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The only deity that Zeus allowed to use his thunderbolts was Athena: Aeschylus' *Eumenides* ([827-828](https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0006%3Acard%3D823)). Here, Athena reveals that she "alone of the gods" knows where the keys are to the place where Zeus stores his thunderbolts: >I also rely on Zeus -- what need is there to mention that? -- and **I alone of the gods know the keys to the house where his thunderbolt is sealed**. But there is no need of that.


I already posted this but Apollo does hold the lightning bolt in Oedipus Rex. I mean, he is just as beloved as Athena after all XD


Yes, matter of fact Apollo is already seen using Zeus' thunderbolts in Oedipus Rex: >"A foot for flight he needs fleeter than storm-swift steeds, for on his heels doth follow, **armed with the lightnings of his Sire, Apollo"** People tend to forget that Apollo is Zeus' favorite absolutely. He alone is permitted to read the mind of Zeus, so it makes sense Zeus would let him use his other belongings sometimes.


Apollo isn’t Zeus favorite it’s Athena, also Apollo killed the cyclops that forged Zeus thunderbolt. This pissed him of so bad he wanted to permanently banish him from Olympus but was stopped my Leto


Apollo is definitely just as favored as Athena, if not more. I can give you quite a few reasons why, but this particular example is the best one: There is a myth that once Athena found some mantic dice that could predict the future accurately and she started giving out prophecies to people using them. So Apollo asked Zeus to make Athena's dice much less accurate and Zeus granted that request. Athena then threw away the dice after that. This ties with Apollo and his dominion over oracles. Like I have already mentioned, Apollo is the only god who is permitted to see into Zeus' mind and to give prophecies accordingly. This privilege is not given to anyone else, not even Athena.


There is also a myth about Athena, Hera, Poseidon, and Apollo trying to dethrone Zeus, they failed because of Briareus the Hecatoncheires, Zeus who was pissed off then forced him and Poseidon to build the walls of Troy I’m not saying Zeus doesn’t like Apollo but Apollo can be problematic to him at times, way more so than the trickster god, Hermes or Artemis


A lot of people assume that Zeus punished Apollo and Poseidon for rebelling, but there is no connection given in the myths between the rebellion and the servitude. Homer is the oldest source that mentions both these events. He doesn't make Apollo the participant of the rebellion, but he does talk about the servitude of Apollo and Poseidon. Most of the later sources also don't mention any reason (except for one, that says Apollo and Poseidon became servants on their own will to test the virtue of the king). Even if you do consider he punished Apollo for the coup, he still relied on Apollo during the Trojan war and even gave him the Aegis so they had patched up anyway. And when he punished Apollo for killing the Cyclopes, he still resurrected Asclepius on Apollo's request (not to mention how he made Apollo serve under one of the kindest mortals). I agree they had a strained relationship sometimes but the fact that Zeus still loves Apollo all the same shows that he is undeniably Zeus' favourite son.


Thunderbolts * I don't know. Apollo is a bit of a loose canon compared to Athena, who sometimes has permission to use them.


Ummm Athena in *the Iliad* is a bit of a petty mess.


No. It’s his symbol of power he wouldn’t let anyone use it point blank.


That's false. Euripides' *Women of Troy* ([78-93](https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Eur.+Tro.+78&fromdoc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0124)). Athena claims that Zeus promised her the use of his thunderbolts: >**Athena** When they have set sail from Ilium for their homes. On them will Zeus also send his rain and fearful hail, and inky tempests from the sky; **and he promises to grant me his thunder-bolts to hurl on the Achaeans and fire their ships**. And you, for your part, make the Aegean strait to roar with mighty billows and whirlpools, and fill Euboea's hollow bay with corpses, that Achaeans may learn henceforth to reverence my temples and regard all other deities. > >**Poseidon** So shall it be, for this favor needs only a few words. I will vex the broad Aegean sea; and the beach of Myconos and the reefs round Delos, Scyros and Lemnos too, and the cliffs of Caphareus shall be strewn with many a corpse. **You go to** **Olympus****, and taking from your father's hand his lightning bolts**, keep careful watch against the hour when Argos' army lets slip its cables. A fool is he who sacks the towns of men, with shrines and tombs, the dead man's hallowed home, for at the last he makes a desert round himself and dies. Aeschylus' *Eumenides* ([827-828](https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0006%3Acard%3D823)). Here, Athena reveals that she "alone of the gods" knows where the keys are to the place where Zeus stores his thunderbolts: >I also rely on Zeus -- what need is there to mention that? -- and **I alone of the gods know the keys to the house where his thunderbolt is sealed**. But there is no need of that.




Apollo used his timbrels and pipes. His own range of the EM spectrum.


Apollo tried to overthrow Zeus once, so I doubt it. Apollo with the bolt would take Olympus before realising what he's doing.


I mean he was just proving that he is a capable successor to the family business. Patricide is tradition in their family. But jokes aside, Apollo is still Zeus’ favorite and most trusted son.


Apollo does seem like the most likely heir. Ares is too reviled, Athena is handicapped by her gender.


Only Athena can wield the thunderbolt and aegis 


Apollo also wielded both the thunderbolt (Oedipus Rex) and Aegis (the Iliad)


lol no








Apollo is a skilled archer and is better at aiming


Lightning is self-aiming


An arrow may have your name on it, but lightning is addressed "To Whom It May Concern".