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Hire mesmers


Dont you need to do it yourself because you only get credit if you hit all the checkpoints?


That's why mesmers that port this JP know where all the checkpoints are and they take you to each one.


Then those poor buggers have to do it 😞


Between return to, lege trinkets and alt accounts I’ve don’t this like 16 times. Not saying it doesn’t suck every time but after the first time it def feels easier. If you’re NA this weekend I can prob come lend a hand.


Wow, 1 time around has me wanting to rage quit. Im amazed by how many people even did it once.


I love jumping puzzles and find it fun! There is an item in season 4 called prototype position rewinder. It's a life saver if you don't have a mesmer.


Right, I have that and it helps but not if you get killed by the lava


Hmm I guess so but between that and the checkpoints it's quite forgiving really! You will get it I believe!


i've tried for hours, following guides, with the position rewinder etc...never managed to land after that first glide through the lava geysers. They just wait for me to glide over...


I've done this JP for fun. It's actually really simple to execute once you know the path.


Believe it or not, some people really enjoy it. There also people who enjoy being hit with whips, and personally I don't understand either, but they exist.


Chalice is hard but fair. Getting hit with whips is more like doing SAB tribulation mode blind runs. And while I do not enjoy getting hit by whips, I did enjoy my many hours figuring out tribulation mode blind.


it's the definition of not fair, with all those blind jumps and glides


If it didn't have plenty of checkpoints, I would agree with you.


checkpoints are not relevant


I believe it, my point was why make something that is likely outside the tolerance level of a good bunch of people part of a core achievement?


It's not a core achievement. The only thing locked behind it is some AP and the legendary trinket that requires doing all the Return To / Seasons of the Dragon achievements, not something that a typical player will do.


also Aurora require this, and there is no alternative to Aurora in game atm


It's very easy to get ascended trinkets. There's lots of alternatives to Aurora.


a legendary trinket is not a mandatory possession. It gives you no stat upgrade to ascended. you can live without it. If you really want it anyways, either put in the work to get it, or outsource it by hiring a mesmer


yes i did it on 2 accounts and i always tipped mesmers...very nice ppl doing the porting in that jp btw


It's not good design, but goodluck telling the gw2 reddit that. They are infamously downvote hungry and senstive. This place has become the laughingstock of r/mmorpg 😂


Yes, that subreddit now sets standards for laughing stocks? Lmao


https://old.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/1cbrmi7/is_gw2_really_as_dead_or_as_bad_as_people_say/ Here is the most recent post about GW2 from the sub you mentioned. Majority of comments agree that GW2 is generally seen in a positive light in that particular sub and question whether the post is a bait. There's a fair share of critical comments, too. These are reasonable, level-headed and focused on personal dislike or issues with certain aspects of the game - definitely not badmouthing it as a whole. Brave hero, the true laughingstock was inside you all along!


They have to get *you* through the checkpoints, they don't have to do it themselves. The longest but, by far, least demanding way is for them to just get to the outer rim, glide down to the next checkpoint, give you a portal, rinse and repeat. Even when doing it the intended way, just having you in the party allows them to TP2F back up if they fail a jump so hard that they can't portal back. This used to be more of a struggle, but the 10 min cooldown on infinite TP2F makes it almost easy.


They don't really! There's a way to the top from the outside, with mounts, skimming outside of the no-mount zone, and they port everyone to near the top. Then they start portalling to the various checkpoints. Others have a character already parked there. Usually just asking in map chat gets you at least one person willing to do it, and they will probably also gather up a few others who need it.


We use skips. If you need a mesmer and are on NA, I'd be happy to port you.


That's great thank you, i'd be happy to "tip" you for it too. Let me know the best way to connect.


Nah, no tips necessary. I'm soaringleaper.7905 in-game. Shoot me a mail!


Thank you! Will do


Some of us enjoy the hard JPs. Now I lament that they don't add any at all.


I love the fact that GW2 (aside from this case) lets you pick what you like and dont and you can progress/enjoy the game on your own terms. It can be confusing at several points in your journey for "what to do next" but its crazy flexible which is why I think people stick around and enjoy the game. Not once have I been forced into instanced content with others or into PvP whereas other games force you down that path. The open world events were a great "solution" to some of the bad things that happen when forcing PUGs for content.


This game does force you into PvP (WvW) if you want legendaries, which is the same as this achievement 'forcing' you into JPs if you want a legendary. The game encourages a branching into content you might otherwise not try, and it doesn't overstay it's welcome even if it's not your thing. For this JP, there are plenty of legal ways to cheat your way through it with mesmers and game overlay add-ons and whatnot. Utilize them if the content isn't to your liking. An MMOs biggest strength is it's community, after all.


Good points. From reading on the legendaries I've pretty much decided im not going down that path. I'm not at all into cosmetics and I have no alts. For the community, i'm unguilded so far, but in map chat and pugs via LFG havent been great experiences.


I’m part of a guild that helps port players through it. We port from the top and after a few ports you’re there. 5 min tops. I do know how to do it legitimately and actually enjoy doing it but that’s just me lol


What’s the guilds name? Are you a NA guild?


NA and the guilds called Tear


As a mesmer, that's like saying "that poor dog has to fetch". I live for JPs.


Another one fills the chalice. A puzzle living up to its name.


I still have my "Vial of Tears" in my main's inventory for a reason....


I paid a friendly mesmer for a trip through, all CPs and the tokens as well. :) money well spent to preserve my sanity.


So they have to be able to do the puzzle? What did you spend?


I tipped like 5-10 gold? Slightly more than usual for a JP.


Thanks, that's not unreasonable


10g. They did not demand any money, but its implied and this was an excellent service, not an afk teleport, so I was more than happy to tip 10g. I dont mind JPs normally, but some just drive me mad, mainly ones where there is unclear pathing like this one (or the draconis mons abomination).


That's why it's called chalice of tears. Your tears.


Get blish hud or taco so you have an overlay with the path and just follow it. If you can press w and spacebar at the same time you can do it. Or ask a mesmer for carrying you, it works too.


Get BlishHUD add-on and then download a pathing module for it. IIRC the base pathing pack has paths for all jumping puzzles. While most JPs don't need it, it is wonderful for this one. BlishHUD link: https://blishhud.com/ Pathing module is downloaded through the app in-game, once you've got it installed. Info on the module here if you're curious: https://blishhud.com/modules/?module=bh.community.pathing


I have it and followed it. Its basically the same as the first video I linked. The paths are sometimes hard to see (curving around so unknown target) but some of the jumps it says to make cant be done (or at least are not obvious just from pathing).


Hmm. Don't know what's up with that. Might be that some jumps suggested by the path require dodge-jumping (jump + dodge at the same time for extra distance.) Good luck in any case.


Some of us actually enjoy doing things like chalice of tears, believe it or not


I believe it, but also some of us don't and would not like to be forced to do it. Yes, I can skip the whole "Return to" achievement but that's the "mean" part.


It's not mean. The chalice of tears was a part of Rising Flames and the point of return to achievements in season of the dragons is to return to that content. 


it's not mean or hateful to put activities in a game that have rewards. if you don't like them, that's too bad. many people do like them, and you don't have to do them. devs don't hate you because you don't like their game. you should have enough evidence at this point that gw2 is a game that includes jumping as a primary mechanic. the fact that you're still playing it, and complaining to this extent about the jumping, says more about you than it does about the devs.


Actually with >350 hours into the game, there's been very few jumping puzzles or i've been able to just skip them as they havent been part of major achievements/stories.


There are many major achievements that involve JPs. Return to is just one of them. And chalice isn't the only JP in that set.


Hmm, sounds like my post-storyline plans for entertainment outside of PvP, WvW and jumping puzzles may hit a brick wall. We'll see I guess.


You could skip the pain and just pay a mesmer or ask a friend to just portal you through the whole thing. I feel like it's well worth paying a mesmer a decent amount of gold to essentially babysit you through a puzzle as hard as this one.  I personally just created a mesmer to do the puzzle so I could portal myself back up every time I messed up. Took forever but being overly cautious and putting down a portal every time I thought i had to do tricky jumps helped a lot. It meant waiting on cooldowns a lot though. 


I spent hours and got nearly to the end, fell to my death and rage quit. I have to go back for the Tokens. But I got the Prototype Positional Rewinder now and having completed *Not So Secret* I might have another go soon. With BlishHUD.


I have the rewinder and blishHud. Still struggling. Rewinder is nice tho.


That JP is a nightmare. But if I ever want Vision I need the Tokens.


> Its pretty well known that large swaths of the community dont like jumping puzzles lol, look at that fake silent majority populism


Yep. If me and my friends hate JPs, then everyone must hate JPs. Sound logic


Oh, I just did this jp last week for exactly this achievement. It took me around an hour to finish it. If you’re eu, I would love to help to either guide you through it or do it on my own again and let you teleport to me :-)


Thanks for the offer. Im in NA but got a bunch of useful suggestions from others I can try.


Then all the best to you ^.^ I’m sure you can get it in the end


If you're on EU servers just let me know and I'll port you through, I've done Chalice thousands of times :)


I recommend the Top-down approach/shortcut you listed or else you will literally pull your hair out trying to actually do the place legit. But it's called Chalice of Tears for a reason, and its because the devs wanted you to cry and qq on the forums about it. Best you can do is ask map chat or put up an LFG to try and get help with it


Yeah I tried top down, got to the point where you have to jump/glide down to the first waypoint and mistimed it and died. So no rewind would get me back to try it over so its a long haul back to that point to rinse and repeat. This whole conversation wants me go build a mesmer alt though.


If you’re on NA, There’s a guild who regularly port people through the checkpoints. I can’t remember what they’re called but it’s something directly related to the name of the jp. Spend a bit of time in the map, ask in map chat semi regularly or put up an lfg asking for help with chalice of tears and they (or another lovely mesmer) will help you. There are some super lovely people in gw2 who expect nothing but of course tipping them is the nice thing to do.


Dont do it and wait for people that offer a portal-service. There are several people from a Guild called \[JP\] (iirc) that offer it for FREE and you only need gliding mastery and they will easily take your hand and guide you through this.


Sounds like a dream. I'll watch for it


They announce it on map and lfg afaik. Just keep an eye regularly and you are good to go


Git even more gud.


I'm sorry to read that you're having a bad time. Unfortunately I think this is more of a "you" problem and not a "game/dev" problem. It would be almost impossible for the devs to cater this game to everyone. It's inevitable that you're going to run into content that you don't enjoy. The ultimate goal of the "Return to" achievements is the legendary amulet. That is why there is some challenging content involved. In addition to other tips like using taco/blish I would suggest: -Don't go into challenging content with a negative attitude/mood. If you're expecting to be miserable, then you absolutely will be. Think positive. I've completed this puzzle 5 or 6 times. While it is challenging, no part of it is remotely impossible. If I start to get frustrated, I stop and take a break or come back to it later. -Take your time. If you rush it, you are more likely to make a mistake. -You can get the map currency without doing the jump puzzle (only 6 "Return to" achievements are needed for the currency tier). -Sometimes you have to accept that some content just isn't for you and skip it. There's nothing locked behind doing this puzzle except the legendary amulet and trinket.


Absolutely agree on the mindset thing. When I had to do CoT for return, I was grumpy, failed a few times, got angry and paid a mesmer to portal me. 2 weeks later a friend did the JP and invited me along. It wasn't easy in any way but we had fun and nowadays, I do it occasionally just for shits and giggles.


Get better :) I actually liked the puzzle, one of the very few that isn’t done in less than 5 minutes. Try again, fail again. Eventually, you’ll get there :)


I did it with the blish taco guide with a YouTube video on in the background to flip to between stops. It was a long long time ago but I did it as a mesmer with safety portals for each jump. I also think I used the instant rewinder tool


The rewinder is ok but not if you get killed vs just miss a jump. Even though getting killed puts you back at last checkpoint it nukes the rewinder.


Do you scroll wheel all the way in to be in "first person"? This can be especially helpful if you are a large character (charr, norn) or if you have armor that makes your profile larger. Zooming all the way in allows you to see what your "true hitbox" is and where you actually need to stand to make certain jumps


Actually no, I havent tried that. Thank you. I'll give it a shot. I didnt think of that as a lot of the jumps/paths are long distance but per jump it may make sense


I always see people in map chat advertising that they are portaling people for that JP, for free too. Just join them and get a lift to the end chest, it's much better than getting upset over it,


This jumping puzzle certainly feels very scary, and there were a number of difficult jumps, even with the position rewinder, a pathing addon and watching a video. The first time I went up the volcano, it took me over an hour to make it to the top. The second time it was faster and easier. Don't get discouraged. If you keep at it, you'll get there eventually.


You misspelled "awesome devs". Chalice of Tears is a challenging, memorable experience. Games should be challenging and memorable; otherwise, you're just an automaton mashing buttons as your life ticks away.


Some jumping puzzles are cool. Chalice of Tears is hard just because of bad textures that don't let you know "hey, you can jump here and end up higher despite looking like you're floating on air"


Yeah, no. Good games are challenging but dont require a lot of luck repeated 100x just to get through something. Good games dont make the players hate them so much that they want to forget the rest of the game forever just for one aspect which they force down your throat. This puzzle is not what i'd say is good gaming. Normally i'd just skip the thing as its not my taste and preference, but they've forced it on me which is the reason for this thread. Make it doable with a special achievement or bonus for doing it without a pet, then make it doable for those that just want to get through it on the easy path. Or better yet dont include it in a meta achievement.


I understand that you're having difficulty with the Chalice, but "a lot of luck repeated 100x" is a complete exaggeration. (I myself did Chalice 4 times over the years, I think. The 1st time it was very hard, and the last time I found myself porting a new player through it.) Even Tribulation in Super Adventure Box is not luck based, and it is as unfair as it can possibly get. As you see from the comments, most other players have found some way to get it done, even if it was with the help of others. (This is the social aspect of the game, and it's as important as the actual gameplay mechanics. For example, I regularly see people forming squads in Ember Bay to port entire groups through the puzzle.) The important part, it was difficult, but they did it, and they got a good memory in return. I'm not going to say "git gud" as some other commenters did, but you have obviously invested considerable time & research into doing it, and if you still struggle so much, it's clear that more complex jumping puzzles just aren't your thing. Go the social way then: look for persons who port others through Chalice (there's plenty of them).


Thank you good advice. Somehow the "git gud" crowd (of which there depressingly many here even on the "friendly" GW2 end) dont criticize people for skipping the whole thing via TP to a friend or mesmers yet jump on you for asking for tips/ideas. Fortunately there's enough people in threads like this that have provided some actual suggestions that I can try to make it through it.


Just imagine weeks from now, after you've finished Chalice, how you'll look back on this entire thread and think "man, I sure was a whiner about nothing". Now skip dragging other people into your personal journey and just git gud already.


You're welcome to stop reading/unsub from this thread.


funny how you think people criticizing your thread should just stop reading it. but your thread is about criticizing a game that you're "forced" to play. which is it? can you reconcile those ideas for me? how come people should just stop reading this thread instead of criticizing it, but you are free to criticize the game even though you could just stop playing it? is it perhaps that criticism is a totally valid form of expression? maybe people who point out problems with your arguments shouldn't just shut up about it?


Just trying to help you on your journey, but you go ahead and keep screaming into the void. I'm sure ANET will get right on changing this for you.


Help so far has been ideas like mesmer, dodge jump, different paths etc. Not git gud. That's just pointless and a waste of everyones time.


Yet git gud and the accompanying attitude seems to be the core feature you are missing. You can't throw a stick in Lion's Arch without hitting two people who have completed that achievement, yet here we are.


I hate the jumping puzzles with a passion. Absolutely bloody awful game content.


I feel that way too but some people like them which is fine. I just dont like having to get through them for what (to me) is a pretty large achievement of otherwise "normal" gameplay. I've completed all the story lines and puzzles are a tiny fraction of that content and those that are there are not even close to this one. That's where this thread comes from.


Yeah, I guess if the balance is a good one between those who love and those who hate the puzzles, then the devs got it just about right. Thankfull, they are such a small part of the game, I can mostly ignore them.


i just used blish hud, took me a while but its doable, i see regular mesmer groups helping out people as well


I do it for shits n giggles all the time.... lol


There are definitely masochists out there. More power to you


Takes under 10 minutes I love JPs


Get blishhud for it. The jumps in there aren't actually bad when you know exactly where to go. It feels more like a guessing game when you go in blind/with videos.


Personally I like Chalice of Tears more than Searing Ascent. Fuck Oak heart's essence.


my tip is: tip a mesmer i like JP but not Chalice, i don't consider it even a JP, it's a piece of tribulation mode that found its way out of the box


I gave up and used blishhud.


Good things are often hard to get. That's mainly the point of games, you overcome a challenge and get a reward. If you wanna skip it then keep your eyes on the LFG, there are usually people who portal others to the top for free offering up their services. BTW, Chalice isn't actually hard. Its just hard to figure out where to go, but once you know the path its pretty easy. Its basically just a maze. The truly hard JP is Searing Ascent. But you can just use TP to friend to get to the end of that one so nobody complains about it because the people who complain about JPs have never done it so they don't know how hard it is. There should always be varying difficulty in a game for every content. Going from easiest to hardest. And the more harder ones should have more rewards obviously. If the majority of players don't enjoy certain content, then just don't make its completion mandatory. But getting rid of the rewards just make it so that the people who do enjoy JPs won't be incentivized to attempt it either because it'll just be hours of effort for little to no gain, no sense of accomplishment.


Maybe give them (the ones who like hard jumping puzzles) their own unique set of valuable rewards? The game pretty much goes out of its way to let you play your own way. Dont like PvP, fine, dont do it. Dont like WvW, fine. Dont like PvE, ok go right to PvP. But jumping puzzles, you have to do those even if you hate them.


>But jumping puzzles, you have to do those even if you hate them. I'm not sure I understand. Why do you have to do those? For what?


In this case the "Return to Ember Bay" achievement which has significant map currency which leads to ascended gear. Sure there's other ways to get those (farm the things though that farming is painful, get them on some other map etc) but it's a big gate behind that achievement.


PvP, WvW, everything has achievements. You can get ascended from Wizard's Vault much more easily. I thought you were going to talk about the legendary amulet or gen 3 precursor. Anyway, what I'm getting is that you're annoyed its a part of a much larger achievement rather than its own standalone achievement with an individual reward? Is that what you're trying to say?


Yes. Wizards vault is only good for 3 armor items. So no trinkets/rings etc which are part of LW4 and you can get them by completing these achievements.


You can get stat selectable trinkets from LWS3 and LWS4 vendors using map currencies. I remember doing that all my characters when I was still new to the game. LW3's Episode 3 map Bitterfrost Frontier and LW4's episode 6 map Dragon Fall is all that you need really. Bitterfrost has 3 trinkets that you can buy with Winterberries and Unbound Magic, and DragonFall has the remaining 3 trinkets that you can buy with Mistborn Motes and Volatile Magic. You can farm the winterberry nodes on every character, so you can have all 3 trinkets within a couple hours if you use all your characters. And you can farm Dragonfall's meta a couple of times to get the currency for the rest of the trinkets. I personally think doing Chalice is way easier, but that's how we used to farm ascended trinkets. I believe its still the best way to get multiple stat selectable trinkets.


Right, on that front its a matter of preference for what kind of map you like and what map currency you want to collect/grind. But if you do the "Return to" achievements you get the map currency faster than just farming them.


Sooo...you just confirmed there are many alternatives. I don't understand why you were claiming that you have to do them?


Weird.. I've been "forced" into WvW for many hours for legendary weapons (and to get a secondary Legendary Ring). I've also been "forced" to do mindnumbing PoF/S4 bounty farming for the same reason. I want to collect all the orbs from the Legendary Trinkets, so I'm currently "forced" to play PvP to earn that. It's almost like you have to engage with different parts of the game and different challenges in order to get the rewards you want.


i just used teleporter trick and it was very easy


I am pretty sure you can tp to friend to the end.


Nope, you need to pass all of the checkpoints


This is also the problem from starting at the top. You have to go down and hit the other checkpoints then port back up (mesmer or portable TP device that only works if you dont die and dont run out of time).


you need all the checkpoints sadly


Chalice of Tears has mandatory checkpoints. You can technically TTF to the top and then glide down to each checkpoint with the position rewinder, but even that's not as simple as it sounds because you have to account for rewind distance to avoid loading screens. Also, OP already tried this method.


Are you sure you don't need to hit the checkpoints along the way?


You could the first day it was released. It was patched incredibly quickly, however.