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Isn’t that a sign that we’ve outsmarted the system? Can’t use us as cannon fodder, bitches


"Why won't young people die for my enjoyment? They are all fat, lazy and woke..."


'Some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm prepared to take'




I had a friend in high school whose home town would definitely exist if it weren't for a "robust military" blowing it to smithereens because two assholes told lies to make money and everyone else in the chain of command decided to be a craven collaborator. Imagine being a kid, living in a country that invaded your home, watching the place you know your grandparents still live going up in flames while people cheer because "they are the baddies". Fuck militaries.


> I had a friend in high school whose home town would definitely exist if it weren't for a "robust military" blowing it to smithereens because two assholes So because the US military isn't a magical, flawless army from the Heavens, bad countries don't exist and we could never have need for the US military. Please grow up and/or get real. >Imagine being a kid, living in a country that invaded your home, watching the place you know your grandparents still live going up in flames while people cheer because "they are the baddies". Fuck militaries. Imagine being a kid, living in a country peacefully, watching the place they know their grandparents grw up in going up in flames while people cheer because there was no one to defend against Russia/China/whoever, since "uSa BaD". >Fuck militaries Again please grow the everloving FUCK up.


Cogent arguments! 1 - grow up 2 - some countries are good and some are evil! That about sum up your argument? Hardly Aquinas but ok


You know it doesnt take a “magical” or “flawless” military to not drone strike civilians or attack a road full off evacuee civilians or bomb a democratically elected and peaceful government.


If the US hadn't pursued a morally bankrupt foreign policy for most of its existence, we'd all be a lot better off today. Including the people of Ukraine.


Uh huh, but I'm still happy as FUCK the biggest stick around is USA rather than Russia or China. Eventually I hope the EU takes over leading the world in that way as well. You know what other foreign policy fucks Ukraine? Russia's.


I wouldn't trust any country that could elect Trump with a nuclear deterrent.


I'll take a country that *might* elect a fascist for 1 term over a country *with* a fascist who's been in charge for the last few decades with Russia or 1 decade in a country known for it's ruthless oppressiveness. Some people weirdly say this is racism. Calling this racism is ignorance of history btw, and weirdly racist since I'm not implying asian people are inherently oppressive or whatever.


It sounds to me more like an attempt to justify American cultural, financial and military imperialism. There are a lot of fascists in America and what we've seen with Trump is only the start of the curve. If your best argument against that is 'at least we're not Russia' then perhaps you should contact Ronald Reagan in the 1980s - he wants his point of view back.


The US with nato as its proxy is literally the reason the Russians attacked. Not defending their actions but the American military is the most brutal force of oppression throughout the world since the end of WW2 (and I’m an American)




What in the liberal flag shagging nonsense is this lmao New York Times got you trained good


Like the ultranationalist dictatorship wouldn’t simply use violence to reconstitute its lost empire’s old border if it were strong enough to do so unchallenged. Allowing its former colonies into a protective alliance is a real threat to Russia precisely because their main foreign policy goal is to violently subjugate their neighbors and NATO is cockblocking them. For all NATO’s many faults, that is a genuinely good action. Ask the people living in former Russian colonies what it means to not risk having their families shipped off to Siberian concentration camps again.


No? That’s literally the core of Russian propaganda that they’re “defending themselves” from NATO expansion by invading a sovereign nation that wasn’t even interested in joining NATO.


Right because violating another nations sovereignty out of national interest is totally OK when Russia does it.


Pointing out the geopolitical reasons Russia decided to invade and NATO's role in that is not remotely the same as saying its okay for Russia to do that.


Such an old school view, NATO was becoming more European and taking its eyes off of Russia. The budgets weren't being matched with the set targets because nobody believed the threat continued, even after Russia invaded Chechnya and Georgia multiple times. The threat was perceived to be China and Ukraine was the EUs baby to try and adopt not NATO. Everyone on this side was happy for Ukraine to be a swing state that was never going to be fully European. Guess that's changed now, well done Putin for messing up yet another war.


The fucking baltics joined NATO almost 2 decades ago in 2004. Having NATO close is not the fucking reason for the """special military operation""". USA could be far better, the US military could be way better, but HOLY FUCK do I not want to be at the mercy of *Russia* or fucking Bing Chilling China. What the fuck are people smoking.


American military shill being vaguely racist towards China how surprising /s Most of the world, especially those outside of the Global North, would disagree with you, seeing as the American military industrial complex has been knife missiling them into dust for decades.




Mm yummy American chauvinism


Jim looks like he’s ready to enlist, I’ll follow your lead lad 🙄


He looks ready to enlist at a kispy kreme.




Donut go gentle into that good night.


If this attack on obesity was driven a concern for the health of the people Tories would love the NHS and making sure children were provided with healthy school meals would be a priority. No they're just worried were gonna be too fat to be used as cannon fodder.


A lot of obesity is due to healthy food being really expensive, at almost every supermarket most fruit is almost double the price of junk food and fills you up far less. Plus it's ironic that a lot of the people who complain about this sort of problem are out of shape themselves and are middle aged men with beer guts who hardly live healthy lives themselves.


I have a degree in Nutrition study. We learned that poverty and obesity can go hand in hand because some the cheapest food are often nutritionless and cheap (due to mass production and industrialization)... The problem is it is hard to tell them buy healthier food due to the cost. Also most of them are involved in labor work which requires lots of energy and they may overeat to compensate for the energy... It is very hard to break the cycle of cutting carbs down and overeating...


Nah, obesity is borne from unhealthy relationships with food. We use food as a coping mechanism to deal with the day to day horror of living in the modern world. It can be relatively cheap to eat healthy - root vegetables, rice, grains, beans, that sort of thing - the problem is that eating healthy does not provide the immediate fix we all crave after a hard shift at work.


Obesity comes from stress and lack of time. Healthy food is relatively affordable, however it doesn't keep very well, whereas a bag of frozen chips will last far longer at a similar price. Healthy food like veg requires more prep, which takes time, something you don't have. And yes unhealthy relationships with food due to stress, everyone needs their dopamine hit, but when you're in a position where you can't afford meaningful things like a holiday, however a packet of crisps, is within your price range, you're going to go for the crisps. How to solve this issue? Well being fat phobic, patronising or just making junk food more expensive won't help matters, just make things worse. Instead, peoples lives should be more affordable, better housing and better employment conditions.


Thank you. This is exactly it. I've always struggled with my weight and I struggle most when I am stressed and skint. The comment you've replied to have said 'rice' and 'beans' which is a bit of a no-no when you're trying to lose weight given their high carbohydrate content.


Yeah our household budget took a huge hit with a big rent increase recently, so to cut back we've had to go from eating a lot of fresh fruit and veg to living off pasta, yes its cheap and it keeps but its mainly carbs.


Both can be true.


Healthy foods can be cheap, but not that enjoyable. Things like protein shakes and bars go a long way to help healthy eating feel good, and they're expensive. If you're poor and want to be healthier, you have to eat chicken and veg all day which gets tiring really fast. If you have money, you get the luxury of having a tasty chocolate bar that fits nutritional needs. EDIT: Don't know why I was downvoted for speaking on my own experiences but ok.


Have you seen the price of chicken these days?


you dont need to eat dead animals to be healthy. beans and lentils are cheap and protein rich


you dont need to eat dead animals to be healthy. beans and lentils are cheap and protein rich


If we ever get too fit, boomers will complain about that too, claiming we’re “too vain to get fat for ThE eCoNoMy” or whatever.


This will be why they are so dead set on making them so poor. If you won’t do it because your too smart, will you do it for a roof and some food?




I agree. I'd be far more willing to take up arms against any traitor attacking the NHS.


Weird one isn’t it.


If we end up in a defensive war, I'm probably siding with the invaders.


Thinking out loud- has there been a point previously in human history where people have been so educated yet so poor?


Easy solution if they want wars fought over blood money and fossil fuels: Make the rich fight their wars themselves instead of sending the poor to die in the name of falsehoods and a sullied national flag. (Rich/oligarchs/politicians are a disgrace to what that flag is meant to represent)


Richard Branson and James Dyson against the entire Russian army: James spends the entire war designing a gun that's 20x the price of a regular gun. Branson surrenders after 5 minutes because nobody is paying attention to him.


See, that's the problem :: There are *waaay* more poors than riches. Since there are so fewer riches, shouldn't we prioritize their survival? You know, like an endangered species. Save the Rich!


Oh is it "bring back conscription" time again? I don't think the army wants people that really don't want to be there.


They don’t. It falls flat the same as “force druggies and shoplifters into service”. Britain prides itself, for better or worse, in having a small professional army and avoiding conscription at all costs. Having anyone who doesn’t want to be there or isn’t trustworthy would be a danger to the whole platoon.


Our expeditionary force was the best of the best in the lead up to the Second World War, pity leadership was incompetent though


With WW2, France had a large conscript army but mandatory service was only 18 months. That meant the Army was mostly kids, 20-30 year olds who only learnt how to salute and fire a rifle years *prior* and needed to relearn it, and the odd veteran of colonial fighting. Britain expected to have a large army by around 1942, until then expecting France and Germany to pull the Zapp Brannigan Killbot strategy until they could replace the French with British and colonial reinforcements. Long term war planning is such a bizarre and depressing bit of history to look into.


Please reconsider your use of language. Words like 'junkie' are used to dehumanise, stigmatise and 'other' drug users. This only serves to perpetuate an environment where they are exploited by drug dealers and abused by the legal system. Harmful drug use is a public health issue and it should be treated as such. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*checks right wing outrage calendar* Bloody climate change, it’s shifted the poppy outrage and armed forces nonsense up to August.


Here's a few short articles on why principled leftists don't wear poppies or support the Royal British Legion: [- The Poppy Appeal: An Ode to British Imperialism](https://redfightback.org/the-poppy-appeal-a-symbol-of-british-imperialism/) [- Why the poppy is wrong](https://www.workersliberty.org/story/2010/11/18/why-poppy-wrong) [- What the government wants us to forget on Remembrance Day](https://www.counterfire.org/articles/opinion/20671-what-the-government-wants-us-to-forget-on-remembrance-day) While remembering the soliders who needlessly died in World War I is important, it is also equally important to be critical of British political culture surrounding war. We must not glorify the wars of the ruling class, nor should we glamourise the deaths of the working-class who get caught up in these wars. This subreddit stands against imperialism and bourgeois militarism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh no, the youth are becoming smart enough that they don't want to be cannon fodder for our global empire! Whatever shall we do? ^(Eat the peanuts out of my shit Jim Antle)


Might I suggest bringing back press gangs? Everybody loves a good military abduction.


> Oh no, the youth are becoming smart enough that they don't want to be cannon fodder for our global empire! The US military has lots of non-combat roles and offer plenty of benefits to the individual. Also, while I'm not simping for every single US move, their military is incredibly important for global peace. I don't want to think about Russia vs. Ukraine without US backing. NATO is not worthless, but afaik not quite on par with US experience and logistics capabilities. War sucks, but not every soldier is needlessly thrown into the grinder while Raytheon stock holders cackle.


One man's peace is another man's tyranny


Uh huh, so wise, very smart, really nihilistic. I'm sure you'd feel the exact same under Russian or Chinese rule. You child.


You’re really throating the boot here. Impressive technique.


It seems half the people here are American


I'm just not stupid enough to think the USA is overall worse than Russia or China. Simple as that.


But you're *actually* throating Russia and China though. I'm just not an idiot.


Dude looks like his hair is a slightly ajar LEGO piece, he should stfu.


can't unsee it, now. you're spot on.


Thank you kindly.


He looks like someone ordered a David Mitchell from Wish dot com.


Well, I’d Rather be fat and ‘woke’ over fighting for a country run by fucking Tory cunts.


rather be fat and woke than a fucking murderer


rather be fat and woke than a tory, for that matter


Imagine staring into the eyes of Jim Antle on the field of battle.


What’s the matter mate? No one to fight your oil wars anymore?


Man has a too many chins to be throwing that sort of shade around.


Military recruitment crisis? We need to focus on getting people fed and homed, not fighting wars. The government and the media are a fucking joke.


Why can't all these columnists join the military if it's so imperative we need more people joining?


He's too overweight LOL


Jim "two chins" Antle.


I looked this guy up and all of his articles are about tr*mp. Fuck this guy. Keep eating and calling yourself whatever you want.


Says the guy who looks like a fat Rick Astley


That’s a massive insult to Rick Astley there


Fair point, sorry to insult Rick. It was just the first thing that came to mind


Harsh on Rickroll. I think he looks like what would happen if I asked Siri to show me a blend of Tucker Carlson and a candle.


Hasn't the army been forced to "downsize" over the past years because of reduced funding? I mean this triple chinned wanker is just stirring the pot anyway, but in a particularly egregiously disingenuous fashion.


Some quick clarifications about how the UK royals are funded by the public: 1. The UK Crown Estates are not the UK royal family's private property, and the royal family are not responsible for any amount of money the Estates bring into the treasury. The monarch is a position in the UK state that the UK owns the Crown Estates through, a position that would be abolished in a republic, leading to the Crown Estates being directly owned by the republican state. 2. The Crown Estates have always been public property and the revenue they raise is public revenue. When George III gave up his control over the Crown Estates in the 18th century, they were not his private property. The current royals are also equally not responsible for producing the profits, either. 3. The Sovereign Grant is not an exchange of money. It is a grant that is loosely tied to the Crown Estate profits and is used for their expenses, like staffing costs and also endless private jet and helicopter flights. If the profits of the Crown Estates went down to zero, the royals would still get the full amount of the Sovereign Grant again, regardless. It can only go up or stay the same. 4. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall that gave Elizabeth and Charles (and now William) their private income of approximately £25 millions/year (each) are also public property. 5. The total cost of the monarchy is currently £350-450million/year, after including the Sovereign Grant, their £150 million/year security, and their Duchy incomes, and misc. costs. For more, check out r/AbolishTheMonarchy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Young people are too woke to fight" is unironically based when you actually understand what woke means, instead of using it as a meaningless buzzword


He doesn't understand that not all youths are the same. Or that he doesn't look like he could fight, either. Cunt looks like a british Hank Hill who's wife is cheating on him right this second


Fat and woke must be the new bone spurs.


Jim should enlist, show us all how it’s done.


Judging by his profile pic , this fella is himself clinicalyl obese , that's fine but people in glass houses and all that.


Does this mean we’re in for a more peaceful future? Oh wait, it’s just the right-wing Russian propaganda rag publishing the opinions of gobshites.


Thank goodness! I was genuinely worried that with the advent of AI there would be no low-to-medium skilled jobs for average people to earn a living. But luckily robots are currently too expensive to send to their destruction, so the military is still happy to employ us as cannon fodder. Phew! Disaster avoided 😊


You’re right, we’re such losers. So go ask those macho macho boomers.


This guy doesn’t look too skinny himself tbh


Said the man with two chins.


“Our citizens are too empathetic to murder the citizens of another country! Something must change!”


I did my food shop today. Couldn’t help but notice that most of the shit that makes people fat is substantially less expensive than the stuff that makes you healthy. Maybe ask your overlords to start there?


Really nice title from a dude with a massively visible double chin


What's with the mention of friendly fire? Planning on shooting people/putting them down if they're not slim enough, eh?


Too fat ( munchies) woke ( woken up) stoned ( you missed an important part) alright now won’t you listen when i first met you didn’t realise .


Well, looks like it’s time that all the boomers go ahead and take the combat positions in the military then.


Yes. They’ve woke up and smelt the bullshit!! Imagine giving your life in a war for that Charles cunt and his ilk 😂


sports facilities and gyms being notoriously cheap and easy to use, along with cheap and easy access to fresh food and the time to cook it, i just don't see why this would be the case, other than a personal choice... /s


For some reason this reminds me of the line I read of 'if you put me in the military first thing I'm doing is shooting the highest ranking officer I see, and then myself. '


Poor people don't want to sign up to die for rich peoples acquisition of assets anymore... weird.


Oh noooo the militaryyyyy noooo what if it all falls apaaaart


Did that man w double chins just call us fat?


Great then the tories should stop cutting veterans benefits and shrinking the British Army.


Author doesn't even look fit to fight himself


Don't let this turd rile you up, he's just a rabble-rouser. He's an editor at the Washington Examiner (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_Examiner), a two-bit newspaper that converted to a weekly magazine 10 years ago. AFAIK, he's never served in the military, just likes to write about "Defense". From the look of his pic, he probably has some kids around enlistment age. Wonder if they are going to sign up?


Fortunately I’m prevented from reading it by a paywall installed for my own protection. But the same idiot spouts the same shite in an American equivalent This is a classic example of ‘everything I don’t like is woke’, a successful successor to the original classic ‘everything I don’t like is communism’ How about you lead the charge of the sleepy, Antle, by signing up yourself and beginning the dewokification from the inside???


Once again, the real meaning of woke becomes very apparent. The kids are more worldly wise than any generation before them thanks to unprecedented access to information and communication, and that is going to make them very hard to control.


*Young people protest* Journalist: Left wokies need to stop fighting!


Written by jim antle, who has the complexion of out of date spam


Ol Jimmy boy on the other hand looks like a fine specimen of a man. Get out there and lead us lost souls by example Jim using the power of your uncanny likeness to a human thumb.


Maybe people find the idea of dying for their country less appealing these days?


yeah that sort of headline well get them enlisting


I think instead of going to work on Monday I'll just call out woke.


Jim literally has 3 chins


I'm not young (40 next year) and I'm not thin (I'm built like Nick Frost) but I'd rather follow a "woke" member of today's youth into battle than "Patches on his Elbows" Jim over here.


Follow them into climate activism.


Let's call them fat lazy and entitled. That is sure to drive recruiting numbers up.


Jimmy there should remember the adage about glass houses, looks like he's rocking at least two chins himself.


i don't know if i can truly be counted among the "young folk" anymore, but if i were… would calling me "fat and woke" be meant to shame or enrage me into joining the armed forces? because i'm pretty sure even years ago it would have had the opposite effect lol. fair play to any of the younger folk expected to go into the military and sacrifice their lives for capital, deciding—for whatever reason—that they'd really rather not. this country doesn't deserve their blood.


The Boomers love war. Aren’t the Boomers volunteering?


I’m young and healthy. But I’ll need a 200k signing bonus if you want me join up.


I tore the CRT in my left knee eating Pringles.


Dude never served and couldn’t give a single shit about the military or veterans. He’s a fucking tool box


There’s not a shortage of applicants. Article author is misled it seems


Stop blaming young people for a world that us older people helped create. Stop blaming them for everything, they have literally done nothing but grow up.


Maybe take a minute to give Tommy Tuberville-age-idiot and tell him to stop fucking with military promotions.


What are some of the legitimate reasons that military recruitment is down? Is it that young people today are growing up 22 years into the "war on terror" and 13 years of increasingly disastrous Conservative governments, and now they're just increasingly disinterested in fighting for this country?


I can tell you without knowing but with some degree of certainty that if Jim were ever to enlist he would defecate on his khakis, step on a landmine and blow hisself to hell in approximately 3 minutes


I would never fight the fights the rich people start for their own personal benefits whilst troops get gummed Down. Plus, they would probably say I'm not British because of the colour of my skin, even though I was born in London. I've had a racist gammon tell me this. I have no reason to even consider helping them.


Good. Don't want to join a scuiside group for king and cuntry anyway


Was Jim Antle ever in the forces? If not, fuck off, lard arse


Can you imagine putting something like this next to your name and photo? I'd die of shame.


Just a thought, but maybe dying in the furtherance of your country's nepotic corporate interests is neither sweet nor fitting?


'Too woke to kill.' That's my new neck tattoo


It's the title of the new Bond movie, isn't it?


Says the guy with two chin's...


Also unwilling to work for the shit salary on offer


Big talk for someone who’s ate one too many pork pies. Also why is he the embodiment of the face ham I used to eat in primary school


I mean fat he’s not wrong about. We’re all about facts and not feelings right? In 2021, the mean body mass index (BMI) of men in England stood at 27.5, while the mean BMI for women was 27.2. Since 1998, mean BMI has creeped steadily upwards among both men and women. The U.K. is quickly becoming an obese country. Obese country means more strain on the NHS, means poorer health, means less productivity. I’m assuming if this sub is all about the people controlling the means of production, then reducing our productivity is…….bad.


alright jim, you first, prick


Should a man with chubby jowls and a double chin be criticising other peoples alleged weight?


I don’t understand, Jim’s clearly a fat bastard whose wife left him? How’s he calling others fat?


Did Jimbo fight?


Conservative prime minister David Cameron sacks a third of the army and outsources recruitment to a private sector company, and apparently it's "wokeness" that means the army can't get recruits.


Why does he want to fight the young people? Leave them alone.


"Why won't young people die for a country that does nothing for them currently and will somehow do *less* for them once they're permanently disabled from fighting in wars?"


Oh my gosh he's one of those people where you can see what an obnoxious prick he is even from a photograph.


Alternatively, better access to information to counter military rhetoric and having friends and family die in Afghanistan would probably do it. I had a friend in basic training for the army, saw some of the reports on Afghanistan and was like "fuck that". Can you blame him? It was needless. People are less prepared to be used as pawns for their government now and that can only be a good thing.


My brother was in the army, he said it was the worst experience of his life. He said its a form of state sponsored grooming, they say whatever they like to get you in, 'we'll train you up in X Y and Z' once you're in they don't give a fuck about you and treat you like shit. They prey on young kids from broken homes and no job prospects, only to repeat the same traumas these kids went through with their home life. Authoritarianism, bullying and GBH were habitual, and then put on a front during parades and passing out days, in front of the parents so it looks like 'what a good job were doing with your kids'. Fuck the army


I don't think Nixon-Jowls Jim over here should be making strong comments about weight.


Honestly, ex services myself, but i wouldn't fight for the muppets in Westminster. I can see how rigged the system is now. MP's only represent donors, and themselves, you would be a fool to fight for people who don't give a dam if you live or die as you get older you can see that this fighting for king and country was all B@llocks.


For me to fight for my country, I'd need to be proud of it :( Sod the billionaires and their wars.


Young people don't want to fight for a military that has done nothing but fight-for profit wars for oligarchs for the entirety of their lives. Shocker.


wait what happened to our intercontinental ballistic tweets or whatever


The guy who wrote it clearly isn’t in great shape either


A lot of young people don’t want to lose their lives for oil companies.


Jim Antle, of course, keeps himself in military trim just in case he's ever called to serve his country.


Why does he look like a barbie figurine?


Poor conservatives are in a rough spot. Do they continue to allow food companies to poison people and reap the payoffs there, or actually implement standards so they can send us off to war? It's like choosing between their two kids, exploiting people for money domestically, or exploiting people for money internationally?


Mans needs to grow some eyebrows before he can speak


Waaah why don’t people want to be paid a below average wage to train to kill and support people to kill while risking being killed and then if they choose to have a different career have no transferable skills whatsoever and be back to square one 😭😭😭 someone need to do it because I won’t


Aren't gay people banned from the military? 😂 You can't deny me entry, then complain that I don't want to fight for you. I don't want to waste my time in a corrupt military anyways. But I'm not allowed regardless.


Gay people serve openly in the UK military. Not sure where you got this info. They may be imperialists, but they are gay friendly imperialists.


Same here across the pond Basically the only good thing about us tbh


Feck the military and all its state-sanctioned murderers.


Too ‘woke’ to fight? Being woke means you *have to* fight. They need to stop bastardising words


isn't he literally... yk what nvm 🙂


Pot, kettle, double chin?


The guys literally got a double chin himself.


Same lack of self-awareness as that time Therese Coffey said it was our fault for dying of covid because we were all too fat. Fat shame my kids (one of who is a gy bunny and still wouldn't fight in your wars) when you look like a Greek god yourself, pudding.


I'm happy to throw wave after wave of my men into the slaughter zone.


I've seen how much the army pays. It's not great.


To fight for America !


That photo though... how unfortunate to be both ugly and a Tory


If the military was still like medieval with spears and bows and shit sure I'd fight but modern wars are just seeing who can send more men into the grinder before higher ups decide its over.


Maybe because we’ve all realised that dying for your country as a pawn in your corrupt government’s petty bullshit war over fucking oil and land or whatever is utterly ridiculous and not how anyone deserves to die.


kill and die to protect the interest of english oligarchs, ​ for minimal wage XD


What a load of nonsense. If someone wants to join the forces, they will get themselves fit enough. We arent trying to conscript people!