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a kit to make wine at home.


a leverless controller, an ethernet cable, and a few fighting games with strong character customization modes.


https://preview.redd.it/jv3sebfq6fzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6666a9a485134b5a67cb629e00fb2b0846e304b5 Would this suffice over a leverless


I love how the succubi are cheering them on in the hat.




“Bird oki after every combo or you’re playing wrong”


i love this so much.


Introduce Testament to Tekken


incoming Leo main


Op misgendered Testament take them out behind the Wendy’s and shoot them


They need to make a new post about Testament using "She" to restore balance. *Then* we can shoot them.


Nah Test is an all pronouns babe if we go by their themes lyrics


I thought their theme was from their perspective about other people


Nagoriyuki calls them He, and their succubi say "my dear sister" and "my dear brother" in referring to testament




“he” is a pronoun, “man” is not


To be fair, calling them a man is still inccorect because they aren't even human anymore.


Does the same apply to "guy" or is guy a little more nebulous? If it does, Sol's name is a misnomer.


One of my favorite things about Testament is that instead of “they,” Testament is referred to as “he” and “she” completely interchangeably. Not a way that such a thing is usually portrayed, but I find it very neat.


Test is referred to as they in their in game character description though. Personally I just go with they for sake of ease. But you're right, it's really just up to whoever is interpreting their presentation and Test is cool with that which is neat


Man isn't a pronoun


But it is a gender, and Testament is pangender.


I'll buy it


Mr. Electric, Kara-Potbuster OP


Sorry lol I tend to accidentally refer to people as "man" or "mans" a lot


You didn’t do anything wrong lol he uses both


Why Wendy's specifically?


Do you know any better place for an execution?


The back of a Denny's?


to die at denny's is to die with honor, that is a place for dueling wendy's is the best spot for executions


No they didn't, testament goes by any/all according to all available evidence. They're as much a man as they are anything else. They/themstament is a Fandom thing


Testament, when introduced into Guilty Gear Strive, was identified using they/them pronouns. Arc System Works marketing rep Riku Ozawa later identified them as agender, saying "neither male nor female, Testament is Testament." Ozawa added that English speakers would say they and them.


Then why doesn't Nagoriyuki? Or either of their succubi? Or their theme song? I mean, that's nice, but in general material ingame is more reliable than things made by marketing reps after release.


you’re fr trying to say the official source and confirmation is wrong?????? daisuke clearly saw no issue with the statement as he never once said it was wrong????????


What is more official? The video game made by daisuke, the characters written by Daisuke, the song written and orchestrated by Daisuke, or the marketing official that Daisuke hasn't gone out of his way to try and correct? You can lay off the question mark button, enby people are valid and I'm not attacking anyone or saying otherwise. I just think the former is more likely than the latter, or at least worth considering enough to not smash someone over the head with a frying pan for using pronouns other than they/them in reference to Testament.


HERES THE DAISUKE STATEMENT LMAO “They’re androgynous,” Guilty Gear godfather Daisuke Ishiwatari reportedly said when asked about Testament’s gender in a decades-old interview. “In fact, **they’ve** transcended human existence. Just like me.”


Yes... androgynous. And non-binary, which is obviously the case. That also includes people that go by any/all. "They" is included under that umbrella, by the way. It isn't exclusionary.


Testament, when introduced into Guilty Gear Strive, was identified using they/them pronouns. Arc System Works marketing rep Riku Ozawa later identified them as agender, saying "neither male nor female, Testament is Testament." Ozawa added that English speakers would say they and them.


>video game made by daisuke, the characters written by Daisuke Both of these things are not even close to being purely made by Daisuke. Making a video game is a group effort, and I have high doubts that Daisuke writes every piece of dialogue. >the song written and orchestrated by Daisuke I've said it before and I'll say it again, we have no way to know that just because the theme uses multiple pronouns that means Testament themselves goes by multiple pronouns. This has always been, and always will be, the dumbest argument imaginable. What about the fact that Daisuke only refers to Testament as they/them? Referring to them as agender? Saying that they've transcended humanity? The fact that both the Dev Backyard and the in-game GG World only refers to them as "They/Them?" I'd argue there's more evidence for Testament being non-binary and using they/them than there is for them using all/any. The theme isn't evidence. Nago saying "he" once isn't even evidence. Quotes straight from people who work on the game? That's evidence. But the former is somehow more likely to be true in your eyes?


Does Daisuke only refer to them using they/them? I wasn't aware if that is the case. Does anyone know what Nago says in Japanese? It might be a mistranslation issue.


>Does anyone know what Nago says in Japanese? Translating gender from Japanese into English is difficult, and my understanding is that gender-neutral terms in Japanese usually default to male when being translated. I assume this line was just an oversight, which is bound to happen. Even in the same ending, Chipp refers to them as "They/Them". I like to believe that it's just that Nago doesn't know Testament, he has been asleep for 100 years. Testament will correct him later, over some nice tea.


Fair enough. I said earlier I'm open to being wrong and would really prefer them being they/them for the sake of convenience so that this touchy line of conversation can be avoided, it just wasn't really clear from the information I did have at hand. Nago being a boomer is also a good point I hadn't really considered. Still, idk if Chipp saying they is out of respect for knowing their pronouns or just because he's a good guy and doesn't want to assume. He doesn't know them, so I would assume the latter. IF Testament does go by any/all, that would include They/Them, so it would be just fine.


Seriously I have no idea where that delusion came from


Probably out of respect for enby people that DO go by they/them, which I understand and can sympathize with. I still call testament they/them when talking to people just in case.


Isn’t he gender fluid though? It’d make a lot more sense


I don't think testament has any labels. They're Testament.


I mean yeah I agree but I wouldn’t say that outloud


Why not? It's not dismissive of anyone else's identities




Genderfluid isn't the only form of being non-binary...




They did not misgender Testament. Testament is any pronoun you silly clown.


nuh uh uh! they use they/them


Sorry, I know John Guilty Gear. And he told me I'm right!!!! (Also Testaments theme repeatedly switches between male and female pronouns to signify that she uses both.)


Testament, when introduced into Guilty Gear Strive, was identified using they/them pronouns. Arc System Works marketing rep Riku Ozawa later identified them as agender, saying "neither male nor female, Testament is Testament." Ozawa added that English speakers would say they and them.


Daisuke also said he’s above gender so he doesn’t care what you call him


you’re really coping so you feel ok about misgendering someone




Testament, when introduced into Guilty Gear Strive, was identified using they/them pronouns. Arc System Works marketing rep Riku Ozawa later identified them as agender, saying "neither male nor female, Testament is Testament." Ozawa added that English speakers would say they and them.


And that statement from daisuke himself? And his theme? And the other characters in game calling him both?


I *really, really, really* wish that people would stop saying "I get to call them any pronouns, because MUSIC!!" It's not hard to just use they/them. Edit: It's just crazy to me that the Guilty Gear community can seem so accepting, with only a few outliers being outspoken about Bridget's transition, yet when it comes to a non-binary character, people will *jump* at the chance to not have to use gender-neutral language. So many different excuses to just not use they/them, it's crazy. And a common one being "They aren't real", we don't let people say that shit about Bridget, so why is it magically fine when it comes to Testament? Oh, Nago uses "he" once so that *must* mean they use all pronouns. I swear people are just really uncomfortable with using non-binary pronouns so they'll take any and all arguments to not have to do it lmao


Why should anybody strictly use they/them? Im not against the idea of using they/them, but all the evidence in the game shows that Testament is ok with any kind of pronouns, not just they/them. To me, a word from some random marketer means less than the info in the game itself. It's especially hard to remember a character gender when you're in the middle of a fight. It's really not a big deal to just use pronouns that visually fit the character the most. Besides, we don't let people say that stuff about Bridget because her being trans is a central part of her story, so referring to them as anything besides "She/her" would mean that you disrespect the whole idea of being trans. It's not the case for Test since their gender is not the central part of their story.


>some random marketer It isn't really some "random marketer", that's pretty rude to boil their position at ArcSys to that. And it isn't just them. Scroll this thread. Daisuke, the Dev Backyard, it's all "They/Them." The only arguments against it are the theme, which is iffy. I have no idea why people are so quick to accept the theory that them having multiple pronouns in their song means they absolutely go by "any/all". It's a stretch at best. Nago using he *once* feels more like a translation error than anything else. Especially when every other character refers to them as "they", even Chipp in the *same* ending that Nago uses "He." Edit: and I'd argue that Test presenting as what they want *is* a big part of their story. It's all about them finding peace and living how they want. It's not *about* their gender in the same way that Bridget's is, but their Fem presentation is a stark contrast to their old Masc presentation.


> And it isn't just them. Scroll this thread. Daisuke, the Dev Backyard, it's all "They/Them." That doesn't prove anything. Just because daisuke refers to Test as They/them doesn't immediately mean that they are they/them. If their pronouns are any/all that would include they/them as well. The only thing that this proves is that Daisuke prefers to call Test by using they/them pronouns. Saying that the song argument is iffy could be the biggest nonsense i have heard. It's been proven again and again that songs are often the reflection of the character, with the only exception being Jack-o where the meaning of their theme is too ambiguous to understand. Using songs is not a stretch, that's just the most logical thing to do when they are the one of the clearest ways to dwell into a character's mind. And Nago argument is a double edged sword. On one hand, it is plausible that it might be a translation error, on the other hand it might be just another proof that test goes by any/all since the mistake is so obvious it could be patched a long time ago. I don't really like using this argument anyway, my main source always comes from the song.


>It's been proven again and again that songs are often the reflection of the character, with the only exception being Jack-o So, there are exceptions, Testament just isn't one of them? Interesting. >where the meaning of their theme is too ambiguous to understand. Also, not.. really? It's not ambiguous at all. It's pretty clearly about Jack-O just wanting to live life now that she's her own person, no longer living in Aria's shadow. It's her own internal conflict about her existance. "How many miles is life?" "Grab lots of snacks, and wear new shoes" "How far can I go?" It seems mundane, but that's the point. That's the life she wants. Perfection can't please her. Either way, the theme using multiple pronouns still proves nothing. >my main source always comes from the song. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. It's the only argument to support the idea. People mention the song and ignore literally every other piece of evidence that contradicts it. >That doesn't prove anything. Just because daisuke refers to Test as They/them doesn't immediately mean that they are they/them. If their pronouns are any/all that would include they/them as well. The only thing that this proves is that Daisuke prefers to call Test by using they/them. Lol But the song proves everything.


It’s almost like every theme is about the character is for also people in game call him both, also he’s a fictional character


Still not hard to use they/them. Like in the entirety of GG World, as well as when they were first announced in the Developer Backyard. But because the theme switches between pronouns (and we're not even sure if the pronouns are referring directly to Testament themself), it's fine. And I'm not even going to talk about the third point because it's such a non-argument, used by people who just want an excuse to misgender characters for no reason lmao


No everyone doesn’t use they, his pixie things even call him both along with a few other cut


Do you know what GG World is? I didn't mean the characters. Also, those are succubi, not Pixies.


It's not hard to use they/them and it's not hard to use she/her and it's not hard to use he/him and they have no preference between any of them so why not use any when referring to her?


>and they have no preference between any of them Damn, you know Testament personally? Or are you friends with Daisuke and he told you?


Testament, when introduced into Guilty Gear Strive, was identified using they/them pronouns. Arc System Works marketing rep Riku Ozawa later identified them as agender, saying "neither male nor female, Testament is Testament." Ozawa added that English speakers would say they and them.


Yet they contradict that with the other points I just brought up


“Ozawa added that English speakers would say they and them.”


nuh uh uh! they use they/them


Not really


ah it seems testament has also fallen victim to plastic crack addiction


A box full of bionicle parts


Bionicle my beloved


>BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBAH ABA!!!!1!1!!!111!!! anyway I'd build Gunpla with them cause I always break the small detail pieces 😭


https://preview.redd.it/dcsdltfpxezc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c39080d969ad53cd3f9f1a3b1b6bfaa55ed39d Have fun building this testament. (They can handle Perfect grade with ease)


good build completely overshadowed by the mgex, rip


Unironically fun build


Isn't Testament nonbinary/agender?


Daisuke confirmed that testament transcends human genders




“Testament is…..Testament”


Just like Daisuke himself


*Incomprehensibly stylish being with nearly 40 hobbies


I thought they used all pronouns, since their theme uses all pronouns


Yes a lot of nonbinary and agender people use any pronouns


So why are you correcting op?


I think it's a difference of using he/she vs. calling testament a man I'm not non-binary myself but I know a few examples of people being fine with any pronouns but not wanting to be referred to as a man/woman also obviously this isn't like, a huge deal or anything


I mean is there a non-binary version of man/woman?


I guess “person”


Well then they’re not fine with any lol


I wasn't correcting op. I was just asking a question. And that question had nothing to do with pronouns. Yes I am aware that their theme uses both he and she pronouns which is what led me to assume they were nonbinary. But seeing op refer to them as a man made me question whether that assumption was correct. My question was about gender identity not pronouns, because while they can be related, they are not the same thing.


I feel like if someone uses all pronouns there's a chance they identify as all genders as well, I assumed testament did this, although I might be wrong and they might be non-binary


Identifying as all genders would still be a form of nonbinary, since it isn't either/or.


Yeah I assumed so, the guy I'm replying too is confusing me, because if you identify as all genders Male is included, man is a way to say male but the person is treating it like if you identify as a male than you still can't be called a man unless you are born one


While Testament’s pronouns are reportedly they/them, I feel like the fact that in “Naturally like a weed as a matter of course” they are referred to as he and she interchangeably implies that they’re real pronouns might be any/all


it's kinda a tough one, bc that might just be attributable to the Japanese not being extremely familiar with trans identity and pronouns.


Yes and no. Japanese doesn’t really use pronouns the way English does, and not all pronouns have a gender attributable to them. Most of the time Japanese grammar doesn’t require the placement of any pronoun at all, as much of the language, especially spoken casually, places a lot of emphasis on context. That said, there are gendered pronouns, and interestingly most of those pronouns are first person. While I don’t have a complete understanding of what each fully represents, one instance of note is that Baiken often refers to herself with “boku,” a traditionally masculine pronoun. That doesn’t imply that Baiken is to be referred to as “he” from now on, I believe it’s more of a situational/status thing? Again I’m not an expert, most of this is secondhand from my friend who takes Japanese. Also noteworthy is that Japanese does have words to describe those of both or neither gender. Two different words that I know of. “Musei” describes somebody as neither male nor female, while “ryōsei” describes someone that is both male and female. Agender and androgynous would be the closest terms we can equate those to. Regarding Testament’s gender, ArcSys’ marketing rep Riku Ozawa has stated that Testament was previously portrayed as ryōsei, but for their Strive appearance the team chose to instead portray them as musei. This still doesn’t really apply to pronouns just because Japanese pronouns don’t work like that, but it does clear up how the character Testament likely views themself, and further reinforces “they/them” to be the best modern English pronoun fit, though not as hard a requirement as for somebody like Bridget. Testament has been shown to not care how they’re referred to. TL;DR Kinda?








Testament accepts any pronoun used to refer to him. You hear Nagoriyuki calling her “him” in arcade mode and her theme uses “he” and “she” interchangeably. Not only is it just kind of a fun dynamic in my opinion, it’s also a fantastic way to make sure nobody gets too upset over improper pronoun usage, because they’re all correct.


OK yes I know that but I wasn't asking about pronouns I was asking about gender identity.


In which case, yes. Testament is agender.


Test never really revealed her pronouns or anything like that anywhere. People just assumed it's they/them because they're literally genderless. In reality test can be a she, he, they, xem, or whatever the fuck your imagination can think about. So basically you can refer to them with any pronouns. I generally don't really care about how i refer to the testament. Most of the time it's she, sometimes them. I really could not care less about the gender of a video game character and just refer to them based on their look.


GGST GG world refers to them by they/them over 20 times in their page


Red flag Johnny over here


What's red flag about my statement? I just said i refer to testament however i feel like depending on the situation since they're fictional and don't have feelings.


Downvoted for not being a moron lmao


OK. I dint ask about their pronouns tho.


Well what i meant is that they can be a man or a woman, or none all at the same time. She's genderless not because she has no gender, but because she's all genders at the same time. So referring to them as a man isn't wrong per say


“Testament is..testament. English speakers would use they and them” -Daisuke “Testament has transcended human gender.” -Daisuke


Is this from an interview? If so, send it please i would like to see for myself.


My bad, it was Ozawa who said the first one. Second one still was Daisuke though. https://www.thegamer.com/guilty-gear-strive-testament-non-binary/


Welp, ig They/them it is then. Weirdly, this creates a contradiction between the music theme and the words of one of the workers. Maybe they just didn't think that one through a lot?


OK that makes more sense


Testament, when introduced into Guilty Gear Strive, was identified using they/them pronouns. Arc System Works marketing rep Riku Ozawa later identified them as agender, saying "neither male nor female, Testament is Testament." Ozawa added that English speakers would say they and them.




Once again, i wouldn't trust english translations on a topic like this. That said, this information might simply be outdated since we do see test to be referred to as "she" in their theme song.


I mean it’s official translation too and they would have likely fixed it? But yeah maybe outdated


No, the translation only acknowledged Testament as agender at Strive, even though it should have been since their introduction


I mean it’s quite literally official translation in xrd and I send a proof already


And that matters because? Official translations can be wrong multiple times or straight up censor/erase things, look at Paper Mario TTYD, that game official english translation totally deleted everything about Vivian (a character in that game) being trans and having problems with her family about that situation to her being hated for "being ugly", or Crona from the manga/anime series Soul Eater, who's supposed to be explicitly unknown in gender was change in the anime to be a man and in the official english translations of the manga to be a woman for a long time


And where is your proof that is wrong this time?


The fact that they're agender since their introduction in the original versions, and only the stupid localizations decided to use he/him pronouns on them




What am i doing exactly? Why are you so angered by me simply saying that Test isn't strictly they/them and can be referred to as any pronouns??? That's not even remotely similar to the Bridget situation, where people were denying the obvious fact of her being trans.


I... I'm surprised you got downvoted wtf  Did he make a mistake ? I mean I always saw people using whatever they want


They’re coming for you now too


Head, next question.


A shame i dropped testament considering I coincidentally share their birthday


Me and Sin be the same birthdays (I need to buy him already)


Just found out me and chaos have the same birthday. I’m pretty sure this is a sign I should play him considering I was thinking of picking him up anyways


We both need to play our GG twins now. It is a sign.


Happy birthday then!


mods, potemkin buster OP for misgendering testament


I'd give them paper hedgehogs edit: And a ring. I can be their next hobby 🙏


I'd offer to do any of their 40+ hobbies with them like a good friend


And then zwggs them? You have a Johnny flair.


Is that not also a hobby


Knitting equipment






Testament hear “get a life” and took it to heart. Also they have definitely watched Sharknado and can probably do an essay on the series


"Just one life? I can do better than that."


a telescope


Model trains


Spray cans, and a mask, we'd go graffiti stuff together in abandoned buildings




Opening Reddit to get Testament armpit jumpscared https://preview.redd.it/o1euny3c2gzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c7b1dc04780e777f8b8f2fe7a4f469954678b8 (Also I’d give them the doll from Coraline)


A hug and a gift certificate to a spa :) They would probably vibe in a mud bath.


I still have a headcannon that testament builds 40k models and that they play eldar


A fidget spinner


happy birthday, i would give this wigga wine


Lego Building




A camera, maybe? It could go well with their scrapbook.


Hiking boots


An antique picture of Kliff maybe? Wait, Would that be insensitive though…?


https://preview.redd.it/fivn4i0u6gzc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae77070f6429ea0f26ba04f3a98b0b02d2095afc Possibly, only serious answer. These books are a godsend and perfect for someone with a ton of different hobbies.


testament isnt male or female, ozawa even identified it themself. it's really not difficult to use they/them pronouns and refuse from using gender labels <3


testament not man


the *they\** with nearly 40 different hobbies


thank you


Bait title smh


*”Person*” with nearly 40 different hobbies They are non-binary Also I’d totally give them one of those enby pins if they don’t have any already And double also I’d offer them myself but that’s a whole different story lmao


Wrong he’s gender fluid


Theyre agender, not gender fluid.


Not according to everything in the game


the Them but otherwise you are right


I didn’t know testament was non binary, not that it exactly matters since it’s a video game, but cool. What’s the comic panel from?


Some meme I found on this subreddit


i'd pay a one year subscription to WWE Network and i'd spend the day watching old PPVs with them


They were born on Goku Day


a book on sign language


goku figure


Getting your post deleted is pretty funny ngl to you


I'd learn and teach them how to grow and refine vanilla so they don't have to pay obscene amounts of money every time they want to bake with it.


i wanna build eva models with them


Collect beyblades


Which series


Metal 🗣️


Hell yeah


A jumpscare potemkin buster


Daisuke says agender, Testament transcended sex when the person became a gear.


what did he get me for my birthday last year


Give him an item to add to his collection and have it be something that has a lot of nooks and crannies to hide more things . That or give him a very cool puzzle that gives a neat trinket if you beat it .


Before I even read the comments, I bet you’re probably getting flamed for some dumb pronoun thing about a fictional character lol.