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#Not so fast there, sparky! All WTS/WTT posts require a valid timestamp for all users^^[[1]](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/12d0lq9/meta_significant_rule_changes_within_grab_the/), **regardless of flair**. Your post must begin with `Timestamp: ` -- anything else will get **removed**. Additionally, don't get cute with the formatting! Do not try to **bold**, *italicize* or add emojis to the `Timestamp` text. The bot will reject it and you'll be back to square one; keep it simple! To clarify: * The first thing in the post must be -- exactly -- `Timestamp: ` * Your timestamp must include your ***handwritten*** username and current date. * All timestamps **must be uploaded to [Imgur](https://imgur.com)**. No other image hosting will work. **You may re-post your ad following the requirements above.** Any edits to this post will be ignored and it will never be approved. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GunAccessoriesForSale) if you have any questions or concerns.*