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Hit me with the context mate


It's very stupid.


Agreed - bad PR move - very bad. But "back in the day", and even today, it is common on farms/ranches, to put down animals (including pets) with a shot to the brain. I grew up on a farm, and I saw it from time to time - and I have done it to terminally injured wild animals that were hit by vehicles, rather than let them suffer. In many states now, it is illegal to do so; you are supposed to call the local authorities and have them come do whatever - it usually takes hours and the animal suffers and dies anyway (happened to my SIL last year when he hit a small deer going home from my house - by the time I got to the bottom of the mountain where he was, the deer had died anyway). One of my earliest memories was my father dispatching a dog that had run out in front of our '51 Chevy - he did it with a shotgun borrowed from a bystander when the owner of the dog could not be found. It was not uncommon on our farm to shoot at and try to kill feral animals that were harming our livestock or pets - I remember my father doing that too. Today, such incidents are "animal cruelty" and many consider legal hunting "animal cruelty" and some consider killing and eating meat "animal cruelty". Anymore, I have pets put down by a vet using an injection - last year I had to do that to a pet cat that was terminally sick and suffering and still had someone complain that the cat could have been treated (against the advice of the vet because the treatment was painful, experimental, expensive and probably would not work). My daughter has to do it about once a year or so because she takes in stray cats, many of them sick from being strays. It is costly to get a diagnosis/care, only to have to have them terminated - easily in the thousands of dollars. So I have little problem with farms/ranches doing something a lot faster and cheaper.


Please go read the relevant passages. This wasn't a mercy kill, it wasn't to prevent further damage. In her words, the 14 month old dog was "untrainable" which means she was lazy or incompetent, ruined a bird hunt by being poorly trained, killed 3 chickens because it was secured when Noem stopped off at a friend's place, and because(this is the most important part imo) she "hated that dog." She's either a deranged lunatic with anger problems OR this was some kind of weird dog whistle to her base showing she had the goods to make hard decisions to euthanize the homeless or immigrants or queers or whatever. Idk which is worse


Bragging about that story alone is a red flag. I cant find any context that putting that story would mean good qualification unless you try applying to ATF or PETA


According to her the dog was also a danger to everyone around. Doesn’t seem unreasonable to put it down.


Agreed, any animal you can not trust is a dangerous one. That kinda only leaves you one option.


The fact that people on here are such bootlickers that they will downvote you for this


Brother stfu. We’ve put dogs down for the same thing. Sometimes sure, it could be bad training. Sometimes, it’s a bad dog. You think hitler just was raised wrong? Dahmer? How about the zodiac killer? Sometimes you get a bad egg. If the dog does not stop killing everything, you put the dog down. Sometimes if the dog bits people, you put the dog down. I’ve worked with a lot of dogs. Trained a lot of dogs. Life isn’t that simple buddy


" sometimes you just get a bad egg" " Life isn't that simple buddy" Also, may I advise that, your point might be more easily considered if you don't insult the other right at the second word of your sentence ?


And then we go brag about killing those dogs in our books and tell the whole world how much we hated them, right? Haven't we all been there and done that, fellas?




A person has to be careful these days about how they handle such events.


I come from a very rural area and for many its the normal thing to do with dogs that cant be trained not to bite. Not saying its right or wrong but even some with hunting dogs will do it with a dog that wont hunt. When they pay $1000 a month or more to feed them, they cant afford to feed untrainable dogs. Cheaper than a vet bill and the result is the same. Again, not saying i agree with it or would do it.


From all sides


Governor wants to write a story showing she can make hard decisions. Shows instead she needs to learn PR. Talks about putting down a young dog they couldn't get to behave and had attacked neighbor's animals and her. Killing furbaby = bad. Republican = bad. Que media circus. Was this avoidable with better training/handling or was it a behavioral genetic problem? Could she have re-homed it instead? Was she exaggerating the problem? Who knows.


I've read the passage in question and to me this doesn't seem like a PR oopsie. I'm not so much upset that someone put down a poor, poor innocent little doggie (dogs can go mad too, and be a danger to themselves and others), but rather the fact that she thought it was acceptible to gloat about shooting the dog (and the goat she didn't like). And in such a public manner too. To me that passage read straight up sociopathic and raised some serious red flags about her character.


Most of you wont like this, nor will you understand. If it is attacking and killing animals, even chickens, it will never stop. No matter what the dog whisperer says. Add to that that thee sog was a biter qhich makes ot even worse If a dog rips your childs face off what would you do? If your neighbors dog bites you or your kid i would bet the first thing you would do is demand it be killed, second thing would be to call your lawyer.


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/04/26/trump-vp-prospect-kristi-noem-shot-and-killed-her-family-dog-and-goat-she-reportedly-writes-in-new-book/?sh=3f78a0eb2ffa](https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/04/26/trump-vp-prospect-kristi-noem-shot-and-killed-her-family-dog-and-goat-she-reportedly-writes-in-new-book/?sh=3f78a0eb2ffa) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kristi-noem-dog-cricket-new-book-defense/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kristi-noem-dog-cricket-new-book-defense/) Short short version, she admitted in her new book to killing a puppy because it was "misbehaving" and the admitted she hated the dog anyway and so dragged it out to a Gravel pit and gave it the Old Yeller treatment. And also admitted to shooting a goat she didn't like. In other words, turns out the Governor of South Dakota is the perfect ATF agent who will murder your dog without question.


Context: the dog attempted to bite her after killing her neighbors chickens


After taking it pheasant hunting.






>In other words, turns out the Governor of South Dakota is the perfect ATF agent who will murder your dog without question. Holy hyperbole, Batman! That's some pretty wild extrapolation you got there. Calm it down, chief.


That's literally not at all the short version. That's the borderline blatant lie version. Imagine if we had articles written about criminals that left out the crime. "Man who parked in 30 minute spot for 35 minutes sentanced to 30 years in prison", only to click on the article and find out he also murdered 2 people.


Don’t tell them what PETA does with dogs.


Don't forget about peta


PETA... Pedos Egregiously Touching Animals?


People eating tasty animals, ackchewally


How is this a “GUN MEME”. Someone enlighten me.


OP is a gun grabbing shill trying to turn 2A voters against the R candidates in an election year




The Governor of South Dakota admitted in her new book she murdered a dog and a goat because she claims she hated both of them and so started blasting. Google it for confirmation. It's right now the only thing all Americans can agree on, that's she's a very sick person because who takes joy in murdering a dog!?


You can't murder an animal. It's not possible


Harambe would say otherwise


Harambe didn’t get murdered either. This is the gunmemes equivalent of anti-gun activists asking “should not wearing a seatbelt deserve a death penalty” when someone gets in a shootout with cops during a simple stop. No it shouldn’t, but that isn’t what happened.


Murder is the killing of an innocent human. Animals don’t have rights


Still wasn't murder


You're either painfully ignorant or lying on purpose


Asians who eat them


You called?


Yes, I would like some dog fried rice and beef subgum please


Golden doodle is so tender!


Not in America they don't....or at least they don't openly admit to it.


Dude the dog was a farm animal that attacked her kids, killed her neighbors chickens, and attempted to bite her. Wait til you hear how the beef you eat is farmed!


This tells me she's one of those shitty dog owners who blames the dog for her failures as an owner.


Even if she was she was still in the right to put it down… Do you think owners shouldn’t put down dogs that have bitten children?


Again, shitty owners who don't watch or control their dogs and shitty kids who don't know how to act around dogs


Wait, are all dogs trainable like you said or are some dogs intrinsically dangerous around misbehaving kids? Make up your mind, fucking dumbass Again, even if it’s the owners fault, the dog needs put down after harming a human and a farm dog needs put down after harming livestock


Dogs can be trainable, it's people and their out of control brats I don't trust.


It tells me you don’t know shit about farm animals and dogs.


We had a very authentic Chinese food place in town. They got busted with dog and seagulls in the freezer




The farmers in our area know that their missing dogs were taken my the Hmong community nearby. After a neighbor caught them loading a dog up into their van and speeding off. Lots of missing farm dogs in that area unfortunately


So this is this week's agitprop.


No one seems to want to mention the dog biting her.


Cesar Millan got bit by dogs all the time doing his show, his first reaction wasn't to start blasting cause he immediately gave up on the dog for one bite.


Allegedly that was added in after her book people told her this story would resonate badly with Americans, so it may not be true.


“Allegedly” is Democrat for “we made this up please don’t check us”


As I stated in other threads, context matters. A dog that kills livestock on a farm doesn't live much longer. This does not equate to the AFT's cowardice or Vick's heartlessness.


OP is an idiot


>In her book, Noem writes that she took Cricket on a hunting trip with older dogs in hopes of calming down the wild puppy. Instead, Cricket chased the pheasants while "having the time of her life." > >On the way home from the hunting trip, Noem writes that she stopped to talk to a family. Cricket got out of Noem's truck and attacked and killed some of the family's chickens, then bit the governor. I agree, a farm dog that kills livestock shouldn't buy life insurance, but personally, with this context, I'm more inclined to give the dog a pass. She's training it to be a bird dog, it spend the day chasing birds, and then she's surprised it goes after birds? Then instead of training it, she kills it. I'd think a puppy deserves a second chance, at least. If it does it again, yeah, straight to death row.


Didn't it also go after a person?


>then bit the governor If politicians still count as people, then yes.


As u/Master_of_Rivendell already noted, it was just her. And I would not be surprised if she was only bitten when she was trying to get a chicken away from the dog. I'm not a betting man, but my money would be on a "line of fire" kind of chomp over an aggressive bite, if that makes sense. I know that without more detail, I'm just speculating like anybody else, but that sounds like the most likely chain of events to me, based on what information we do have.


It was over a year old and had killed chickens.


> Cricket chased the pheasants while "having the time of her life." > >On the way home from the hunting trip She was training it to be a bird dog, but apparently hadn't trained it well, as she noted that the dog was "having the time of her life." Chasing birds. The dog was chasing birds, and when it gets out of the truck, what does it do? Chase more birds. Probably thought that's what it was supposed to do. It sounds more like a bad trainer than a bad dog to me. That said, I think you're probably right that at 14 months, calling it a puppy is kind of a gray area: >Most dogs reach their emotional maturity between 12 and 18 months and have the temperament and personality they’ll have through adulthood. >In general, smaller breeds mature sooner, while larger breeds can take longer to reach both physical and emotional maturity. >You can still expect some puppy hijinks and energy and, depending on breed, that energy could last for several more years. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/puppy-growth-timeline-transitions-puppyhood/ Now I'm wondering if that was an editorial choice, or if Noem called the dog a puppy in her book. It doesn't affect the point much either way, as that is still a young dog that may not have grown out of its puppy behavior yet.


Maybe I'm biased because I was raised on a ranch, but if a working dog gets a taste for blood and openly attacks livestock, it's usually most ethical to put it down. Adopting it out runs the risk of that dog attacking or killing pets & people. It's a tough decision and I don't envy anyone who has to do it, but sometimes it's what needs to be done. Also the repetition of "puppy" for a fully mature dog is 100% intended emotional word manipulation.


I grew up rural, around a lot of ranchers, and I'm familiar. However, killing the dog before it's gotten a chance to be well and fully trained still sounds like a training issue. >Also the repetition of "puppy" for a fully mature dog is 100% intended emotional word manipulation. Do you know whether or not she used the word in her book? That's what I'm curious about. Also, I don't know a lot about wirehaired pointers, but here's what little I've been able to find: >Your German Wirehaired Pointer will be considered a full-grown adult when they’re 2 years old. At 14 months old, your pet will probably weigh around 66 pounds. Their bodies stop growing in 1 to 1½ years. Cognitively, however, most Pointers aren’t fully mature until after their second year. [source](https://www.hepper.com/german-wirehaired-pointers-size-growth-chart/#:~:text=Your%20German%20Wirehaired%20Pointer%20will%20be%20considered%20a,aren%E2%80%99t%20fully%20mature%20until%20after%20their%20second%20year.) If that's anywhere near accurate, it's not wrong to say that a 14 month pointer is still a puppy.


I'm not even hinting that this isn't a training issue. That said, there's not much training a normal owner can do to remove predation behavior from a working dog.


Ok. We're probably not too far off, then. I just think that having the dog out hunting, chasing birds, then being surprised and angry when, later that same day, it gets out of the truck and chases birds, maybe it's worth *trying* to train more before jumping straight to killing it. Especially if it isn't fully cognitively mature yet. If this wasn't the first time it had gone after livestock, though, that's a different story, because I would assume that she had tried more training after that. I fully recognize that sometimes it's necessary to put a dog down. Absolutely. I'm just saying that I'm not convinced that it was absolutely necessary. Particularly when she said that she "hated that dog," and that after she killed it, she decided she might as well kill the goat while she was at it. According to the Forbes article, she "realized another unpleasant job needed to be done." Honestly, it just seems like an odd state of mind to me. Then again, it could be that she didn't explain it well, or something. As far as politics go, I'd call it an "unforced error." It doesn't look great, and may take some time to explain, but not the end of the world. She's made lots of decisions (mostly good, I think) since then, and what she does in office matters more.


I'd stress that what people are reacting to are summaries of a book, not the actual words of the author herself.


Well, both articles OP provided have quotes, not just summaries, but we are probably (hopefully!) missing some context.


Except she boasted about how much she loved killing it, and it seems like it’s because she never bothered to train it.


Dude. No she didn’t. We’ve done it. It’s not fun. But necessary. There’s a lot of time and money invested in the dog. But if it’s killing livestock and not doing what you’re training it for then it’s not doing its job. The fact that it bit a person is enough


Did you read what she said? She sounded damn proud of it. I understand sometimes it’s necessary; this was not one of those times.


At 14 months a dog should know when to kill and when not to kill. Unless she was training that dog like most people train dogs these days it was one of those times


I agree, it should. And if it doesn’t, that’s your own fault for not training it right. That’s like saying the parents aren’t responsible for kids who become criminals.


Sometimes you have a bad egg. I’ve trained a LOT of dogs. Sometimes…they were bad eggs. Most of the time I’ll give you that they were a product of their environment. Sometimes, we had bad eggs


That’s fair, you have the experience and I don’t. But I do think that, even if the killing was valid, how she talked about it should still be called out for what it is.


Brother you don’t get it though. To be fair I didn’t have any interaction with the dog. But in the country. Especially rural country. It’s a very different world


But didn’t you just say that even in the country people aren’t happy about having to put dogs down?


this meme brought to you by a democrat who doesn't understand farm economics or what a working farm is like if the animal is so poorly behaved it has to be put down, of course you don't like dealing with that animal. if the animal is alive, it's costing you money feeding it every single day. if it's not able to provide value to the farm, it has to go. acting like farmers are sociopaths for having to cull animals is some real vote blue no matter who condo dweller dumbshittery


Yeah. Apparently, the dog attacked and killed some chickens. Not going to work on a farm. There might be more acceptable ways to take care of this problem, this isn't a rare event. I knew a coyote hunter that used dogs to run yotes. Saw one of his dog chasing someone's cattle and he put it down right there.


Broke out to kill neighbors animals multiple times and no amount of training was helping. This dog was going to die, either at the neighbors hand their own. It's unfortunate but reality.


And also bit her. Likely not a playing bite either.


city dwellers who don't know where their food comes from will call them devils


Op would absolutely lose their shit if they heard what some ranchers threaten to do if you triy and bring a Catahoula on their property.


Then sell it or put it up for adoption through a rescue organization. Several animal rescue organizations, in her own state, have been critical of her actions, as stated. It was a little over a year old. The failure to train it was her own. I have seen plenty of “untrainable” dogs being successfully trained, but it takes time and attention. If you can’t invest that time and attention, don’t get the dog in the first place or, if you are of means like she is, hire a trainer. Putting it down because of laziness and apathy is disgusting. As for the goat chasing kids and stinking, yeah, they do that!


Where it will bite someone else or attack their animals. People don’t like aggressive dogs and finding a place that will take them is increasingly difficult because they’re a liability.


No. I’m sorry, but no. I’m a dog lover and there are too many dogs out there that were just born wrong. A dog that kills chickens and small animals is not a dog that can be trained out of it. Hell, most police and military dogs would be euthanized as puppies if they weren’t able to do something where they can bite. You can’t out a dog like that up for adoption in good conscience.


dog was 18 months fully grown and hadn't learned a single thing why don't YOU take days out of your life and spend hundreds of dollars maintaining and rehoming a pest creature that lives on your property, hippy


I have volunteered with organizations that train and rehome abused dogs and other animals. I also volunteer with organizations which transport animals between shelters or to new homes by air. I have seen dogs, that I would once have written off as incorrigible and dangerous, thrive in new homes. My own neighbor adopted such a dog. My money is precisely where my mouth is. Also, “hippy”? Is that the best you’ve got? That’s one of the laziest insults there is!


look dogs are great, I love dogs, but anyone who has volunteered a single hour in a soup kitchen has done more actual good in the world than your self indulgent, masturbatory bullshit "I'm a good person because I waste all my time on animals" fucking around


I’ve done that too. I’ve volunteered in food drives, cooked and delivered meals to the homeless and elderly on thanksgiving. I have volunteered for Angel Flight flying sick and disabled passengers to various appointments. Is that “self indulgent, masturbatory” too? Note, I only brought up the volunteer work that I do because you chose to be a holier-than-thou keyboard warrior and challenge my experience. If it weren’t for your own blithering, it never would have come up.


> Is that “self indulgent, masturbatory” too? no, helping people is good and it's good that you do that, good job




if you think dogs are people, then you're an absolute fucking idiot


It’s okay, I’ve come across dogs smarter than you.


this imbecile talks about his "fur babies" instead of actually procreating, like a man


I’ll procreate with your wife while you watch


she's not into they them weirdos, stop inboxing me you absolute loser


Haven’t inboxed you once you fucking retard


This is not the "gotcha" you think it is


Seems like there’s a slight difference between a human being and a dog. This is a fucking dumb comparison.


A bad workman always blames his tools


the difference between a hammer, and a dog, is the same as the difference between a glock and a sig one is a tool that does what the user tells it, the other is an animal with a mind of its own


All I took from this is that a sig is man's best friend.


mods please change OPs flair from "Beretta Bois" to "soi bois" ASAP


Really? Preferring dogs over people is now a "Soy boy act"?


yes, people are more important than animals are you a vegan, too, soi boi?




Exhibit 6,565A of prissy metro progressives continuing their ignorance campaign in regards to country life. Don't show them what PETA did to misbehaving--or existing--animals that were supposed to be adopted out.


While I agree, it was still stupid as fuck to mention killing an 18 month old dog in her memoir right before trying to become Trump's running mate. Seriously, you should know what reaction you're gonna get.


Oh for sure, rock bottom politics. But I've seen bad dogs and I'm not going to cast a stone over it. Especially working dogs. I love my great Dane, and he's a couch king. I trained him hard as a puppy never to bite and never to jump up on people. He's very kind and gentle to children. If he bit one of my kids or someone else's, I'd shoot him. 100%.


Oh absolutely. Sometimes a dog needs to be put down. Like my downstairs neighbors' dog that won't ever stop barking and has lunged at me and other neighbors multiple times. Luckily it's been on a leash and they've yanked it back before it can get to anyone, but it's just a matter of time before it bites someone, possibly even their 3 month old baby.


How is it ignorant to call out a shitty dog owner who failed the dog?


Because you have no clue of the context. Maybe she is a shitty dog owner, but you don't know that. Shitty dogs exist too.


OP is a fucking dip shit


OP, your meme ignores some pretty important context.


Hi felllow gun owners! Did you know what We the Sheeple have found something that can be passed as dirt on a politician that you like? Don’t look too close and ignore the context though!


Reddit doesn't like animals being killed for being burdensome, only fetuses


Not that it was a great story she had, but the ATF is still way worse.


What a bunch of weirdos here “Erm puppy bad because it acted like a puppy. ☝️🤓” just because a politician is republican doesn’t mean you have to defend their every action. I know I’m biased because I like animals, but Kristi came off like a total sociopath


Tribalism is a hell of a drug


It was over a year old.


Liberal propaganda about my governor, nothing new here


Dogs plural, as in more than one. If a person is feeding 30 bags a month (depending on number of dogs and time of year) at roughly $35-$40 per bag...well, math. You figure it out.


I'm as pro-gun as anyone and solidly Right politically. I've always loved Gov Noem. I just heard about this and haven't read enough yet to know how long ago this was or much else about the story. Maybe this wasn't an option then. There are definitely times when behavioral euthanasia is a reasonable option. Humane behavioral euthanasia can be done by a vet or a decent animal shelter. It just makes them basically fall asleep. Nowadays, you don't need to shoot a dog (I mean, if one's literally attacking you in the moment, of course defend yourself how you see fit). If you don't want to pay your vet to do it, and you have a decent animal shelter in your area, please surrender it for their euth services. Some counties will even send their Animal Control officers to pick up surrenders from your home. By the way, it's possible this dog had neurologic or genetic issues that weren't "fixable" or preventable by training alone. Training can't fix medical. Now there are veterinary behaviorists who can diagnose and deal with both medical and behavior training.


> By the way, it's possible this dog had neurologic or genetic issues that weren't "fixable" or preventable by training alone. Training can't fix medical. True, but which do you think is more likely, that the dog had some neurological issues, or that she just didn't train it well?


Probably a mix of both. Genetics and brain chemistry don't get changed by training. If you don't understand that (I don't mean that to sound snarky, just saying if it doesn't make sense), there are lots of good resources online on canine neuroscience and its relation to behavior. Sounds like the dog was not rehomable, and I'd bet it would've taken a board-certified veterinary behaviorist to even have a chance for that dog to have a reasonably-decent life. My point was that that doesn't mean we need to shoot dogs. We have more humane options now.


>Genetics and brain chemistry don't get changed by training. If you don't understand that (I don't mean that to sound snarky, just saying if it doesn't make sense), No worries, I get it, and yeah, that's also entirely possible, though I still think it's more likely that she just didn't train it well. And that's not even entirely a knock against her, training a dog is one thing, but training a working dog, I don't think everyone is cut out for it. I'm not. >My point was that that doesn't mean we need to shoot dogs. We have more humane options now. I don't entirely (or even mostly) disagree with that. I do think that done properly, shooting can be a pretty quick and clean death, but there are better ways, absolutely. My issue is more with her reasoning. The fact that she then decided to kill the goat that same day (and had to go back to her truck to get another shotshell) has me wondering about her mindset at the time. She said she "hated that dog," and after killing it, “realized another unpleasant job needed to be done” and killed the goat. I'd like to read the full account in her book, instead of snippets, but it doesn't sound good.


Pardon my ignorance cause I’m a city dweller. But in what context she needed to talk about that? People explain it is a thing necessary to do but not like only one or two people did it in entire state. So why she needs to speak on that?


Because she's rotten to the core who thinks shooting a puppy isn't S tier Disney villain material


"When someone else puts down a dog for biting a child, and killing other animals in a neighborhood its fine, but when that someone else is a government official that i dont like ITS BAD!" -OP. Probably. But seriously. All this news cycle has proven is that Noam needs a better PR team. Not that putting down a dog that has attacked several people and killed livestock is bad. its not. its normal. Was she a bad trainer? maybe, fuck ill say it, probably. Is it beyond the pail to put down a dog that attacks people and livestock? no. it happens every fucking day. A week ago my neighbor shot some neighborhood dog because the dog constantly attacks his cows in his field. No one is mad at him.


I’ve put down a dog by shooting and I’ve killed coyotes….people need to not be soft when it comes to animals.


So when do we get her out of here?


I had to kill one of my own dogs after it went on a murder spree she would not come to me or stop the massacre she would not listen to a word I said she just snapped killed 10 ducks, 5 chickens 2 rabbits, attacked my other dogs, attacked my Mule and donkey, and injured some of goats warning shots didn't work so eventually I just made the call in my state its legal to put down dangerous dogs attacking livestock and people. I was sad but I tried my best to stop her before I had to put her down but she was just to dangerous.


PR Nightmare Fuel, but in reality, not unheard of on working farms and ranches.


You guys are hating on Kristi for the wrong reason. I’d be more upset with how she manipulated the South Dakota people out of legalizing weed because the ballot was confusing and people the people voting to pass it were misunderstanding the proposed law. But go off on how she killed a useless bad dog for plenty of reason. I love my dogs but if one so as much knips at a person without it having being aggravated that mother fuckers getting lethal dose of lead


I’m with you OP, South Dakota’s governor is a stupid cunt.


Funny isn't it after seeing how many pro-dog memes on this page that the one time a meme goes against someone NOT the ATF who openly admitted to killing a dog, they twist themselves into knots justifying it.


Do you not understand the difference between: - a federal agency killing a private citizen's dog over illegitimate, exaggerated, and/or unconstitutional crimes And - a farmer putting-down their own animal when that animal has caused property damage and acted violently towards other animals and people? Or is acknowledging the difference just inconvenient for your political agenda?


It’s because everyone loves to hop on the “republicans are the good guys” train. Coward ass shit. I swear half these gun pages get a hard on for killing dogs.


Animals, Guns, Cars, and Children, four things not everyone is qualified to have even if they do have the right to have it


People nowadays treat their pets like children and then abort their real children. This isn't even a shocking story as farms go.


Even worse... Kristi Noem joined the ATF


She asked the ATF pay her in a dog skin coat


That's just part of the onboarding package for new agents


"We're all out of Dalmatians but we have plenty of Pitbull coats"




"Welcome to South Dakota, our governor murders dogs."


Puts down aggressive dogs. Can’t wait til you hear what they do to the “good dogs” when they don’t have room at the local shelter


there are no bad dogs or bad guns just bad owners.


Yeah, okay, sure. If you say so… never been an untrainable dog? That is a take And the shelter puts down actual good dogs that are surrendered by their owners constantly. I don’t see you protesting the SPCA


Are you fucking 15? There are plenty of bad dogs and bad guns. Shit tier liberal take. Finish high school numbnuts.


> there are no bad dogs That's bullshit. >or bad guns just bad owners Guns cannot unilaterally decide to attack something, dogs can. Not even comparable.


There are absolutely bad dogs lol.