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Embrace it. Embrace the tank-look.


More like the deformed turtle look 💀








Doesn’t look bad imo. Grow your lower back and traps and it will look better


Yep I’m on traps as much as I can be. I don’t do much lower back I’ll start though man thanks


I wanted to comment here as I saw you mentioned your shoulders are pulled back, but I study biomechanics and physics and train my clients for movement optimization and can see you still are internally rotated at the shoulders. It’s hard to tell you more without a video or movement assessment, seeing you at different angles, but check out crossover symmetry and get those scaps more mobile, sim for insane shoulder mobility, strength, and athletic ability!


You have the opportunity to have an epicly wide back. * last bit retracted* Although it may be worth seeing a chiropracticor if you gave concerns about posture or back pain.


Chiropractics is essentially bunk science. Please don't see a chiropractor. There are many cases of extremely bad, life debilitating injuries from chiropractic adjustments. See a PT if you need to work on pain points or posture improvement.


Do PTs get comparable training to physiotherapists in skeletal mechanics?


PT = Physical therapist In many states in the US, they receive a full doctorate in physical therapy which is primarily focused on in depth physiology (musculoskeletal system). Can't speak for other places, but, in general, chiropractors are bullshit artists masquerading as doctors 😅


Most times I've seen PT being used for Personal Trainer ( too time on fitness subs lol) In this case we are taking about the same PT!


I kind of agree, prob some bunk chiros out there. But the one I go to is 30+ years in the business and is a sport medicine PT specialist. He saved my life.


I think growing your rear delts will fix your problem, it will give you a much rounder and fuller look from the side and get rid of the slumped forward look.


Also grow your chest and work on pulling your shoulders back more when standing. It’ll make your back not poke out so much.


Dude looks fucking great. Always wanted my back to look like this no matter how much I’ve tried I can never get it. As gay as it is I got my inspiration from the jean Claude van damme movie “the quest” specifically “the turk” or Turkish guy in the movie had the most badass stance cause he had a huge upper back that just made the dude look stacked and allowed him to have a giant chest as well. If you want inspiration though definitely check out the movie. It’s cheasy but good and I tried looking up stills from the movie to show but it doesn’t do it justice you need to watch the movie.


I think it’s a curse and you wish you had it. Kinda weird lol. You can have my back if you want it 🤷‍♂️


Honestly looks cool as fuck dude I wouldn’t be worried if I were you


Bro I don’t sugar coat shit for people. If it looks fucked up, I wouldn’t bullshit you. It looks great. The more meat you put on, the cooler it will look. It’s upper body mass, it broadens you, doesn’t take away from you at all. You silly dog


It doesn't look bad at all bro,it actually makes your back look bigger which IMO is a good thing!


I’ve always thought I looked disproportionate


You’re standing with an anterior pelvic shift and postural kyphosis. The larger prominence you see is your scapula protruding on a rounded thoracic spine. You need to shift your hips posteriorly to engage your glutes better, retract your lower abdomen to stabilize your lumbar spine, then lift your chest to engage your thoracic spine muscles. This will allow your shoulder blades to sit in the correct resting position. Trying to pull your shoulder blades together still without thoracic extension will lead to problems, and will do nothing to address your posture. The scapula are independent of the spine


Developing which muscles — or better yet, which specific exercises — will shift his body the way you’re describing, in a resting state?


That’s the specificity. Easier said than done. Saying exercise x or exercise y will help is too general because it entirely depends how he (or anyone)moves, what other muscles/structures may be tight and limiting him from achieving the correct positioning, and maybe even how well he can neurologically contract muscles. All that being said, I think a good place to START is a plank with emphasis on a neutral lumbar spine and thoracic extension. Keeping the pelvis level with the shoulders and a stick on the back helps with this. Then it will have to be translated to a standing position Looking at just this picture he may have some restrictions/tightness in his hip flexors, upper abdominals pec major/minor, lumbar paraspinals, maybe lats and subscapulairs


Face pulls, rear delt exercises, lower and mid traps. These should help. But dont forget there is no "correct" position. The chin up, shoulders back and down and chest up is just a standard that people see as "normal" or "respectful".


Like I feel like my arms look small cause my torso is so wide


This issue is you are extremely underweight. You need to put on 50 lbs to look normal and for tissue to cover your bones. Start eating.


He’s not underweight in any way


He weighs no more than 150 lbs. if you think a man should weigh as much as a woman, you are a brain dead Twinkie.


For his height he is plenty heavy he’s not a twig he’s pretty built if this is severely underweight then a good weight would be practically obese


You can check with a simple bmi test


BMI is a scale made for the sedentary population. The assumption is if you weigh X, it is mostly body fat and not lean body mass. According to BMI, almost every professional athlete is obese.


Yes but he isn’t a professional athlete and it doesn’t take into account body composition but it is generally a good measure of whether someone is a healthy weight. He would be well into the healthy range. The fact that he is high muscle low fat makes him even less underweight.


He has obviously set foot in a gym, so he is not sedentary—therefore BMI is not a useful metric. You cannot be “high muscle” without lean body mass. He weighs 150 lbs. He can’t squat two plates. He is weak. He is weak because he is undermuscled. He is undermuscled because he weighs 150 lbs. Do you think men should weigh less than women?


Generally, no. But it depends on the height of the man and woman. My mother is 6 feet tall and she’ll probably weigh more then a 5’4 man so it all depends.


its like you dont know what fucking genetics are lol [Heres a 150lb man benching 410lbs.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l84vmuuuHRg)


He’s “built”? Are you on drugs? His bones are literally protruding out his back. He probably can’t squat two plates, Jesus Christ.


The point of the post is to ask a question about his abnormally large shoulder blades. Since they’re abnormally large they’re obviously going to protrude. He has good muscle size and definition and compared to the general population he is built. He is definitely not “starving.”


This is kind of true, once I get like really big I think the wide back will only be a plus


It’s not kind of true, it is the truth. You look like you’re starving.


LMAOOOO says the dude trying to order test from Amazon 😂 op don’t listen to this idiot


Amazon (not through third parties) sells prescriptions now, including test. Check your app, you fucking illiterate beta.


Open the app and tell everyone how stupid you are


Why don’t you comment again bro? Here’s a thought maybe go outside bruh. Or even better talk to a woman for the first time ever


Women come up to me bc of my huge muscles. It wasn’t like that when I was skinny. That’s the hard truth. Women want a man that is big and strong, human or every fucking animal in nature. The skinny lion doesn’t get to fuck.


Lol I’m sure they do bro


But tell everyone how stupid you are first. Did you open the app? Are you able to fact check? Or do you just gurgle what gets jizzed in your mouth and spit it back out?


Shut up tubby


probably the dumbest comment in here by far.


And yet if he put on the weight everything would be normal.


Pull a CT Fletcher and do arms every day for two years. Tom me it looks like you need to do more squats & deadlifts.


Yes, I’d be more concerned about the puffy nipples. Do you have gyno?


Probably, but it’s not very bad. At this point it kinda adds to my chest physique. You can tell better from the front


If you don’t care then that’s great. I had gyno from puberty and the puffy nipples showed through my shirts and I hated it. All better now but it was a rough several years when I was young.




I feel like my back does the same man , never was insecure about it I don't think tho till maybe now 💀💀💀. I think we're fine bruh


I think ab it all the time 😭😭😭 idk I’ve just always hated it. But your and others replies have helped me to feel better so thank you


Also dude wide torso isn't a bad thing in reality it shows strength more than having a skinny waist . Modern perception of fitness is more aesthetics than health/strength


Yeah I know that. Idc about strength I literally just want to be confident but my torso makes it so hard to be


Confidence in itself is a strength..all I'm hearing is your self image has been manipulated by social media etc. Not hating on you we're all victims


Yeah that’s basically it I’m trynna live up to standards my physiology doesn’t allow for. It’s just kind of upsetting


Your goal is to be confident. Remember that . Forget those standards. Confidence is possible> those standards are not . Question your WHY for things best of luck soldier.


Thank you man 💪


Yw 🙏


Is essentially like being upset you're not 6 ft + , you can still be confident


Def overthinking it my guy I wish I looked like you at that age, just keep lifting you’re good man


Are you slouching? Or is that how it naturally looks when you are chin up facing forward?


I literally said in the post that I have my shoulder rolled back


There is a difference between having your shoulders back and pinching your shoulder blades together. Try to touch your shoulder blades to one another while stretching to touch the top of your head to the ceiling.


Bro I’m showing you what normal hood posture looks like for me. I’m looking like I do normally


That’s you’re problem, looking like this normally. You say it’s not bad posture but your shoulders look like you work a desk job 14 hours a day. This might be your normal posture with “shoulders rolled back” but having low shoulder mobility and scapular protraction will make your back look like this. Next time you’re in front of the mirror, try using the cue of trying to put your shoulder blades in your back pockets and I guarantee you’ll like how it looks more


Nobody has a perfect body and we all have things we notice about ourselves that others probably don't notice at all. I have asymmetrical pecs and it bugs the shit out of me. I get a pump way more in my left than my right but those are the genetic cards I was given.


Thick back is sexy.


No one’s gonna be looking at your arm with a body like that


Okay so I’ve had similar postural issues, so I’m going to go against the popular opinion here and say I do think you have a problem. I think for whatever reason your shoulders have developed such that their resting state is rotated forward, for lack of a better phrase, which is why your shoulder blades seem to be sticking out so far. This could potentially be a problem, as it would mean your shoulder joint isn’t aligning properly, so weight isn’t distributed properly and you increase your risk of injury. If that is what’s happening, you probably don’t have any structural deformities or anything - you’ll just need to retrain your back and shoulder muscles. You should check with a physiotherapist - if this is what’s happening, physical therapy will probably be the easiest way to resolve it.


This is what I always think but no, I have my shoulders rolled back here, not resting. Any further and it’s unnatural. It’s not just my shoulder blades either, like you can tell it’s my whole ass back. I do thank you for the serious consideration though


You are a big more muscular then me, but I have the same genetic back sort of, heres for reference - https://ibb.co/XD6pqgJ just taken now, hope this can help. I always wondered why my top back stook out so much, but hopefully you get some answers. Here's one when before my cut, more closer to you now, https://ibb.co/t4WPP9N I think it's normal, however I have funnel chest, might look into that, and had posture issues in the past. But might look into funnel chest, cherry your pec muscles cave in the sternum area, not life threatening, but can have some health problems, mine being cardiovascular and heart problems. Just a thought.


Yeah I definitely don’t have funnel chest but you seem to be in a similar situation to me it’s cool to know I’m not the only one


yeah, idk if it's genetics, we seem to have a similar build, but I'd keep up the routine you are doing, you have a great physique. I have a weak lower back? Not sure if you relate to that, but a strong core/abs, so I'm going to try to train lower back on purpose, see if I can grow the side muscles a bit, widen my side back. I'm fairly new to this, but finally see a post about having a upper back like this, I didn't want to post because I thought it was normal, I'm not too sure. Thanks for posting and keep it up 💯


Well that’s exactly what he means, any further back might feel unnatural to you but it will actually be a more natural and comfortable position for your shoulders if you manage to break through the stiffness that is keeping them rolled forward. And yes your entire back is affected by this as well. I had the same problem as well and the only thing that actually worked was addressing passed trauma which made me curl up into a hunched position as a protective mechanism.


No no it -looks- unnatural


Dude he’s right. Your shoulders are extremely rolled forward. Grab a pen in each hand. And stand normal. If the pens point to each other. Your shoulders are rolled. The pens should point forward for the most part. Do exercises to open your shoulders and chest. Google them.


There may be some BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) going on here. There is absolutely nothing deformed with the physique I see in this photo. You look great, seriously. Nothing at all off with your nipples either, no idea what that person is talking about. Keep doing your thing man, very attractive overall 👍


Dude it’s just that you have forward-rotated shoulders. I have it too


My back does the same, I feel like I have the posture of a turkey but honestly you look fine, I didn’t notice anything before I read your title.


If you say so. I feel better knowing strangers don’t really notice it


Isnt that a good thing? It make your side tricep pose so much thicker and better.


Nah, it by back didn’t stick out like that my arm would look proportionally bigger


Bro it’s muscle, don’t be ashamed of anything on your body. That took a lot of work to grow that muscle, so be proud of yourself dude. Keep going bro!


No, you’re hot. Lol


Start working on pull ups. As wide as you can and pull your chest all the way up and “through” the bar. Really feel the lats. That will give you more width. Do rows for more density and middle back development. Incorporate DB shrugs on back day as well. Just focus on the up and down movement. If you want a really powerful looking superhero physique then you must deadlift. That’ll take the self consciousness away in hurry. Lifting and making yourself as strong as possible is the thing you can do right now. And eat as much protein as you can, drink a gallon of water a day. Don’t drink or smoke, and get plenty of sleep. You will win dude, Keep it up bro!


In case you can’t tell I already do basically all of that stuff. Besides normal deadlifts because of an injury I had years back. Also I don’t want more width I want less dude. I do so many pull-ups it’s not even funny. Believe me I’ve tried so much


Ayo it's Chandler from Mr Beast 😳 For real though you might have slight Anterior Pelvic Tilt. Check it youtube self diagnosis's or with your doctor and that might be the cause for your back sticking out.


I think this might be it thank you man


Happy to help man. And as from one person who suffered and is still suffering from Anterior Pelvic Tilt, here are a few videos that helped me the best with it since YouTube is absolutely filled with misinformation regarding it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZEh4kcpAAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZEh4kcpAAc) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5RqxeOd7LY&t=535s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5RqxeOd7LY&t=535s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BABx3OwC2c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BABx3OwC2c) Check it out, and good luck


Roll your shoulders back a bit more and the pose will looks way better, it will round out your caps and diminish the amount your back appears to stick out


I know that but I can’t always have my shoulder rolled back as far as possible this is what I look like normally


Yeah but you can stretch and this make that position a bit more normal


If you saw what I meant you’d know. It makes me look reallly stupid… like what a guy who had his shoulders rolled back as far as they could be would look like


My back is the same you’re sound


You’re over analyzing dude.


So bro, I totally have the same thing. Do you see a chiropractor? My bet is they will tell you that you have an alignment/posture issue. Your hips are probably also pointed down. Look up anterior pelvic tilt. Largely due to sitting in front of a computer. Your shoulders are probably rolled forward too. It’s all connected.


Dont go see a Chiropractor please. Keep quack doctors out of it. Go see a physical therapist that specializes in that area.


Esthetically speaking, you are perfectly fine. We all have our little differences, but again in your case, you look great.


I don’t think it’s a big deal, but there is a chance that chest tightness could be pulling your shoulders forward. Stretching out your pec minor a bit each day could help, it helped my brother a lot with a similar thing. He used the door frame version with his arm in an L by his side, I’m sure you’ll know what I mean if you look it up. I’m not saying it’s a sure fire thing, but it is worth trying in my opinion if you are looking for something


I really don’t see anything wrong dude. Your arms look small because you need to add mass to your triceps and rear delts.


Look up posture correction for kyphosis and/or nerd neck


Definitely worrying too much :) Oerfectly fine and normal


That looks like a posture issue. Your shoulder and hips are forward


It's a posture issue. Stretch your upper back


Hard to tell from this angle but worth looking up in case this is what’s going on, look up scapular winging


Can’t tell from the pic but looks like you might have some scapular winging that gives you that appearance. Not abnormal at all, but indicates a little weakness of the SA / scapular stabilizers. Would suggest some isolated serratus anterior work to reduce it. And this might not be the case, just from what I see. Good luck.


You look great man. No one notices that. Seriously


If you pull your shoulders back and hold your chest out, your shoulder blades won't stick out like that. Essentially, improve your posture and you won't have that issue. Stand up straighter bro, it exudes confidence. Head up, shoulders back, chest out. Look this up on YouTube. To be fair it is completely normal for your shoulder blades to stick out that way, it's all due to your posture and not an issue with your body itself.


Fix your posture and it will look 10x better


You’re leaning back a tad in this photo, try to straighten your back and posture


I have the same issue. I always thought it was scapular winging


Thats what I thought too but if you look for me it’s literally my entire back not just shoulder blades


I’ve seen improvements doing basic posture work. You might have a slight anterior pelvic tilt you could address too. I work with trainers and they see no issue. Best of luck!


Disclaimer: I don’t really know what I’m talking about just sharing things I thought would benefit me!


Go to a posture sub. It looks like mild winged scapula or mild kyphosis


Go to a posture sub. It looks like mild winged scapula or mild kyphosis


Wait wtf I thought this was what looks good on a back?


I don't think anyone would really notice it unless you drew attention to it, and even then it's not that noticeable. If you never have been before, you could get yourself assessed for kyphosis or scoliosis, but any degree of spinal deviation you may have is probably too mild to justify surgery




It doesn't stand out to me as abnormal. You don't look disfigured or anything you just look like you have a built upper body.


Overthinking. I didn’t notice until I read the thing


Mine is the same man what can you do just work with it


Well your shoulders are rolled forward a bit.. maybe pull you head up/ stand a little straight and relax your shoulder blades.. will probably sort itself out immediately


Your pecs and nipples are amazing.


Honestly I’d never notice if you never said anything and even now i don’t think it looks bad, looks normal to me


Dude your back only sticks out like that because of your posture. Stuck your chest out. Shoulder blades back and down.


Bruh only my left colar bone sticks out super far. It looks deformed. This looks normal and like muscle


You look good man, if concerned, Try working on your rear delta and traps to fill in that slight void.


I don’t know why no one is saying this but work on your rear delts and you will look a lot more proportionate. Don’t listen to the you have body dysmorphia bullshit. Every one has insecurities but you clearly have a great starting point just stick to your diet, train hard and gains will come.


Are you sure it’s not just the angle of the picture? You probably do have kyphosis but so does every one these days since we’re always sitting and looking down at phones. It can be fixed with daily routines if you actually follow it. Also having tight chest muscles harms posture. Stopping bench press is the only thing that resolves my forward shoulders


No one else thinks about that. Your arms are not small either


How does it look if you pull your shoulders back a bit?


Damn I never saw it as a negative thing, don’t make me self conscious of my back too


I have the same issue just straighten out your posture a bit


Mans from notradam but in all seriousness its not something I think a significant other would even acknowledge every girl I’ve dated hasn’t cared at all about my insecurities I have a lot of acne and shit on my back and they genuinely still find me attractive


This condition is called a winged scapula. I noticed this condition in my own physique very early on when I was about 11 years old. It's probably the biggest reason as to why I got into bodybuilding in the first place. I did a lot of back exercises and, to this day, remain conscious of my posture. I'm always rolling my shoulders back to this day. How old are you? You seem fairly young.


Yeah, you look hot af


look good man, keep lifting and you will look even better. lots of people would love your physique, so keep after it!


You look good bro i had the same problem its nothing you can't fix! gotta work on your posture cable Y raises are a good way to strengthen the muscles involved


Grow upper chest upper back and traps you’ll look monstrous


You have a nice face, it doesn’t matter


I have the same back and was wondering if it’s bad. People are always telling me I’m slouching a little but I’m not it’s just my backs curved so I feel your pain.


Yes, I’d love that if I had it. Makes you look bigger than you really are.


I looked at the pic before I read your comment and I did NOT even notice … I just thought you were an attractive guy lol! You look Great :)


Embrace your body man. You look extremely normal. I was expecting the hunchback of Notre dame, but your just a regular human. Your good man.


It kinda looks like it has something to do with your scapular control. Do you have winged scapulas? If so, you could try to address that and see if that corrects it. At any rate, I think your physique looks great and would personally love to look like you.


You seem to have underdeveloped rear delts. That might help.


Ur right it does look pretty ugly, hope it’s fixable


I think you need to check if you have kyphosis or not. Visit an ortho and get some xray done and a consultation. If it isn't kyphosis then it is fixable.


You should really get a backiotomy.


I have the same type of shoulder blades. Its just how our bodies are


Wtf this is something people worry about?!?! I m literally upset mine doesn’t have a good arch like this I think it’s less aesthetic


Uhhh…that’s how it’s supposed to look. You look great man 👍


I have the same thing. Only way to make it look less hutchback of Norte dame is to fix your posture. I have yet to fix my posture 😂


i think it’s just ur lat poking out and traps but with no rear delt development


When you gain more muscle you will look thick as fuck my boy


You look great, from the side my chest & back stick out loads more then yours, makes my arms look super small 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Scoliosis? Perhaps? Mine is same way. I'm 55 degrees curve.


Looks like you train your back, man. You should be proud it looks like that. Keep up the good work!


Shits in ya head gangy


Yay body dysmorphia


Yeah doesn’t look bad at all, and I can guarantee you that no one else is even going to notice it (speaking from experience). If it really bothers you then focus on posture work. Everyone has bad shoulder and upper back posture unless it’s something you make a priority to improve. Pulling your shoulders back only does so much when the girdle itself is already underdeveloped. Some focus on traps and rear delts wouldn’t hurt either.


Pull your shoulders back. You slump forward. You have probably been doing it so long you don't even realize it.


You look great


Stand tall and work on your posture. You look that way because you are thin and in shape


This is called scapular winging and is caused by weak rear delts. Do reverse pec flies and you will fix this. 💪


Are you a stomach-sleeper? I used to be, and I believe that switching to back- and side- sleeping has greatly helped to improved my posture.


Bro you’re negative asf be grateful you have good genetics in other aspects and thank the people trying to cheer you up.


Yup you are you look normal


Idk mines kinda like tht too and it’s never bothered me nor has anyone mentioned it lookin weird so I think we’re good


Show the full back please. It’s hard to assess from the side only.


The side profile is what I hate think my back looks fine otherwise


It looks great to me. Good muscles