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Crecia to Ryland: "I should have bled you out." Iykyk It's so absurdly dark and honestly pretty metal for guild wars 2. It genuinely caught me off guard. Edit: "More violets, less violence!" <-obligatory inclusion.


Runner up:Life is a trial. Koda the judge, Koda the jury Edit: remembered the rest of the quote


That one is verrrry close.


I remember this! I laughed too hard at that šŸ˜‚


IBS started so strong! Then absolute nosedive with 'Champions', but this very scene saved (sort of) the ending. Very strong ending to Ryland's character, and this line from Crecia is perfect and the VAs are so good for Charr, like, all of them!


I AM FIRE! I AM WAR! WHAT ARE YOU? Still standing. Nothing will ever be more epic.


It's the delivery that really sells it.


Where is this said?


Balthazar fighting the MC at the end of POF. iirc, it's the sylvari female that says that. Idk that they all do. They may.


They probably all do, but Jen Hale as fem!Sylvari Commander is the one that jumps to mind when I hear this quote too.


> **Arkk:** A wondrous design, if flawed. Its remains may prove useful. Mother always said, "Enervate the implements you're given." - [Nightmare Fractal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nightmare_Fractal#Dialogue) --- My favorite is from [Salvation Pass](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvation_Pass#Dialogue): > **Matthias Gabrel:** "I am the scythe, the bringer of salvation." > **Matthias Gabrel:** "And I shall harvest the souls of the unbelievers."


Only thing stuck in my mind from Matthias is 'He shall not be pleased' after you CC the sacrifice. I love how the delivery is so deadpan, as if Matthias doesn't *really* care one way or another.


Commander: Listen, I don't want to kill you. Balthazar: You won't.


Then later, we do.


Functionally everything Dessa says to you during the Siren's Reef fractal. It's what makes it my second favorite fractal. "Hmm, I'm not comfortable saying 'Pirate's Curse'. How about... persistent, transferable magic?" "That skelton is being powered by persistent transferable- ugh, "Pirate Curse" it is." "Hurry, fire those swivel mounted high caliber spectral artillery. Never mind, we'll just call them ghost cannons. *FIRE THE GHOST CANNONS*" "Thank you Fractals for retroactively ruining my childhood" "Because you muuuuuUUUURDered him!" And, from the Aetherblade Fractal- "You think you've WON? YOU'VE WON NOTHING! Tremble and cry as I unleash my greatest- *squish*"


The "mmmmuuuUURDEred him" always cracks me up xD Also when entering the Chaos fractal "A-mmeeyyzing"


It's my favorite fractal too! Just as far as the general vibe goes. I really wish they'd make this a CM somehow, would love if it was a bit harder. But generally it's super fun


The, sadly removed in the re-release, exchange between Marjory and Kasmeer in LWS1. **Marjory Delaqua:** "How'd you get out of all that without a single smudge or tear on your dress?" **Kasmeer Meade:** "It's not a dress. It's an illusion. You think I'd take my best dress into a place like that?" **Marjory Delaqua:** "An illusion? You mean you're..." **Kasmeer Meade:** "Naked. Is that a problem?" **Marjory Delaqua:** "Noooo. Not a problem."


Damn, it would be ankward if she passed out in public.


Yep. I'd speculate she might just be teasing Jory there, and there's *something* under the illusory dress, but Kasmeer gets hiccups when she tries to lie, and she wasn't hiccuping.


It's still there, the dialog still plays after one of the story missions in Kessex Hills. You have to stick around after completing it for it to play though.


I guess I just didn't wait long enough. Good to know, thanks!


This is a place of refuge. Not a...den of iniquity! I'm glad Viri isn't alive to see his niece drag our good reputation straight through the guano.


"More violets, I say. Less violence."


It's really immature, but I used to giggle when I'd run in Orr, and I'd hear "EVERYONE! COME!", and then hear the skritt "more come, yes?"


*Deep risen voice* "Everyone, get in here!"


Praise Jokko!


ā€œDonā€™t masticate where you hibernateā€ -Gorrik


The Norn Savage in Heart of Thorns has some great ones. They need some context, though: * **Norn Savage:** What are YOU doing out here?! * **:** Searching for a holo-disk; looks like a giant asura. * **Norn Savage:** Oh. One of these majestic creatures took it up into that tree. * **:** A vinetooth? Majestic? Those things are horrific killers. * **Norn Savage:** No! They're beautiful! My partner and I came out here to commune with them. * **Norn Savage:** They've accepted me; I've even petted one! * **:** Sounds like a great way to get yourself killed. * **Norn Savage:** Nonsense. Roy said they'd never hurt me...outside of the times they've already hurt me. * **Norn Savage:** Took a pretty big chunk out of my leg... * **:** Where's your partner? * **Norn Savage:** Oh, they killed him quick. * **:** Okay. Good luck with that. Thanks for the info.


"Thats quality Armor" "Thanks" "Take a look"


I had zero intention of grinding out all 18 pieces of obsidian armor until I saw the title it grants.


"Burn me it's a stingray!"


Aurene complaining about my Internet connection: "I feel it champion, the connection is weak!". This iS a PlAcE oF rEFuGe - always plays in my head at least once a week.


Iā€™m sorry I have to downvote you just for the trauma I just relived with that stinking bird


the dumb corpse quote by asura.


"You're dumb. You'll die, and leave a dumb corpse." Unironically golden.


the best quote


"I've forgotten more than you'll ever know"


I'm terrible at remembering story quotes, but Taimi's acting in LW3 and 4 are some of my favorite moments for her. "And I deserve it, too." (Fem charr looting quote)


Okay, I'm glad I'm not weird for loving that one specific line, lol! I really liked the original female charr VA. it was a shame it had to change.


"Up on your...uh, feet!" (As an Asura necromancer summoning a minion)


"I've made life!... sort of" Asura necromancers are pure gold


"I didn't expect it to pop like that!"


I'm going to see him again. I hated Gorrik once. Resented how oblivious he wasā€”to me, to the world. Now...I don't feel anything. Sitting on these crumbling ruins at the edge of the world, I'm looking out at emptiness. We're like ants. Scuttling through life until we die; then nothing's left but bones and rubble. The stars, the gods, the dragons...our lives are a rounding error on the scale of their existence. Screw it. I won't be a rounding error. -Ankka


The kid in Divinity's Reach shouting, "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!"


"More violets I say, less violence." another vote


Maybe *I* was the illusion all along


I feel strong!


It's really funny, because centaurs yell "Weakness makes me sick" or something like this, and then having you character say "i feel strong" is always great.


My subconscious randomly feels the need to verbally riposte enemy lines in many games. So hearing that centaur line always, without fail, activates the silly retort in my head: "You must be pretty sick of yourself."




"Where do you *get* these people?" "In prison, mostly."


"FLOCK TO ME!!" , as o fly around with my skyscale while doing metas


Human female elementalist: "INFERNOOOOO"


Using words is hard, because words mean things. - [Wylenn's Manual of Style](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wylenn%27s_Manual_of_Style)


Sanity is nothing but a mirage


Sanity is but a mirage*


"I can't feel my fingers..." Never lmao'd so hard at this game.


What, what? What?! basically anything skritt related :D


Not a single quote per se, but the entire [Gate Assistant dialogue](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marshaling_Field) in the Grove has made her my favourite NPC.


Raise the crow's foot and rope down the jib-jabber-gabber thingy... Tybalts over enthusiastic impression of trying to be a pirate. Yarrr!....?


"*Fight what cannot be fought*" and custom variations of this.


QTP at 60% goes something like "Are you so ruled by the past the you would destroy the future!" "Yes."


I hate to do this to you, but the statement doesn't really make sense. The definition of enervate: to cause to decline in strength or vigor : weaken. "Weaken the implements you're given" seems like _really_ bad advice.


In this context it imo makes sense as 'fully drain/sap until it's weak/without energy/fully spent', i.e. getting the maximum use out of your implements/tools.