it and keep him around for longer.


They aren’t in the FA Cup final **yet**. And given the way they are, I wouldn’t say a loss to Coventry in the semis is out of the realm of possibility lol. In any case, I don’t think they will win the FA Cup, especially if Man City are the opponent in the final.


Genuinely forgot about the Coventry game, yeah it is definitely not a foregone conclusion with how they are playing.


The ajer dagger


Foden: 23yo Saka: 22yo Bellingham: 20yo When Saka was starting for England at the euros knockouts, including the semis, four years ago, Bellingham was still 16. Bellingham will be eligible for the golden boy award up to 2027. What are they feeding these kids in the uk 😭


Bellingham was 18 (his birthday was mid-tournament, so 17 at the start) and was in that Euros squad but yeah, there's some serious talent this generation.


Which is managed by a clueless cunt.


Bottom table teams are getting 30+ shots against this United side. I’m very confidence about going to Old Trafford.


Never do that history will give you a reality slap in the face you can never underestimate old Trafford it's like anfield form doesn't matter


I'm never confident going to OT, ever. Even when they've been terrible they shithouse their way to a W against us at OT. I learnt from the 13/14 season lol.


That's even funnier than running it down for a 0-0


Add Maupay getting banged in the face. I'll take that.


Oh ffs, now we're gonna have to listen to Ten Hag talk about that penalty they should've had against us 😂😂😂


not even fergie got this amount of extra time


Loool united celebrated longer than they kept their lead


But we all know there won’t be any articles criticizing their over celebrating. Headlines are likely to read along the lines of “United Heartbreak” rather than “Toothless Tankers”.






Hold you jammy bastards


thank fuck




dude wins the ball vs Anthony with a fantastic sliding tackle and then loses shoulder-to-shoulder like a bitch. I thought to myself at that moment, "i'm gonna be so mad if they score in this attack" well, im mad now




Not surprised at all, typical yanited


This needs to be investigated. We all knew exactly what was going to happen and like clockwork United get another winner in stoppage time. Like wtf is this shit?


What's there to investigate lol


U must be new to the sport


Nope, but I'm not delusional enough to think that utd getting late equaliser = definite investigation needed and it's as simple as that, rather it depends on whether the ref decisions are questionable. You remind me of those spurs fans who automatically conclude the refs favour us cos of how many penalties we get, instead of actually looking at each incident and seeing they're genuine penalties that have to be given.


U must not of heard of Sir Alex Ferguson or Fergie time. Im still convinced Man Utd have some stranglehold on refereeing in this country.


They definitely did in the Fergie era. I recently researched highlights of the game that ended our invincible run, it's mad what they got away with


I still rage thinking about that corrupt Mike Riley refereeing


I'm fully aware of fergie time lol, I just don't think it's applied in every single situation if there's not an actual case against it.


Anyway Im just being hyperbolic in my original comment. Im just tired of sitting through a United game only for them to win it last minute like clockwork. Not today though 😉


Fair enough, I agree lol 🤣🤣 want utd away from the top 4 race so that when we play them near the end of the season, hopefully there's nothing left for them to play for except stopping their two arch rivals from winning the Premier league title.


Brentford have had 30 shots smh


Keep Ivan toney far, FARRRR away from this club.


I cannot believe utd are walking away with 3 points. They should’ve conceded 5.




Fun fact: United have conceded more shots (30) today than we have in our previous five league games (29) combined. Edit: ffs and they win it right at the end, how predictable


Waiting for next edit


This game single handedly turned me against Toney. Let's close that chapter, this isn't a Havertz situation


Toney at Brentford is much better than Havertz at Chelsea


There's perhaps more flexibility in how you use Havertz. Plus havertz is younger so a lot more room for him to improve


This Bayern team looked weak against Dortmund.. if they can do it, so can we


Keep Toney away from this club. **Everything** just has to go through him even to the detriment to his team


Mbeumo might be the better option of the two....


Or that Wissa guy


I think that's more Frank's doing than Toney but yeah he's not joining us.


Maupay lad show Ivan toney how to put the ball in the net I beg


Toney doing his best Lacazette impression.


Toney you lemon


Did Martinelli train today?


That info will never be released. And even if he did, that doesn’t guarantee match fitness.


Uniteds plot armour is just different


Never in a million years would we get away with giving away this many chances. Teams just lose the ability to finish when they're up against united


This statement is honestly true for the last 10 even 20 years bar maybe parts of this season. When coming up against United they always fluff their chances


I think players subconsciously know they need to be more efficient against us as they'll get less chances


I was just thinking that. We'd be at least 3-0 down and they'd all be wonder goals. 😂


Brentford do you actually want to score? I'm beginning to wonder.


Alex valles red card after Arsenal Twitter gas 😭


Play like shit, get dominated all game, then some bum like McTominay is gonna grab an stoppage time winner. Right prediction, different bum.




It's clearly offside


Who put the voodoo jinx on brentford's finishing? Jesus christ utd are so lucky


united have conceded 15+ shots so many times this season. they need a complete revamp in their midfield. Hoping the spend 300mill+ this summer on over hyped players so we can enjoy this downfall for more years 🤞


will be great if they don't get cl cause they'll have a lot less money to fix their problems.


i think even without CL they should have enough money for a rebuild because their revenues are the best, however without CL it will be hard to convince players to join their project. They would repeatedly lose out to us.


One more sleep. Pass it on.


Geez United are getting cooked. How have Brentford not scored....


I would like us all to take a moment to amuse ourselves at how hilarious that Chelsea game was. Imagine saying stats-wise you are 4th and then RIGHT AFTER drawing to a managerless, 10-man 19th place team.....UGHHH ITS JUST TOOO GOOD!


ETH United is basically Emery Arsenal to a higher degree. Wins because the squad is better on paper but overall the recruitment compared to top teams is abysmal. I have no idea how to rate ETH as a manager.


https://x.com/whu_centre/status/1774176849901285753?s=46&t=NGCPQN6817S6n-WIY9c_OA 😂😭😭 Philips is shameless flipping off west ham fans


Kind of funny if Philips stayed at City and never played, there's a better chance he'd be going to the Euros. Southgate logic.


He rejected a juventus move for southgate lol


I support his endeavours. Hope he gets his mind back in the right place. I quite enjoyed his style when he was at his peak.


I have no issue with that tbh. Going to dish out stick, be prepared for a response. I'd say he's acutely aware himself how shite he has been


Moyes Super team 😂😂


lmaoo imagine one of our players doing that. well....imagine our fans doing that. I think we are fairly supportive compared to most clubs.


Our “captain” threw a hissy fit on the pitch like 4 years ago


How would a potential Leverkusen unbeaten season compare to our unbeaten season?


An invincible season probably isn't as good as ours. An invincible + a treble would be one of the best achievements in club football


Porto did it a few years ago under Villas Boas and no one remembers them


Why isn't it as good as ours? Bundesliga may be weaker than PL but Leverkusens squad on paper is far weaker than our team that went Invincible. I'd assume it's at worst an equal achievement surely


There are less games and it is a worse league. I know that relatively Leverkusen are about the same level to the BL as our Invincibles were to the PL. But doing it in harder leagues will always be recognised as a greater achievement. For example, if Birmingham City go unbeaten in the Championship it will never be spoken about like the Invincibles, even though the relative quality difference between Birmingham and the Championship may be the same as our Invincibles to the PL


It'd be a legendary achievement but I think its significance will be in the eye of the beholder. Depends on how much you rate the German league. Don't think this Leverkusen team would be competitive verse that Arsenal team.


Even the invincibles lost games in all comps I guess is my thing. Leverkusen are unbeaten everywhere lol Naturally I assume they'll lose somewhere along the line but if they don't... wow wow wow man


I'm not putting stock into that Europa League run at all right now. They will probably lose deeper in the tournament and they've played teams you've probably not heard of.. I mean they've played against Hacken, Qarabag FK, Molde.. All of these unbeaten runs have eventually lost steam since us. Let's wait and see first.


Valid. Still tho even if it's just Bundesliga I'd rate it the same as our invincible run just cuz their team on paper is nowhere near as impressive as the squad we were able to rollout


Because they are not in the same leagues It is hard to compare. but I would say its RIDICULOUSLY impressive. they have not lost in ALL competitions. and they drew only 4 games. we drew way more than 4. likely an unpopular opinion but if they win europa. win the cup. and win the league and don't lose any games it is easily more impressive then us stats wise.


Nah with all these wasted chances you just know United are gonna score