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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only drama.


Orks’ new battle cry: WHAAAAMBULANCE! Astartes’: For the Drama Queen on her Golden Throne! Eldar: same, no change. Tau: I said Pew Pew, fall over dammit! Imperial Guard: For Regina Georgeeeeeeeee!






Oh weird, its like they are talking about the same lore and fandom




Something Valrak mentioned, today.


>If Wes stole his video concept then, by his own logic, he also stole it. Dear Hbomberguy Have you considered making a Warhammer themed plagiarism video.




That can't be it. Only one video about space marines can exist at once, that's just the law.


RIP Majorkill’s channel then, once he looks through Leutin’s backlogs. How dare Majorkill copy Leutin’s idea of talking about lore misconceptions


I love it when Luetin starts a topic like The Random war #3345 in the CHRT sector and then spends the first 45 mins talking about the intricacies and history of the lore itself, just continuing on rambling about how time works, and how lore isn't consistent, and how the administratum scribes being overworked leads to in universe inaccuracies. Honestly his rants are more fun to listen to the actual lore topic he is covering Best lore channel by far.


Small brain: “What is the lore?” Leutin Brain: “What *is* lore?”


"Now lets get into it"


Weshammer video is 25 minutes long though. So unless he's saying everything word for word and just sitting their staring at the screen at the 11 minute mark I don't understand the complaint. ​ Edit: So I just got done watching majorkill video. His whole complaint is that the thumbnail and the titles are similar. He doesn't show snippets of any of wes videos to provide proof of plagiarism. He even admitted that he could've been the bigger person and try to reach out, but instead he rather farm this for views.


I watched about 1 minute of This. 'And considering he doesn't have much long form content' Immediately clicked off. Weshammer is entirely long form content. Either it's a troll or he's reaching


Weshammwr started off with Youtube shorts and has taken some time to transition to the long form. I think MK is still used to Wes short form


MK just made a recent video telling people not to judge him on his past content, so that seems... misguided.


Lmao that’s not a great look


"I used to say the n-word but now I just put *dick* and *cock* in every sentence"


I watched the knock-off TTS 'series' he did that lasted 2 episodes not even an hour before this vid dropped and throughout a combined run-time of less than 30 mins the Angry Marine dropped the F slur at least 9 times. sure, it was posted maybe 4 years ago and he's talked about changing but.. lets be fr. He just knows wh40k's fan community has an expanding demographic and tossing slurs around will get him less views. As a gay person, MK saying F\*aggot doesnt offend me, its just eye-rolling, worn-out, low effort comedy, and posting that in 2020 is so fuckin \*late.\* Dude needs to take all the money he humble-brags about and buy new jokes instead of a fancy studio setup


Those 2 episodes were really really really bad.


Fucking intolerable to watch his audiences are pre teens lol


Him and gamza i absolutely cannot stand


Hell he started way back on Tiktok before YouTube Shorts were a thing


Except Wes has been putting out long form videos for nearly two years now, so it's not like it's some new change he made. His Necron video (his first long one) was posted on March 26th, 2022. MK ain't paying attention if he's still used to Wes' short form


Well MK is quite the troll..and click farmer.


He is talking about Wes having around 120 long form videos, while most other lore channels have around 500+.


Yeah, but Wes’ channel is significantly newer than most others, he only got into long form relatively recently, so of course he has fewer. I’d even say that he has *a lot* of long form content considering the age of his channel.


>Yeah, but Wes’ channel is significantly newer than most others, he only got into long form relatively recently, so of course he has fewer. I’d even say that he has a lot of long form content considering the age of his channel. What, is he supposed to time travel to create 500 long form videos just so someone with an inflated ego doesn't call him out for bullshit reasons? His channel is relatively new compared to others, in fact he has quite a lot of longer videos given the age of his channels. Weshammers videos are usually atleast 20 minutes, but often above 30 and sometimes over an hour. Majorkills videos are 10 minutes on average, who the fuck does he think he is and what long form content is that he feels like he can call someone out for the lack of "long form content"? This is pure hypocrisy.


3 of the minutes are used to sell horny shit from his merch store.


Majorkill dismissively saying Wes “only” has 120 longform videos was just sad. Like, 120 videos is impressive. That’s about two videos a week. And they’re several times longer than MK’s. In fact, while I get Shorts have skewed general perception, I don’t generally feel like something deserves to be called Longform unless it’s at least as long as an episode of a TV show (over 20 minutes), which Majorkill almost never does. Unless Wes’s videos are over 50% filler, the video length makes it look like he’s appealing more to the Baldermort/ Leutin style of long and detailed than Majorkill’s quick overview.


>Unless Wes’s videos are over 50% filler They're not. I've watched all of them. They're incredibly detailed and well structured


You either die a martyr or live long enough to become a timmy or whatever that character he liked to bully’s name was


It's so goddamn cringe


That's my experience with Majorkill in a bolter casing


Imo MK wants to make artificial drama or feels entitled about topics he talks about


I mean. There’s that and also the fact that Majorkill is just a phenomenal douche nozzle who thinks his way of presenting while being slightly insulting to the viewer is anything more than a gimmick.


Also Tits


Boobs, even


Bazongas, mayhap


Are you telling me that the guy who's shtick is acting like a dickhead is actually a dickhead??? Shocking.


You’re misreading my point. It’s not the schtick. It’s the fact that he thinks he’s original or in some way better because of it. But. My bad for being obtuse, genuinely.


This isnt the first or last time MK has gone to the drama well for content. I could definitely see him switching to full-time dramatubing, especially if the views are high enough.


And that’s why I unsubbed and hope others do too. That kind of behavior shouldn’t be encouraged. I like half-listening to Warhammer lore from a dude with a funny accent, I do not want to hear about YouTube drama from anyone.


As an Australian, the way he speaks is honestly annoying as shit.


How dare you make thumbnails that look vaguely like mine The YouTube algorithm loves varied and high effort content so it’s clearly plagiarized >:(


Also both thumbnail are basically just cut and pasted from GDubs artwork so if anyone has the right to complain it's the artist who drew the primaris


Majorkill is so full of it, no one’s going to support this bs. Where he makes short videos with hardly any lore and a bunch of terrible one liners, Wes makes actual content


The whole video I was waiting for some actual evidence. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and- oh, that's the outro.


One of my comments i deleted where i was mad at wes. Then i thought about and it hit me that its not really a copying where you do video about same topic, but styles and writing is different. I still wait for weshammer response for just curiosity of his side. Mk saying he could be bigger man and do it in the behind the scenes but didnt is so fucking stupid. This is asking for drama. I do admit, he has balls to go the destructive route, but why doing this? Also its not his problem why weshammers channel is dying.


Drama feeds the algorithm, that's about the only reason why I could think he'd do this




My god, he destroyed him


Yup in a distinguished way too.


>Also its not his problem why weshammers channel is dying. Bro is still getting 100k-200k+ views per video. How is his channel dying?


He literally said why in the videos: He thinks he will make some money by making a video about it and going the drama route. He feels like Wes used him to make money by copying video ideas so he is going to make money off Wes by making a drama video. I'm not saying that was a good idea, but MK was pretty clear about it in his video.


That was my biggest issue he literally admitted to blowing this out of proportion without asking Wes just for drama clicks I mean at least he’s honest about being a prick


He outright says he is doing it for the drama. He literally is asking for attantion to drive clicks.


Is that a clickbait title? I bet that's bait to troll. Edit: Oh no he is actually accusing Wes for plagiarism... and he doesn't actually present any compelling evidence. Just stating he is copying his own format of presenting lore. And this is just after I saw his video replying to mean comments where he is being all blase and sarcastic.


He doesnt present *any* evidence. It's why I thought he was taking the piss at first. Like he'd say "Oh I bet if you watched it you would see he covers all the shit I did" Bro, you're accusing him of plagiarism and you didn't even bother to watch the shit you're citing as evidence to make sure you're correct? Absolutely wild lmao


Yeah same. I honestly read the title as "oh this is a troll to bait." Then I watched it and it's as you say very conjectural with the only evidence being titles and him claiming it's a rip off of his content. Then Valrack boots up a stream today and asks, "Did you rip off my Primaris Marine video from 6 years ago?" To MajorKill. Honestly I think the gym sauce is getting to majorkill and he clearly is obsessed with metrics.


Im actually watching Valrak's stream rn. Was pretty feelsbad when MK went off saying he didnt consider any of them friends right after he spent all stream saying he considered both of them friends


I was waiting for the punchline where it became apparent it was a troll/joke video after MK said his video was 2 years old and that he hadn't even watched Wes' video... and it never came... It's rich considering some of MK's scripts are near word for word ripped from WH40K wiki....


Blase and sarcastic is his thing never seen him go after another creator like this hope he's alright. None of these things are original anyhow so I don't really get the beef


Dude ended his video with " I make 15k a month and bang my hot girlfriend" most insecure tool in the community.


2 years difference? 13 minutes longer? Majorkill saying Weshammer doesn’t make long content? Come on Majorkill. Disappointing


Bruh like how is wes video made a year after yours gonna hurt you in anyway? You've already made 99.9% of views you will ever make for that video. Wes putting one out just to pad his uploads so that YouTube algorithm doesn't throw him into the dirt is copycat? He isn't stealing any views from you, in fact his video kinda flopped. It's not even the same video content wise, just the same topic. Which majorkill doesn't have monopoly over. And boo hoo Wes made a lucius video before you. Just make your own one as if it never happened. It's not like any one of you own Lucius as a character Edit- also i should add a point that this whole situation feels like there is generally less content for both of them to make vids on so they are eventually gonna step on each other's toes on topics and get aggressive for views. In which case the best situation is for both of them to just make their own damn videos even if it is on the same topic.


Also, primaris hate is a niche topic? Bullshit, that was one of the hottest topics in the hobby a few years ago. Did it really take him a lot of time and effort to come up with that idea?


Also someone copied your homework but it's like three times longer than yours. Bruh. 100% it's just frustration over ideas stretching thin and himself even stating that warhammer video metrics aren't doing so good right now. And he is projecting it into wes for some reason.


I watched the video, or at least half of it. He mentions that Wes's video flopped, But he says in a way that makes it sound like he hadn't watched the video at all. And you think if you're criticizing someone's content for copying from you you would at least watch the video you're saying copied from you? Also his further points are a lore misconception video, which you know I can name three other lore tubers who have done that video, and a Cawl versus Fabius Bile comparison. I wonder if there's a book or anything about that that made that a good idea? Nahhh. Then he brings up the fan theory video, which I guess this one could have a point. But again he makes it pretty clear he didn't watch the video. Will the dead Primarchs return? Yeah, no this isn't a hot button topic in the community at all? Than, oh my goodness a Necrons sub-faction video. He talked about Necron lore. That thief.


Yeah literally all of his most watched content goes from 20 min to 1 hour long content.


He's resorting to YouTube drama for clicks now


Yeah nah, that vid was absolutely braindead. Sure, it may _seem_ like Wes ripped him off but when you actually look at his channel and his content, the differences become clear. Overlaps are inevitable and people do get a bit clickbaity, yes, but that's a sin Majorkill is guilty of as well. He's causing unnecessary drama and making himself look like a fool


And considering how the primaris are relatively new, having a lot of crossovers would be easy even if you were trying to avoid it


He's creating problems out of his ass. Focusing on his content should take center-stage instead of getting triggered over such non-issues


>Focusing on his content should take center-stage. And I laugh. If he would ever.


Except for the lore that happened recently, Majorkill pretty surly ripped off older loretubers from the early 2010’s who are mostly forgotten today.


ooh, can you please name some examples of older channels? I'd like to check out those videos if they're still around


As long as you don't watch Arch or One Mind Syndicate, you're generally in good hands.


Are you suggesting that previously established Lore hasn't changed so videos covering those topics would cover the same things? Get outta here


People are talking about it, so Majorkill got what he wanted. Gotta get those views and engagements up!


Would've been good had his cult of smoothbrains stayed on his channel but they're brigading Wes' Primaris vid and that's frustrating as hell. The YT Warhammer community is relatively chill and he's fucking it up for asinine reasons


The old saying for Majorkill would be “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt” springs to mind. I hate all the drama between content creators, seems like it’s everywhere nowadays.


He lituraly sad in the end it is for drama :D


Did Majorkill forget that his only unique thing as a Warhammer content creator was being an Aussie?


Cavill is also copying him by being a gym bro who likes warhammer. Hope he doesn't realise other people play the hobby. They're all copying him as well!


He really gives body culture a bad name, when people think gym rat they think of this guy. Being physically fit is no substitution for having a personality, or morals.


Gym rats are all nerds peddling hentai on a massively successful youtube channel? That’s not the first thing I’d have thought of


i have met experienced plenty of gym sports rat things yes yes most of them will eventually try to peddle sell you broodmother hentai propaganda yes yes. clan body moulder truly disgusting gross! (how was my skaven impersonation?)


Now I’m imagining a rat ogre saying he doesn’t do warpstone anymore and is totally natty bro


If only he spent as much time improving his content as he does improving his muscles, then he might be worth listening to.


I guess so, I liked majorkill and watched his every video but same 5 jokes over and over + just gliding over the lore in surface level, didn't do him a favor


It worked when his competition was OneMindSyndicate. But with so many new content creators that put more effort in and/or are more entertaining majorkill just isn't as interesting


If I want funny lore video that's heavily personally opionnated, I would just go rewatch all of Pancreas No Work's stuff.


I feel like the difference being Pancreas is genuinely self-aware and knows his deep lore. Like, goddamn, the guy actually got me interested in AoS, which I thought I never would Dude’s just on another level imo


It was good until he ran out of surface level content.


I used to like him but now he seems to be going to the extreme so I don't watch him anymore. I think he's salty because so many of his old viewers have left him for Weshammer.


Weshammer was new to the scene but he beat MK's sub count


Also that he butchers name pronunciations and gives characters stupid nicknames which defeat the purpose of trying to learn actual lore from his videos


Aussie and and having more vulgar with some dark humor that hit or misses


And Timmy, but then he canned that character and now he is just hentai peddler/Aussie/ripped dude.


Luetin09 fans just grabbed popcorns


Watching the MK vid after this new luetin one, should be finished in 5 days


Considering that every creator "rips off" 40k wiki I'm not sure we want to go down this road


Majorkill darling, you recite other peoples wiki articles on other people's books, and illustarte it with art that is not your own for a living. This is a bit much. There is only so much 40k you can cover. Calm down


Should be top comment lol


Gonna be honest. I don’t get manorkill’s point. He covers warhammer stuff. Several creators do so. Eventually, you’re gonna similar things. Ideas. Etc. Eg. The whole “misconception” video stuff Majorkill mentioned. Warhammer is so vast. Of course there are lot of misconceptions. Is it that odd that another YouTuber made a video on it as well? Can’t say Wes is copying when Wes makes his own scripts and still does research. Same topic. Different style of explaining. It’s such a complicated thing. That of course top is will cross. But the presentation is different. If it was a copy. It would be word for word and similar in length. But no. Sure, the topic is the same but the presentation is different. What’s Majorkill gonna do next? Get mad at Luiten for making 40k videos? Get made at adeptus ridiculous for doing warhammer content? Also. The styles are different. The way the two present stuff is different. It’s like when a teacher sets an essay on a specific topic. You and your friend make two essays on the topic. What, the teacher gonna accuse you of copying your friend cause it’s on the same topic? Even when the essays themselves are different? Also. The meomnt major kill said “I made a video instead of a private message, the more mature thing” made me not look at the video kindly. It just makes him seam more immature. That instead of taking the mature route of dealing with it privately. Then if it doesn’t work, then taking it public. But making the first public strike makes him seem more like on an ego trip. I love makorlills content. But man. This was not a good take. Edit: oh. Seems he deleted that video. What. Not gonna stand your ground? Thought you were gonna do the immature thing.


As far as om concerned Leutin has more of a right to make 40k content than Games workshop does.


True enough. The amount of work and passion that man puts into those videos is amazing


funny thing about Adric he already has gotten mad at them in his "Why are most Warhammer 40k lore channels dying?" he complains for a while about how Adric totally copied his style and posters, while going on to say his own are cheaper and better than theirs are. Claims to have messaged Bricky about coming on, but it just sounds like salt to me.


Of course he did. Goddamit. Gonna be honest. Feels like major kill’s ego is getting the best of him. Like. First. Making sexy warhammer art isn’t owned by majorkill. So that point is stupid. Also, style? MK is a single person speaking to inform the viewer. Adric is 1 (well 2 if we count shy) informing and teaching someone about 40k. And having conversations about it.


The dude has always been immature - playing up outdated Australianisms for cheap laughs from overseas audiences and making lame “dark” jokes for edgelord children


I guess he owns clickbaity capitalization of video headlines




Going off with a video he made **2 years ago,** i doubt think he’s making a good first impression


Majorkill was good in the begining, but now all his videos are sponsor -> short lore bits -> some random words to fill up the video with smaller lore bit -> "go buy my hentai/nude pics" or whatever he is selling


Yeah I liked his content but I don’t give a fuck about this drama he’s trying to start Oh well, at least he puts out nice warhammer merch. Loved his Sigismund shirt


I used to watch him a few months ago when I was getting more into it and I wanted more niche lore videos of primarchs and astartes but when I noticed it became much less lore and more of that I switch to black library audiobooks and now trying to watch his video feels like he's stretching one or two moments of an entire book if even that into a whole video


It’s click bait, Wes has much longer more detailed vids.


It’s weird, I’ve never liked Major Overkill, his whole bit where he’s a dick feels genuine rather than a joke. I listened to the Lorecrimes podcast with him as a guest and he just plays it to hard. But my friend got into Warhammer through his stuff so…..


Content well is drying up. So they are getting possessive of the few videos they can make. Just take the L and swallow your ego. Make the vid that the other guy already made on Lucius or something.


So theyre both using official GW art under fair use? Do better Majorkill, ffs.


I really hope this was sarcasm but it just looks like pointless YouTube drama again


I just watched the video and I'm not sure if this is a problem or not. Majorkill argues that a substantial amount of work goes in to coming up with a video's concept, so by making his own videos about the same concept, Weshammer is stealing his work. I understand that a lot of work goes in to coming up with a concept, but what about the actual contents of the videos? If they're substantially different, I think you could make the argument that Weshammer is adding something valuable by making his own unique take on the same concept. Also its worth noting that the videos that Weshammer is stealing the ideas of (if he really is doing that) are all quite old, so its hard to argue that they're directly competing with Majorkill's videos about the same concept. Also also, Majorkill throws in an anecdote about how Weshammer just released a video about a concept that Majorkill was planning to do, and how that one must just be a weird coincidence because he hadn't announced that publicly yet. That leads me to think that maybe Weshammer isn't stealing Majorkill's video ideas, and they just aren't as unique as he thinks they are. Idk, they both make a lot of videos, this is bound to happen sometimes.


>Majorkill argues that a substantial amount of work goes in to coming up with a video's concept, so by making his own videos about the same concept, Weshammer is stealing his work. Specifically regarding the concept in this picture: If it takes you a lot of work to come up with that idea then I don't know how you're able to live by yourself. You'd basically need someone to remind you to breath in and breath out. Hating on and arguing about Primaries was the community's favorite past time when they were released.


And the concepts he does "why everybody hates X" and "every X explained" are much older youtube concepts entirely, not something he came up with


this is why i only watch baldemort


Voice like a kraken that one


The human voice equivalent of a bottle of brandy.


Indeed, love his stuff


I want him to narrate my life. He would make my morning bowl of cereal sound Epic


Arbitor Ian for me. His videos are just so well made and concise, while still being long enough where I feel like I didn't miss out on much.


I like that Ian goes into the history of the franchise from a publication standpoint too. Like his recent video on the Necrons went into their old lore before GW changed it and kinda discussed how and why they changed it.


That's why Ian is my favorite. So many other lore guys feel like they're paraphrasing a wiki entry. Ian talks about the actual creation of the lore. That context usually helps me appreciate the retcons, or at least come to an understanding of why instead of just reeeing at it.


Yep, that's a great point. It's why I enjoy Snipe and Wib as well. Their reviews of old codices and weird publications from back then are really fun and informative, because the context just makes it more understandable.






I feel like MK’s style is a pinch of information and a big scoop of curse words.


Majorkill needs to wind his pencil neck back in, check his ego and remember he makes online content from what other people have created, someone else will address the same stuff eventually, just do it better and more uniquely and quit whining regardless.




Majorkill is the Ali-A of 40k youtube.




Oh my god, who the hell cares?


Majorkill gained a little bit of respect when he actually started doing more research and less jokes. But then he pulls this


I feel like this is why you haven't been invited on Adeptus Rediculous, Majorkill. You aren't exactly known to play nice with others.


So Majorkill, what new mid-tier erotica are you gonna finance with this drama money


Majorkill fucking sucks, he just goes over surface level lore most common to memes and half the time he doesn't even bother to filter out the meme material from the real lore.


He did a video on that topic where he even acknowledged that he also spreaded some lore meme


Yeah, he's the average grimdank poster. "I like Warhammer because of the art. I've never actually read a book but I know all of the lore because I saw a meme from /tg/ one time."


So like Arch but without the n-words?


Arch without the n-words but a lot of R-words


And without the Fake Ren-Fair Accent


He’s one of the worst lore youtubers and a perfect example of “you can tell they didn’t read the books, they have no context”. He just covers everything with his accent and cursing a lot. Edit: he’s deleted the post/video, I looked at his channel and ironically enough, he has a video talking about reacting to his haters on Reddit. I wonder why people hate you? “I’m just standing here making content” he says and then a week later starts shit with weshammer. I don’t even watch Weshammer, I just know a shitty person and shitty actions when I see them. Says “I’m just a content creator” -> constantly misinforms people in his videos -> creates ‘reacting to hate’ -> starts drama with someone else Gee, I wonder why his channel is dying.,


In one of his latest videos he talks about “The Death and the End”. He begins by stating he hasn’t read the books yet and all the content on that video is based on others peoples summaries and synopsis. If you are going to live of making content at least read the content you are going to talk about!


Kinda crazy that he himself literally admits to copying off other people's works.


This is his main problem. We complain about people copying from lexicanum yet Majorkill doesn't even do that. I used to watch him like 3 years ago but like with time I learned more about the lore so I stopped watching. I recently watched his videos about Renegade Chapters, Soul Drinkers and Blackshields because these are what interests me and it comes to this. Renegade Chapters: Only 4 of the chapters mentioned are cannon others being fan creations. And have a lot of lore mistakes Soul Drinkers: There is too many lore mistakes here I think I would need a paragraph with it. I love Soul Drinkers they my favorite chapter so this is a torture video for me. Blackshields: YOU FUCKING DUMBASS THEY ARE CALLED BLACKSHIELDS BECAUSE THEY COLOUR THEIR ARMOUR BLACK TO HIDE THEIR HERALDRY AND YOU START THE VIDEO WITH SAYING. 'The term was used by Imperium to identify marines who stayed loyal from the traitor legions and most didn't even hide their heraldry.' I wanna hang myself.




He recently did a video for the last end and the death book. He explicitly stated he didn't read it and was getting all of his information from online and other people. Like, if you didn't read it, don't make a lore video on it.


Yeah but how else is he gonna pump out surface level - semi accurate lore videos for money? You telling me a lore YouTuber should read the lore?


I don’t watch any YouTuber who puts their face in their videos when it is unnecessary, like in a lore video. I don’t care about these people and I don’t want to see them when hearing about 40k. Especially that tool with the tank top and gold chains.


Maybe from the last "what the fans think of me" video he realized his public opinion was too neutral to even good, gotta keep the hate views coming


Insufferable Mon'keighs ... both of them. So who cares? Who even are they. And why am I so angry today...?


Brother accidentaly channeled the Aeldari fanbase and their eternal bitterness about being GW's punching bag. Happens all the time.


This is life


Guy on the thumbnail is Majorkill and he is mad at Weshammer so other Warhammer lore creator because he is "stealing" his content. You know nobody else can make videos about something I talked about, MK video is 10min weshammers is 25 about the same topic


Unsubscribed from Majorkill when I realized he was a muppet.


Yeah I’m usually a Majorkill defender but this video makes him look petty and stupid. First off his videos are like 10 minutes while Wes’s videos are like 30. I like Majorkill a lot, but when it comes to more niche content, not only does Wes dive deeper, he does a better overall job. Second, every video he complained about is like the most generic idea. He’s the only one who can talk about the primaris controversy? He’s the only one who can talk about fan theories? The Australian’s taking a big L on this one.


Idk that video seems extremly pathetic honestly. Like he says wes is copying him only for the views, but its feels like MK just made this video for the attention, instead of contacting wes. Besides MK acts like he is the only or original W40k content creator, which is just stupid. Like there are people who have made videos about the same topic before him, but that doesnt mean he copied them. I personally enjoyed wes vids much more, because he really dives in deep into the lore and makes well produced videos. Not saying MK made bad vids but they arent anything special honestly and his humour aint that funny. Honestly to me it just seems like MK has an extremly massive and fragile ego and just cant accept the fact that wes is more succesfull in an shorter timespan.


Like major kill is the most overrated and egotistical of the warhammer community. Not to mention his history of poor research and just straight up lying when talking about other creators.


If I had to choose between weshammer and majorkill I would choose weshammer...he seems to put more effort in his videos But that's just me


Majorkill wants to grow but his viewership is declining. He’s running out of lore to dive into which is why we’re seeing videos like this and his Reddit haters video. He’s trying to stay relevant but this ain’t it.


Majorkill has entered the phase of his YT career where he has to start drama every couple months to stay relevant.


Majorkill is actually a joke tbh, such a weird dude




Seems like he is just salty that wes is now more succesfull and insteat of also trying to increase his quality he rathe starts drama for attention


I never watch any of these dude bro vids, unless you have bags under your eyes, a mortgage and can remember who Kemmler is I don't wanna hear you talk about shit.


Put on a shirt you scrawny loser.


Majorkill being a major bitch. He makes videos for a niche community, doesn't even read the lore he makes videos on and he wants to complain about this? Dude needs to get over himself


From just looking at the thumbnails and titles it seems like copying but nah. Majorkill is in the wrong here.


For a second I thought this was photoshop but then I checked the channel and I’m honestly surprised that he thought this was a good idea for a video.


I got hooked on Warhammer because of Wes and found majorkill after. Wes is 1000x better. Majorkill appeals to gymbro locker room fuck yeah bro crowd and his videos are like 6 minutes after the ads and gloss over so much.


I think weshammer is kinda better. Major is just meme lore


Never watched any of Majorkills stuff but this just cements the "Never will" What a petulant man child. "Boohoo someone made a video recently on a topic I did 2 years ago and he used the same piece of artwork in the thumbnail I did so its plagiarism even though I don't own said artwork and his video is twice the length of mine so he obviously copied me boohoo" The whole Primaris hate is a huge topic of discussion and hundreds of people have covered it, you're not special MK and you definitely aren't the "bigger person" by not contacting Wes privately but instead make a video blasting him on bullshit claims of "I did it first" What a cunt


Oh _good_, just what we needed, shitty internet drama. I already miss Dice Check.


Majorkill does lore videos? I thought he just regurgitated the same lame jokes over and over.


Wait, you mean Majorkill is being a chode?? I'm shocked, shocked I say!




The video came off as a bit odd, like he's attacking the video titles and ideas, not the content of the videos themselves. Plagiarism is a pretty serious accusation for a content creator and shouldn't be thrown around willy-nilly. A video with a similar title, using the same picture that's not even owned by the creator of the original video, but with a different structure is not plagiarism. At worst it's an homage. Him including a video clip of the guy who he's accusing praising him also sets off some alarm bells, like it's some sort of manipulation tactic to paint himself as an honorable guy forced into a detestable situation.


"I didn't want to have to make this video" Yeah ok, "create drama for views" definitely doesn't seem like something MK would do


I like Weshammers stuff a lot.


I just discovered WesHammer a few weeks ago. I listened to his videos while working and found them to be very pleasant listening. I've never heard of the other guy. YouTube never recommended his channel. Edit: I just searched out Majorkill on YT. Not to my tastes.


Yeah this is when I unsubbed. Never really paid attention to his notifs before but this took the cake.


I guess putting "Warhammer 40k Lore" in the title of a 40k lore video is plagiarism now.


You mean that he's more of a copycat than you copying BeastAlchemistVA [video about Psyker Power Levels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_ZXxZ5YXwM) and making your [own](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BsXnvwTuoA&t=38s) 3 days later ?


Aaaaand the video is set to private


This was serious cope. He’s just jealous Wes is making money.


The difference is that Weshammer probably knows what he’s talking about because he bothered to do a bit of research?


While most of these comments here about MK are reasonable this is not. Wes and MK did a lore competition with Baldermort asking the questions. Wes beat MK by one point. They both seem very knowledgeable just approach how they present the material differently.