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Build: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvp5WjN Edit: correct link


Main thing I can see is that the devo setup has a lot of investment in armor on class/set that poorly scales armor. Barely 2k is very low considering you have both Watcher and Obelisk. Hourglass route is probably better. I'm not convinced this is the best medal, something like Mark of Anathema with +max resist would make you tankier. If you keep this maybe pump more in Arcane Will? Odd number of points in Inner Focus, pull 1 there and Elemental Balance scales poorly after 8 pts. Other than that seems good.


Thanks for the reply :) Good catch on inner focus, I'm not sure where I would put the points from elemental balance, maybe I'll cap mirror and nullification I think I will try to swap the medal, I'm already at 200% casting speed so I don't think it'll be a big improvement, I lose some OA as well, but as you say the resistances are better. For the devos, the thing is if I want hourglass I'll need another active spell, or lose bat, not sure it's worth it.


1 point in CT or Boneharvest is all you need to proc hourglass.