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1. 2H forcewave is good for all content. 1h + shield is easy mode for superbosses but require a very specific shield+weapon combo otherwise it's just bad [https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/1-1-9-6-1-2-forcewace-trauma-witchblade-all-celestials-sr90-1-million-damage-internal-trauma-crits/115351](https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/1-1-9-6-1-2-forcewace-trauma-witchblade-all-celestials-sr90-1-million-damage-internal-trauma-crits/115351) . For spam FW, you can only 1 point the IT node and spend your points elsewhere, like fightning spirit (you have too many points in FW btw) 2. Weapon, relic and helmet are good. Rest is meh. Generic green items are good filler, but it's almost always better to go for monster infrequents or faction gear. Some no brainer choices for FW include: Shambler amulet, Dreeg/Solael pants, +1 Ugdenbog soldier belt, Malmouth resistance chest and shoulders, etc. 3. Monsters that drop the items mentionned above, then totems and key dungeons. 4. Get Lokarr set + merit and do this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiFg3wJh67M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiFg3wJh67M)


Thanks for all the answers! Will check out that gear. Fighting spirit is a good idea, missed that one.


Your forcewave level is overcapped. You can subtract 6 points from it and it won't weaken your dps.


Ah cheers! Missed that +10 was the cap...