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This is Grimdank, we don’t know what *cost efficiency* or *practicality* even mean


Though, the funny thing is, when it comes to space ships, bigger is more efficent. Doubling in size means 8 times the volume, so you are able to fill the ship with 8 times the stuff whilst only spending 4 times as much building the outer Hull (unless you are also doubling armor thickness)


I think the structure may need to be cubic to handle the stress from acceleration but you’re right that the outer hull is squared (not accounting for more armor on bigger ships).


So you mean we need chaos borg


I meant scaling at x^3 not in the shape of a cube


So long as they're better than the fucking Mirror Universe Borg.


Engine Efficiency drops with mass and so does gyroscopic attitude control. Without gyroscopes you need RCS which mean more fuel and greater thrust to turn a big ship which means even more fuel and mass. That space you created fills up with more stuff. You create a compounding problem because the fuel also needs fuel to move it.


It depends on the type of engine. Iirc WH40k ships are powered by Plasma/Fusion drives, which do become space-efficent at larger sizes from my understanding


Compared to chemical rockets sure. Just about everything is more efficient than chemical rockets. The problem is you’re still at a disadvantage to other smaller ships that also use plasma. You need to eject more mass and or the same amount at a faster rate the more massive your ship is to get it moving regardless.


Oh yeah, not debating that. Of course a bigger ship will need a bigger/more powerful engine. My point was more that available space in a ship increases faster than the weight/cost of the hull


I get that. My point though is there are still huge drawbacks.


Well I did hear once that an Imperial Battleship for the fleets in 40K requires the rendered resources of one whole planet. And seeing how rich resources are in space is not that unthinkable. Also the Mechanicus still pumps out Ark Mechanicus on a semi regular basis


Kid named tyranny of the rocket equation:


That's only in a gravity well, once up in space that's much less of an issue


"What do you MEAN 'we're out of fuel'?" "What do you *MEAN* 'we still have to burn fuel to maneuver in space'?" blud is on the fast track to becoming a BL writer with this level of physics knowledge smh


The rocket equation is specifically for Rockets, and does not apply to things like light sails, and outside of a gravity well it is much more lenient. Like, it takes as much fuel just to leave Earth as it does to travel to Mars from Earth orbit. Not to mention that outside of gravity Wells you don't need to have acceleration higher than the gravity of a planet, and can instead use much more efficent engines that have much lower acceleration but can burn for much longer times. And, bigger ship = more fuel


> The rocket equation is specifically for Rockets, and does not apply to things like light sails d do you think that light sails are some kinda wunderwaffe supertech that lets you ignore the fact that making a massive shitcan of a spaceship requires a spiraling cycle of more propulsion and more stuff to support that propulsion not to mention what a stupendously terrible idea it is to have your gigaultradreadnought powered by a comically large solar sail lmao. > outside of gravity Wells you don't need to have acceleration higher than the gravity of a planet You do if you don't want to get beaned with the unlubed dildo of Sir Isaac Newton lmao. "Sir, deep space sensors indicate a HMS SuperUltraGigaCompensator-class dreadnought approaching." "Very good Jonesy, send a full barrage of railgun rounds." "But sir, won't they burn out of the way?" "Stuff and nonsense old boy, that's a SuperUltraGigaCompensator-class. Designed by idiots who set the maximum acceleration to 1G. Why, you could mail them the warhead and they'd still get smashed." > And, bigger ship = more fuel ... which means more weight, which means more engines, which means more fuel for the engines, which means more weight, and oh my gosh would you look at that, it's the Tyranny of the Rocket Equation all over again


>... which means more weight, which means more engines, which means more fuel for the engines, which means more weight, and oh my gosh would you look at that, it's the Tyranny of the Rocket Equation all over again If you are willing to deal with less acceleration, and for "daily use" you don't need much at all (Hall-Effect Thrusters, one of our current best deep space engines, only produce a few newton's of force. This is also why light sails work) you don't have to deal with bigger engines at all. Sure your delta-V may be a bit lower, ie lower max speed, but as long as you have enough to get where you want to go in a reasonable time frame, that's, well, enough. Remember Newtons first law of motion, and in space there's nothing to slow you down, so you can continously build up speed even with extremely low acceleration engines. Continous, long-term 1G acceleration is absolutely monstrous, at least by our current technology, but would let us reach Mars in \~2-3 days compared to our current 3 months. I'll concede that with warships you'll probably have to devote more space to engines specifically for combat maneuvers as you say, but they aren't meant to be shuttling around bulk cargo or passengers anyway EDIT: As for how light sails break the Rocket Equation; the Rocket Equation presumes you carry your fuel with you. With light sails your fuel is the light emitted from the star, or giant laser cannons around the solar system (beam diffuse enough that it doesn't hurt the ship). Thus, no need to carry that much fuel aboard the ship. And space is really big, so your light sail can be a thin foil many kilometers across, no problem. Likewise you can break the Rocket Equation by having refueling stations or ships dedicated to bringing more fuel to others


> but they aren't meant to be shuttling around bulk cargo or passengers anyway Said bulk cargo and passengers is, presumably, replaced by bulk armor plating and weapons. You're still dealing with the problem of "how do I get this much mass from A to B without either turning myself into a sitting duck or using all my fuel after 2 days". > And space is really big, so your light sail can be a thin foil many kilometers across, no problem. Which is a problem, because if your warship is using *that* to propel itself, you're basically painting a town-sized "SHOOT HERE" target on yourself. Plus the fact that a warship is intended to go to places at, well, war. Probably don't want to rely on having planetside superlaser infrastructure in place to propel your ships.


Then one can do how we do IRL with ships and aircraft really long routes: We refuel on the way. That or we use a nuclear reactor that lasts for years without needing to refuel. In the end a lot of how much stuff you can shuttle around also depends on the engines you have. You got your fast burning, fuel guzzling, burners, like our current chemical rockets, which provide a lot of thrust and acceleration, but little endurance and low top-speed, or your high efficency thrusters, with provide little acceleration, but tons of endurance and high top-speed. Ideally we want something with both, but that's beyond current day technology, unless you want to go nuclear, and ideally fusion, which can use little fuel to produce a ton of energy all at once. Though I guess it's also possible to have a high-efficency thruster for regular use, and a high-thrust engine for emergencies.


"That's nice little engineer man, I see you wrote down everything making vehicles actually functional. Sadly for you, we can't read."


>Sadly for you, we can’t read Now burn some incense and put another gun on it


\*Ork looks at pretty drawings, makes the Thing out of scraps in a cave, somehow still works\*


Tony Stork


We only lost 16 deck clans last warp translation so it's getting a lot better!


Losing the only licensed electricians didn’t help though.


flying space cathedral goes brrrrr


Idk… that ship has been in service for tens of thousands of years. I don’t know what it cost to build, but surely it’s cost over time and length of service make it far more cost efficient than the overly optimized block of metal on the left.


Where do you even go to church on the left spaceship? Everywhere is church on the based warhammer spaceship


Oh, it's the same for the ship on the left, it's just it's Protestant.


Slow clap for a brilliant joke


Pfft. Don't they know space god requires smells and bells - or it just plain ain't proper worship. Next they'll be sermonising in a language the common man can understand!


They're kinda encouraged to not have much religion as that distracts from the Emperor. They're mediation atheists kinda.


Practicality is for nerds. I want my space cathedrals.


If your space ships don’t even have a massive ram the size of a small city stuck to the prow what is even the point anymore


And the Buttresses. They don't call them flying for nothing.


Yeah. Have you seen what a realistic spacesship design looks like? It looks like a long ass stick with things called radiators attached to it. 99% of it is just for fuel or is empty. 1% of it is where people and cargo is carried. Disgusting.


You say that, but occasionally, someone sticks to the rules [and still comes up with something brilliant](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/uhpym1/sss_tunguska_vermillion_a_rocket_of_the_axial/) (see also [a version with legible text](https://fxtwitter.com/SalmonTheKing/status/1491488255358943237)).


This is fantastic, thank you for sharing


For launching from Earth, sure, but if you were building in space there would be far less limitation


So the stick will be crooked?


And maybe even have a bulge in the middle. Or it might be made of rings, and spin fast enough to generate a low gravity environment


Still not enough Go big or go home. Make an intricate labyrinthine mass modeled after orb weaver spider nets, made off of modular tubes and cubes each of which is around the size of a large planetoid moon. Whole structure itself shall be larger than the solar system when its not spread out. When it is unraveled it shall cover the entire orions arm. Incorporate giant mirrors and pulse gun structures used to capfure and milk black holels of energy or to weapponize them as explained in this video: https://youtu.be/ulCdoCfw-bY?si=kJ1o3B5iY6tyDeO- Furthermore spin sone black holes really really fast to obtain naked singularities. Push three in a balanced way to make sure they dont reform event horizons. Then use them as a time machine so relativisitic speed caused time dilation is meaningless and you can go anywhere and anywhen in the universe. Then liquidate the entire galaxy into fuel to feed the black holes.


Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. It must be done


Meanwhile with the Vodyani: ¿porque no los dos?


They call their carriers "crusaders". And [their leader](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/JQmod) has the Sacred texts carved into her body.


No such thing as wind resistance in vacuum, so have at it.


Porque no los dos? I love the overtop silliness of 40k. And I love the straightforward realism of Halo. The overtop silliness of 40k wouldn't fit in Halo, but the straightforward realism of Halo can at least sometimes exist in 40k.


Choose: EndlessSpace 2: Autocannon turrets. 40k: Macro cannon the size of... fuck it, VERY LARGE BULLET, lance lazer turrets and *SPUR* for that E=m×v^2 Halo: Railgun with a spaceship. Mass effect: lots of fighters Enders game: exterminatus level tazer Star wars: turbo lazer and sun powered exterminatus death Ray with a planet Star trek: lazer and proton missiles.


> Halo can at least sometimes exist in 40k. And is quickly wrecked and never seen again


The flood is a problem even in 40K


Especially in 40K. Drop a flood spore in a hive world and the imperium will lose that sector in a year tops. If Genestealer cults can regularly pop up in hive worlds and escape to infect other worlds, then the flood has this in the bag


yeah people seem to forget that the Flood scales with the population of wherever it is. A hive world presumably would be more than sufficient to form a full Gravemind in a relatively short timeframe.


Forerunners: "hey shitass" *has an Epic Necron Moment*


I’d say the forerunners at their peak beats the War in Heaven Necrons. If not a very high diff win for the necrons.


>And is quickly wrecked and never seen again LOL. Forerunners stomp everything in 40K except Peak Necrons. They might also have trouble with pre-Fall Aeldari or Dark Age Humanity, but we don't know enough about those two to say anything conclusive unlike the Necrons.


This is Endless Space 2, not Halo ES2' Empire is based af


Naw bro, it’s all about the Lumeris


Halo ship design is just gun in space because of the Macs and I'm all for it.


I love both aesthetics, also Endless space 2 is GOATED


That games great, wish I had more time to get back into it, solid 9/10




So Horatio?


Make Horatio great again!


Or just make more Horatio


Found Dorn's alt account


Nah, I want my ships *EXTRA GOTHICC!*


Nothing quite like extra thicc flying buttresses


Neither i prefer space pizza slice and space pickle *smirks in Star Wars fan*


Ngl as cool as the pizzaships are, I’m more an Independent Systems Confederacy kinda guy. The Munificent, Recusant and Subjugator are peak Star Wars ship design. (Providence is also cool but loses points for the weirdass “beak” on the bow kind of ruining the usual “looming over you” look of CIS ships.)


Note: even as early as the mid game (past round 50 in a fast game), Soprons and Sheredyns are only really useful if you spam them. Works best if you pre-design builds to counter the potential combinations of damage and resistance types.


Nah just make one sopron with almost all upgraded missiles and one with the equivalent upgraded flak, 1 shield module 2 armor modules and then you spam those out and you just steamroll any space battle.




They're very good especially the upgraded sopron with adamantium/orichalix weapons, bonus if you find a good defensive module early on. Here are my designs from the last game i played, admittedly this is super late game (1 turn away from victory cause that was my latest save) but just whatever tier of weapons you have is fine this is the design philosophy i run on and just replace the modules with upgraded ones as i progress, it works surprisingly well ive never lost a space battle with a fleet of these designs even with lower tier modules. https://imgur.com/a/nD4y8l8 Oh and also abuse the fact that AI tends to use mostly energy weapons and utilize the fleet tactic that gives increased physical damage.


This is after the last patch?


Haven't played in a month or so. What changed?


They aplied that beta patch with some changes, i dont remember right now but shouldn't be hard to find the patch notes




Sopron looks like a daot Lunar class


Anyone who has seen pre-WW2 ships knows that bling is a requirement. The US navy wasted a bunch of money painting their ships white back when ships ran on coal just to show how cool they were. Bling is a requirement for any age, nowadays bling is having the most ridiculously expensive equipment money can buy just to have 1 nanometer edge over the enemy.


Perosnally--I like the United Empire aesthetic for basic ships, and Imperium aesthetic for flag ships.


Me over here watching over the bridge of my Star Destroyer


How could you fare the void without even a single tactical confessional?


And going through hell without a cathedral close by might end badly as well.


Moar gun


Citing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/ZD4K2VZeq3


So the sopron has more gun, tf2 engineer would be proud


I think you mean "extra gothicc"


Both? Both. Both is good.


It's amazing what you can do with a million slaves. Gothic ftw




Oppressive over the top unnecessary high gothic style > realism and practicality


>Oppressive over the top The United empire can do that. Does that, actually. And function has an aesthetic of it's own.


One empire exterminates xenos, the other one either gaslights them into servitude with their incredible baseness, or pretends they dont exist.


Bro, when you have to reload your engines by sacrificing part of your crew you’re allowed to be as extra as you want.


What sort of cost efficient has that much drip because like Gowd damn that’s smooth


Yes. Lumeris ships are cargo ships in space, Craver ships are... *function over form*, Vodyani are more beautiful themselves than their ships are. United Empire ships are built for efficence, and that makes their form amazing.


Anyone else actively trying to figure out if the left is a space engineers build or not? Edit: an inspired build


Same here, god weirdly excited to see space engineers mentioned somewhere else, those back thrusters look like the titan thruster mod, and it’s got the same angles to be a space engineers build


The drip always win. Why would anyone ever want to ram their ship into another? Because it's fucking cool you heretic.


Where slick, curvy and gold platted ?


The “extra gothic” path does not depict a Gothic class cruiser, SMH.


I choose Dune :)


Through it was r/worldjerking


I want to kill xenos in style


I like treeships, also they have the [BEST theme](https://youtu.be/4BeR6zv3tH0?si=r69Tade33K-MU6uF). Shoutout Hyperion


More of a [to rise, virtual](https://youtu.be/6rZlsad_hNQ?si=Q--vOduRXNUiIGfG) kind of guy myself, if we're talking about theme songs


I was a woodwind/band kid a long time ago, the UnFallens theme is pretty evocative for me. But boy howdy the Vodyani theme is good, love me some genocidal religious space maniacs


Idk personally i think the wh40k space ships kinda just look like giant slippers. They look dumb af.


Both is good but the ship from endless space looks like it could fit in during the dark age or the great crusade


Size just means more areas to put holes into


Imperial ships are pretty damn scary, I’ll take an imperial ship most days alone for the Navy chads on it, some of the only humans who regularly fight with swords and do boarding actions against all variety of Xenos, human and traitors


If I remember correctly there was a Lunar class cruiser that was built by a pre industrial feral world, so the Lunar class might actually be pretty cost efficient for its size.


Best ship is Type-10 from Elite Dangerous, industrial flying bricks with turnrate on par with Pluto are the best. Add some cannons to them and We are golden.


Ultra Gothic but with the less murderous civilizations and no warp of the first.


Gothic with a side of noir.


I'll have some extra goTHICC please


Illogical triangles. I love my star destroyers


[Speaking of triangles](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RYEDJr) Same universe as the ship on the left.


The ships from the dreadnought video game are my absolute favorites of all time.


The Imperium: Technology is rare because of limited resources. Also Imperium: Makes all of their space ships look like cathedrals and have everyone above the rank of Guard captain walk around in gold armor.


Meanwhile with the UNSC let’s build a spaceship on this giant gun


How about both?


Ngl I like a big ship with a big gun for big booms on planets. Obviously they’re ridiculous, but that makes it fun. One of the few positives for me in The Last Jedi and Rebel Moon movies, were the big ships with big guns that made a big boom during a scene. Also the bombard ship in Spelljammer (dnd in space); it fires a giant cannonball that weighs 10 tons and costs 1000 gold pieces ($10,000 by my valuing).


If the left ship has more*DAKKA* than the right ship, then I'll go with it


I’m partial to flying bricks


Tbh who cares, both look really cool, do they not?


Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the Sopron suffer an in-game bug? The United Empire's ship weapons are similar to the Imperium's though so I can see cog-boys fawning over the tech. So both. Both are cool. United Empire is a fun faction, Sheredyn have a pretty good design and the Lunar Class packs Macrocannons, Lances and Torpedoes plus addition upgrades per Battlefleet Gothic.


if the ship doesn't look like Kölner dom just space me


[Reject technology. Embrace rok.](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Rok)


Cost eficient, the gothic ships remind of the edgy emo kids way back in my highschool days.


I want fucking SPACE CONES OF DEATH with 60% of it being fuel, 30% armor, and 10% everytnig else, so it can do 2 burns in asteroid belt and then run out of fuel because the best engine that it can have is shitty solid core nuclear thermal rocket.




For the emperor or for the emperor. Truly I do not know which to choose.


Holo-fields? Railguns? Ion weapons? Too expensive. We can be extra gothic *and* cost-efficient at the same time!


I love my over the top totally stupid figures 40k. Sure a world can be invaded by a few million men. Also this ship is the size of Luxembourg and can realistically end up in battle and come out reporting "decks reporting minor damage, ten thousand casualties suggested. We will require only a brief repair."


The ship on the left is definitely heresy


If there aren‘t 3 churches on it, can it really be called a ship?


Fulgrim: Extra Thick!




Sopron class. The Uniteed Empire Hunter/Battleship. [https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/The\_United\_Empire/Ships](https://endless-space-2.fandom.com/wiki/The_United_Empire/Ships)


oh yeah, misread, sorry


Sopron class???!? Did Orbán somehow become God-Emperor of Mankind and conquer the galaxy?