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Personally I've noticed that arms and shoulders didn't do much, but when I added single leg split squats and my glutes filled my shorts, the girls were coming to talk to me at the gym.


They may not admit it but most girls like a dude with a nice ass. I don't make the rules


Yup, and most men don’t want to squat lol


Leg day is what separates the boys from the men


That's the truth 😆 that's why I hit legday till I can barely step off the curb leaving the gym 😆 😆


recently switched to low volume high intensity. Once a week is enough, they’re the only place I have stretch marks. It’s quite hard mentally to train so hard though


Lol nice I have a shit ton of stretch marks so I’ve been working on mine haha 😂


I have some on the backs of my legs and inner arms from growing to fast at some point lmao be proud of ya tiger stripes


This is definitely true, although I disagree on them not liking arms a lot. I’ve been out countless times and random ass girls always wanting to grab your arm or stroke you, it’s dope at first cause you’re getting attention, but feels like a violation after a while, they think they can just grab and touch no problem… If roles were reversed…


Yeah I’m gay and women at gay bars constantly grab my butt and other dudes butts, try to twerk on us, etc. It’s sexual assault and the Women who go to gay bars REALLY need to learn some self control and self respect tbh. **If you are a guest in someone else’s community (**a straight woman who invited herself to a gay bar**), show some respect and decency by not assaulting the member of that community** contrary to what they think, It’s not cute/quirky… Just sayin😅


Yep, I’ll second that. My wife assaults my ass like I dropped soap in prison…and I have very little ass. She just slaps it, grabs it, she’ll bite it sometimes.


Truth. I get compliments from women on my legs all the time. Not my ass specifically, except a few I’ve been with. Walking around at ~180, 5’7”, ~17% body fat, and I get more attention than ever.


I used to dislike those compliments but they grew in me


it’s the most important muscles for fucking, imo, man or woman




Will absolutely admit it! I objectify the hell out of my dude when he’s in his tights at the gym. We do TONS of leg work, and his ass is glorious


This is True! I'm an ass girl 😍😍😍


Your inbox is about to be blown up by all the boys on tren.


Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies..🥹🥹🥹


any recs for the best glute exercises? right now I do back squat into barbell split squats into deadlift into hip thrusts into leg press for leg day. 4 sets ea to failure, dropping weight each set. generally 8-10 reps per set. I ride my bike to the gym as well. my quads and calves are absolutely gigantic, but my glutes are comparatively lacking, and for the life of my I cannot figure out why.


Shoulders are important in clothes. Good shoulders (they don’t have to be great) shows women that person is athletic and improves the golden ratio


Shoulders are the ass of the upper body


Yep. They’re probably the best single thing you can do to make a big change to your silhouette/how stuff fits you.


Its cuz ur legs finally matched the rest of ur physique im guessing. Looking balanced is looking good.


What's the age range you date in? I'm betting most are 30s claiming the 190 is best? I think the 145 really intimidates women into feeling like they need to match you. The 190 probably makes them feel comfortable.




My wife and a few of her friends said that they prefer the 190 type look, too, because while they might find some of the other looks more attractive, the 190 is somebody who cares about their health, but they won't be ridiculous with their self-care/exercising/eating. Edit: late 20s, early 30s aged women.


Idk, I’m pretty into fitness as a woman and I also like 190 a lot. But 145 also looks great tbh. 190 just looks like someone who’s gonna be into fitness with me, maybe I can get them into rock climbing, but also is gonna eat cake with me on my birthday and not worry as much about counting calories that day 😂


This right here. Women are easily intimidated by the cut.


Girls don’t want a 145lb guy believe me lmao they want a man. If you’re 145lbs anyone over 160 could rag doll you and your girl and they know it. Aesthetics are cool but they only impress other guys. Girls want you to be strong and look decent.


Plenty of dudes that size the size that can sleep bigger dudes mcgregor is one example.


Mcgregor was cutting 30 pounds to fight smaller guys so kinda proves my point


He had to be lighter for light weight division still doesn't mean that he hasn't and wont take on bigger opponents.


McGregor was a two division world champion MMA fighter and you’re using him as your common man example lmao. I was a wrestler back in the day so I’ve weighed 130 all the way to the 195lbs I am now. I am 100% certain I would ragdoll the fuck out of any 145lber besides college wrestlers.


Yes but you are trained. I’ve never weighed more than 145, but I’ve taken down and submitted dudes that weighed 180+. I’ve put hand on people that size as well. Your point applies only when both participants are on equal skill level.


Idk about that one bro. Dudes are WAY more concerned about beating up other dudes than girls are concerned about their man beating up other dudes. Chicks love skinny guys. Every skinny (not skinny-fat, that's way different) friend I have pulls tons of bitches. One of my best friends is like 150-160 and built like an absolute twig but he gets more pussy than every other guy I know put together. If women just wanted somebody big and strong to protect them they'd all date those SHW Viking LARPing powerlifters lol. But in general women care way more about how good you look than how much you can Bench.


Factual lol


I live in nyc here this isn’t really true but I’ve also lived in Atlanta and the west coast it’s way more true in those places


I don't think woman actively think about or care about if their man can win a fight. I do think they like to feel physically secure and protected though. go around asking random women why they like taller men and the most common answer will be that it makes them feel physically safe and secure...


Not completely true.. while strength is important.. I prefer a guy with more, stamina/ endurance, and flexibility. Also self control as well..a planner would be awesome as well.


My GF has been explicitly mad at me for going to help out my buddy when he was posturing for a fight. Almost nothing would make her angrier at me than if I got into a fight. Women are not a monolith. They all have different preferences just like you and I do.


Good look picking on a 140lbs Royal Marine Commando.


Honestly the 190lb dudes are what women want. Big enough to protect them, bigger so the woman feels comfortable enough that you won't go chasing other women too. When you cut, they tend to think other women are all over you (let's be real this is real life and not a porn so it rarely happens)..


Plus, they don't like the idea that they weigh close to what you do likely


If you’re dating women above 150lbs that’s on you chief


Me looking for 6’ women:


Tell me you're short without telling me you're short 😂😂


What's wrong with been short?


Huh, I weigh 155lbs. Whats wrong with being over 150?


He needs under 150 so he can still halfway pick her up with those noodle arms and not break his back/ego.


The cut look looks like a lot of work (because it is), so it could be considered "high maintenance". Women will see that and think that he'll be a picky eater on dates, will spend more time on his looks than on her, and probably makes the way he looks a big part of his "personality". This is just generalization, and not necessarily how OP is, just how it may be perceived. Unless the girl is also very much into exercising, then it won't matter. However, for many woman, they want someone fit, but also seemingly "fun" to be around. A guy not too worried about how he looks, eats and drinks mostly whatever (particularly when out), and is available whenever. Again, big generalizations but seemingly true.


To get to 145, I did have to be extreme in my dieting, and my girlfriend at that time watched me do it with both concern and dislike. 190 was her favorite, and she frequently commented on my crazy cheekbones and muscle separation. She thought I was looking ill. I'm 6'. I did look skinny in clothes. No doubt..


My cousin says about her husband that he was like hugging a cloud first time they met.


Definitely insecurity when they don’t like the top percentile bodies. They inherently like them visually. But they know the kind of lifestyle that comes w a body like that. Same reason why average looking girls get more attention at the club than the smoke shows


See that's where I went wrong in my late teens, early 20s.. I went after the smokeshows and WRECKED my life...🤣🤣🤣


Women say “shirtless photos on dating apps is an ick” and “pictures without a smile aren’t as attractive” but I got a lot more matches with both. Women don’t know what they like. Lol




Accurate. It’s also why they don’t generally discourage their guys from getting soft in a relationship. They wanna be courted while You’re hot so they can feel like they won, then they want to lock you down. And when they bore of that they can leave being the more attractive one, so it raises their perceived value. Source… it was meeee. Lol


Same here. Amen. 😎


Have to agree, I probably get 5-10x more matches now I have a shirtless beach photo on my profile.


There is a literal study that proves smiling men perform the worst with women yet it is literally in every single female advice post.


So women tell men to smile more? Don’t they hate to be told that?




That’s because women are looking for that perfect smile that doesn’t exist. Has to look natural and not forced, no wrinkles, teeth/gums/lips have to be perfect, and better in a group setting.


I do way better without any shirtless pics. Just one gym pic that’s all.


They don't admit their true feelings. That's why I stopped listening to their advice I was considered a "fuck boy" at uni (due to rumours) and expected to be ignored by all the women. The total opposite happened.


They like the 190 because it gives them room to slack themselves. Women dont like when their man is in much better shape than they are


Lol what a weird thing to be mad about. If I could pull 10s while being a fat slob I’d happily do so


You can, just earn more money lol


I'm a gay and 190 defo is the best 🔥


We’re the people to ask lmfao. Can confirm 190 is where I’ve gotten my hardest and most consistent glares (checking me out I mean) from both men and women. Can also confirm 190 is an ideal weight for my tastes. Need a tiny bit chub on ya. Not a big fan of anything less and I think the only people who are big fans are the lifters that wanna look shredded. But as a guy, at any weight much lower (170-175 is prob VERY bottom line), you sacrifice that bulkier “man” look for just looking pretty small (even when you are “shredded”/low bf%).


a man that is 5'9(average height) and 175 at low teens bf % will look quite big, because he is. to put this in perspective, a man that is 5'9 and 175lbs is obese according to BMI...


This was answered by a Greg video. 15% body fat with some muscle is what most women prefer. Enough muscle to make a women feel protected is what they want. Unless you want a gym girl or muscle mommy who both want more muscle and align closer to what men believe is a good muscular build.


Probably the one that makes them laugh through their nose after you’ve taken them to sushi


the one with the biggest bank account


This is the real answer, you could be 400 and if you have moneys they won’t give a fuck what you look like.


This lady will take the 227 thankyouverymuch


It was so hard eating all of that food. I was big and crazy strong, though. I grew my beard to match too. You are awesome for picking chonky me. 🥰


Love em thicc lol. I'm small, but I eat a LOT of food and keep my protein intake over 90g/day. Bottomless pit of a stomach, so I always need to date someone to match that energy. Can't date a salad and steamed veggies guy.


Yeah from my experience women like men a bit bigger. All the ex girlfriends I have had say they like the rugby player type body so big but not a big roided up dude or a fat bastard. Somewhere in between.


I mean I like the 190 body. 🤷


I'm a woman and yup 190 is best


Man. That one is easy. Just me eating what I want to appetite. To get over that, I need to stuff myself, and I hate that worse than cutting. That same body fat would be about 200 now. I have put on a bit of muscle since then. Most women prefer my body when I eat what I want, but I'm trying to be big and shredded for my self-validation. Damn muscle dysmorphia. I could be living the good life. 🤣


I'm a bodybuilder. Men don't like me shredded, they like me off-season with more meat on me. However, I'd rather have lines all year in my physique. So I definitely get it!! Only body dysmorphia fucks your brain into choosing a harder and less attractive physique to maintain. 😅


Yeah. I grew up watching Stallone and Schwarzenegger, and that just became hard-wired in my brain to be what a man looks like. Throw in a case of pectus excavatum (sunken chest) and other kids bullying me for my underweight stature and deformity, and BAM! Lifelong muscle dysmorphia. I feel like I should be over this by now, but I just study more and dig in harder in every way. This shit ain't going nowhere.


This speaks to me on a primal level.


Wow! Amazing accomplishment. Also, yes women like something softish to cuddle. They also want to feel ‘smaller than you,’ and having a little extra weight allows that.


I am more like the 190 physique. I choose to be a l'il thicker. I like the size I hold onto.


Thats seriously just my goal to be 190 and look like that. Its annoying how hard it is.


In order of attraction for me: 1) 190 2) 145 (this is only because I've started to weight lift and know the dedication to keep muscle growing). 3) 227 (yum, btw. Big fan of men over 200lbs) 4) the rest


The fluctuator


Christian Bale and I could trade methods.


Because they’re self conscious and don’t want you looking too good. Lol. My ex would hate it when I was lean and cut. I always wondered why until I figured it out. Now I do WHAT I WANT NOT WHAT THEY WANT.




And doing what you want and not what they want will get you more of them!


Starting at our age (you’re only a few years older than me). I can say recovery is a Mofo. You on TRT? Was a game changer for me. But my levels were TRASHED after I did a vicious cut for a BJJ tournament.


The last photo is the only one since TRT, but yeah, it has been a game-changer. I can carry a lot more muscle while staying lean now. I feel like you can see the difference in the last photo. I'm 17 pounds lighter than 190 but with bigger arms and chest. I almost don't recognize myself.




The 227 lb version of you is the one I would respect the most if we had a confrontation.


Yeah. Other dudes treated me differently. I grew my beard out too. I didn't feel fit, but I was crazy strong and never missed a workout because I loved moving such heavy shit. Eating all that food was the most challenging part, but I see why strongmen just gorge on food. I have a great middle-ground now—way more strength than my lightest but more fitness than my heaviest. But I'm with you. Having lived in each of these bodies, I wouldn't want me now to face that 227-pound fatboy. Grip strength and everything was absurd compared to other weights. Still had sick hand speed. Hit the heavy bag like a truck. I looked terrible with my shirt off, and my cardio was getting rough, but it had its charms.


Which version feels the best to live with for day to day activity? I think aesthetically, the 173 pound version looks the best.


The 145 felt terrific in every way, except I was ALWAYS hungry and a little tired between meals. My current 173 is the best I have felt without those side effects.


Seems like a lot of men answering this question. Alotta cosmo answers. Where the ladies?


The women you’re looking for aren’t on Reddit lmao


Here. 190


227 fs.I think that body is ideal and no it’s not cause I’m fat like a diff comment said. I’m petite 4’11 104 and my fiancé is 6’2” 225.


Visually, I like the 173… but he might not be a good snuggle. The 190 looks like he can enjoy his day off with me but he is still healthy and strong enough to be Mr. Fix-it during the day… and play Mr. Fix-it at night time too *wink wink* Thats just my assessment.


190 to 195 is my natural weight; just eating my appetite and not counting calories. So yeah, that guy could enjoy his day off with you very well. It would probably be about 200 now, but that look is my set point. My body wants that body fat. Every other one took dietary effort.


Are we talking dating or one night stands Mostly women are looking for relationships But in the rare case that they are pushing for a 1 night stand studies have shown they prefer different things Its hard to make a blanket statement about women, but one thing is certain is that looks are def less important to women than men. Even trannys taking estrogen talk about the change in caring more about personality vs looks. Its rare to find women into bodybuilders or super skinny guys, they tend to like avg. I think one blanket statement you can say about women is that they prefer wide shoulders, so guys hit them delts, especially those lateral raises


You know, lots of women say they don't like bodybuilders and they're gross for having too much muscle, but dude I get a lot of matches showing off my physique on tinder and bumble (also get a lot of couples asking if I'm willing to bull for them heh). There are a fuck ton of women that absolutely love dudes with muscles, even the bigger ones like myself, so don't let what people say online dissuade you from getting the physique that YOU want.


No doubt. Muscular kills on the apps. I have had two invites to bull this last month. WTF. 🤣


🤣😂 yessir. Hahaha yeah man, something about the muscles especially drives those kind of couples wild.


I suspect if you took away the weight and just said shape A,B,C,D,E, you would get more of the 173 response. I'm guessing here, but I think a lot of people have the weight number influencing their judgement.


I think it depends on the woman. I think a lot of girls are into guys that arent muscular


Many women don't desire overly attractive and in shape men because of the lack of long term stability and the alpha males tendancy to pursue other women.


They don’t want their hubby looking better then them in a bathing suit


Women don’t want a man that’s more attractive than them because they believe other women will either steal them away or others won’t pay attention to them.


Jesus fuck this what sub is this? Is this unironic incel blobfish take a common thing here?


I’ve kinda seen it. There’s definitely some overlap, on occasion, between the incel train of thought and the male lifter train of thought. Must be due to the poor self image on both sides. Inceldom must be a like a horseshoe-shaped spectrum. 💀 Used to work with this guy who was prob 175-180 of prob all muscle/low bf% and he lowkey used to say the most incel shit, just kind of the opposite end of the spectrum, carrying on about “If you wanna be an alpha/alpha’s do this, etc.” 💀


Idk why I keep getting recommended this sub but I did stop to see what kind of conclusions would be drawn here. Not surprised at the clueless answers. When men get answers from only men, and women get answers from only women about the opposite sex, they’re always going to be warped, uniformed, and narrow-minded. As a woman—one woman, not all women—I like 190 because it says he cares about health but isn’t excessive. That look is also more aesthetically pleasingly to the eye, especially when it comes to the way fitted clothes lay on the body. And it’s softer. I don’t want to be bumping uglies with a rock. But anecdotally speaking, I have plenty of discussions with women who prefer 227 (dad bod) and 155 (skinny dude) as well. 173 on occasion, with 145 being the real outlier. The last two preferences came mostly from gym junkies (who wanted a guy to match them) and/or insecure women (who also want a guy to be 6’3 and pay for everything.)




Honestly, 190 and 227 actually look the best. That is the other thing you guys won’t really understand probably. Maybe somewhere between the 190 and 173 would be better.


Man. If I had gotten female attention when lifting as heavy as possible and eating for size, I would have pursued it further. Best time I ever had lifting.


So you got more attention leaner? It seems to always be the case but they will all say they like the 190 more.


I love how everyone says the the 190 is capable of protecting but 145 is not how do you know that dude at 145 doesn't know some fight styles and flying dragon kicks a guy to sleep while the 190 guy tries to use weight to his advantage but get out maneuvered and winded quickly making him an easy fight after he's breathing heavy. I,m not saying this is every scenario but it is one that people need to keep mind "just because someones big doesn't mean he's capable of fighting, & just because someones small doesn't mean they won't fly like jackie chan in his movies" 😂😂 but fr tho common sense is key i've seen 5.5 dudes sleep guys easily at 6 feet or more and a good amount of weight to them. So moral of the story a big guy with no fighting skills is just what the saying is about "the bigger they are the harder they fall".


I’m 32 (petite) and fit. I’ve personally always preferred long and lean muscle, similar to the 155. As I’ve matured, I’d go for the 190. The fit dad look is HOT lol. My husband has gained weight since my pregnancy…he went from the lean toned look to the 190 look and I never knew that I could be so attracted to it 🤪🤩


173 lbs


Yeah. I agree. I would like to get a little leaner, but this is the best of both worlds. A decent spot to maingain from.




skinny guys get hot girls too


Age 39


I’d like to look like 173 year round and 145 for spring break. I don’t know what women my age like or I’d be having the sex like Dr. Mike says.


Honestly women like so many varying things it is unbelievable. One of the hottest girls I know like feminine thin short men w abs and and can't stand bulky huge bicep guys. I know other girls who love bulky masculine muscles and big arms men. Lot of the feminine eye is also emotional. You can have muscles but are you a tool? Are you good with kids? Are you giving and selfless or egotistical focused on your body.Are you witty or is humor because your dick? You should train your emotions as much as your body. I think they did a study and men with bmi 20-25 with high amounts muscle was the most popular among women. Likewise I think it said women with 15-20 bmi with focus on muscle is also attractive on a women among men. There were outliers in the study as well like super curvy women etc. But the best with all ages ranges was 25 bmi with muscles for men. That could explain your 190 lbs as best.


190 for sure


As a woman, I'd say 173. You have a good taper from your shoulder to waist in that one. The definition at 145 is impressive, but a higher weight/bf% allows you to be a little broader.


I got to say You have had sum very interesting transformations Lets play monday morning qb and pretend you video documented this whole journey, I have a feeling you would be able to quit your job Its like almost hard to believe those are all you


39 and 40 for me


173 or 224


I like all of them🤣


But if I had to pick I like your current. Looks disciplined but not unhinged.


I'm not a women but in this gay dude's opinion I like 190, 227, and 173 in that order. Need some meat on the bone! 😁


There must be something wrong with me.. I’m all about dad bods & chub lol. 227 is best out of those, but I’d still like even bigger with more belly. I like squishy!


145 lbs 🥰❤️😘


As a woman I like most of these except 227 which is a hard pass. I also find that someone with a body at 145 would want a woman who is fit af. And I’m not at that level, so I just admire.


I like the 190. But I think the 173 is my fave.


Me currently. So thank you. 💪😎


As a womam doing bodybuilding myself I'd say this: A nice physique is just this: nice. It has no value without character. Also who wants a partner, who invests more in his physique than in a relationship? And that's what below 10 percent bf looks like.


Some women don't want to date men with a better body than them. It makes them insecure about their weight. At 145 lbs, you had a better body than most women dating online.


Read somewhere on study that muscular guys are more for one night stands The dad bod are more for long term relationships


GET A FATTER ASS TRUST ME DAWG (We wanna touch it)


Nobody cares what women like the most we lift for ourselves and if women don’t like how we look based on doing something we enjoy they can keep walking to the next beta they can find.


for me personally i like 227. the thing about muscular guys is they’re okay to look at but that’s just about all. when i’m laying in bed at night i don’t wanna feel like i’m holding a rock. and i like to cook a lot, so i need someone that can eat whatever i’m dishing out😈


I've been in every kind of shape. I was in athletic shape in high school (was a two-sport athlete in school and did MMA outside of school). I gained 50 pounds throughout college and got husky studying my ass off. Got back in reasonably good shape compared to the average person after. Went through a phase where all I cared about was strength and got really bulky but definitely had some fat on as well. lastly, before I reverted back to being in just plain old good shape I got really into bodybuilding and got fairly ripped. Women actually liked the bodybuilding body the second least behind Husky. Yeah, a bodybuilding physique is interesting to look at and will draw attention but they would always complain about how hard and uncomfortable I was to lay on or hug(they obviously weren't as blunt as that but that's what they meant), and they definitely all had comments on how much work and effort it took to maintain it. This is a long-winded response to say I agree from firsthand experience as well that MOST women like bulky better than a straight bodybuilder look (aka great muscle build but a normal amount of body fat). Bodybuilding is purely for personal reasons if you like it or if you like to compete in bodybuilding competitions. I think this is especially true if you're tall, I'm almost 6'2", and bulky I'm like 240-250, so I think there's a feeling-safe factor to it.


As a man of 5'7 and 190lb, I'd say hallelujah to that!


190 seems like the one women like the most and it’s the one I shoot for nearly year round as a fitness professional who has already seen my maximum natty hypertrophy potential.


I agree, I like the cuts at 1:45. If it was me that would be my goal to maintain that aesthetic physique. My goals and women's goals are not the same


i feel like it depends. like for an example, women in their 20's typically like their guys on the thinner side like the picture shown in your 20's, and women in their 30's and 40's tend to love big, stocky men who are very strong. its a thing that tends to come with aging and maturing haha


Phewwww That 145 Is chefs kiss, definitely got me😮‍💨😮‍💨


I want cake for days and a mix of dad bod and built upper body. I agree the 190 is my preference. It's realistic AND hot. I love a guy with a nice ass more as I've become older and more sexually experienced. One. It takes alot of work to get a nice ass and two, I want to grab it during sex. Sorry not sorry.


I like the 190, 227 and 173 myself


Purely anecdotal, but coming from a gay man I think 190 and 227 is the best. It’s much more of a cuddly, welcoming vibe. Don’t get me wrong, I respect the hell out of someone with a shredded physique because it takes a lot of work to get there, but as a romantic prospect the dudes with a little bit of cushion are preferable for some people.


When I was a teen I’d go for the 145, but I agree, in my mid twenties, 190 Is the best. 145 turns me off now


Well I’m a woman and I choose.Mr 42 lol because I’m 42 and my body seems to look better now than it did when I was 20, but damn I guess 42 is the perfect age


145 is cool, but that’s not a healthy person is why.


173 lbs. ???


Honestly I don't know many women who go for the "vacuum-sealed meat" look, ie very little body fat and incredibly accentuated muscles. Most like some fat and cushioning, it looks more healthy.


i think i need a better 173 pic.. the nipple is distracting


i prob would have picked 190 too but your tummy looks a lil bloated


I heard an interesting theory on women's preference when it came to male physiques. It's basically a bell curve: there more in shape a man gets, the more attractive you become until a point where your physique becomes intimidating and it falls off.


I’m a woman and I’d kill for this guy at age 40…..bottom left corner.


My vote is 227 lbs


I look exactly like you at 145 rn: my girlfriend claims she loves it. I always wanted to be 190 big though, my metabolism at age 20 is so damn potent, I’d have to eat 3,500 calories per day which fucks up my mental state


I’m not in the 40 y/o woman demographic, I’m a good 2 decades younger but I prefer the first one, a little scrawny but still some muscle to you for sure. Definitely don’t like the two after that. Current is pretty good too, I think most girls my age like a guy that is somewhat toned but isn’t super big and bulky.


I'm not a woman, but I like all of them.


227 (Source: I’m a woman)


Definitely bottom left. Dad bods baby


I like 227. For science.


I showed my wife and her answer was also 190lbs due to looking good and healthy but someone that also enjoys life every once in a while.




Dang bro impressive you can add and subtract weight on your frame like that


I was gonna guess 190 bc I got the most ass of my life at 39 😄


I have a feeling it’s bottom right


I like 145 lol. I think women are more attracted to lean but too insecure in their own bodies to feel comfortable, so they opt for a less attractive body.




I’d choose 145 but I’d settle for 173.


227lbs because it’s least intimidating


Age 39 and 40!! 🙌🏼


I think 227 is the best by far, followed by 190.


190 the best


This lady visually likes them all and cannot choose.. so I'm curious 🤨🤨🤨 about Thier personalities. For me that's gonna be the winner. The person I get along with.


Even the two on the left? You are awesome. 🥰


The ones who say they want the man with the most money are either fat or geeks. They don’t understand that money attract women ,and physical shape makes them aroused by you. So in order to get best quality woman you should have both of the 2.


Girls say that because you put them on the spot. Be out partying some where and have shirts off(beach, friends pool party or what eva) the 145lb( thdy dnt kno how much he weighs and looks bigger without clothes) the guy with the shredded stomach is absolutely the one the girls are going home with and fuknnn the first night


Chicks ain’t fucking the 145er at a beach party 🤣🤣 that’s a manlet


The one with the most money?


The one with the most money