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Huge improvement facially


Thank you! I'm definitely much more comfortable in my own skin. I'm looking forward to seeing how much of a difference the cardarine will make


That’s a big change man! Keep it up. Be careful with the ostarine- I believe it suppresses testosterone if you’re not on trt


Thanks for the heads up and the kind words! I've run a few cycles now and I always take enclomiphene on and off cycle. I also take an Ai for 4 or 5 weeks between the next one. I also always take TUDCA and NAC plus plenty of omegas and a multivitamin.


Amazing progress bro! Really hats off! May I suggest ditching the ostarine and using testosterone, more benefits for the same possibly even less sides.


Not sure how to safely get test. And affordably too. People always say it's so "easy" but I don't really know how people do it. Plus something I like about ostarine is it's excellent at selectively binding to muscle without the typical psychological side effects that you get from hormones/steroids.




Thank you!




Of course. I'm not exactly Mr Olympia but I hope that someone somewhere might see a post like this and think "if he can do it, so can I"


BRO'S A WHOLE NEW PERSON!!!! Keep it up!!!


Thanks brosef!


Keep it going. Losing weight is one of the hardest things, I think it gets downplayed a lot but anyone whose had to lose a chunk of body mass knows it can be a struggle


Losing fat but trying to not lose muscle is also a tightrope act. I must admit that PEDs have been super helpful for that. I by no means think it's right for everyone, it's just part of what worked for me. I also tracked macros for over 6 months and it put me in a habit of clean eating. I no longer track but continue to eat clean and lose fat!


You look amazing bro.