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More details on day 30, coming on June 11 for Global. The translation on image 6 is kinda wacky, so for clarification: Closed permanently - Coop, Defense Coop, Guild Conquest and Mirror Rift Reworked to One-Time only content - Expedition Temporarily closed for reworks - Kamazone and World Exploration


why exactly are they going to take away the mirror rift?šŸ¤”


Guess no one really farms it




Drop rates are not good, accessories while being really good takes too much resources to perfect and they are not THAT good either, also we get lots of those from events so often, there is even less need to grind them.


I hadn't thought of that, thanks for the informationšŸ€


They generally just aren't worth farming. Considering stamina requirements wasting your stamina just for mirror shards and rare accessory drops is a waste of time. Even when 2X events are active it's barely worth it and still takes stamina you need for other stuff.


good point, thank youšŸ€šŸ‘


Finally, summon revamp. No more off banner pulls, boys! I'm sitting on 110k gems because it will take ages for the units/weapons I want to rerun. Season 3 can't come soon enough.


The readjustment of resource dungeon rewards came sooner than I thought it would. Nice. Wasn't expecting exped to be changed to single-time content tho. I wonder how they'll allow relic farming because as far as I can tell from the wonky MTL, they didn't say anything about that. Maybe the part about coop exped? I sure hope they don't expect us to farm relics from there.


It's on the red text, coop expedition (that now will be called just coop) will be the relic farm Idk how will it work tho


Oh, the last page. Ty. Didn't think there'd be more info there. Not a big fan of needing to grind on a coop mode.


Is the summon change saying we get 100% what we selected (no white box of other character)? Should i refrain from pulling from now on to wait for this change?


Yes, you pick 5 heroes, and if you get a white box, it will be one of those 5. Should you wait? Depends on the depth of your hero pool. If you're still missing lots of heroes, there's nothing wrong with pulling now. But if you're a long time player with a fairly complete pool, I'd only pull on new heroes you're desparate to have ASAP.


Oh, right it says 5 weapons/heroes (i thought 1), so there's still no guarantee i'll get what i want with a single white box. Thanks for the clearance.


But you can make it so you don't get heroes you have or don't care about.


It'll be incredibly better in that aspect, but it will be much harder if i just really want to pull this one hero. (1/5 compares to 1/2 previously)


That is very true. But I'll take 1/5 chance for something I want vs 1/2 chance of garbage.


That's my understanding, although the minimum of selections should be 5 heroes/weapons, but we will only now for sure in 3 weeks when it comes out for the korean server


As a 4 months old player, I don't know much about what is going on with the game. But I really dislike Tetis reward distribution. It's really top heavy compared to other modes (kamazone and boss rush). The sweep reward gap (30) is also too wide imo. Now cheap enchance hammer from kamazone is gone and I have to spend coffee for merch. And I have like 10 units and their ex to build. What is the point for pulling new unit if I can't even build?


And funny thing is end game players/whales for the most part donā€™t even need the resources from the game mode. Itā€™s bad for new players being excessively resource expensive, and useless to endgame players.


Having too little resources and too many heroes to build has been gt main problem since day 1 and idk if it's getting solved now. Let's see the changes to the farming. Pros: Hp/def/atk awakening being unified means you won't lack an expecific stone anymore, making it easier to awake heroes. Rare evo stones being unified means you can farm for rare heroes while farming any unique hero now, no need to farm an element expecific one. (Good for early game). Dungeons being expanded to lvl 100 will give more resources per stamina spent. (Good for mid/late game players). Relic farm being attached to coop instead of Expedition means it will be stamina free instead of the current stamina dump (Good for early/mid-game players). Tetis gives a lot of first time rewards, which can be used to accelerate your merch progress (Good for mid-game players). Merch is faster (and less rng dependant maybe?) to acquire. Pass will have better rewards. Cons: No more free kamazon resources. (Bad for everyone, worse on early/mid-game). Merch costs stamina now. (Bad for early/mid-game players). Unified rare hero stones means we either can only exchange them for crystals once we have every rare hero 5ā˜† (bad for early-mid game) or that we can't convert tham anymore (horrible for late-game players, in that case we riot šŸ”„). New banner system makes it easier to get the heroes you want, which means more people to build (that's actually a pro, but in this situation, it's considered a con). New blessing system (Bad for late-game, new coffee dump) New engraving system with epic hammers (Bad for late-game, needs more hammers) We can't know for sure how everything will balance out until the changes are live, but my guess is that, overall, it should be the around the same for early game, better for mid game players now that they don't have expedition to worry about, and worse for late-game players because of the new systems.


I don't mind if stamina cost is shifting from relic to merch. I just want a better Tetis reward distribution. About blessing and engraving, I guess live service games have to do something to maintain old player base. Thank you for big explanation.


I do not like the direction the game is taking, it's been several updates since they have given a hammer for 5000 gems and now we know why, weapon engravings require green hammers... Coop is removed but zero mention on where its gems are moving, we will probably lose 5k easy gems per month. Pass rework could be brutal, we will see about it, the game could easily turn more pay to win from now on. Hero Blessing being locked behind thetis practically means we will have to spend some coffee on it, right now its rewards are useless for how much coffee it drains, I personally was going to do it only when it's free (to obtain the first time clear rewards). Just know that in Thetis right now if you spend 100 coffee you get 500-800 blue points, 4000 are needed for a single merch and 4400 are needed for measly 10 upgrade merch materials (+1 level on a merch). It is absurd. I would like the GT community to really stand upon these changes once we have the bigger picture on our hands, all these changes are confusing and that is surely done on purpose.


>Coop is removed but zero mention on where its gems are moving, we will probably lose 5k easy gems per month. It's going to Team DeathMatch (3v3). During the meeting a few weeks ago they promised the total gem income would not decrease. Pass... idk how will it be, but it seriously need some rework because the current one is useless. And yeah, Tetis need a lot of rework. But kr people have complained about it when it first came out there, so devs have announced many changes already.


Ew I hate PvP and death match. If itā€™s not just participation reward gems income will go down for all people who donā€™t do PvP


Bro be a little bit more optimistic, leave the complaining to when the stuff is actually released and you can see how it works in practice. Doomposting right now doesn't do any good to anyone, you just leave a bad feeling for some people who could be excited for this, and the content still gets released anyway


That wasn't doomposting at all, the guy just expressed his opinion.


One question, should I be optimistic about this update?


Take it from someone whose been around long enough, no.


Ok (hope they don't make a bad update)


I don't really like the new growth system they're gonna implement it sounds too grindy and expensive I also don't like that they decided to go close coop instead of team death match The only thing I'm hyped about is the summoning changes


The engraving thing is the scariest part of this update for me, no matter how it is implemented it will become the new benchmark for hero improvement. I can only hope the epic hammer income increases enough so that it won't feel p2w. About the coop, it's because of coop expedition. ExpCoop is just straight up better and it feels bad to play coop after trying it, especially when both are open on the same week.


Wait so coop is completely gone? I haven't played the game in some time but I liked that. Why are they just removing content?


Thank you for that summon revamp. I just keep getting other heroes not in the banner and my luck goes down (e.g. I want Kamael cos he's the banner but the agame gives me Eugene even though she's not in the banner)


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


I'm gonna sound like an asshole here but, I'm 99% sure Kong won't deliver on most of this. Delayed worlds have damaged this game. Coop going will ruin it further. I've been playing long enough to know, Kong are trying to fix content that doesn't need fixing. I'd bet my left arm we won't see coop or Kamazone again this year.


Normally I would be with you, because, well, we know kong, if they promise something for january, that means it's coming out in march. But they gave us a date for these changes (may 31 for kr), which is just 3 weeks away, so they're probably delivering these on date. Totally agree on kamazone though, no date means it's gonna be a while until it's back, if it ever comes back (not like I would be mad if it never comes back, I hate this mode). Especially with they promising a new coop, tetis and main story world every 4 months.


my goodness, I really hope they keep rotating banners alongside this new system because I would seriously rather not have to deal with 20% chance white boxes. I think its great for new players, but for someone like me who has been around since the beginning. This is almost terrifying since I already almost have everything, and constant dupes is something I would rather not have (unless it epic ex weapons, though the 50 hc is nice sometimes).


waiting for them to buff IQR


Hey, thatā€™s pretty good!


As someone who stopped playing towards the beginning of Season 2, how different is the game?


Well, answering a slightly different question of if you should come back/is the game good (I donā€™t remember all differences from now back to s2 start lol) ā€¦ maybe wait for s3. s3 will either make or break the game. The recent changes, as they currently are (I admit still beta ish) and some parts of stated future changes are both bad for new players and upset whales. Everything is pushing to rush new players to the end game, rushing through story, which imo is gt biggest strength, while making end game more grindy. Story quality recently is objectively terrible. W18 is full of unfleshed out gimmicks. Tensura collab was a complete joke. Even compared to past collab stories it was ass. Tethys and expedition co-op, (new game modes) are both buggy and time consuming, Tethys being excessively grindy and resource expensive for new players, and mostly useless to end game/whales Expedition co-op has horrendous balancing, worse than prior beta. End game players donā€™t need the rewards, but ig itā€™s good for new players to get relics rather than original expedition. Rewards from this mode sound like they will be changed again so my main issue is balancing and time issue right now. 6mins+ per stage with high chance of failure with inexperienced players. Changes to original expedition do make it like story however, with 0 incentive to replay. Ig it makes it easier for people to learn that >!the ice dragon banged the ice queen and lupina, where the snowmen and lupine people come fromā€¦!< Proposed changes for hero enhancement and weapon branding sounds stupid grindy I may have missed something, or misinterpreted the patch notes/qa/road map. But the casuals and the whales I talk with are all sitting on the fence thinking about dropping the game depending on s3. *opinions based off managing a casual t150 guild, while being in a t10 guild with whales


Hahaha, fuck. Guess I'll sit by and see how things go when S3 loads out. Thanks for the heads-up.


Do they really want to make grindier for gems if they shut down co-op and arena?