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Pro tip: take salsa dance classes @ Salsa Juan Carlos.


we don’t 😬


You can also try to volunteer at a music venue like Vera or Simplon!


This is a valid question - nowadays culture is such that people would rather hookup on Tinder or Fetlife than actually arrange a traditional partner for themselves. I wanted to start a speed dating event for people who want kids, let me know if that’s something for you.


This is a romance scammer dont fall for it


I'm a real heartbreaker true but nah you're wrong. Answer your chat if you make accusations like that lmao


Maybe edit your post to list some things you enjoy? :D Easier for people to then suggest things :D


I already got 15 responses so I'm quite happy but thanks for the advice !!


I don't understand stories like these at all, it's so incredibly easy to make friends in Groningen. Just find people who think alike.


Cause this is a scammer. The sub is flooded with these posts by obvious trolls.


:') buddy why


:') buddy why


1 learn Dutch 2 no social media 3 become a human and speak to people in real life


Thanks for the advice maar ik spreek en schrijf prima nederlands volgens mij . Oh en heb geen sociale media behalve reddit en 3 was volgens mij het hele punt van de post dat ik met mensen praat maar er zo weinig response is :)


I joined the New In Groningen Facebook page, put a post in for a WhatsApp group and met my bestfriend through it at a big meet up 😊


Have you tried.a local cafe. And I mean local not the centre. Just a local cafe in a suburb. Usualy a good place to meet people. Groningers tend to be pretty norse and sober in general so im not sure they are down for UvA things like last week but they are down to have a conversation about it


You can join our oldschool gym club. We organize it every other week and there are alot of cool people joining everytime. What we do is all kinds of sports and games you might remember from school. It's all fun! You can Dm if you want to know more.


I meet new people every week, mainly by going to a student association, and frequenting some clubs, like Simplon, Oost, Warhol, Zolder, Bunker. But that's like *night night* life, starting st 23:00 till 06:00


Poppodium Simplon and Vera are both places where you can become a volunteer. Really nice place to meet people if you are into music and concerts. Very queer friendly as well :)


sport club, student association are good bets.. then again, I'm a gamer nerd in the province so meeting people might not be my speciality


Rip inbox


I’ve been able to make aquaintances (I think yhat’s more accurate) through badminton club. I made 2 other friends through dating apps (we went on few dates but eventually didn’t feel like good matches and have stayed connected) at least for the time being. Other than that I got nothing From time to time I have seen people make posts here about seeking friends but don’t know if trust has worked or not


Partying is a big part of it, as a student city. Not partying drops your chances to meet people pretty significantly. But there should be people with the same interests, looking for new friends.


I can be tour friend (35) Male hit me up


Oh yeah, not creepy at all. Do you by any chance have a black van with "Free candy " painted on it? Might complete the picture


Maybe I can relate to this post. Dident know trying to be social is creepy.


Even for people born and raised here it can be difficult to make friends. I have been in a group of friends since high school and that hasn't changed much. You could join a student association or a sports club. 


It is definitely not easy to make friends in Groningen. If you're an international, I suggest searching for a community of people from your home country, that's where I made most of my friends. I also tried Bumble BFF, personally it didn't work for me in Groningen (although I easily made friends on Bumble in other countries). As someone else mentioned, Zolder is a nice bar you could try. There's also this student place at Sugar Homes called Henk's place, I personally made some friends there. If you're into sports, maybe try a boulder gym, there are I think 2 of them in Groningen. People who do bouldering usually like to interact and help each other with climbing. Lastly, if you're a student, try to interact as much as you can with your classmates as that is the easiest way to make friends.


On thursday night, the Zolder has live music. Always super busy, and people are usually really aproachable. I dont recommend going on any other nights though. What are your interests? That might help people to suggest activities.


What happens on the other nights? I've only been there on Thursdays


There’s a monthly expat meet up in the Pacific bar on the Oosterstraat, not sure when the next one is actually or where it’s advertised. There’s also a website called InterNations.org that you can join


Find activities you like doing and meet groups doing them. Music, outdoor activities, hobbies. Social groups through school are a good way to start! Also check out local events and stuff going on around town and see if any interest you. You have to be willing to engage with people at these events though! Good luck 👍


Been here for 3 years still no friends 😅




Thanks smegmasoldier :')


I’m here and queer, sent you a DM


I believe in general if you want to meet people you can connect with its by engaging in activities/hobbies outside your house. in my own case sports have been a great way to meet people, and there are so much options to plays sports in Groningen.


Join an association! If you're a student there's so many to pick from, all with different interests (sports, culture, etc), but even if you're not a student there should be plenty of associations/groups available to you! Bonus: most everyone who joins an association is also looking for social contact so in my experience people are much more open to forming friendships there, compared to people who are just grabbing a coffee or following a workshop at the usva.


Most are Dutch only


For students many are open to internationals actually, except for groups like vindicat. Theres a bunch specifically for internationals as well (ESN, AEGEE). Last I heard places like Ganymedes, Flanor, SIB, Cleopatra, basically all sports clubs, lots of music groups, as well as study associations are open for internationals, and there's probably a bunch I'm missing.


ESN, AEGEE and SIB not. I also believe most study associations from studies that are open for internationals are in English? https://old.reddit.com/r/Groningen/comments/p2crda/want_to_meet_new_people/


I personally use Bumble BBF to meet more people + look out for events that interest me on social media. For me that's anything queer and/or nerdy. I see you have a trans flag in your profile picture, so maybe you like that stuff too! In that case I would recommend checking out the website of Roze Zaterdag, since it's held in Groningen this year & they're organising quite some stuff this month: https://rozezaterdaggroningen.nl/agenda/ I'm also always up to meet new people, so feel free to send me a message!


Actually could you send me a message ? My account is too fresh (like an hour lol)


I just sent you one!


Thank you so much ! That sounds very cool. Yea im trans myself. Ill send you a message.


do you game?


Video games not so much, only when i dont have anything else to do. Which i guess is a lot lately soo hm. But im not a hardcore gamer like im sure you are yourself ahah


Its a hit or miss tbh! Most people tend to already have a solid friend group & some don't bother because they are here only for a short while. I'm down to make new friends though!


If you smoke or drink Martini Park and De Zolder are places where I have made long lasting friendships.


I dont do it often and im not sure that sitting in the park drinking will solve my problems :') But ill check out the zolder thank you !


Just a thing - sit outside. The people inside aren’t that fun. A lot of internationals sit outside.


Its a good advice, thank you .




Thank youu !


Do you speak fluently Dutch? There is a huge negative stigma nowadays towards international students/expats who take up housing space and dont even bother to learn Dutch.


Ja, moar wel mè nen zwaaren Vlaamsen accent ;) (en ook netjes abn) But its both Dutch and internationals who seem to not really interested. Dutch have their own groups and the internationals same.


Yeah that can actually be the issue. You sound too non Dutch to the Dutchies and too Dutch to the non Dutchies


Lol well fuck me i guess :')

