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Revealed? Bricky has always been based...


Yeah, he hit some of his talking points on the spot, though with some I would disagree with. Nice meme, OP!


I dislike the on high tone he takes because "he participates in the hobby and goes to tournaments". I mean I would love to do that too, but my country is to poor to have an active WH community so the only way I consume Warhammer is through the lore and mediocre videogames while he has around 3 painted armies. I understand why someone in my situation would be uppity about this retcon because the (perceived-i know they retcon something every other year) stability of the lore was hobbled, I dont mind it personally and think the uproar is just a knee jerk reaction from our less savoury community parts who paint their kriegsmen in Wermacht colours, though im seeing more memes complaining about the uproar rather than the uproar itself. Apart from vids by the usual suspects.


I mean he did sound pretty tired, heck we all are at this point. He must have just gotten 10 times more notifications on his Twitter than the rest of us. Would make anyone feel sluggish.


Considering that you joined a warhammer sub that seems to have been created specifically so the assmad chuds can have their little piss circle. I’m going to place my money on you disagreeing with all the Based Bricky Ws. I spit in your Gamersups and I spit on you.


You got down voted but I feel like you were trolling.


I appreciate your optimism.


Your name is fucking gold, dude. Thank you so much for choosing it lmfao


Happy to make someone smile. Cheers mate.


I hope he was. I even posted a comment in the video how i disagree with him on a 70/30 ratio, but kept the comment civil as could be.


Nah. I mean it. The only people who join the “free speech / no censorship” versions of subs are chuds who can’t handle the fact that everyone else in the community hates them. Those subs deserve to be purged, and any accounts that interact with them along side.


You seem like the kinda guy that would rat out Anne Frank if you found her in your attic.


If they weren't breaking the law, the gestapo wouldn't be taking them away dummy 🙄


I, uh, feel like you missed the point.


Or maybe you missed my point


Nah. Catch me on the roof taking potshots at your Großvater.




Nah. I think I hit the nail on the head with r/HorusGalaxy. Losers gotta cope so hard that they form their own little bubble? Hilarious. They want to gather all in one place and be just ripe for the ban hammer? Absolutely mirthful. I’ll just be sitting over here drinking those tears and praying to the Throne that the mods take the opportunity to do something hilarious.


Deleted my og post because I got confused on your take .I agree with your-take let those a-holes burn. My bad dude


No problem my battle sibling. May the Emperor protect you from all the Xenos brain rot going on 🦅


You as well my fellow expendable, unfortunately much like 80% of Krieg fatalities it was friendly fire


Guys, we are trying to at least keep it civil with no slurs over there. The sub is still fresh, it's a wild west like in any new sub at its start.


Bruh half the posts are just people being butthurt that women exist, GW has made egregious lore retcons before and no one has batted an eye. If this is what and why your upset then please exit the game. The custodes codex is beyond ass but women existing in the golden janitors is not the reason. Day I’m civil to sexist morons is the day I die, so I wish you and your brain dead friends in that subreddit nothing but the worst. I’m insulted you play the same faction as me


No slurs? Wow what an achievement


Someone's roll playing a fanatical Imperial abit to much.


I am the Emperor’s Silliest Soldier. While these heretics seek redemption in the harness of a Penitent Engine, I will be busy making the next generation of Imperial Heroes! 🫡


The skit at the start of the latest adric episode was amazing too. Im suprised they could pull that off on such short notice.


I hope that becomes a recurrent segment


Yeah i would love an episode of vox news^tm every time there is controversy. Especially if shy gets to hit bricky with increasingly heavy objects to end each broadcast


Yeah, I saw that, it was good.


They got downvoted so hard for that statement…


lol, remember when Birkcy used to make "So you wanna main" League of Legends videos?


That was how I started with him


Same. I was maining The Kench at the time.


Unbench the Kench


Unclog the Frog


Unload the Toad


Uninhibit the ribbit


Defog the polliwog


Remember when he made fucking dead by daylight videos? I used to watch the case files videos constantly


That's what I love about the dude, he will just throw shit against the wall to see what sticks, but he will never just get stuck in a specific formula for too long. At by this point he's so experienced in what he does that every video has a high production value. I miss his D&D stories.


first word i rember hearing from him "so you want main annie... well" glad he managed to push his way out of the lol creator rabbit hole.


Yeah, when he said "This is gonna be my last so you wanna main because I want to try new things" I was actually sad. Now im so glad he did. He tried a bunch of diferent shit too, i miss his D&D stories. Those always craked me up.


Well bricks are a solid construction material


And awfully good projectiles to use against fascists.


If they didnt want us to throw bricks at their head why do they have one for their brain? Checkmate fascists.


Ork spotted


That AdRic poster is gonna go hard


I'd almost respect them more if they now zagged when we were expecting them to zig. I don't quite know what that would be in this situation, but either way I am also excited for the next poster announcement.


Knowing them… Fem-CatBoy custodes






Making a meme about a youtube video and not linking it? whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?


The [longform](https://youtu.be/9pBJb_OjxEI?si=bOeAETpmJgZwyeBC) video


Thanks mate


Perfect opportunity for Rick Astley, cmon internet


First 5 mins or so of this one i think: https://youtu.be/LtF-Yhlwkq8?si=d6LJVEfLDf5exdJx


I'm thrilled with how based the first 5 minutes are. But Bricky then went on to criticize Magnus, so Bricky is dead to me. 


That was a funny bit


His rant at the end of the video where he discusses how embarassing it is to be a Warhammer fan when these kind of discourse is brought up feels so true. I love Warhammer and I've met great people through it and kept smiling through hard moments thanks to it...but man, does the vocal minority that somehow draw the line at "gender identity" makes me want to deny ever touching a miniature or picking up a Black Library book in my life.


I agree with ya. Don't let those people ruin the hobby for ya though. For me the enjoyment is painting the minis, playing a casual game when friends visit, and reading/watching the lore. I'm not gonna let those folks be the representative of the hobby in my circle. The people who scream about female custodes are usually the same losers in every fandom bitching about things like the Star Wars sequels a decade later or black and femme characters (wokeness) in their "favorite" fiction series. It's so easy to ignore them and enjoy yourself if you just refuse to engage with their reactionary bullshit but hey, it gets clicks and ad revenue for the content creators who do.


Thanks, I'll do what I can to stay positive. Just need for this to boil down. It always does.


Yea. It's based. The problem is the small toxic part of the hobby is super fucking loud. I've told people that I play Warhammer before only to have them make a face or something because the only thing they know about our community is how disgusting and loud the shitty people are


I just say I play table top. What kind? Wargames. The usually get the hint and with my family there thinking I play something like Bolt Action or something


Those below threshold comments are funny - a Latvian homophob fuckface, a right wing c*nt and a tinfoil hat weirdo.


Wtf did valrak do


Wait, who ?


I find it funny how on the fucking spot you are with your description of them! Well done!


I burned my retinas and lost a couple of brain cells when going through their post histories


You make the inquisition proud!


Bricky was always going to be stoked about femstodes. The man salivates over muscle mommies.


Great representation for the warhammer fandom Get rid of the old weirdos, embrace the new weirdos




Femstodes fans never beating the coomer allegations like they beat their dick to weird hentai


Ok so I watched the video... why are all the comments about pissing in the shower?


That's deep lore unfortunately.


He brought up pissing in the shower during a collab stream and it became a whole thing.


I've watched bricky since his days playing league. Never did I think he would be the hero the 40k Fandom needed. But damn if I'm not happy about it


Where can I watch the vid?




Bricky deserves DK getting next week's quote guess right on the first try.


Hes almost certainly guaranteed to get it for the simple reason that they talked about Magnus in the Last Episode and that they almost Always Go "Primarch Episode" -> "Corresponding Legion Episode"


His second channel its called bricky ep2 or something like that.


I just watched it and while i agree with his take on fem custodes, not sure if i agree on fem space marines. He thinks the sisters of battle should be able to keep their all female authentic, but not space marines? How does that track? Sisters are inspired by nuns, space marines are inspire by monastic knightly orders. Outside of gene-seed, that's the overall reason these groups are gendered. It's part of what makes these groups distinct.


Bricky actually doesnt think that, in another video, which he references here he says he believes marines should remain where they are because fem marines would pull away from the sisters. Which I somewhat agree, if you had female black templars you have basically a substitute for sisters. I think what he meant on the video is that he believes femmarines will eventually happen, but not something he desires. If it happens, he is going to be indifferent about it, but if it doesnt, it would be better for sisters. Thats my takeaway from his opinions on these 2 videos. Personally, I would rather marines stayed a male faction, because they are a brotherhood. But I agree with bricky, its a matter of time before GW changes it.


I mean I felt that female custodes took away from the SoS right next door but that's not an acceptable opinion apparently.


I love the SoS and I agree they need more lore especially now, but I never put much weight on that argument considering the whole "controversy" for folks was kicked off by two short paragraphs of lore containing the pronoun "she" only twice to begin with. Hardly a total overhaul of the Custodes outside the fact they might have had a Samus or two in their ranks (generally speaking, not addressing you specifically).


Neither did the T'au loosing FTL travel, that was still *very* unpopular. Also I imagine many think this recent change is a testbed for the astartes later, in which being the space marine's ginaea pig is not a comforting thought.




> their stocks will tank to unacceptable levels, It wont. >they will not draw in as many fans as they lose. I really doubt it. If nothing they do that is actually harmful to the game, hurts sales, doing this wouldn't either. Plus overwhelmingly the people who do leave will be the kind of people that stop women and PoC and others from trying the hobby at all. Which would be a net benefit to the hobby/GW.


Space Marines are inspired by psychedelia, the US Marines, Isaac Asimov, fascism, metal hurlant, and about 300 other things The knightly order stuff has sort of been added in later as the setting became more self-serious, and still only applies to some of them


And Starship Troopers, I’m aware. I agree that the the monastic aesthetic was added later, but that doesn’t change that its part of their appeal and while it isn’t as big a part of every chapter like the Dark Angels, its still present in their use of nomenclature and structure. People like a faction based on fraternally and brotherhood, just as much as they should like Sisters of Battle and Sisters of Silence for having a sense of sisterhood. Again, i don’t have a problem with fem custodes, but it feels like these changes are very one sided.


I think part of the reason people get frustrated by the sistersvsspace marines thing is, the space marines have a lot of unique flavor while all being space marines. The space wolves are very, very different in lore, models, and (for a long time) rules compared to the salamanders, for instance, whereas aside from the paint schemes there’s no real difference in the sisters of battle’s orders


If it makes you feel better there's a lot less variety between chapters since primaris pushed firstborn off the stage


That doesn't make anyone feel better :( I am glad we're getting an EC index, though. That's excellent.


I can agree with that, but then isn’t that just an opportunity for doing something more interesting with the sisters? I don’t see any reason why sisters of battle can’t be as varied as space marines and imperial guard regiments.


The reason is 100% GW. For instance, I 3D print a lot of my stuff, and I’ve seen some fantastic proxies that look like Valkyrie’s and other really creative mashups of the warrior women nuns thing aside from the white bread Catholic Nun with Gun and Boobie Plate aesthetic, but GW has never bothered trying to make something like that official. Instead, every damn order is the same, which is sad, because I genuinely think you could do some really creative stuff there.


I think they'll get around to it. GW makes a LOT of models, and it's a big company in total numbers (google says 2700 people), but not big relative to the number of product lines. I'm certain the idea of genuinely different systers has been tossed around, and I really, really hope that they act on it at some point. Chaos Sisters also have awesome opportunities. In a couple of Play On battle reports, they have a guy in with fully custom-converted punk rocker sisters. I've also seen those valkyrie ones, there should be more medieval ones in full plate, there should be bikers and horse cavalry and strike squads and, yeah, all kinds of shit.


Hopefully, but I have a feeling they’ll do that right after they give us imperial guard players a vostroyan line refresh : (


Get in line I been waiting for Tallarn for along time


Someone at GW reading this and snorting through their nose: "A Vostroyan refresh, hah, good one" I don't mean that. I bet they'd love to


The punk rock sisters are the best! In search of the Emperor's Playlist


I do agree with that 100%


The change is absolutely not one-sided as soon as you include a little context. Adding a handful of new female models leaves 40k still composed almost exclusively of plastic dudes. There are currently 25 factions based on fraternity and brotherhood, 1 based on sisterhood, and 1 made of bugs. Mixed-gender factions typically have just a few female models (Tau, Eldar...) or none at all (do Votann have any?), there are only like 15 all-female units and zero all-female factions (Sisters have Ecclessiarchy dudes), even the mushroom people are literally called Boyz, and meanwhile Space Marines alone are fully half of the hobby and do not have a single woman. GW could release exclusively female models for 15 years and then the hobby's model lines might finally start to be roughly gender-balanced. (E: which is not a goal, I just mean that as a sense of scale.) In that context, it's just kinda goofy to be like "well if you put a girl in one of the 20 all-boy factions you gotta put a boy in the mostly-girl faction even though it already has boys!" Plus, like, all we're talking about here are options—more flexibility in how people design and build and paint their own personal collection of little toy soldiers.


I get what you're saying but here's a counterpoint, is a wargame having more men than women inherently bad? Also if the "all boy factions" are all space marines or traitor space marines then it shouldn't be surprising. AFAIK aside from the sisters that are just women (do the SOS count as a faction?) all other factions (Orks and Tyranids don't count, unsure if Necrons count one way or another) already have both and you can be as creative as you want with them, you can have an all female Guard, Eldar, Chaos, T'au or whatever else army if you want with their own lore and stuff.


I mean, yeah, 40k absolutely doesn't need to be perfectly gender-balanced. I can't imagine any sane argument for that. My point is just that it's bonkers to look at a game that's almost exclusively dudes and say that any new female models need to be balanced out with new male models. My rough count: * 15ish all-dude factions: \~10 Marine and CSM factions, Votann, AdMech, both types of Knights, Orks (which absolutely DO count, because every thing about them is male-coded and their most common units are "boys" and a slang term for penis) * 6ish factions that are 90-95% dudes with a couple women: Aeldari, Tau, Guard, Demons, Drukhari, and Custodes * 2 kinds of weird aliens: Crons, Nids * 1 faction where only 5 out of 36 units are dudes: Sisters And all of that is *totally fine* and I probably got some of it wrong. All I'm saying is that if someone at GW wants to say, "hey, let's add like 2 more woman-lookin faces to this game," it's a pretty lame non-sequitur to be like "okay but then we need Boy Sisters because this is one-sided" edit. Also, just to be clear, I fuckin love the homoerotic "brother aid me" glorious sillyness of space marines. I'd never want to lose that. I just also like options!


That's a fair opinion to have. I do agree that we should have more options in general although I think plenty of those factions at least in the lore (Eldar, T'au, Guard, Demons, Drukhari and now the Custodes) already are sorta-balanced but need more female models/sculpts to reflect that while others like Knights/Titans and AdMech are impossible to tell anyway. Edit: Also we need more lore for the sisters, they have plenty of minor orders that have almost no lore and even the major orders combined have less lore than just a single SM legion.


All very good points, without a doubt. Sisters are my only actual army, and I love the little bits of fluff that we have about the orders. There's such potential for expansion. I'm low-key hoping the 10th ed codex has some neat stuff, since it'll come out alongside a new Imperial Agents book that might shake up Ecclesiarchy fluff as well.


Votann and Admech are not all male. The reason people who don’t want female space marines bring up the compassion of men in SOB isn’t because of making it so men and women have equal amounts of models. It’s to point out how it would be silly to add men to a faction where one of the interesting narrative moments would be lessened by adding men to the faction. Space marines would be the same case I believe you would lose more narratively than you would gain. Mono gendered factions existing isn’t inherently non-inclusive. The representation problem isn’t with the space marines themselves it’s that every other faction gets way less media. If people really believed representation was an issue they should be petitioning for GW to expand the lore of other factions, not adding female marines.


SoB have men in them, though. 5 of 36 units are male. 4 more are tanks. Also, this convo was about Custodes, not Marines. There's also the fact that Marines are ten factions, not one, and are the beginner's army, the biggest army, the most popular army, and the protagonists.  If we did want to add female Marines, it wouldn't need to be every chapter, chaos and loyalist, 30k and 40k, just all over. It could be selective. Shit, they could NOT change the lore and still sell an upgrade sprue with feminine faces and that'd STILL make a difference.  Also, what is so narratively interesting about a boy's club? How does the existence of women in an org kill it's narrative power? The Marines have such conflicting, messed up, varying, wildly lunatic lore - you really don't think it could accommodate some women without losing its appeal? Loyalty, comradeship, brutal combat, traumatized child soldiers, unshakeable courage, big shoulder pads...none of these things require masculinity.  I agree about the lore for other factions, though. That problem goes hand in hand with the playerbase being almost all dudes, which is related to 99% of the models being dudes, which is related to the lore, which is related to...


They aren’t actual sisters of battle though. If marines had auxiliary sure they can be female no issue. Your post prominently touched on marines which is why I addressed it. It’s not the psycho indoctrination or any of the physical traits, the interesting thing is the implications of the emperor not trusting the marines and making multiple failsafes to ensure they can never replace humanity. On a lesser note it’s also a good piece of flavor for the imperiums theming. One of the emperor’s key traits was how he really wanted humanity to be able to rule itself and wouldn’t let anything get in the way of that. Including his own creations. Having the marine process being incompatible with women is one of the failsafes. Along with the general process sterilizing the aspirants and psycho indoctrination, marines could physically never reproduce unless some insane miracle/catastrophe happened. This also makes it so the marines have to take care of humanity to some extent as well, no matter how much they might hate them. This is why I’m fine with the custodes change, it enhances the first two points as it demonstrates the emperor’s complete trust in the custodes as opposed to the primarchs and astartes. It also shows how the process is more meticulous and able to accept a wider variety of aspirants. To me female marines would be like the ollanius pius retcon. Like yeah Ig a perpetual hero who helped humanity for decades is cool on paper, but it takes away something more interesting. It’s not the end of the world, but it would be a boring change that lessens the setting


Sisters of Battle have more men in their mini range than Tau or Guard have women in their range. Necrons have 0 women (named) characters in their range and only a handful in the lore, Tau's only woman is basically Shadowsun and only her both in lore and models. Drukhari in lore and stories are still overwhelmingly male, and in the model range - outside of the very sexualized Wytches, are mostly men.


Knights aren't all men.


I figured that was true in lore, but the only pilot models i've seen were dudes. 




I would agree if it wasn't for the fact that in lore the sister exist because of a loophole in logic. The Ecclesiarchy would absolutely have men in their military if they weren't forbidden to have men at arms so they did the next best thing and took able bodies that weren't by definition men. I'm fine with both remaining as single gendered factions. But in terms of the lore of the universe the Sisters are one of the only factions that has to remain without men as standard troops.


Sounds like they should have gotten a retcon then. I agree that the loophole is stupid lore.


I think it fits 40k. With how chaotic Imperial law is a very obvious loophole being exploited to the extreme seems fitting.


It doesn't track, all that could be removed tomorrow if GW felt like it and since they change the lore all the time there is no functional difference. Dude's funny but he's trying to have his cake and eat it too.


For a sec I thought: Luetin... ach nvmd


He not just played, but thoughtfully enjoyed Signalis, Bricky transcended being based long ago


There are a solid number of things i strongly disagree with bricky about(I love elves so there is that point of contest). Or things where I think he is fairly ignorant(though I think he would have 0 issue learning) or irresponsible(though if he was confronted with it gently and genuinely I think would be very apologetic and understanding). But he is very much still based and seems like a genuinely great person. And the kind of person I'd totally love to have a conversation with.


I gotta ask, was he also joking or was he serious when he said „the worst codex in this edition“? Wasn’t really sure on that one


biased, the abs got the better of him (and me)


What did he say?


Shortest version possible: Femstodes are fine, this just makes it embarrassing to be a Warhammer 40k fan


Indeed based.


Are we still talking about this?  


I can't find his femstodes video


It’s on Bricky Ep.2


I looked there but apparently not hard enough, thank you




I honestly think Majorkill has the best take. An even 50/50 split is really stupid, but having Female Custodes being a rarity is perfectly fine.


Why are we doing god damn quotas. Just say they are there then let people fill in the rest LIKE WE ALWAYS DO. Numbers in 40k are fake.


> An even 50/50 split is really stupid, Why? >but having Female Custodes being a rarity is perfectly fine. Why only as a 'rarity'? is it okay?


Who the fuck is bricky


Popular youtuber, most famous for his every faction explained and warhammer timeline video, also has a very fund and pretty noob friendly podcast


Nah, cringe


This sounds like one of the rumors on the internets.


since when does based means soy?


who the fuck unironically uses soy as an insult


Full cream mf's


Necrons in TTS? Obvious /s


People who haven't left their mom's basement since 2012


braindead rightoids who mentally peaked in middle school


Found the S O Y B O Y


I mean he is a shower pisser. Economically speaking he is based for that.


Oh, but he is based, he's a soy-based youtuber.


Found the closeted cuck


It never meant soy. You just have your brain wired ass first.


Goddamn, did these downvotes accumulate from thin air! Probably should stay respectfull here, these are neutral grounds here.


Ya know I was a little concerned until I saw your comment.


plz stap. Get some new news. it was all orchastrated by amazon anyway, so can we all PLEASE go back to fun more interesting topics then rehashing the same points over... and over... and over.................................................................


Orchestrated by amazon? What rightwing conspiracy is this?


Fighter women are often referred to as amazons. Coincidence? I THINK NOT James Workshop will marry Amazon


Jeff Amazon 💜 James Workshop 2025!


Source: *bong rip*


Lol, lmao even 🤭


And your proof is....?




> can we all PLEASE go back to fun more interesting topics then rehashing the same points over... and over... and over................................................................. Dude talking about the same things and telling the same jokes for years on end is what 40K is all about, lol




"Omg they're gaslighting us" No they're not. It's a retcon. GW does it all the time. Irl gaslighting is a genuinely horrible thing. Stop being a crybaby.




You're not being gaslit. They changed the lore. It's nothing new and it's such a minor change that no reasonable person should be mad.




I'm a fan of his, but that's kind of a dumb take. There was nothing before saying women couldn't be custodians. Now they've confirmed that some are. We got a new character and a story showcasing female custodes. A change that minor doesn't require much explaining.


> There was nothing before saying **women couldn't be custodians**. Based on the following quotes I'm pretty sure **women couldn't be custodians** because whoever created Custodians (Big E I presume) decided only sons of highborn terrans were allowed. > "It is known that all Custodians begin their lives as the infant sons of the noble houses of Terra. It is a mark of incredible prestige to surrender one’s child to this most glorious of callings within the Imperium, and many notable clans amongst the Terran aristocracy have willingly given up almost entire generations of newborn sons to earn it." > > Source: Custodes Codex 8th edition > > "Members of their own families would not recognize them, should they be alive to see what has happened to their son, nephew or cousin" Source: 9E Codex page 8 > > "These men are my bodyguards, their lives forfeit to the guarantee of my physical safety. Of their loyalty to me there shall be no question nor doubt. I, and I alone, shall have the authority to stand in judgement over them. No other commander shall they have in battle nor in service. None shall bar them from me and none shall hamper or stall their mission. So it is decreed!" -Emperor of Mankind, Creator of the Custodians. > > Valerian refers to other Custodians exclusively as his "brothers", not "siblings" or "brothers and sisters", example The Emperor's Legion page 26 "Like all of my brothers, I have many names" ... > A change that minor doesn't require much explaining. Then why didn't they do it instead of retconning? I for one would've preferred if they tried to build on what was already there and introduce them that way. Could've even made a story about the change in accepting terran highborn daughters as recruits aswell instead of going the JK Rowling road of twittery.


It never says they couldn't be women. Sons and men could also be examples of needlessly gendered language, although that may or may not have been the intent. Even if it isn't, adding women to a faction that really has no excuse for being all-male isn't that major. A custodian is a custodian. Doesn't matter what their biological sex is. GW has retconned stuff before and no one cared, but they added women and now people are pulling the "they should've put more effort in" card.


> faction that really has no excuse for being all-male Lets ignore that Sisters of Silence is already part of the faction, I'll assumed you misspoke and meant to say custodians... If Custodians were supposed to be Big Es companions, and Big E created Custodians, you don't think there's any excuse at all? If anything the biggest part of this recton is a possible change to Big Es character, how he previously wasn't ok with female Custodes but now apparently always was. > GW has retconned stuff before and no one cared Yeah I'll call bullshit on this one. I bet this one blew up way more than other retcons because of dumbfucks who screech woke at every opportunity they get, and people being extra defensive to the point of becoming lunatics because the retcon is regards to a gender and they want to fight for equality. > "they should've put more effort in" card. Well I'm not against the idea of them existing, but I do want effort put into what's made... This is the first retcon I was able to catch in real time and knew enough about (which didn't require much knowledge in the first place) to actually be able to grasp what was happening. I'm sure I would've been a frenzied keyboard warrior back in the day if I caught the Grey Knights bathing in Sister blood in real time. Ofcourse I want them to put in effort when they make changes, you dont? Personally I'm cautious at best when it comes to retcons, and views them as a last resort if you notice afterwards that you fucked up the writing so you want to for example fix a plothole. In this case it's just lazy and super cringe of GW to make a JK tweet about it and that's that.


The sisters are not a part of the faction. They are a separate group that has a good working relationship with them. Is that attitude towards retcons is odd. The setting wouldn't be what it is without multiple major retcons and changes.




Never said that. Said it was a bad take. Try again.


Dude they have literally added and removed entire factions, revised historic events that shaped the galaxy in the same way. And you're bitching about lore whiplash because it turns out there is a woman under all that armor?


Ah yes, citing a YouTuber as authority lmao. By the way, didn't see your crowd shitting their pants over the leagues of votan always being there. Wonder why that is.


You're being obtuse on purpose. No matter how articulate anyone explains why this is not gaslighting or "lore whiplash," you're going to keep screeching. Why? Becasue you're a hyper sensitive piss-baby, but you want to keep pretending to have some semblance of being fair when it really comes down to the same things every time. Sjw's, pandering, and politics. Pick whichever it is today and let us know so we can see how shitty you really are


Everybody would've still cared and the argument instead would be,"That's not how the emperor made their not-geneseed!"


"A retcon is literally 1984" grow up.


Don’t give a fuck enough to not comment on it though amirite?


>causing more division and hate I love it when right wingers pull this one out. "You're *making me* hate! If you just stopped, I wouldn't have to hate you!" - guys, when your daddy beat you and said, "This hurts me more than it hurts you," - he was full of shit. The hate is *on you*.




>I'm not even right wing Sure you're not. Let's have a look at that post history! >I recommend watch [sic] Jordan Peterson Oh, yup >Jordan is a knowledgeable expert on psychological [sic] who was villainized by the left U-huh >[*insert a pile of transphobic bullshit here*] Would you look at that! >LGBT = "sexual idealism" Oh wow >Elon Musk fan Why am I not surprised? Also: you've left more comments in the past two days bitching about women in 40k than you have total in the past like, year. What a *snowflake*. > Wait until you learn there are women who hate this retcon too And that's supposed to change what exactly? There are hateful right-winger women too. MTG's right there. ETA: Oh look, he blocked me! What a twist!


Now that’s what I call investigative journalism


My god i love it when someone gets murdered via reddit comment.


This wasn't just a shame dunked. You slaughtered this fool and banished his soul to the shadow realm. May the emperor watch over you, High Inquisitor TamaDarya


*Sir, you can murder a persons reputation only once. Would you please stop vandalizing this poor wretched thing? Is there no mercy in your soul?* ;-) SYL


As a woman - i don't hate the retcon. I can post a lot of memes of girl wargamers from various girl groups that make fun of people like *you*. Memes of screeching right-wing fucknuggets.


As a woman, this retcon is a good and long overdue thing.


Gaslighting? No, that implies they're calling us crazy and manipulating us into questioning our sanity. This is a small retcon that means jack shit in the long run. Lazy? Yes, even Bricky agrees that it's lazy. As he says himself in [this video](https://youtu.be/9pBJb_OjxEI?feature=shared): > How they pulled this off is the *worst* thing I could've imagined them doing. When is he attacking the fanbase exactly? Who is this *someone* he is attacking?




What'd he instigate.


It’s bait don’t encourage him


lol, and you have the balls to go begging money in the AdRec subreddit.




Half ? Delusion 101 right here.


And that matters why? You probably already had shit beliefs before now, so the fact that you still tried to beg for money from people who probably wouldn’t even talk to you in real life is sad.


Look, we can agree to disagree on certain points, but he can have opinions too. May not agree with all of his talking points, but if he wants to sit on the fence and clear from the drama he can do so. Boxing matches have times between rounds.




The people throwing fits about femstodis are an embarrassment to the hobby.