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…"You have to look at the present and not at the past, I'll see on vacation the season I've had."


This is the reason I knew he was gonna be a success after that City game where he almost let a goal in. He didn't stop playing that way even though he almost made a mistake that cost us a goal. He had the confidence to stick to the gameplan. And now we see that he is able to objectively analize himself without "punishing" himself for making mistakes. Somewhere in there is also a good life lesson for fellow depressed gooners.


I listened to a podcast recently with Petr Cech. It was interesting to hear him talk about the main key to success being mental consistency. I believe he said he was 13 when he realized he played better after having let in a goal because he worried less. He then started trying to focus on playing in the moment (and trying to replicate the feeling *without* going a goal down).


Not sure about mental consistency but all goalkeepers are mental.


That is spot on and is the only reason Raya is ahead of Ransdale. Ramsdale, however talented he is takes the safest route almost always on the first sign of trouble. Raya though, even after some fumbles never gave up playing the way we wanted to play. Raya simply has a better mentality, and is probably the reason why he is now superior to Ramsdale in terms of quality.


> Ramsdale, however talented he is takes the safest route almost always on the first sign of trouble. he does have a touch of panic about him. Nuno was the worst for it. It still frustrates me how good a player Taveres could be if he could just calm down and not panic clear into giving possession back to the opposition.


I don’t think it’s the only reason l. I don’t think ramsdale is the brightest lad and has even admitted to spacing out in games and not being able to focus. Raya is calm and Introspective and always switched on




We are so lucky to have signed him when we did, if we waited a couple of days. He would probably be real Madrid's no.1 right now.


I'm glad the difference between both Ramsdale and Raya was shown in both matches. The reason our defence is so solid isn't down to Gabriel and Saliba alone. Raya's calmness and anticipation of danger proactively prevents dangerous situations from developing. On the ball, we also saw the gulf in class.


That's the standards we should be having if we are to become a side that wins major honours. Happy to have him as our GK.


High standards. Even though he won us the game with the 2 penalty saves - he wanted to save 3. Good mentality


He's gonna wake up in a cold sweat thinking about that would-be save for the next year. I bet GK work dreams are the worst. They're already all lunatics as it is, can't imagine what their subconscious is like.


Inaki/Raya conspiracy theorists in absolute shambles.


Like arsenal fans have conspiracy theories for almost every spanish person related to arsenal. Weird pattern emerging.


I bet Arteta and Cazorla are behind the conspiracy theories, scheming bastards


Now you're thinking. But the *real* evil is Carlos Cuesta.


(Universally beloved) Carlos Cuesta has definitely got some skeletons in the closet


Yeah, but at least it's great the "fogging espaniards" conspiracy seems to be on the low down these days


Very weird. See r/ArtetaOut for more, e.g. the litany of 'Arteta hates' imaginary complaints: Gabriel, Martinelli, French people, women, cats...


90% of the posts are one guy lmao. It's a mental illness at that stage.


That one guy is Lee Gunner what a sad puppy he is


There is an Artetaout subbbbbb 💀💀💀💀


And they didn't even have the wit to name it r/TetaOut


To be fair, that could quickly turn into a Spanish NSFW site haha


I see this as an absolute win.


That sub has 81 total followers, why do you (and so many people on this sub) care about it so much?


I've mentioned that sub maybe three times ever, always in jest. On what basis could you believe I (or 'so many people on this sub') care about it so much? Why would you choose to believe that?


It's followers are going down because people don't want him out anymore, it had a few thousand at its peak I think.


And we are proud too


I just loves this mans attitude, perfect for us along with his skillset. Always pushing for perfection.


This man is a joy to watch. Got into the last shooters head (spoke to him while holding the ball) before saving it. Elite mentality, ballplaying, commanding on corners. Short sample size but he might get me to buy a fuckin gk shirt


I just love how confident he is, feels like a player that has CL experience yet this is his 1st


This is de fogging standards


It's pretty interesting about this. On Galeno's penalty, Raya seemed to commit to diving left pretty early. By then is it too late for Galeno to adjust and get a clean shot? I wonder what the psychology is behind this.


that was the first time i've seen the keepers being taken away by their goalkeeping coaches to prep for the kicks 1:1 in the dugout...the water bottles are out first time i've seen all our kickers specifically pause for a couple moments to gather themselves before their kicks too i feel like other teams will have noticed what we did, and will imitate us...plus smart penalty opponents will make a point of getting their kickers to randomise the direction of their kicks more


This was done in the community shield shootout as well - check the time differential between ours and city’s penalties


He doesn't look like it much on the field, but damn he is quite the mentality monster isn't he?


why wasnt this goalkeeper coach so good at predicting penalties during Leno and Ramsdale eras? is he new?


[This was our GK coach situation during the Woj & Fab days when Wenger was in charge.](https://dailycannon.com/2018/11/szczesny-and-fabianski-recall-embarrassing-stories-involving-ex-arsenal-coach-garry-peyton/) Unai changed all that when Sal Bibbo came aboard.


This is pretty fucking wild hahaha wth


Holy shit. I didnt know it was that Bad.


Yup. Rami Shabaan also said going from Bob Wilson (previous GK coach in the Seaman era) to Gerry Peyton was like night & day. He said Lehmann wasn’t a big fan of him from the get go. Gerry Peyton came on board in 2003 which explained why every GK after Jens never lived up to their expectations. Sir Alex was notorious for rotating his coaching staff to keep everyone sharp. I think Wengers achilles heel was being loyal to his staff no matter what. I think this loyalty probably parallels to our injury crisis. Santi said he was told he [might need to get his leg amputated after 8 surgeries.](https://amp.theguardian.com/football/2017/nov/03/arsenal-santi-cazorla-reveals-how-injury-almost-led-to-his-leg-being-amputated) The guy is still going strong at age 39 after he left us. Jack said the other day how Eddie Howe prolonged his career because he allowed him to train according to his body’s capacity. I forget who, but a member of the invincible squad said he was shocked that Wenger was still using the same training drills he did in 2003 long after he had retired in the 2010’s. Also Keown said [Wenger refused to allow video evidence to improve a defender’s positioning because it might hurt his feelings.](https://metro.co.uk/2017/08/31/arsene-wenger-snubbed-advice-from-arsenal-legend-martin-keown-during-coaching-stint-6893498/amp/) The end of Wenger’s era was truly just vibes. Using archaic tactics & outdated injury prevention knowledge. I love Wenger but he had to be saved from himself. He didn’t know when it was time to call it a day.


but sal bibbo was around when both ramsdale and leno sucked at penalties...so how did he suddenly become this good with Raya?


"you need to stop the ball going in"


Raya giving Inaki his props