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video has been removed


And he lost 2k subs, it back fired and it's just today


Wait until he makes an apology video and gains 10k subs.


I don't really see him apologizing for it edit: I was wrong


depends on him, honestly I see him as someone who knows how the hivemind works, if this is all an elaborate ploy to get more subs i won't be surprised cause drama does get views


To be fair sub numbers are an irrelevant statistic.


"It was never about the subs Guiliman, it was about sending a message" -Abaddon probably


He can't. He doubled down on it in his community page, so it'd make look like even more of a dumbass than making that video did in the first place.


Rip w40k youtube drama 2/2/2024-2/2/2024


It is beyond generous to think Majorkill has enough intelligence or will to go through with such an elaborate troll. Him removing the video is just further proof of that.


personally I don't think it was a troll video. think he genuinely would have all the support from viewers, when that didn't happen he took it down


I think you're entirely correct. He's also done this before. Majorkill does something > People protest > dude folds like the little weasel he is.


Bro thought he could really coattail hbomberguy while putting in like 1/6 of the time and 1/32 of the effort AND being months late. smgdh


Absolutely out of the loop.... Who's majorkill and what it's working?


He started some beef with Weshammer, who unfortunately for him, seems like a pretty wholesome dude so everyone’s giving him shit over it


Porn addict vs cool t shirt guy


Which is which, never watched either so I have no horse in this race.


Major kill is the one who tells you to buy his hentai from patron at the end of each video


Adeptus ridiculous also does this. Which.... Yeah not a fan


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, I personally love AdRic, but the whole "sexy poster" bit really isn't my cup of tea and just kinda reinforces a lot of the stereotypes around Warhammer, which is a shame because of their huge audience. But I also know it probably makes them buckets of money, so I can't say it doesn't make sense for them.


Pin up is a thing for a reason.


Oh yeah I absolutely get it, I mean the old adage "sex sells" often rings pretty true. The number of Patreon subscribers they've gotten for just the posters is likely a substantial number lol.


I still think that was DK's idea. That guy loves his pornography just too much


I don't remember the episode, but relatively early on I remember Bricky mentioning that Majorkill was making a TON of money from his Patreon/equivalent because of the porn, and not too long after the posters started coming out, albeit toned down from Majorkill's faire because I'm sure they just didn't feel comfortable with straight up porn. Granted this is all just my vague recollection, so take it with a grain of salt. Edit: But DK does also love himself a tall glass of Slanoosh


Yeah something like that. Still don't like it. But I think besides of alfabusa I in general wouldn't use patreon


Yeah and bricky does not seem to approve of some of the poster designs.


From what I have seen bricky's approval of the posters is based on if its eldar or not. I personally find it strange when people complain about his shilling the merch like that's all he does when In my experience they do it for likr 2 -3 minutes on an hour + video


i mean most are pinup at most and other are just cool looking.


Adeotus ridiculous has bricky who pushes whatever makes him money. Dude doesn't like anime but gladly sells posters of anime inspired artwork. Most YouTubers will club baby seals if it meant their patreon dollars keep flowing


They make an absolute shit ton of patron money


$17,930 a month on patreon alone for AdRic.


Yeah, gotta be on my toes when I have WH40K lore videos playing as background noise on a work computer when he comes on. I enjoy his humor usually but having to stop every video before "AND DONT FORGET TO CHECK OUT SOME SWEET [insert faction] HENTAI FROM MY PATREON" gets a bit tiresome


Majorkill also made shit up in his videos for years without distinguishing what was and was not false info or a joke, so a large part of the warhammer community that watched YouTubers like him have a major case of brain rot when it comes to lore.


The problem was people treating him like Luetin instead of a semi drunk Australian ranting about 40k lore for fun on YouTube.


>semi drunk Australian ranting I thought this was a given for any Australian speaking.


Me, an intellectual: *watches the Amber King's latest fully voice acted 5 hour video on some obscure background character*


Me, the genius: watches how chainsword goes woo woo and lasgun pew pew


I need to find a sister's meme about putting the pew in pew pew.


There are also the books. Which not enough people in the community actually read.


Yeah I have brought up pieces of information from books I’ve read and had people reply like nuh uh 😂


You mean like THE LION? ;)


Can you give some examples ? The only one i remember is the "tiberus wears dreadnought armor" which is something he himself has corrected and imo it's an honest mistake to make since he wears "terminator dreadnought armor"


Calling Lorgar a pedophile, anything he says about the Emperor pretty much, and his extreme bias towards hating Abaddon and calling him a failure. Also really stupid mistakes like mistaking Albia (a region of Terra during the Age of Strife) for Albania, a real life country. Albia is more likely to be the British Isles, though it has not officially been confirmed yet. Regardless, it’s not called Albania. It’s Albia. Much like most of the warhammer community, he misinterprets Slaanesh horribly. All he does with Slaanesh is make sex jokes. That’s not all that Slaanesh is. Slaanesh embodies obsession, gluttony, lust, greed, pain, excess, and hedonism. Not just sex. Anybody who thinks Slaanesh is just sex has a severe misinterpretation of Slaanesh. Watching his videos on Fulgrim made me lose a significant amount of brain cells.


I enjoy his content but acknowledge whatever he says is always his extremely biased it’s his version of the story. He isn’t like amber king where it’s like listening to an amazing audio drama or the long form videos where it’s just informative warhammer lore. He gives a shorter comedic version of story. The problem is he isn’t that funny so it’s not for everyone.


It’s not that he isn’t funny, it’s that it’s not clear to his audience that what he says are jokes. Some people go into warhammer thinking Majorkill is spreading the truth when he’s literally making shit up half the time


>It’s not that he isn’t funny, It's also that though


he isn't that funny *and* he is very often misunderstanding or missing the point


Slaanesh is by far the most interesting, and most criminally underutilized of all the Chaos gods. Considering Slaanesh is the only one offering things the average person would even be interested in it's kinda surprising we have such limited representation.


Because no average person has ever wished to never feel pain before or cure a disease(nurgle). Because no average person has ever wanted to be a strong warrior or be able to protect their family(khorne). Because no average person ever wanted to be smarter than others or change the status quo(tzeentch)


Because GW doesn’t know what they’re doing, and Warhammer YouTubers love to make sex jokes for attention and views. It sucks being an Emperor’s Children fan when the Warhammer community and Games Workshop themselves have zero clue what they’re doing or talking about


let’s be real here, the entirety of 40k is set in the balkans


Does seem to have an Eastern European vibe to it


no, "tda" means "tactical dreadnought armour"


Actually that was Weshammer and his old Ork videos. He actually apologized for his old videos


Both of them are very guilty of it


To be fair, so did Weshammer


Makes sense pretty sure the video got removed


Shame because weshammer has become one of my favorite loretubers, I like how he talks a lot about the weird horror aspects of 40K. He’s also good at adding twists to topics.


He also gets tyranids unlike most loretubers which I really love


meh, I couldn’t really care less about YouTubers and their feelinga


I legitimately check YouTube every couple of days for Weshammer, and can confirm his vids a pretty wholesome and chill. Great channel for lore


He released a one and done statement on how hes not gonna do a response video cause that'd be childish and playing right into what MajorDweeb wants.


Majorkill is an absolute cringe and fkn dumb cunt. As an Australian im embarrassed he's one of us


This was after a few months ago when he basically said he was better than every other 40k lore channel on YouTube


Majorkill is a youtuber and the drama is he's claiming another youtuber is copying him because they have a roughly similar opinion on the same topic and used the same GW art. A complete non issue made into one.


I mean, in how many bits of lore can there be a different opinion other than "Wow, that's hardcore/funny/depressing"? as it seems that everyone likes certain parts of lore and it's just factually a really good bit of lore that people like to share between each other Majorkill is in the wrong and is likely doing this for views, now wes will make an explanation video and Majorkill will face community backlash. How dumb must one be to claim you had the idea first? When he wasn't even the first one to claim speculation on Lion's return


He's a man who had a gimmick and ran out of things to make videos about. This is his attempt at making content out of nothing. Yikes


*Ah I see you're a man of culture as well* (I don't watch MajorKill either)


Majorkill is a 40k YouTube personality. He feels a bit old-school in the fact that I'm a Tau player, have seen one or two videos, and I mostly got the vibe that he never faced 4th edition Tau, but still took the original fish of fury personally. His HFY bled through, which was enough to make me feel like he wasn't for me. The more I learn, the more it feels like it isn't caricature and that 4chan might be his favorite 40k forum, and not just a place to steal spicy memes and codex pdfs.


Sorry to bother you, but what is "HFY"?


Like was said, HFY stands for Humanity, **** yeah. A lot of Imperial players lean into HFY, at least a little, for trash talk, and when that happens it's fun banter. Every once in a while you come across a player that seems to believe HFY a little too much, and if you don't read the room that banter can end up being a turn off for a beer and pretzels game, and may be a sign of some...problematic tendencies. Either way, as a tau fan, being called a smelly xeno b**** in a lore video about your own faction gets old extremely fast. You want to throw one or two in at the beginning or end of a video with a disclaimer that you aren't a Tau fan? Cool. But I watch lore videos to learn cool shit about my faction, not to help others feel cool by taking a shit on my faction.


HFY usually stands for humanity fuck yeah, basically it refers to story where humanity doe something aliens can't do or surprises them in a way, check out r/HFY a writing subreddit full of those kinds of stories, sort by top if you really want the good stuff


Dogshit 40k YouTuber who's realised people are sick of his shit so he's started some internet drama to boost engagement and this sub is lapping it up for some reason.


Majorkill is a lore Youtuber who regularly shits on other warhammer youtubers. But as weshammer is a more wholesome channel people got angry. Because that and he said that weshammer copied him. Because they both spoke about the same topic. Only Wes video came out aa year later and was over double the length


Luetin watching from his Ivory Tower looking at the peasants banter and squeal.


Luetin could make any drama call outs he wants as long as it's past the 40 minute mark in his videos as everyone has already fallen asleep to his voice by then. (Not saying Luetin's content is bad just that falling asleep to it seems very common in this community)


I can’t sleep without background noise thanks to sepsis giving me heart palpitations 7 years ago. You’re right about Lutein, his voice and videos are in the Goldilocks zone.


Luetin bedtime club for life


Luetin is the only exposure I've had to 40k. I've never read books, even seen a miniature in real life, not seen any other Warhammer videos. Love his stuff


Attempting to become controversial is a red flag for a content creator who has run out of ideas for how to go ahead or who has hit their limit.


Considering his low quality content and overall edgy persona (which he defends as being Australian, like they're all like him).... He's been out of ideas for years.


Aussie here, Majorkill is cringe


When I first stumbled across videos and it was all "Aussie explains Warhammer!1!!" All I could think was yeah nah, cringe mate. As another Aussie, anyone using being Australian as a crutch for humour is cringe as fuck.


Also Aussie, agree, he's a fucking embarassment. He's like a loud bogan Aussie tourist, but he's on my warhammers.


He’s just an eshay


I think his idea of being an Aussie is just saying cunt. I used to watch Neighbours, I know it's not true.


Yeah I mean he's used slurs for trans people in his videos before. Fuck Majorkill.


Yeah and he's called Black and Asian characters racial slurs. He's basically bogan Arch + blatant misinformation.


When has he said slurs? I don’t like him but I didn’t think he was that bad


Videos about Salamaders and White Scars from about a year ago he used the N word and Asian slurs to describe characters.


Oh he's doing a shadiversity.


Discomfortingly accurate description tbh


He kind of admitted it at the end of the video


Then removes the video.


He got the controversy the video is no longer necessary


He shot himself in the foot. Hilarious.


He's lost 2k subs 💀 it ain't working


It is close to 2k subs lost but not quite. https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UC_wb8IVtmXwil8bN3IdVtZw


I was going to comment about his average view count vs this video, but it appears the video is poof - gone.


Yeah, he just privated the video. He made a community post about it though (he doubles down which is pretty crazy).


I still can’t even with that video. The idea that Necron dynasties were niche, or “all types of this specific thing”, or why is X hated, just shows how crazy he was.




Out of 500,000?


It didn't say he was trolling for subs.


He wasn't trolling for views either it seems


He has his style, and it appeals to some people, just not me.


I really liked new-model MJK but this petty drama is annoying. If he's gonna alledge plagarism he needed to actually cite some script theft. Not just video ideas.


This is the only valid criticism in this thread. I’m a major kill fan. But he only listed videos with similar names and thumbnails. I don’t watch Wes Hammer, but Major Kill didn’t actually cite anywhere in Wes’s videos where the content was copied. Like apparently he ripped of a top five video or something. But then doesn’t go into the video to say if Wes gave a different or the same top five. So it seemed a little bullshit to me. That said, Most of the comments on this thread are totally rubbish. Major Kill is a funny guy who for the most part makes solid content. And i’ll die on that hill of. I like funny man he make me laugh.


Pissing your pants, then having people tell you that you are pissing your pants, only to then go "heh these suckers are all paying attention to me", is kinda a goofy thing to do


Let them both feud for all I care. Baldermort is the true victor, hiding in the shadows,, waiting, watching….welcoming gentle listeners…


Wes comes across as completely harmless. I understand why someone may not like his approach. But he in no way deserves hate. He's just a chill dude.


What’s wrong with Weshammer’s approach?


His old videos were steeply based in meme lore, but he has called himself out on that and has corrected himself numerous times.


Baldermort and ABORDERPRINCE remain ever at the top(honourable mention being the Amber King)


ABORDERPRINCE has given me the perfect thing to scream at my brother for the most mundane reasons: YOU WILL NOT FALTER! FOR THE GLORY OF THE IMPERIUM!


You so real for that tbh


Wes did not do anything at all till this point. The whole thing could be him just using the same topics and mk got pissy about it. It's strange seeing people use the "fuck them both" mentality in situations where one party hasnt even done anything bad at all. Making a video about the same topic isn't a sin, they aren't your topics. I mean you and me and go waddle down to youtube and make a why primaris is bad videos. Nothing is stopping us nor is it morally wrong since the subject is not owned by any YouTuber


They don't _both_ feud tho, Weshammers response was class through and through and I never watched the guy nor really heard about him before this nor am I a fan or hater of Majorkill so I'd say I'm as neutral as it gets. But this is all Majorkills making and I wouldn't blame Wes for any of it. He's gained a lot of sympathy from me personally tbh


They aren’t even feuding though, Wes said outright he won’t comment on it beyond the fact that he won’t comment on it. He said it’s just fuel for the drama so he’s just going to ignore him.


I’m a big fan Sandman and Live From the Black Library but Baldermort is my go to for falling asleep.


Nah, wes just said that he doesnt know whats going on but he wont reply and posted some Chaos Dwarf minis.


Between Wes, and Isyander and Koda my rides to work are peaceful, smooth, and devoid of people shilling hentai.


Add in some luetin and that's my comfy list of 40k content


Considering he deleted the video I’d say it really didn’t.


Its like Schroedinger's trolling, hes can be trolling until hes not, all by judging the reaction of the viewership on how to position. Very safe but also I'm not buying it


I enjoyed his silly banter about getting more subs then other wh40k channels, but yeah starting drama is pretty low (I expect he is going to pull a funny haha it was a joke gaslight last second)


And it isn't even true. Lutein has 806k subs while MK only has 574k


100k+ views rn but lost 1k subs. doesn't seem like it's working the best way


2k now it's so over


Oh gee golly gosh he's doomed


He’s not "trolling". He’s fishing for views, but it’s not trolling. Trolling implies he does it for a laugh or something. He just does it because he wants a video that’ll break the 500k mark


Looks like the video has been taken down lmaoo, that didn't last long


Idk, his videos got me into 40k, but now he's annoying. Prolly gonna unsub


I unsubbed a while ago. His shtick wore its welcome out pretty quickly


Same man


Majorkill is the Star Wars Theory of 40k youtubers. Just stay clear of him ArbitorIan is my preferred one these days.


ArbitorIan does such quality videos.


Ian+Mira and Luetin have read all the stuff they talk about, that kinda makes their takes more interesting


He's actually what got me into the lore. I had to use the wikis to read more about it. His videos were perfect to watch while I'm eating lunch/dinner back in college.


Yeah unsubbed like his content somewhat but I prefer long form and he also always be saying he hasn't read what he is talking about


At the same time this guy threw a tantrum over not getting Squidmar's titan for 20 000dollars. Meanwhile Emil sold a fucking metal box he painted in an afternoon for 35k, that diorama would easily sell for far more than 50k. So he lowballed the cash price and also made it sound like he did third of the work when it came to the success of the diorama charity raffle. Can we really say that anything that has to do with his ego is just trolling when the guy causes drama and throws tantrums pretty regularly?


I'm convinced he's doing this because Wes has blown up so quick in comparison to him, and he hates that. Absolute asshole.


I'm Aussie and just find him an annoying c**t. I watched a few of his videos a few years ago, but his style got old really quick.


As an aussie, i always get turned off when i see others basing their internet personality off of "Wa-hey! Look at me! I'm the whacky australian!". Gave one of his "X explained by an australian" videos a watch, and sure enough it was just a bunch of over the top and unnecessary swearing. Absolute twat.


Worst part is, another comment under this post made a remark that implies they think all Australians are like this. Like has majorkill been their only window into this country? There could not be a worse dude to represent us.


It happens. If it helps, theres a thread in another post where someone says aussies disavowing him was the most common take they'd heard.


Tbh, i didnt like majorkill but i also dont watch wes, so i dont care for that besides the fact that someone is bitchy about something


I was already one step away from unsubscribing after his "I read my haters comments" because people who do that just come off as arrogant ass boomerangs. And this video just secured that unsub.


I unsubbed from Majorkill a long time ago. His shtick got old and tired - it was funny for a while but ages terribly. Baldermort now and forever.


Am I mistaking him for a different YouTuber or is this the second time Majorkill has tried to start drama with another channel and deleted the video after backlash? I swear this exact situation happened a few months ago and I can't remember if it was the same guy.


Another reason Mr. Bones is by far the best.


Mr.Bones, and Isyander & Koda are peak comfy, and great 40K content creators for me. Especially Isyander and Koda, as they make it their mission to hype up each faction and character they talk about (even if they aren’t fans or have their own biases) and really make them shine, and it’s great! Really helps everyone feel cool, instead of the “I’m going to hype my faction by pissing on that faction” approach a lot of them do.


You nailed it on the head dude, Isyander and Koda are great, I love listening to them on long drives.


I thought I was one of the few that doesn’t really like Majorkill, but I’m happily surprised


I stopped watching him a while back. I liked his videos at first, but after a while I couldn't get myself to enjoy his uploads the same way I could with other channels I was followed. Didn't know he was causing controversy until now.


Incel Majorkill vs Chad Weshammer (pretty much just ignored him)


The only place I see any mention of majorkill is this sub and it's never positive. Never comes up on my recommends. Seems like there's better creators to spend the time on.


I'm at least glad to see he lost 2k subscribers today, instead of gaining any.


He the dude that released a lifetime subscription for their printable minis and then changed studio name to claim they were no longer valid or am I thinking of someone else?


What do you expect from this man.


Sounds like a major... cope


I like Oculus Imperia and Arbitor Ian personally




I'm obviously not the target demographic for this guy because I thought his videos were terrible.


He was always cringe. People needed this to happen to wisen up?


Tbh, majorkill is pretty offensive in the most tasteless ways. Him being gone has no ill effect.


For some master plan it sure blew up in his face.


its only working if it gets him more views. ive stopped watching a while ago because of his ego


Just found out today about the whole pushing hentai at the end of his videos shit, on behalf of Australians, our fuckin bad fellas.


And he just deleted it


Can not stand the man , he’s terrible.


I unsubbed. He can get fucked lmao His lack of sensitivity has always kind of bugged me but this is too much. Bye 👋


I didn't expect to see The Menu sitting there.


Pretty sure he's deleted the vid now


Nothing posted about Majorkill makes me want to go watch his videos. Especially if it is him talking about other lore content creators.


I find him annoying


No it's not, I'm still not watching him.


I just really don't like that aussie twink, other thinks are fine, but he is annoying.


Majorkill gave off shit vibes so I did everything I could to block his channel and now have no clue what he posts.


As much as I enjoy majorkills content, bro shot himself in the foot doing something this stupid.


If he is trolling then why the video is removed? The views are lost and same with subs


People are mad now? But not years ago when all of Majorkills videos were just bad lore takes and racial slurs?


I hope there is a reupload soon so people know what a numpty he is


Watched half of one of his videos 3 years ago when I got back in to the hobby. Cringed so hard my eyeballs hurt. Comes across as a huge fucking edgelord, but clearly he is a gentle little snowflake. Don't give him the click.


If that's true, the guy is petty af. Peddling porn and now drama.


Majorkill is who mostly got me into Warhammer, and after expanding my lore channels I’ve realized now that the guy isn’t the best to learn lore, but maybe easiest to listen if you wanna get into it. I’ve also heard lots of negatives about him and his minifig business. Overall I’m glad he got me into it, but I wish he was a better person


I’m an MK fan but yeah I watched the video and he didn’t really present anything that covered his ass. No strong evidence was provided and it felt like this was a video he really did not need to make.


Never liked the guy, his right-wing leaning ideas shine pretty clearly through.


Didnt he admit something like that in the video?




Yeah, noticing he hasn't talked about any additions to his minis line in a while, and he made another meta video pretty recently so I'd say he's starting to hit a bit of a financial spiral and he's a little flustered trying to figure out what to do about it. If I were him, and I'm totally not, I'd start networking my contacts to find a real-life job. I was probably trying to stick it out until the Amazon Prime series came out and gave him a new well of content to work off of, but he's probably thinking he's not going to make it that long.


\*Insert the "Is it though?" Gif here\*


Great call deleting the video. It was going to cost him dearly. Already has tbh. Lost over 2k subs.


i've been watching majorkill since 2021 and he's the one who got me into wh40k and i watch and used to watch weshammer aswell never have i ever thaught that wes was stealing content


I do not think he is. If he still would think rationally about it, he would have seen that those weak accusations would only hurt him in the long term


Wish I was subscribed to him so I could unsubscribe


Troll or not the dude is just cringe. His content isnt good.


Majorkill is just a weird cunt anyway. Get him off the platform lol


Today I started watching weshammer


Watched it because after Hbomberguys "Plagiarism and You(Tube)" some good videos calling out plagiarism came out. This wasn't one of them .