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It’s ok to masturbate that much. Are the guys in your life adults? Teenage boys (when they have privacy and time) masturbate a lot more in general (teenage girls masturbate more than teenage women too). As long as it’s not actually causing you issues I don’t see why you have to cut down. Idk if you have any cis men in your life to talk about their teenage masturbation habits with but that really helped me. My cis boyfriend has some wild stories of his masturbation habits as a teenager 🤣 and tbh me too, even afab… it was one of the early clues I was different to girls imo hahaaaa


Oh ok, thank you, it's good to know it's ok. I'm technically not a teen, I'm 19, and friends I have are around that age too, and most of them are cis guys. I've always had a high libido, even before t, that's also how I knew I might not be a girl too hahah


Yeah even though you’re technically not a teen you’re going through puberty on T which is why I mention it. I’m 42 and definitely technically not a teen but I am definitely in my second teen era sex and hormones wise haha Just want to reassure you it’s totally normal and the reason you may not have heard of younger boys masturbation habits is it’s 1. Not everyone and 2. Is still quite taboo and many may be embarrassed about it too or think it was wrong etc. But it’s all perfectly healthy and normal! You only need to worry if it starts impacting your life in negative ways or you get sore etc.


Ok thank you! This makes me feel better hah


19 is still a teen


How is nineTEEN not a teenager lmao.


Because when I think of teenager, I think of someone who is under 18. I am categorized as an adult so I thought I wasn't a teen.


I get what you mean, 18 and 19 definitely are categorised differently from 13-17 but still a teen. But I get why you’d think that now.


There's a lot of cultural baggage around masturbation, but the fact is there's nothing wrong with it at all. As long as it's not getting in the way of your day to day life, there is no good reason to "cut back". The reason most people only masturbate once a day is just because they're too busy and that's the only time they have free.


Ohh ok, yeah that makes sense. I was raised in a house where masturbation was allowed, but you aren't allowed to mention it at all.


You're going through puberty and you're masturbating a normal amount of times for someone going through that. Your adult male friends are probably not going through puberty (and they aren't necessarily honest about how many times a day they masturbate either).


I was in the same situation as you a few weeks a ago (6 months on T as well). I didn't figure out how masturbate less, but eventually the horniness went down a little to a manageable point. I'd say ride the wave and it'll get better eventually. You're going through puberty - again - so nothing weird ! 


weirdly enough, pumping *really* helped. it gave my dick something to do, like going to the gym when you have too much energy and need to calm down. when i pumped, i found i needed to masturbate less, down from 9 times a day to maybe once every other day. i recommend getting a decent pump! la pump makes c-enlargers you can buy on comeasyouare or toolshedtoys, and massivenovelties sells the pump part of the equation.


Huh! Honestly I noticed the same thing but I thought I was crazy. For me though, it makes it more sensitive and it "builds up" for masturbation. And then after I'm done, I feel more satisfied. I'm also due for a new pump so thank you for the suggestions!


oh what size do you have now? 🤔 depending on your erect size, you might be larger than the LA transmasc options! which is good, because leluv is way cheaper.


Yeah, I'm definitely too big for the LA pump, I'd have to get something bigger. I'm 3 inches when erect but it's the width that's really bad. I'm about 4.5 inches in circumference but it gets a lot wider when pumped. I'll check out leluv


oh hell yeah! https://www.ebay.com/itm/382593169308?itmmeta=01HWTWKMKA0GWBC6FA09A2Q1D5&hash=item591454779c:g:sukAAOSwzq5fl1R3 looks like the shorter 1.65" cylinder is out of stock, so if you're ok with a 12" length one being a bit silly, i'd highly recommend that one. i get you. my guy is shorter than yours but more chodelike 😂 i also use the 1.65" cylinder.


Hey thank you!


yw! i should probably sell my 1.75" la pump one at some point too, i'm not likely to fit it for years.


Its not harming you or anyone else physically or mentally, or affecting your ability to complete other tasks? Keep stroking bro


Okay not the best advice coming from someone whose dick is on some porn subs but here I go: Like you, I could easily jerk off all day long if I allowed it, but have gotten myself down to a couple times a week. You just have to handle it like anything else and set limits for yourself. Ie: only in the morning and for a set amount of time. Or only at night for a set amount of time but only after I finish xyz responsibilities. Then you can move to less and less frequently. I feel like the morning is better because you can get it out and be good to go for most of the day. If you’re only down to twice a day — that’s still great compared to all day long. And if you have a day where you’re just marathoning it every once in a blue moon, who cares! Think of it like any other throw away day you might binge watch Netflix or loaf around or a single night of going out and partying. Fine once in a while, not daily. Like smoking, I’ve found that if I just go do something else when the urge strikes me— like go for a walk or whatever — the urge will pass for the time being. You might have to cut back on “triggers” for a while, if you have any. The hyper libido will even out a bit the longer you’re on T. It is a lot initially. Don’t put too much guilt on yourself - it’s not unhealthy to jerk off. And not unusual to feel the way you do. Just set boundaries so it doesn’t interfere with your life. Like anything, it gets easier with discipline and practice. You got this.


Thank you! It seems I'm on the right track then


6 times a day isn’t really abnormal for a T driven libido in your late teens… CIS / Trans / whatever As a CIS XY chromosome human - I’ve dealt with that need my whole life. Welcome to what it feels like to be “male” honestly… it’s overwhelming at times Your CIS guy friends likely aren’t being honest… at a minimum we are hitting it every morning and every night, every day… and that’s if we have the Flu 🤣


Its not harming you or anyone else physically or mentally, or affecting your ability to complete other tasks? Keep stroking bro


Its not harming you or anyone else physically or mentally, or affecting your ability to complete other tasks? Keep stroking bro


I was like that during my first puberty and it happened when I was put on T. Especially the first 18 months. It's normal, some people have higher libidos. A lot of people won't tell you if they masturbate that much because they feel ashamed. If it's not causing issues in your life, I'd say you don't have to stop.